Weeda Stamps Ltd.
P.O. Box 5096, Station B
Victoria, BC
Canada V8R 6N3

Phone: (250) 385-1826
Toll free: 1-888-685-1826
e-Mail: admin@weeda.com

Bidboard Number:


Closing Date:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Lot # Description Catalogue Value
or Estimate
1 Australia #133 // 223. Five album pages with 1930s to 1950s used sets. Only missing #180-183A and #206 to be a complete run. 2007 Scott. $354.55 $90.00
2 Australia and New Zealand - Double-sided stocksheet with 143 different MH and MNH mostly from the 1940s to 1970s. Includes 52 Australia, 18 from Australian Antarctic Territory and 73 New Zealand. 2007 Scott. $135.90 $24.00
3 British Commonwealth - Australia #372, 381, 384, 388-390, 393-411, 420-422, 428, 431-439, 439G, 440-443, 445, 458, 491-492, 861-862, 974-975. Fiji #145-147, 178, 180, 196-197, 245-248, 251. Norfolk Island #50, 57, 58, 60, 119-120, 122, 123-124, 141-142. Papua #348-351, 598-601. Solomon #64-66, 88-89, 381-384, 393-395. Mostly MNH, some complete sets. 94 stamps in total. 2007 Scott. $117.75 $24.00
4 British Commonwealth - Double-sided stocksheet with 188 different mint and used from 10 Island Nations. 2007 Scott. $122.25 $18.00
5 British Commonwealth - Pacific islands of Fiji and Norfolk Island consisting of Fiji #95, 96, 98, 99, 103, 129, 183, 184, 187, 198, 208-210, 221-223, 252-255, 293-296 and Norfolk Island #152, 174, 235-236, 242-245, 273-279, 293-301, 310-313, 344-346, 356-363, 452-455, 471-474, 508-509, 566-568. Many ships and aviation topical sets. Mint and used, Norfolk is mainly MNH sets. Used in Fiji are #95-96, 98, 99, 102 and 129. 2007 Scott. $133.25 $28.00
6 Canada #1. Three and a half margin used example of the 1851 3p red beaver on laid paper. Light crease noted for the record. 2007 Scott. $1,080.00 $210.00
7 Canada #1P. Proof on india paper of the 1851 issue 3p beaver, imperforate in colour of issue. Repaired tear at top. Looks a lot like a mint "Beaver". Will look great in that first space of your album. 2007 Unitrade. $300.00 $120.00
8 Canada #7. Used example of the 1855 10p blue Cartier on thin paper. 2007 Scott. $1,800.00 $200.00
9 Canada #21, 22, 28, 30. Used group of four Large Queens, the odd small fault. 2007 Scott. $366.00 $40.00
10 Canada #23a. Mint 1c deep orange Large Queen. Badly disturbed part original gum. Fresh and F/VF appearance. 2007 Scott. $1,680.00 $250.00
11 Canada #25 (x 4). Quartet of 3c red Large Queens, some faults. Used. 2007 Scott. $156.00 $42.00
12 Canada #35. CDS used group of fifty 1c Small Queens, many with legible dates. Some faults noted, a useful group. Estimate $30.00 $12.00
13 Canada #36d. Sheet margin part inscription pair of the 2c blue green shade of the Small Queen. F/VF mint, one stamp LH, the other MNH. Usual light creases/bends. 2007 Scott Classic. $324.00 $170.00
14 Canada #45 (x 2). Used 10c Small Queens, the one with the Hamilton CDS has small thin, the other one Fine with no faults. 2007 Scott. $108.00 $24.00
15 Canada #45a. VF used 10c dull rose Small Queen with SON Ottawa Crown cancel. Very pretty! Worth multiples of catalogue value. 2007 Scott. $54.00 $130.00
16 Canada #46-47. The 1893 20c vermilion and 50c deep blue "Widow's Weeds". VF used with roller cancel. 2007 Scott. $210.00 $80.00
17 Canada #50. The 1897 issue half cent black Jubilee. MNH. One short perf at upper left. 2007 Scott. $300.00 $40.00
18 Canada #51-52. MNH 1c orange and 2c green 1897 Jubilees. 2007 Scott. $126.00 $60.00
19 Canada #55. MNH 6c yellow brown 1897 Jubilee. 2007 Scott. $600.00 $120.00
20 Canada #56. MNH 8c dark violet 1897 Jubilee. 2007 Scott. $192.00 $240.00
21 Canada #57. MNH 10c brown violet 1897 Jubilee. 2007 Scott. $300.00 $60.00
22 Canada #60. MNH 50c ultramarine 1897 Jubilee. 2007 Scott. $660.00 $230.00
23 Canada #65. The 1897 issue $5.00 Jubilee, used with smudge cancel and thinned. 2007 Scott. $1,140.00 $130.00
24 Canada #86. VF centered mint UL corner block of eight of the 1898 issue black, blue and carmine Xmas stamp. The stamps are all MNH but with the bends and creases associated with larger multiples of this issue. Note ABNCo inscription in selvedge at top. An eyecatching showpiece! 2007 Scott as NH singles. $528.00 $120.00
25 Canada #87. VARIETY. Fine mint plate block of 8 (Ottawa-No-5) of the 2 cent overprint on 3 cent Leaf issue. Very, very light hinge on two stamps, balance is MNH. Note unlisted progressive wide spacing of the overprint from left to right. Plate blocks of this issue are scarce. Minor perf separation at upper right noted for the record. Retail for plate block is 2 x the value of the singles. 2007 Scott for singles is $324.00. Estimate . $400.00 $95.00
26 Canada #89 (x 2), 90 (x 4), 91, 92, 93 (x 2), 94, 95. Complete 1903-1908 set of King Edward VII plus a few extra shades of some of the values. F/VF used. 2007 Scott. $247.45 $40.00
27 Canada #97i. VF MNH example of the 1908 issue 1c green "Tercentenary" with hairlines in margins. 2007 Unitrade. $135.00 $40.00
28 Canada #102. F/VF MH 1908 issue 15c red orange Quebec Tercentenary. 2007 Scott. $180.00 $60.00
29 Canada #106a. VF MNH 2c carmine KGV Admiral booklet pane of six. Catalogues $120.00 in Unitrade for this condition. 2007 Scott. $84.00 $34.00
30 Canada #108. Lathework single. VF MNH 3c brown KGV Admiral with Type B lathework. 2007 Unitrade for VF MNH. $150.00 $120.00
31 Canada #109. Lathework pair. Used horizontal pair of the 3c carmine KGV Admiral with SON Vancouver CDS cancel (Oct 26, 1938). F/VF. Type D lathework. Catalogue value is irrelevant, this is a beauty! 2007 Unitrade. $100.00 $110.00
32 Canada #111. VF appearance 1912 issue 5c indigo Admiral. MH and small thin. Counted as basic issue. Nice deep colour. 2007 Scott. $144.00 $22.00
33 Canada #116. VF MH 1912 issue plum KGV Admiral. 2007 Scott. $252.00 $65.00
34 Canada #122. VF MNH 1923 issue KGV $1.00 orange Admiral. This catalogues $375.00 in Unitrade for this condition. 2007 Scott. $276.00 $110.00
35 Canada #123, 124. The 1912 issue 1c green and 2c carmine KGV Admiral coil singles. #123 is MH with tiny hinge thin and #124 is MNH with no faults. 2007 Scott. $360.00 $40.00
36 Canada #126 (coil strip of four), BK35b (x 2 - both English), BK40a (Bilingual) and BK40b (English). Stocksheet with four booklets (two with #252a and two with #286b) plus a MNH coil strip of four of the KGV 1c Admiral. 1923-1949 issue. 2007 Unitrade. $87.75 $40.00
37 Canada #158. Mint hinged 1929 issue 50c Bluenose. 2007 Scott. $210.00 $95.00
38 Canada #159. VF MH 1929 issue $1.00 olive green Parliament. 2007 Scott. $330.00 $110.00
39 Canada #198. The 1932 issue 4c ochre KGV Medallion. VF MNH. Very well centered for this small margined issue. 2007 Scott. $108.00 $180.00
40 Canada #223-227. The 10c to $1.00 values from the 1935 KGV "Champlain" set. F/VF MNH. 2007 Scott. $237.00 $60.00
41 Canada #241-245, 241a. Complete 1938 "Chateau Ramezay" set of five plus an extra shade of the 10c. All F/VF MNH. 2007 Scott. $298.20 $120.00
42 Canada #241a // 619. Three double-sided stocksheets with MNH duplicated stock, mostly blocks of four. Owner's Unitrade. $445.88 $50.00
43 Canada #245i. VF MNH 1938 issue $1.00 Chateau Ramezay with aniline ink. This variety not listed in Scott. 2007 Unitrade. $225.00 $110.00
44 Canada #273, 302. The 1946 $1.00 Ferry and the 1951 $1.00 Fisheries high value, both perfect and VF MNH. 2007 Scott. $123.00 $80.00
45 Canada #362. Investment lot of three VF MNH matched sets of plate #4 plate blocks of the 1956 issue 20c green "Paper Industry" pictorial. 2007 Unitrade. $144.00 $48.00
46 Canada #415. The 1963 issue 15c "Canada Geese" in a VF MNH complete sheet of fifty with plate block. Signed in the margin by the designer "Angus Shortt". Has to be worth full catalogue as a signed sheet! 2007 Unitrade. $127.50 $38.00
47 Canada #498. Mini-investment lot of four VF MNH complete matched sets of plate blocks of the 1969 issue 25c "Hermit Thrush". 2007 Unitrade. $200.00 $55.00
48 Canada #502p. VARIETY. The 1969 5c Xmas with a "doughnut" plate flaw between the "C" and "A" of Canada. VF MNH. Estimate $20.00 $14.00
49 Canada #594i, 594viii, 594a. Trio of matched sets of VF MNH inscription blocks of the 1972-1976 issue 10c Forest Scene pictorial. Consists of Type I (plate 1), Type II (plate 2 - on MF paper) and the Type II (plate 3, perf 13.3). 2007 Unitrade. $58.00 $34.00
50 Canada #596i, 596vii, 596a. VF MNH trio of matched sets of corner blocks of the 1972-1976 issue 20c Prairie Scene. Consists of the plate 1, perf 12.5 x 12.0, both general tagged and Winnipeg tagged and the plate 3, perf 13.3 general tagged. 2007 Unitrade. $88.00 $48.00
51 Canada #705iii. Mint block of 30 of the 1c Bottle Gentian with "EXUP XI" 1978 overprint. A bit of gum disturbance noted but still a great multiple. 2007 Unitrade. $120.00 $30.00
52 Canada #813 // 907. Green stockbook containing a comprehensive run of 1979- 1981 period issues. The lot usually consists of a mint single and plate block of each stamp plus a used single. Full panes of twelve or 16. Mainly 17c and 35c values. Face value of mint stamps only is $85.41. Estimate $100.00 $80.00
53 Canada #1116c. VF mint complete booklet containing the scarce perf 12.5 1986 issue booklet pane of 10 x 29 cent Xmas stamps (BK 91d). 2007 Unitrade. $100.00 $60.00
54 Canada #C1, C5, CE4, E7, MR4. Back of the Book multiples. Consists of #C1 (block of four - two MH, two MNH), C5 (corner margin block of ten, all MNH), CE4 (LL plate 1 plate block, MH), E7 (margin block of four - all MNH), MR4 (block of four, all MNH). Counted as singles. 2007 Scott. $327.00 $50.00
55 Canada #E2. MNH 1922 issue 20c carmine Special Delivery. 2007 Scott. $192.00 $140.00
56 Canada Webb #EN71, EN71B. Two postal stationery envelopes, both 1954 issue 4c violet Karsh issues on #8 envelope but one with error "no stamp outside, positive stamp impression inside". Webb lists this variety conservatively at $75.00-$100.00. Estimate $100.00 $22.00
57 Canada #F1b. The 1875 issue 2c rose carmine shade of the Registration stamp. Brilliant colour. MH with some gum loss around hinge. 2007 Scott. $300.00 $95.00
58 Canada #F3. Mint 1875 8c blue Registration stamp. MH, some gum loss. 2007 Scott. $450.00 $110.00
59 Canada #J21-J40. Complete run of basic types of the 1967-1978 "red" postage dues. All four issues as per Unitrade are here, all F/VF MNH. 2007 Unitrade. $41.50 $40.00
60 Canada #MR2C. VF MLH 20c olive green War Tax issue with diagonal overprint. Great looking stamp, deep colour. 2007 Unitrade. $150.00 $95.00
61 Canada #MR3, MR3b. Both the carmine and rose red shades of the 1916 2c + 1c KGV Admiral War Tax. Both MNH. 2007 Scott Classic. $102.00 $42.00
62 Canada #MR4. Lathework pair. Lower right corner margin horizontal pair of the 2c + 1c brown War Tax with Type B lathework. 2007 Unitrade for VF MH. $225.00 $140.00
63 Canada #MR4a. The 1916 2c + 1c brown, Die I. MH, thinned and with a paper inclusion that shows in the centre "T". This is the scarcer die of this issue. 2007 Scott. $600.00 $85.00
64 Canada #O268-O272. The 1946 Peace issue with 4-hole OHMS perfin. F/VF MH / MNH. The 8c and 14c are MNH, the rest MH. 2007 Unitrade. $100.00 $85.00
65 Canada #O268-O273, OC9, OE11. Two pages with used 4-hole OHMS perfin issues, positions "A" and "C" according to Wrigley. The "C" type consists of the entire run of numbers, type "A" repeats but without #OE11. 2007 Unitrade. $102.00 $85.00
66 Canada #OA109 (Die I), OA119. The 3c carmine and 20c olive green Admirals with 5-hole Official perfins, used. F/VF. 2007 Unitrade. $90.00 $55.00
67 Canada #OA118 (x 2 - "A" and "AS" positions), OA120a (face scuff). Used 10c and 50c KGV Admirals with 5-hole perfins. 2007 Unitrade. $165.00 $50.00
68 Canada #OA190, OA196, OA201. Three used 1931-1932 issues with 5-hole perfins. "A" positions according to Wrigley. 2007 Unitrade. $160.00 $80.00
69 Canada - 1976 Olympic souvenir collection, Volume I and II. All the Montreal Olympic issues MNH in a two-volume set of special issue Canada Post books. 2007 Unitrade. $70.00 $22.00
70 Canada - 1995 and 1996 Annual Collections. Two hardbound Canada Post yearbooks with slipcases containing MNH issues for 1995-1996. (Face value of the mint stamps contained in the books is $66.87). 2007 Unitrade. $160.00 $120.00
71 Canada - 2001 and 2002 Annual Collections. Two hardbound Canada Post yearbooks with slipcases containing MNH issues for 2001-2002. (Face value of the mint stamps contained in the books is $78.44). 2007 Unitrade. $190.00 $120.00
72 Canada - Postal Strike items. Four are from the 1975 Quebec strike and the other is the 1978 Canadian Postal Strike. Estimate $50.00 $85.00
73 Canada - Precancels. Guelph #1-105 (x 2), 1-149, 1-162, 1-195, 2-249. Halifax #1-91 (IE), 1-104i, 2-105, 2-108, 2-108i, 2-109, 2-118, 2-149, 4-231. Standard Catalogue of Canadian precancels. $106.45 $60.00
74 Canada - Small box lot with used stamps, on and off paper, 68 covers (includes some postal stationery - a few mint) plus blue stockbook with some used dollar values (saw a $8.00 Grizzly) plus a couple of pages with KGV 1931-1932 period used. Noted 1950s period OHMS envelopes. Estimate $40.00 $55.00
75 Canada - Stamp Album Frontispiece Illustration duo. Two of the famous 1946-1947 period Arthur Szyk album title pages, one for Canada, the other for Airmail issues. Both reduced on edges but fresh colours and suitable for matting. Estimate $50.00 $11.00
76 Canada Cancels - 165 1970s-1980s issues all with socked-on-the-nose CDS town cancels from across Canada. Estimate $50.00 $42.00
77 Canada Cancels - Seventy-five 1970s-1980s Parliament Buildings stamps all with socked-on-the-nose town CDS cancels, tough to find on such a small stamp! Estimate $40.00 $18.00
78 Canada Cancels - Twenty-one different B.C. RF "D" CDS cancels socked-on-the-nose on stamps, 1941-1970, including QUICK STATION, SHEEP CREEK, SOUTH FORT GEORGE, UPPER HAT CREEK, WHALLEY, etc. Estimate $40.00 $32.00
79 Canada Covers - 1840 stampless moneyletter 3sh rate, Vittoria to Toronto. Addressed to the Receiver General. Must be the sender's tax return (Have you done yours?). Reasonably estimated at $90.00 $42.00
80 Canada Covers - 145 different BC POCON cancels on #10 commercial covers, all the latest from Oct. 2006 through Feb. 2007, many new types not seen before! Note BEAR LAKE, BIG LAKE, FRASER HEIGHTS, LAKE COUNTRY, MT CURRIE, NORDEL CROSSING, etc. Estimate $40.00 $42.00
81 Canada Covers - 1980s era Canada Post FDC accumulation. Lightly duplicated group of 173 clean, unaddressed, cacheted covers. Noted singles, sets, booklet panes, plate blocks, souvenir sheets and face values to $5.00. Even saw the $2.00 Commonwealth!). Face value of stamps on cover $124.00 $80.00
82 Canada Covers - 1983 "Stick 'N Tic" label on cover, WINNIPEG/MANITOBA 21 XII/1983 machine cancel, stamp has 'flat leaf side' variety and 'doubled berries' variety on the same stamp. Lot includes recent advertisement for the "Stick 'N Tic" varieties at very high prices! Estimate $30.00 $24.00
83 Canada Covers - BC Cover and Cut Square compote. Mixed condition group of 43 covers and 122 stamps on piece, late 19th century to mid 20th century. Duplication. Didn't see too many small towns. Estimate $30.00 $19.00
84 Canada Covers - FORT SMITH N.W.T. Lot of three scarce duplex cancels on covers including PM/V 11/56 & PM/17 III/58 and 62/8 III favour strike on an index card. One of the most sought-after duplex cancels! Estimate $40.00 $55.00
85 Canada Covers - Postal Stationery Card and Cover Assortment. Lightly duplicated, mostly QEII era lot of around 100 mint and used items. Noted First Day and favour cancels, roulettes, mimeo and return cards. Owner's 2000 Unitrade valuation of $144.80 is low. Estimate $80.00 $42.00
86 Canada Covers - Pristine group of 102 Canada Post First Day Covers and Special Event covers, Sept 10, 2003 to Oct 8, 2004 period issues. Two of each, all housed in green Uni-Safe FDC binder. Face value of stamps on cover. $95.25 $65.00
87 Canada Covers - Three REGISTERED covers, #37 and #F1, Buctouche NB to Moncton MY 11'82; #37[2] and #F2 double rate to New York from Fredricton NB NOV 08'86 through Saint John NB and by ship through Boston NOV 10'86 to NY branch B 11/11/86; #41 and #42 Cache Bay ONT DE 14'96 to New York, b/s OTT.& PORT ARTHUR C.P.R. No. 8 E[ast] DE 15'96, Montreal precursor DE 16 A[M]8 '96, branch stamp S 12/17/96 and Branch P.O. STA.D NY PO DE 18'96; minor faults. Firby as Fine. $125.00 $60.00
88 Canada Covers - WWII "V --" slogan, collection of 10 different cities, 1941-1943 period. Couple small faults, but very attractive lot! Estimate $40.00 $30.00
89 Canada Revenues Van Dam #FB40a. The 3c green "Third Bill Issue" with watermark. Used, thinned. Van Dam. $350.00 $170.00
90 Canada Revenues Van Dam #FWM1-FWM5. The first Federal "Weights and Measures" issues (1876). Used. Van Dam. $315.00 $80.00
91 Canada Revenues Van Dam #SL1-SL6. The first issues of the 1907 "Coat of Arms" Saskatchewan Law Stamps, used. Van Dam. $127.00 $95.00
92 Canadian Provinces - New Brunswick #1. The 1852 issue 3p red imperforate, VF appearance, used. Light corner crease. 2007 Scott. $510.00 $90.00
93 Canadian Provinces - New Brunswick #1a. VF used example of the dark red shade of the 1851 issue with a 1954 BPA photo certificate signed by Robson Lowe among others. Light corner crease noted for the record. 2007 Scott. $570.00 $160.00
94 Canadian Provinces - New Brunswick #10P. VF sheet margin imperforate proof in deep blue of the 12.5c "Steamship" without any specimen overprint. 2007 Unitrade. $70.00 $50.00
95 Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #11A. The 1860 issue 3p green Triangle, VF used. Large and even margins all around, light cancel. Hard to find used. 2007 Scott. $108.00 $120.00
96 Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #23. An extremely deep rose shade of the 1861 issue 1sh imperf in a VF mint UR corner block of four. Two stamps VLH, 2 stamps perfect MNH. Showpiece! 2007 Unitrade. $300.00 $110.00
97 Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #40, 41, 46, 49. All F/VF used with #235 numeral cancels. This cancel appeared mysteriously in the 1880s and was used on both colonial and foreign mail from St. John's. Speculation is that this cancel was brought over from Staindrop, England and used as the "personal" cancel of a Post office employee! Estimate $80.00 $22.00
98 Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #184. Imperforate Proof on red moire pattern bookend paper of the 1c black codfish 1932 (Perkins Bacon) pictorial. VF and unlisted in Unitrade. Fits nicely with Lot 99 and Lot 102 . Estimate $100.00 $55.00
99 Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #184c. VF mint no gum imperforate pair of the 1932 issue Perkins Bacon (20.6 x 27 mm) printing 1c black codfish definitive. Second item in a nice group of three. 2007 Unitrade. $60.00 $32.00
100 Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #233a. F/VF MNH corner block of four of the 1937 issue 1c "Codfish" from the KGVI Long Coronation set with the scarce comb perf 13.3 x 13.3. 2007 Unitrade. $112.50 $34.00
101 Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #234h, 236d. VF MNH blocks of four of the 3c and 8c values from the 1937 issue KGVI long coronation set, both with the scarce perf 13.3 x 13.2 comb perfs. The best way to collect these scarce perf types is in blocks to show the "comb" meeting at the corners. 2007 Unitrade. $45.00 $38.00
102 Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #253a. VF MNH imperforate pair of the 1941 issue Waterlow (21 mm x 27.3 mm) printing 1c black Codfish definitive. The last and most valuable of the "codfish" imperf lots in this sale. 2007 Unitrade. $300.00 $85.00
103 Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #267i. VF mint gutter block of four of the 1943 issue 30c "Memorial University". Top pair is hinged, bottom pair MNH. 2007 Unitrade. $62.50 $22.00
104 Canada Revenues Van Dam #OL1-OL9, OL11-OL12. Selection of eleven Ontario Law Stamps, a few trimmed, #OL7 is thinned. Van Dam/ $95.00 $16.00
105 Comoro Islands #45, 46-47, 54, 57-59, 165-170, C3, C8-C9, J3-J5. Selection of 19 different VF MNH 1954 to 1956 issues, all in complete sets. 2007 Scott. $71.70 $17.00
106 Egypt #M5. The 1934 issue 1 piastre carmine military stamp for British Forces in Egypt. Fine mint hinged and under valued in Scott. (SG cat £40= $86.00). 2007 Scott. $51.00 $24.00
107 France #22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 34a, 35, 36. Ten used earlies, some faults. Each stamp identified individually. Owner's Scott. $262.50 $70.00
108 France #41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 54, 59, 59a. Eight used earlies, some faults. Each stamp identified individually. Owner's Scott. $453.00 $75.00
109 France #164, 165, 170, 184. Four values from the 1906-1932 "Sower" issue with "no ground under feet". All MNH. 2007 Scott Classic. $52.00 $40.00
110 German States - Mecklenburg-Strelitz #1. The 1864 issue 1/4sg orange, rouletted. Mint no gum. 2007 Scott. $180.00 $55.00
111 Germany #664. VARIETY. 1949 issue Hannover souvenir sheet of three. VF MNH. This is the Michel shade variety #Block 1c. Makes a nice companion sheet to the regular issue. 2006 Michel 700 euros= $1,080.00 $180.00
112 Great Britain #1a. Intense black shade of the 1840 issue "Penny Black". F/VF used. 2007 Scott. $450.00 $70.00
113 Great Britain #4. The 1841 issue 2p blue imperf. VF used, four full margins. 2007 Scott. $106.00 $48.00
114 Great Britain #73. The 1876 issue 8p orange (plate 1), used. 2007 Scott. $390.00 $38.00
115 Great Britain #88. MNH example of the 1881 issue 1p lilac (14 dots in each angle). No listing for MNH in Scott, this price is for mint hinged. 2007 Scott. $264.00 $95.00
116 Great Britain #99, 100, 102. F/VF used trio of 1.5p, 2.5p and 3p "lilac" values from the 1884 set of ten. 2007 Scott. $258.00 $46.00
117 Great Britain #103, 104. F/VF used duo of the 4p and 5p values from the 1883 set of ten. 2007 Scott. $480.00 $55.00
118 Great Britain #108. Mint example of the 1884 issue 5 shilling carmine rose, watermarked "anchor". Fresh colour and lightly hinged. 2007 Scott. $1,050.00 $160.00
119 Great Britain #117, 127, 128, 130, 145. Quintet of 1892 to 1910 issues, all mint hinged. A few faults noted. 2007 Scott. $95.95 $24.00
120 Great Britain #185-186, 205-208, 210-220, 226-229. F/VF mint HR group of 21 different 1924-1935 period KGV issues, all complete sets. 2007 Scott. $145.00 $42.00
121 Great Britain #649 // 2169 plus more. Two stocksheets with used (includes some Regionals). No duplication, 375 different stamps. Includes complete list of catalogue numbers. Owner's 2006 Scott. $332.40 $44.00
122 Great Britain #BK145, BK148, BK150, BK151, BK154. Five different 1980-1990 period "Prestige" booklets, all in VF condition. Face value £22 = $50.60 CDN. 2007 Scott. $234.00 $65.00
123 Great Britain #MH34a, MH34b, MH36d, MH36e. The four panes of Machins from the 1972 "Wedgwood" prestige booklet. All in VF MNH condition. The key half penny has nice perfs all around. Catalogued as panes. 2007 Scott. $153.60 $42.00
124 Great Britain - 1981-1986 period mint and used collection hinged on lined and quadrille pages. Several hundred stamps, a dozen or so sets on FDCs and a couple of sets in Collector's packs. Face value of mint stamps alone is £42.14 = $97.00. Estimate $100.00 $75.00
125 Great Britain - 1987 Post Office yearbook. Hardbound book with slipcase containing MNH issues for 1987. 2006 SG Concise £35.00= $80.50 $38.00
126 Great Britain - 1988 Post Office yearbook. Hardbound book with slipcase containing MNH issues for 1988. 2006 SG Concise £37.00= $85.10 $46.00
127 Great Britain - 1989 Post Office yearbook. Hardbound book with slipcase containing MNH issues for 1989. 2006 SG Concise £42.00= $96.60 $60.00
128 Great Britain - Commemorative Coin/Cover duo. Lovely pair of 1998-1999 "Benham" productions, consisting of a 1998 Henry III Foundation of Parliament cover containing an encapsulated 13th century Henry III silver penny and a 1999 Elizabeth I Coronation commemorative containing an encapsulated 1566 silver sixpence. A most historical pair. Estimate $80.00 $110.00
129 Great Britain Covers - Phenomenal group of 74 different 1990s to 2000s period "Benham" produced covers, commemorating all things Royal from this time period. Noted Machin Anniversary, Royal Residences, 20th century Monarchs, Marriages, Diana's death, Queen Mother 100th birthday, HMY Britannia, etc. Seventeen covers also have encapsulated coins, some of them large silver types. Housed in fancy presentation binder. Estimate $300.00 $230.00
130 Great Britain Covers - Queen Mother "Sovereign Collection" cover duo. Both "Benham" limited editions from the year 2000 commemorating the Queen Mother's 100th birthday. Each cover contains an encapsulated gold sovereign, one from 1900, the other from 2000. A great tribute to a life and a century. Estimate $450.00 $350.00
131 Great Britain Covers - Special binder containing "Benham" produced group of 28 full colour commemorative covers. Each one describing a different 20th century British Forces campaign or battle. Encased with each cover is a high quality replica (with ribbon) of the appropriate medal issued for or during the same time period as the action. A literal encyclopedia of modern conflicts! Huge original cost. Estimate $400.00 $375.00
132 Hong Kong #147-150. VF mint hinged 1935 Silver Jubilee set of four. 2007 Scott. $78.60 $26.00
133 Iceland - Stocksheet with mint and used stamps, faults. #B1-B4 is Fine MNH. Sixty-two stamps in total. Owner's Scott. $188.40 $55.00
134 Iran - Stocksheet with 167 used stamps. Owner's catalogue value. $120.00 $10.00
135 Ireland #1-8, 15-18. Group of F/VF mint HR overprints consisting of the 1922 "Dollard" set of eight and the "Thom" set of four. 2007 Scott. $105.45 $60.00
136 Ireland #161-162, 167-168, 173-174, 177-178, 184-185. VF MNH groups of five different 1957-1962 era sets. 2007 Scott. $88.50 $15.00
137 Italy - Balbo Flight labels. Quintet of 1933 "Balbo" flight labels, all commemorating this famous 1933 massed flight from Rome to the Chicago World's Fair and back. Each label is a miniature masterpiece of Fascist Art Deco propaganda. All with full original gum. Estimate $150.00 $32.00
138 Japan #1022 // 1422. Five pages with about 180 stamps plus eleven souvenir sheets. 1970 to 1980 period issues. MNH. Almost 8,000 yen face value. 2007 Scott. $187.20 $70.00
139 Monaco - Two double-sided stocksheets with 198 mostly mint stamps, some used. 1885-1958 period issues. Owner's Scott. $208.80 $55.00
140 New Zealand #70 // 357. Ninety-one different MH and MNH stamps. 2007 Scott. $144.20 $50.00
141 Norway #805 // 921, B68-B69. Nearly complete run with duplication (up to 4 sets of each) of all issues for 1982-1989 inclusive. The odd mint stamp but the vast majority are VF used. An excellent "Keep one and trade the rest" lot. 2007 Scott. $157.85 $22.00
142 Norway #922 // 1069. Nearly complete run with duplication (up to four sets of each) of all issues for 1988 to 1994. Mostly used. Very nice quality throughout. A good "keeper" and "trader" lot. 2007 Scott. $240.00 $44.00
143 Papua New Guinea #34, 88-91, 97, 99-100, 118-138, 147, 155-157, 159-169, 171-174, 176-177, C1, C10, C11. Fifty-three different mint and used including complete set #122-136. Used are #97, 99, 100, 126-136. 2007 Scott. $144.55 $50.00
144 Portugal #111, 115. Mint hinge remnant "Shifted values" on two 1895 King Carlos issues. Estimate $50.00 $0.00
145 Romania - Cover and card sampler covering 19th to mid 20th century period. Saw material including older postal statioenry cards, commercial mail including censored, a 1958 Brussels overprinted FDC tryptich, etc. Estimate $50.00 $55.00
146 Russia - Group of twelve WWI POW cards for Czech and Austrian soldiers being held in camps in Russia. Plethora of censor markings and directional handstamps. Estimate $60.00 $32.00
147 Saudi Arabia #173-176, RA4B. The 1945 set of four "Yanbu Harbour near Radwa" and 1946 Postal Tax stamp #RA4B, Type II. This stamp was required on all mail during Jan to July. VF MNH. 2007 Scott. $134.40 $42.00
148 Saudi Arabia #178-179, 180-184, 185-186. Three complete 1950-1951 mint sets. #180-184 is mint hinged, the rest MNH. 2007 Scott. $198.00 $42.00
149 Saudi Arabia #187-200. Five complete sets 1952-1953 period. Most VF MNH (#197 and #200 are MH). 2007 Scott. $289.20 $55.00
150 Southwest Africa #B5, B6, B8. Three of the four 1938 issue "Voortrekker Centenary" semi-postals, all F/VF MH. 2007 Scott. $94.80 $28.00
151 Sweden #156. The 1925 issue 120 ore coil. Perfect MNH. A very rare stamp in exceptional condition. 2006 Facit #171 at 1,800 SEK= $300.00 $110.00
152 Switzerland #B3, B6, B9, B10. Quartet of key value 1915 to 1918 issue semi-postals, all F/VF used. 2007 Scott. $255.00 $46.00
153 Switzerland #B60, B79, B84, B149. Quartet of key value "blue" semi-postals, 1931 to 1945 period issues. All VF used. 2007 Scott. $125.00 $28.00
154 USA #11, 26, 26a. Stamps and covers. Used and sound, small faults plus three covers, one with #11 and two with #26, some age and handling faults. 2007 Scott. $156.00 $40.00
155 USA #117. The 1869 issue 12c green "S.S. Adriatic". Fine used. Very clear and complete impression of the "G" type grill. 2007 Scott. $192.00 $36.00
156 USA #146,156,157,158,161,178,182,183,184,186,187, 214. Twelve different Banknote issues, all sound and used. 2007 Scott. $251.50 $32.00
157 USA #213. F/VF mint LH example of the 1887 issue 2c green "Washington". 2007 Scott. $60.00 $26.00
158 USA #RW10. F/VF MNH sheet margin example of the 1943 issue "Wood Ducks" $1.00 carmine Duck stamp. Note plate # in selvedge. 2007 Scott. $108.00 $50.00
159 Worldwide - "A-B" country collection of over 1,900 mostly different mint and used stamps on quadrille pages in old springback binder. Nothing more recent than the 1970s. Noted Aden, Alsace Lorraine, Antigua, Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium and area, etc. Estimate $150.00 $100.00
160 Worldwide - "J-L" country collection of about 700 stamps, mint and used. Mainly 1940s to 1960s with some exceptions. Noted Jamaica, Jersey, Jugoslavia, Kenya, Lesotho, etc. Estimate $50.00 $42.00