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Lot #DescriptionCat. Value  or Estimate Bid?

Worldwide - Desktop A. We aren’t exaggerating when we say that these box lots of loose stamps are literally from sweeping off the top of a collector’s desk. We show this by what we removed from this lot: id cards, a calculator, a spark plug, keys, photos etc. It’s hard to believe that this collector was not a dealer, given the wide range of material that is here. Includes some 19th century items, more cinderellas/revenues and souvenir sheets than are normally seen in these types of lots. The number of different countries from which this material originates is amazing. On and off paper, lots of "102" cards and glassines. More used than mint, some duplication. Perfect for expanding your philatelic horizons. Filing (overfilling) a bankers box. Estimate = $160.00

Worldwide - Desktop B. From the same desk, but it must have included the drawers as well, or the desk must have been piled deep with stamps! Includes some 19th century items, a number of souvenir sheets. This apparently came from the "more organized" part of the desk, as there was some attempt to sort material (or the collector hadn’t got around to taking everything apart. The number of different countries from which this material originates is amazing - it’s hard to believe that this person wasn’t a dealer. On and off paper, lots of "102" cards and glassines. More used than mint, some duplication. Perfect for expanding your philatelic horizons. All contained within a nicely filled bankers box. Estimate = $150.00

Worldwide - Interesting balance of a consignment, with much better American material than we normally see (such as mint pre-1930’s better including up to the 30c and 50c Washington-Franklin), and some 19th century used that has potential (all in a circa 1960 "Coronet" album). There are a couple of worldwide albums, including a small format 1930 Stanley Gibbons "Improved" album, plus a couple of stockbooks (one being a 64-page Uni-Safe with a collection of recent WWII anniversary material from around the British Commonwealth). There is a small stockbook with some Netherlands and colonies, finishing off with some potential packed album pages, stockcards and loose material from all over, but notrf South Africa, Poland, Japan, Great Britain. For the treasure hunter. Estimate = $180.00

Worldwide - Many thousands of off-paper stamps filling a bankers box. These are the balance of an estate, basically where everything that isn’t sorted gets slid into the box. This means that there is material from all around the world, over many different eras, and with some better material mixed in with the common. There is a large ziplok bag filled with wholesale Hungary back to the early 20th century. Beyond that, there is a bit of organization in envelopes by stamp or country. This is the minority, as generally there is just randomness. Perfect to dump on the table when and disrupt the traditional eating area for a couple weeks. Estimate = $150.00

Worldwide - Old meets new in this consignment balance filling a U-Haul box. The old includes five binders with album pages, a couple dozen manila stockpages and 40 Lighthouse black stockpages with a diverse group of mainly older issues, over 10,000 stamps here (yes, somebody counted them!). There is an additional "Triumph" album (packed, but uncounted), plus the remnants of a mounted Spanish collection with pages up to 1966, including some of the interesting material of the early Franco period, plus a couple of small stockbooks with more material from Spain. The new is a couple of animal topical lots from the World Wildlife Fund, circa 1990, with one binder in slipcover filled with first day covers, the second is a tall album with display cards (looks like a FDC or maxi-card, but is uncancelled). As these were fundraisers, they had significant upfront cost. Estimate = $200.00

Worldwide - Part 1 of an 8 volume Scott International album collection. This section is a single volume covering United States plus "A" to "G" countries running up to 1939. The binder and the pages have been heavily loved, but you will be more interested in the contents. Significantly filled with more hits than misses amongst the countries here, for example from the "A" countries we noted Abyssinia, Armenia, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Australia and Austria. Lots of Europe (and its colonies), there is a bit of Latin America and the China section should be checked out. Thousands of mostly used stamps here, perfect for the collector of "classics". Estimate = $250.00

Worldwide - Part 2 of an 8 volume Scott International album collection. This single volume covers "H" to "Z" countries running up to 1939. Significantly filled with more hits than misses amongst the countries here, we noted better: Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Persia, Portugal (with many from its colonies), Romania, Thailand, Switzerland, but there are many other worthwhile smaller sections, such as Hong Kong, British Caribbean, Australian States, Jamaica, just to name a few. Thousands of stamps here, perfect for the collector of "classics". As the binder and the pages have been heavily loved, we have not considered it with its estimated value. Estimate = $250.00

Worldwide - Part 3 of an 8-volume Scott International album collection. Two volumes this time, covering the complete world for issues between 1940 to 1949. Honestly, almost all the stamps are in a single album, with a few thousand stamps from the World War II era, with the meat of the group being the King George VI issues from the British Commonwealth. Still more used than mint, but with a bit more mint appearing. Still strong in Europe and colonies, with scattered better, including some interesting China. The second "Part II" album was probably the original album for this era, as the pages only go up to 1946. Most of the stamps have been transferred over to the other book, but it will give you a few more stamps and a second "Part II" binder. Estimate = $200.00

Worldwide - Part 4, the last lot of an 8-volume Scott International album collection. This lot consists of four volumes, covering the complete world for issues between 1950 to 1965. Heavily populated albums, but from a time when used stamps are mostly common. However, three of the four albums are in good shape (one is a bit warped from poor storage), and there could be better items that we missed. There are no particular areas of strength, as there are so many stamps from so many countries. The estimate is less than what the binders would set you back, let alone the pages and all those stamps. Binders are labelled "Part III" to "Part VI", but the pages are to part V (and there may be some overlap in the pages). Estimate = $200.00

Worldwide - Philatelic Presentation Books. Group of 55 Delegate or VIP Presentation folders from a range of UPU or other international postal congresses 1950-1973. Out of about 55 folders, if there is any concentration, it would be India, Switzerland and Germany. Otherwise there are one or two each from Morocco, Nepal, Denmark, Bulgaria, Austria, United States, Israel, Spain, Vatican, Italy, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Ethiopia, Mexico, Panama, Dominica, Columbia and Venezuela. Some have loose stamps that have come out of their original spot - and we expect that a few (probably cheaper) stamps have fallen out. Not a huge concern as the folders are the difficult part to find. The two Centennial folders from Canada are heavily damaged (sadly), still some very difficult to find material here which will help round out your collection. Estimate = $150.00

Worldwide - Someone soaked so that you don’t have to. A pleasantly full box of what appears to be 99% off paper material, and only a small number of "102" cards or glassines. Tens of thousands of stamps here overwhelmingly mint, noted lots of Latin America, but a quick glance there is worthwhile material from Canada, United States, Great Britain and dozens of other countries. As with these lots, the pictures can only get a sense of what is here, as there is so much. Estimate = $180.00

Worldwide - Stamps, more stamps and even more stamps are overfilling this banker’s box. Some on paper, some off, some in glassines (often with different contents than what is indicated on the outside) and a few small stockcards. Another estate balance where everything that was left over and not mounted got (literally) scooped into this box, for a very patient person (or an entire stamp club) to work their way through. Mostly 20th century material, with pretty much something from everywhere. Used, some mint. A bit of topical or postmark potential. Some duplication is to be expected. Estimate = $150.00

Worldwide - The difference with this banker’s box that is filled with mostly loose, off-paper stamps, is that unlike most of other similar boxes, which are collector created, this one is dealer created. This box sat on the floor, at the end of his desk, and anything that he didn’t feel like dealing with went into the box. Because it was built up over the years, the density is particularly notable - this will take a substantial amount of time to go through, even once. Besides the usual wide range of material, we noted some Cinderella and "back of the book" and some souvenir sheets and sheetlets here. Lotted as received. Estimate = $130.00

Worldwide - This box of albums and stockbooks has been sitting for many years, so don’t expect to see many stamps issued after 1980. In no particular order, there is a 16-page stockbook with some Cyprus, Malta, Ireland and Great Britain, followed by a 32-page stockbook with Great Britain, Hong Kong and Canada. There are two early 20th century "Imperial" albums, one volume is "Foreign Countries", the other is worldwide "Envelopes and Wrappers", packed with many cut squares from all over (not all are mounted). There is a Minkus "Czechoslovakia" album but not a lot of pages. There is an older, but elegant, 64-page Minkus stockbook packed with stamps from across the world. There is a "ledger-style" folder with lots of mounted stamps, and a few loose album pages that includes some earlier GB (such as penny-reds) and early India. More used than mint, not a lot of duplication, but work will be required to tame this lot. Estimate = $150.00 $150.00

Worldwide - Tightly packed box with 8 albums being worldwide collections and stockpages. Starts with a battered Scott International album circa 1900 with a few hundred stamps, a "Regent" album circa 1970 with "L" to "Z" stamps. There are five albums with an assortment of stockpages and a very interesting assortment of stamps, including some potential better. Overall, we can’t really say that there are any particular concentrations, but this is perfect for the collector who loves the hunt. Thousands of stamps here, most used. Estimate = $140.00

Worldwide - Trust us. There is no way that any number of photos can capture the breadth of this lot, being the balance of a consignment. There are two worldwide albums, one an "International" album from 1920 with a couple of thousand "classics", the second being a 1960’s album that pales a bit in comparison. Continuing on with a large stationery box filled with stamps sorted by country or on approval pages (lots of Poland and Romania here), and a second box packed with glassine envelopes with a much wider range of country groupings. There is a battered stockbook with a used stock with lots of KGV-KGVI British Commonwealth issues, and its less organized twin. There is a "sampler" book with a few stamps from many different non-Commonwealth countries (circa 1952), and a few loose stock and album pages. The "sleeper" in the group may be a small brown box buried in the middle of all this with a couple of good-sized handfuls of dealer stock on "102" cards - probably priced in the 1980’s, but with an eclectic mix of items, including some potentially better European (as identified by Michel). You will be getting full value on this U-Haul box. Estimate = $160.00

Worldwide - U-Haul Accumulation. Carton load of mixed worldwide material, all packed into one U-Haul carton. The lot includes: Small boxes of worldwide in envelopes and on cards; a few Canada Post articles including Centennial stamp cases and "Airborne" booklet; Wilding and Machin material on various types of album page; small GB and worldwide collections in albums; substantial quantity of used GB stamps, cards and covers on stock pages including varieties and stationery, mostly definitives, QV to QEII period; Statesman album with sparse worldwide collection; modern GB used commemoratives on stock pages; and finally, an old Jarrett album containing mostly used 1920s-1940s period stamp. Estimate = $200.00

Worldwide - U-Haul box of worldwide collections and many other stamps. Three albums include a very old Scott "International", a less old "Aristicratic", and 40 year old "Senior Statesman" album, each with thousands of stamps which await discovery. There is an older "pocketbook" album that someone had started to identify the better material, before abandoning the project. There are three battered full-sized and a couple of smaller format stockbooks. The remaining space is filled with some small folders and a bag each of stockcards and another of album pages and manila stockpages. Plus there are a couple of presentation folders. Hours of fun here, and who knows what you might find. Estimate = $140.00

Worldwide - U-Haul box with seven albums covering the seven seas. It starts with a binder filled with stockpages of a Europe-heavy assortment. Perhaps the best item is the "Modern" album from the 1950’s absolutely packed with stamps. The rest of the albums are an assortment of five worldwide collections, with thousands of stamps. The end of the box is packed with unmounted stamps, sorted by country in envelopes, and a handful of locally made approval sheets that look like they never saw service (very Netherlands heavy). Thousands upon thousands of stamps here. More used than mint and likely better are lurking, including terrific cancels. Estimate = $180.00

Worldwide - U-Haul Carton Cornucopia. Random and scattered mix of a wide range of philatelic material which appears to have been a collector's "I'll get to it" accumulation of stamps that were never organized after acquisition. In the lot we noted: a collection of early United Nations First Day Covers and 1960 "Refugee Year" First Day Covers; a mounted collection of 1974 to 1979 USA First Day Covers in a special "Postal Commemorative Society" album; post-WWII Soviet and French Zone Germany collection on Minkus album pages; used Newfoundland in an old approval book; mint and used loose Canada and interesting worldwide (the used on and off paper); brown stock book packed with nicely organized used Denmark; green stock book packed with well organized used British Caribbean area stamps; sparsely populated Darnell Canada and Traveller albums; additional small stock books and loose rounds out the lot. Stay out of the sun this summer and work on sorting out this lot! Estimate = $200.00

Worldwide - Universe in a U-Haul. A pleasantly random hoard of material, all packed into a U-Haul moving box. Noted in the mix (as we quickly riffled through the carton: a 19th to mid-20th century French collection of hundreds on quadrille album pages; a stack of small spiral-bound approval books containing everything from quantities of used Canada Small Queens, Numerals, commercial perfins on pre-1950 Canada as well as GeoV and GeoVI used blocks; GB used early QEII period stamps; Netherlands Telegraph stamps; used Australia; used Commonwealth including Ireland and Malayan area; general worldwide in small book; modern used Canada year sets in glassines; mint and used GB Machins; Barbados and Jamaica used sets; used Newfoundland on manila stock pages; 19th to mid-20th century used GB on quadrille pages; a range of Canada and worldwide on stock cards; hundreds of older worldwide stamps in old "Movaleaf" album and on loose pages; mint pre-decimal GB; and finally, an old-time Netherlands and Colonies collection of hundreds in an ancient battered album. Lots to play with here! Estimate = $325.00

Worldwide - We didn’t want to fill this banker’s box much more, as the contents are starting to push back on anything new being added. This is another multi-source "on and off" paper lots, complete with country sorted envelopes, glassines that have rightfully become so popular in the auction. Many thousands of stamps here. Usually there is no theme to these lots, but we did see a small concentration of Israel, otherwise the 99 other countries that are likely represented here will just have to present themselves as you sort. Lots of treasures to be found, one item that made itself known, is a strip of 5 of the Great Britain £10 "Britannia" postally used on piece. There is a bit more on-paper than normally seen in these lots, but the majority of the stamps are off paper and "free flying". There will be some better and certainly lots of nice cancels to be found. Hours of entertainment, for a collector or a club. Estimate = $130.00

Worldwide - Asia - Non-Commonwealth accumulation of a wide assortment of mint and used issues, including topical issues. Many are on dealer pages as originally purchased, and untouched since. In order of how they were piled, we noted Bhutan (Disney and another grouping of bird souvenir sheets), Thailand, North Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Japanese occupation forgeries on Burmese stamps, Burma, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, French India, Brunei, Ryukyus Islands, and a bit of recent People’s Republic of China. Lots of souvenir sheets, sheetlets. Estimate = $160.00

Worldwide - Europe - Bundle of about 40 stockcards and a manilla envelope filled with mostly 20th century Germany, German Democratic Republic (perforated Marx souvenir sheet has no gum), France (including a nice handful of complete booklets from the 1980’s with a catalogue value over $400 and 60 perfins-not counted in the catalogue value) and a bit of non-European French Colonies (e.g. Gabon, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Reunion). There is material from Monaco, Vatican City, Estonia, Yugoslavia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland (an attractive page of used, most with readable cancels (catalogues over $300.00). There are some Poland, Austria, Hungary and Croatia to round the group out. Diverse and interesting material. Owner’s detailed total 2023 Scott catalogue value US$1945.30 = $2,616.16

Worldwide - Latin America - Part 1: From one of our favorite collections. This collector bought from everyone, everywhere, but then set his treasures aside and never got back to them. Collections, sets and singles came from a wide range of sources, always with an eye for interesting material. This group includes Haiti, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela (with a wholesale mint group of #286A), Mexico (including 20 complete sheets of 1985 University of Mexico strips of 5 #1408a), Paraguay, Honduras, Bolivia (and others). Mint and used, some souvenir sheets, from classics to modern, there is lots of catalogue value here and lots of material which hasn’t seen the light of day for a generation. Estimate = $150.00

Worldwide - Latin America - Part 2: From one of our favourite collections. This collector bought from everyone, everywhere, but then set his treasures aside and never got back to them. Collections, sets and singles came from a wide range of sources, always with an eye for interesting material. Quite different from the previous lot, with lots of Cuba, an attractive group of Nicaragua UPU mini-sheets, a mounted collection of Cuba and Chile, a bid board lot of Bolivia, some Honduran air mails. There is a nice stockbook and a couple of mounted collections with used Dominican Republic. Costa Rica is covered in a nicely mounted collection. Finishes with a Haiti collection from 1882-1986 with several hundred stamps, and a 2008(!?!) Scott catalogue value of $400.00. Mint and used, some souvenir sheets, from classics to modern, there is lots of catalogue value here and lots of material which hasn’t seen the light of day for a generation. Estimate = $170.00

Worldwide Cinderellas - Extensive Scandinavian accumulation of Christmas seals and charity labels from 1905 to about 2000, often listed in Facit, but not Scott. Includes singles, complete panes, original, reprints which will enhance any Northern European collection. Heavy in the Denmark including a 1950 imperforate pane and 1980 pane signed by the artist. There are 8 complete panes of Faroe Islands Christmas labels from 1976-1985, plus 6 complete and one partial panes of similar issues from Greenland. Omitting the few faulty stamps in the group, the owner’s fastidious cataloguing by Facit comes out to about 15,000 Danish Kroner = $3,000. CDN. Estimate = $300.00

Worldwide Covers - A "pizza box" filled with covers and postcards, being a mix of commercial, philatelic and downright interesting items. We noted registered, multiple late-use frankings (often collector inspired), China FDC, Singapore, 1939 Royal Train, British South Africa, Barbados FDC, "coin" covers and MANY topical areas of interest. Too much to list in one description, so let the pictures tell the story for you on this one. A great sort out with many better stamps noted throughout. Estimate = $150.00

Worldwide Covers - Canal Zone Postal History. Small black binder containing a selection of 30 covers 1940-1979 including several better throughout. Strength in the WWII material, including censored mail, but also noted ship mail and two 1978 covers to Saipan, Mariana Island with postage dues. Seldom seen material. Estimate = $120.00

Worldwide Covers - DPR Korea Postal History. A collector inspired offering of 34 covers 1996-2010 featuring a wide array of often wildly colourful and even more wildly depicted North Korean stamps of the period including several souvenir sheets. Many of these were cancelled at CAPEX 96' where DPR Korea had a philatelic booth. The collector often added older stamps to "spice up" the covers before having them postmarked. A wonderful insight into propaganda used on "modern stamps" and tough to find material. Estimate = $130.00

Worldwide Covers - Guatemala Postal History. The first of an old-time batch of South American postal history, this one being 54 Guatemala covers, mostly pre-1950 including registered, airmail, ship mail, censor etc. A wide array of attractive frankings make this a fantastic lot for the study of rates (especially airmail). Estimate = $120.00

Worldwide Covers - Japan Postal History. An eclectic group of 80 covers and postcards from Japan, including several better / more interesting throughout. The best items are likely two batches within the group, the first being early picture postcards (included hand-colored) and the second being a group of WWII postal stationery military mail. Estimate = $150.00

Worldwide Covers - Mexico Postal History. An interesting batch of 70 covers and postcards, including postal stationery from "stampless" to WWII. Many better items throughout including censor, airmail rates, ship mail, registered and even a couple of early 20th century mining related covers with letters. Only a few items noted post-WWII, which makes for an excellent opportunity to pick up a larger batch of more classic era Mexico postal history. Estimate = $150.00

Worldwide Covers - South American WWII Censor Mail. An old-time holding of 74 covers, seemingly all airmail rates to the USA, featuring a wide array of wartime censor tapes (including "I.E" tapes for mail censored in Trinidad). Noted material from Ecuador, Venezuela, El Salvador, Peru, Colombia, Argentina and Chile. All covers are individually sleeved for protection. An interesting focused group of WWII material. Estimate = $120.00

Worldwide Ephemera - Autograph grouping featuring "Sports", on a range of cards or "head shot" glossy photos. In no particular order we noted Bert Starr (on Vince Lombardi golf tournament sheet), Billy Mills, Mia Hamm, Virginia Wade, Cam Neely, Marcus Allen, Stan Mikita, Johnny Bucyk, Terry O’Reilly, Angelo Dundee, Sugar Ray Leonard, Ivan Lendl, Patrick Roy, Red Berenson and Gerry Cooney. There is a book promotion card signed by both Gordie Howe and Colleen Howe and an unsigned poster promoting a contest to see the Vancouver Canucks play the Montreal Canadiens. All come from the same dealer, bought by one collector, most having a certificate of authenticity. Significant original cost. Estimate = $150.00

Worldwide Ephemera - Autograph grouping featuring hollywood, politicians, soldiers and famous people. A significant stash many on "head shot" glossy photos, but a few on original documents (including first day covers(!), all obtained by a single collector from a single source about 10 years ago. Inevitably, some of these people are no longer with us. Many have a certificate of authenticity from the dealer. There was a tendency to lump items together or move them into different envelopes which are no longer correctly marked. Autographs from some easily recognizable names (and we can’t list them all as there are many), include Fred Astaire, Ray Bradley, Shirley Jones, Lauren Bacall, Paul Tibbets (pilot of the Enola Gay), Shirley Bassey, Aga Khan (1958), Vera Lynn, Madeleine Albright, Clarence Thomas, Martin Sheen, Jack Kevorkian, Bridgette Bardot, Pete Fountain, Helen Hayes, Enoch Powell, Maurice Chevalier, and there is a letter in Braille from Helen Keller (unsigned). A very American focus, with the exception of the politicians, which are often from Europe and Latin America. Many individually sleeved, with huge original cost. Estimate = $300.00

Worldwide Ephemera - Unautographed group of about 55 modern "head shot" glossy photos mostly thespians from Hollywood’s golden era, such as Mae West, Rod Steiger, David Niven, Bob Hope, Burt Lancaster, Lorne Greene, Anthony Quinn, Art Linkletter, Ernest Borgnine, Dorothy Lamur, Ann Bancroft, Harry Belafonte, Larry Hagman, Rita Hayworth, Kirk Douglas, Jean Harlow, Redd Foxx, Peter Ustinov, Richard Burton, Carol Burnett, Greer Garson, Vivien Leigh, Faye Dunaway, Bette Davis, Lucille Ball, to name a few. Also comes with a "lobby card" for "Sabu and the Magic Ring" and a promotional card for the re-release of "The Grey Fox". Estimate = $120.00

Worldwide Literature - Enticing assembly of 18 works of literature relating to "moving the mail by air" as compiled by a collector with attention to detail. Several of these works were not written with philatelists in-mind, so are much tougher to find for the aero-philatelist as they fall "outside the scope" of the usual philatelic literature circles (but are very much relevant to the study). The titles include "Over the Rockies with the Air Mail" (1927), Michel Zeppelin and Flugpost catalogue (2002), "Romance of the Flying Mail" (1933) and the large 927 page "Airmail Operations During World War II" by Thomas H. Boyle Jr. (1998). Too many good titles to list, so take a good look through the pictures. Estimate = $200.00

Worldwide Postcards - A collector's accumulation of 62 SHIP topical postcards. An almost all pre-1920 selection with emphasis placed on getting a wide range of ships from around the globe. Noted MANY better items, including a ton of passenger service steamships including the companies White Star Line, P&O Line, Allan Line, Royal Mail Line, Swedish American Line and Cunard Steamship (to name a few). Besides the "steamships" there are merchant ships, navy ships and even (cheekily) a young boy holding a sailboat. Many still in the original plastic sleeve from when originally purchased. Estimate = $150.00

Worldwide Postcards - Cardboard "dealer show box" filled with easily 500 postcards, bundled by the consignor into geographical areas. Includes bundles of USA x 2, Canada, British, Europe, Greetings and "assorted" plus a large section unsorted (largely European) postcards. You would be hard-pressed to fit anymore cards it this box, it is packed. A good mix from early pre-1920 postcards up to "modern" chromes. Offered as received. Estimate = $150.00

Worldwide Postcards - France, an early selection of picture postcards. An interesting collector assembled group of 210 postcards (plus one postcard pack of Chateau de Malmaison), which all look to be pre-1920 and mostly unused. A few focused areas including Dieppe, Paris and Chartres, but also including a wide range of views including architecture, art, monuments, Eifel Tower, religious and even several Gargoyles. A visual delight looking through these. Estimate = $120.00

Worldwide Postcards - Military Themed Collection. An interesting array of 75 postcards (one is a photograph) with a "Military" theme. This theme is somewhat open-ended and includes scenes that include Propaganda, Patriotic, scenes from the trenches, Navy, soldiers in uniform, Red Cross, military camps, battle scenes etc. Primarily WWI era, with British, Canadian, French and USA cards, but with a few others in the mix as well. A wonderful opportunity to acquire a large group of these at once. Perfect for the collector or dealer and many of these cards would retail in the $10-$20 range. Estimate = $150.00

Worldwide Postcards - The Great War, WWI France in Ruins. Selection of 34 WWI era postcards, all showing the destruction of cities / towns as a result of German bombardment. A good variety of locations, with notable being views of Ypres, Alsace and Arras. A visually stunning group, with all cards here now over 100 years old! All individually sleeved to protect them. Estimate = $120.00

Worldwide Postcards - WWI Propaganda / Humor Postcards by Bruce Bainsfather (1887-1959). Selection of 22 different WWI "from the trenches" humor postcards. Bainsfather, who serviced with the Royal Warwickshire Regiment in France was hospitalized in 1915 with shell shock and hearing loss. While in hospital, he developed a series of WWI cartoons which was then published by the Bystander newspaper. Interesting material, now over 100 years old! Estimate = $120.00

Worldwide Scandinavia - Smorgasbord of a dealer’s stock on black stock pages. Iceland includes some early used officials #O4/O9 (catalogue $394.50) and a nice mix of mint and used 20th century issues, including a few souvenir sheets (catalogue $592.70 + some uncounted nice cancels and registration labels). The Finland is mostly modern including and includes some blocks or souvenir sheets on first day covers circa 1988. There is a touch of Karelia overprints (total catalogue value $266.10). Faroe Islands issues includes mint, used (probably cancelled to order) and complete booklets (over $870.00 catalogue value). There are several densely packed pages of mint and used Denmark, including some multiples (catalogues $912.00) and an early group of mint no gum or faulty. There is a bit of miscellaneous, such as a 2007 Arctic Year presentation booklet (catalogue $42.50). There is only a small amount of Sweden and three pages of Greenland almost all are mint with no gum (would catalogue $600.00). This is a clean, well-organized lot to plow through, with a catalogue value approaching US$3,000. Estimate = $250.00

Worldwide Supplies - About 175 manilla stockpages, laden with mostly American and Canadian stamps (and honourable mention to Great Britain) filling a bankers box. Different manufacturing styles are noted throughout. Some are a bit aged; others are quite fresh. A number have pencil notations that should easily erase. Several thousands of stamps here and the pages retail for over $225.00. Estimate = $120.00

Worldwide Supplies - An array of 300 assorted used stockpages filling a bankers box. There are over 190 manila stockpages, about half are still doing duty holding a collector’s duplicates (you can consider the few thousand stamps that are here as a bonus). The notations are generally in pencil. A couple are damaged, but overall are still quite functional. The remaining 110 pages are mostly a mix of "Vario" and "Lighthouse" branded black, or a few clear, double sided stockpages, most with 1 or 2 pockets - these are mostly stamp free. Great for storing moderate sized items such as covers, booklets or souvenir sheets. The total retail as new is over $450.00. Estimate = $160.00

Worldwide Supplies - Diverse offering of 13 used stockbooks ranging from 16 to 64 pages, with a mix of black or white pages and several different colour covers. Many manufacturers here, such as Lighthouse, Uni-Safe, Alligator, Ryam(?) and Filex. Some are near new, a couple have edge or spine damage, but should be repairable and will still do the job in the meantime. The only "hitch" with these is that many still have their original holdings in them (mostly Europe or British Commonwealth), which you can look at as a bonus, or as a minor price to pay to get some nice stockbooks at well below retail. Estimate = $140.00

Worldwide Supplies - Manila Stocksheets. A small box containing 100 lightly / moderately used stocksheets (some have pencil marks, labels etc). These standard 3-ring hole punch pages are ready to be given a binder and live another day. The "new" retail cost on these is over $150.00. A very cost-effective way to store your duplicates without having to pay retail for them. Estimate = $80.00

Zanzibar #74-78. All CDS used quintet of 1899-1901 period large format "Sultan Seyyid Hamoud-bin-Mohammed-bin-Said" 1 Rupee to 5 Rupees high values. Small scuff noted on the #78, otherwise a select quality and colourful group. 2024 Scott US$292.00 = $394.90

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Canada - Part 2: More Bonkers Bonanza in bag and binders! A leftover lot from an extensive collection, from a collector who liked to buy but has now left it for you to unpack. Includes the collector’s working postage bundle (at least $100.00 face value here), and a bundle of 4c Bell and Citizenship sheets (gum disturbance on many, but there is the better part of another $100.00 of face value here. There are a few stock cards with perfins, used Canada and Newfoundland. The year sets for 1980-1982 are here. There are some mint and used low denomination 1897 Jubilees. There are some 1/2c Quebec and a block of 5c blue Admirals with no gum. There is even a (battered) presentation folder from the 1972 Frontenac release (in English, French and Dutch!). Estimate =
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Canada - The balance of a consignment, with a few disorganized collection remnants (noted better individual stamps here and there, and a decent run of "Back of the Book" issues). There is some mint and used QEII up to 1980 in multiples, including some plate blocks (including some in a "Bileski" album) and a few partial sheets. There is a bundle of mint "red" postage dues, and a baggie of used "purple" dues. The box is cushioned with two Ziploc bags filled with 1960’s CDS cancels on stamp and piece. There is even a framed copy of the RCMP souvenir sheet, autographed by the designer. Lots of hunting and organizing to keep you busy for a while. Estimate =
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Canada - Thematic / "Back of the Book" assembly. A small box (about the size of a shoebox) stuffed with the often neglected special Canada Post issued products, most of which are now listed in the back of the Unitrade catalogue. These products have been increasingly popular over the past several years as finding some of them can be challenging as many dealers don't stock them. Includes CAPEX 96' Ashton Potter card, CAPEX 87' Palmares, 1994 Year of the Family letter writing kit (x2), 1976 Olympics presentation books (x2), Legendary Creature packs (McDonald's restaurant promotion) and numerous other Unitrade listed thematic collections. Take a good look at the pictures to appreciate the scope of the lot. Estimate =
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Canada - Wholesale lot and "on and off" paper kiloware fill this U-Haul box to bursting. About 80% of the box is loose stamps on and off paper from a seemingly wide range of sources. The balance consists of used, sorted (to some extent), wholesale material (there are at least four sources here). We noted envelopes back to Edward VII, but most will be 20th century Elizabethan. Presumably unchecked for varieties, and there is certainly some cancel potential. Tens of thousands of stamps here. Estimate =
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Canada Cancels - Bankers box hoard of modern town cancels on stamp/piece. At least a couple of thousand different cancels from across Canada (strength with British Columbia). Includes 4 boxes of individual glassines, identified and sorted in Post Office Computer Organization Number (POCON) cancels - mostly 2000-2010 (a difficult era to get handstamps), but with some earlier. There is also a number of stock and looseleaf pages, with mounted or sorted BC cancels - this time going back to the Admiral era, finishing with some sorted and duplicates on envelopes that the collector never got around to sorting. These cancels have high readability. Many of the Post Offices are closed and most of these cancels are no longer in service. Estimate =
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Canada Cancels - British Columbia "D" and "E" rarity factor cancels on stamp or piece, most on the original dealer sales cards. Includes Auldgirth (Cooper E1), Canford Mill (E3), Brexton (E2). Many "D" rated post offices include Thompson’s Landing, Toba, Kitimat-Riverside, Cortez Island, Caspaco, Capilano, Ewings Landing, Choate, Fraser Arm, Millstream, Wasa, Okanagon Mission, Stillwater, Adelphi, Genoa Bay, Minto Mine, Brynmarl, etc. Lots of clean, readable strikes and Post Office cancels that are on the less common side. Estimate =
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Canada Cancels - British Columbia Postmarks. Group of 40 choice BC CDS cancels, almost all George VI dated 1938 / 1939 on small cut square / piece, as collected as the time by a collector in Victoria, not having seen another collector's eyes since the 1950's. These were likely snipped from incoming mail to a prominent Victoria BC drug store and represent many small communities (and many closed Post Offices), with strength in Vancouver Island postmarks. Some of the better Post Office include Telegraph Cove, Wildwood Heights, Winter Harbour, Rounds, Arrow Park, Arrow Creek, Charlie Lake, Minto Mine, Paldi, Dunster, James Island and Wingdam. All neatly laid out on double sided stockpage. Perfect lot for the postmark hound! Estimate =
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Canada Cancels - Group of 66 choice BC split ring cancels, mostly dated 1938 / 1939 on small cut square or piece, as collected as the time by a collector in Victoria, not having seen another collector's eyes since the 1950's. These were likely snipped from incoming mail to a prominent Victoria BC drug store and represent many small communities (and many closed Post Offices), with strength in Vancouver Island postmarks. Some of the better Post Office include Sheraton, South Bender, Sooke Lake, Kitwanga, Black Pool Ceepeecee, Simoom Sound, Mabel Lake, Shoreacres, Refugee Cove, Kettle Valley, Needles, Kuper Island and Bend (1938). All neatly laid out on stockpages. An enticing lot for the postmark hound! This is the complimentary lot to the selection offered last month. Estimate =
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Canada Cancels - NWT Northwest Territories Postmarks. Approximately 4 pounds of primarily NWT postmarks from the late 1980's early 1990's on stamps on paper, cut from large envelopes or parcels in box. Trimmed with the postmarks in mind, these present a well above average offering of postmarks of the period, but expect some heavy duplication as there are several hundred pieces here at least (and there are not that many Post Offices in the NWT!). Also included in the box is a baggie of Saskatchewan or Alberta postmarks from the same period. Besides the wealth of postmarks are the high-value frankings, these are from a very interesting period for Canadian definitive stamps which include many changes in paper, perforation and printers (especially in the mid-value "mammal" series). Collected for postmarks, unchecked for potential stamp varieties. Estimate =
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Canada Cancels - Over 140 home-made collector pages with stamps on / off paper hinged on the page, each selected for postmarks from across the country. A haphazard array, that seems to be organized by province on the page, but not much beyond that. Everything from QV to QEII with a wide array of postmarks noted (split rings, CDS, machine, POCON, MOON etc). A wild ride of postmarks, but should prove rewarding as we estimate there must be 1500+ postmarks here, with strength in NS, ONT and Alberta (but with smatterings of other provinces too). Estimate =
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Canada Cancels - Town cancel collection up to about 1990, but this is not your ordinary grouping. A 32-page stockbook with lots of Small Queens and there are more Western cancels than you would expect. This is at the point where an accumulation was becoming a serious collection, with lots of better (noted a Wells Fargo Victoria oval cancel, Toronto Street post office cancels on Map stamps and early small-town BC and Territorial-era Alberta). Even amongst the modern material is an Edmonton Emergency cancel. Most are identified, but with no indication of rarity. Split rings, CDS, roller and rubber cancels to be found here. Estimate =
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Canada Covers #373/450. Shoebox of 400 Rosecraft cacheted first day covers for the 5c era between 1957-1966. A mix of addressed and unaddressed, with singles, pairs, blocks or blocks + singles (these were registered), so expect duplication up to 10 of a type. A wide range of originating cities, noting many from Winnipeg with 3-ring "Orb" or "barrel" cancels. A very clean lot, with the covers in individual sleeves and identified and ordered by Scott. Estimate =
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Canada Covers #1815/2778. A 21st century First Day Cover collection of about 120 Canada Post cacheted standard-sized covers mounted in 2-pocket "Vario"-brand black stockpages. Includes a haphazard run of issues from the Millennium issue to 2014. The majority are small-sized souvenir sheets, noting a number of "Lunar", "Vancouver Olympics", "Montreal Canadiens", medium-value definitives, Christmas, Royal Visit, etc. There are a few with plate blocks and a few matched sets of lower denomination "insects" noted as well. This doesn’t take into account the cost of the pages and the Canada Post FDC cost, which added over $100.00 to the owner. We have counted the face value of the stamps only ("P" values at the cost at the time of sale). Total face value =
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Canada Covers #1815/2796. 21st century First Day Covers collection on Vario brand pages in a matching pair of Unisafe brand burgundy 3-ring albums (with matching slipcases). A post-office fresh collection with approximately 140 Canada Post cacheted standard-sized covers issued between 1999-2014. The owner’s original cost for this selection approached $650.00 as the burgundy padded Uni-Safe three-ring binders in matching slipcase and the black stockpages retails about $140.00 plus the Post Office cost of the covers. Counted as face value of the stamps only ("P" values at the cost at the time of sale). Total face value =
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Canada Covers #1815/3199. 21st century First Day Covers collection in two mismatched volumes. A post-office fresh collection with approximately 165 Canada Post cacheted standard-sized covers. Some are mounted in in two pocket "Vario"-brand pages in a burgundy-coloured padded Uni-Safe 3-ring binder (with matching slipcase) the rest are in a Uni-Safe First Day Cover album. Covers are for issues between 1999-2019, but most are from before 2016. Lots of souvenir sheets, coils, booklets and there are even a few plate blocks (a small number are matched sets). The owner’s original cost for this section was over $500.00 as the albums and black stockpages retail about $60.00 plus the post office cost of the covers. Counted as face value of the stamps only ("P" values at the cost at the time of sale). Total face value =
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Canada Covers - Alberta Postal History / Postmark Accumulation. Approximately 300 covers, George VI to (primarily) QEII in small bin. Strength in the QEII era CDS town postmarks, with a couple runs of large commercial mail that the collector must have had access to, since these are all cherry-picked readable hand-postmarks. Many of the CDS postmarks lasted longer than in the prairie provinces as the smaller Post Offices did not need the "new" incoming automatic cancellation machines. Estimate =
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Canada Covers - An eclectic small box with over 500 covers and postcards from "coast to coast". Noted picture postcards, Calgary Stampede, postal stationery, postmarks, Admirals, meter mail, airmail, special event covers, FDC, northern Canada, 2013 homemade "Haunted Canada" issue FDC cards, 2014 Empress of Ireland "homemade" FDC's cut from press sheets, registered and 9 illustrated WWII cigarette "Thank You" postcards (sent from soldiers overseas). A fun sort ahead for any postal historian / cover collector. Estimate =
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Canada Covers - Box of postal stationery containing several hundred postal cards and envelopes back to the 1870’s and up to about the QEII Centennial period. The postal cards are mostly used, with lots of interesting printing on back, with a few banking notices and lots of 1940’s "Speaker" announcements for various business associations. These can be very popular for online sales because of the speaker (we noted one with Anthony Eden) and the topic. There are bundles of mint envelopes dating back to King George V, but with strength in the Centennial period - all of which are in much better than normal condition. A fun lot for exploring. Estimate =
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Canada Covers - British Columbia First Nations Postcard Group. Group of 33 postcard, neatly arranged within a Unisafe postcard album. Starting with a few views of people, the cards them shift into Totems and (primarily) Alert Bay views, followed lastly by 15 Native Art illustrated postcards. Interesting material, not often seen. Estimate =
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Canada Covers - British Columbia Postal History. A "mish-mash" offering of 22 covers / postcards and one cancel on piece from across the province. Each item has been selected for postmark or usage, with several better items throughout. Some of the better towns included are Simoom Sound (matching corner card), Queens Bay 1939, South Salt Spring 1907, Halls Prairie 1908, Balcomo 1908, Pinantan 1916, McMurphy 1942 and Tynehead 1910. A diverse mix, from Edward to QEII, perfect for the postmark hound or show / internet dealer. Each item is individually sleeved and priced. Total retail as marked =
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