Weeda Stamps Ltd.
P.O. Box 5096, Station B
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Canada V8R 6N3

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Bidboard Number:


Closing Date:

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Lot # Description Catalogue Value
or Estimate
1 Andorra Spanish Administration #19/231, E3. Dealer’s stock on three black stockpages including #19 and E3 (both mint, Hinge Remnant), a page of blocks (#37-39 used) and #42/49 (used) with up to 25 of a type. The lot concludes with 21 perforated and imperforate values from an unissued 1875 series, 9 airmail labels and 2 charity "Cinderella" stamps. The mint material (which is mostly Never Hinged) catalogues US$344.50 and the used at US$79.45. Total 2023 Scott US$424.95 = $573.68 $46.00
2 Australia #1/2202. Trio of red Uni-Safe 32-page stockbooks with a lovely stock of used (and some mint) 20th century Australian regular issues. Sorted and identified by Scott, often including sub-numbers with anywhere from 1-5 of a type, making it perfect to build or supplement a collection, or develop a dealer’s stock. Starts with first issue ‘Roos up to 1/-, second issue to 2/- with the GeoV "Heads" including a couple nice "OS" perfins. The 1930’s-1940’s issues are well covered (with Robes up to £1) and including some mint issues. By the 1970’s, the issues are mostly used and by 1999 there is less coverage, but not much duplication. The stamps appear to be in decent condition. One of the albums has some damage to a spine corner, which does not detract from this excellent building block lot. Estimate = $200.00 $110.00
3 Australia #1/393, M1-M6. A lightly remaindered mint Hinged and used collection on Stanley Gibbons pages for 1913-1965 pre-decimal issues. Mainly mint Hinged after 1936. Somewhat short on 'Roos, less so on Heads, and fairly comprehensive otherwise. The collector has included some colour variations here and there. Overall excellent quality with close to 400 stamps, housed in a three-ring binder with all the pages in sheet protectors. Owner's 2023 Scott US$1,883.60 = $2,582.85 $100.00
4 Australia #6/179, O1/O14, CO1. A used assortment of better Australian singles and a bit of an accumulation of "official" overprints and one perfin. The better include #6, #100 (nicely used with its twin perforated small "OS") and the three high value "Robes". The officials are organized more by denomination than chronology and are catalogued as the cheapest possible variation (so some potential upside). Overall condition is excellent, but some minor faults are to be expected. The OS perfin is not counted in the total catalogue value. 2023 Scott US$592.10 = $799.34 $140.00
5 Australia #406/1680a. Small binder with a mint offering of sets and singles on "102" cards for issues between 1966-1998. Starts with the "Birds and Explorers" to $4.00, and there is a good run of the high-denomination "Paintings" (face value A$29.00). There is a page with se-tenant strips, returning to the "Fish and Shells" issue and the Aussie Rules Football issues (#1508-1523). Rounding out the offering throughout is a number of sets, with good catalogue values and face values that add up quickly. A couple of the early sets are hinged, but the majority is very fine mint, Never Hinged, with the occasional used set slipped in. About 200 different stamps. Estimate = $140.00 $110.00
6 Australia - An envelope box with the balance of the estate of a local collector/dealer of Australian material. Includes material written up for sale (many years ago), stockpages and loose material. Much of this material has not seen the light of day for thirty years. There is a significant collection and duplicates from a "VG" perfin study, as well as regular issues with multiples, coils, cancels, a few booklets and lots of used better material for issues between 1920-1970 (noted a couple 5/- ‘Roos). Bring your patience and your organizing skills. Estimate = $170.00 $220.00
7 Australia - Bundle of "New Issues" stamp issued between 1972-1995, many still in their original Post Office packages. Includes singles, sets, se-tennant, souvenir sheets (often duplicated) and a number of blocks or sheetlets. Expect almost everything to be very fine, mint Never Hinged. Great way to build a collection or stock. Includes a bit of associated "Islands" (Christmas, Cocos) and some Australian Antarctic Territory, all valid for postage in Australia and counted in the owner’s conservative face value. Total face value AUD$300.00 = $264.67 $180.00
8 Australia - Eclectic consignment balance, in the order of appearance includes three pages of used postage dues including several nice blocks, a couple of pages of OS perfins, a couple of retired circuit books and better loose sets and singles (including a 1970 Cook ANPEX souvenir sheet and some "Roos", "Heads" and "Robes" which are found periodically). Next are several presentation packs, manila stockpages and a small stockbook with used, including late 20th century high values, even a couple of early QEII panes. There is even a small group of "OS" and "BCOF" forged overprints, that will not fool many. If all of that doesn’t entice you, how about the sometimes organized, mostly loose 1990’s postage, with face values up to AUD$10.00 which although a bit unorganized, we would easily estimate the face value to be at least AUD$200.00. Any Aussie collector will be happy to dig through this. Estimate = $200.00 $170.00
9 Australia - Intriguing pair of black stockpages with better mint singles, blocks and booklet panes. The singles include a couple of "Roos", a 4d "Head", 5/- cattle, mint "Robes" (including a 10/- specimen), £2 "Arms" and mint officials O12-O13. The blocks include nine KGV "Heads" including a pair of 1 1/2d with Brusden-White listed "double perforations" (which are hinge reinforced as there is so little paper left between the stamps). Finally, there are a couple of imprint or gutter blocks, a pair of Sydney Harbour blocks and a QEII booklet pane. Overall appearance is quite fresh with a mix of Hinged / Never Hinged. A great way to increase the eye appeal to your collection. Estimate = $150.00 $85.00
10 Australian States - A stockpage with the last bits from a collection. The top row is New South Wales, the best being the 20/- postage due overprinted "Specimen". Tasmania is represented by one mint 1/- and a 1p used Chalon. There are 20 used stamps from Victoria which have good catalogue value (totalling about $1000.00), but expect faults. There is also a two pence "Swan" from Western Australia is perforated "OS" and lastly, four mint stamps from the Northwest Pacific Islands. A nice study group. Estimate = $140.00 $80.00
11 Australian States - Small but mighty mix of partial collections on pages including New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia, with individual catalogue values up to US$125.00 and a number of better readable cancels. Along with the array of stamps are some revenues (including from the Commonwealth period). Most are used, and the usual mixed condition can be expected, but we shouldn’t neglect the three mint Swans from Western Australia, all reasonably hinged #57, 101-102 (these 3 catalogue US$156.00 alone). Perfect for the student of early Oz. Estimate = $150.00 $150.00
12 Austria #110-127. Complete mint Hinged set of the 1908-1916 Franz Josef / Pictorial stamp series of 18 stamps. Post Office fresh colours, which is well above average for this 110 year old set. 2023 Scott US$286.80 = $387.20 $65.00
13 Austria - Small mounted collection of "first century" issues, including some earlier, followed by several black and manila stockpages with mint and used singles, blocks and souvenir sheets (these from the late 19th century to the early 1970’s, with moderate to heavy duplication). The lot concludes with a small "KEK" brand stockbook with a pleasing selection of mostly 1950’s onward mint. While there is a touch of "Back of the Book" material here (including a mint P1a, catalogue $225.00), most of these stamps are regular issue definitives and commemoratives. Overall the condition of this lot is excellent. Estimate = $150.00 $70.00
14 Austria - Terrific pre-1960 collection of 1197 mostly different stamps, mounted in an old "Piral" 2-post album. Slightly more used than mint, including extensive regular issues, semi-postals, occupation, military, postage due, newspaper stamps (and the list goes on). Besides good quality issues, often with very nice cancels, the material is supplemented with reprints and different shades. Several years ago, someone started cataloguing this collection and came up with a total of $2,432.00, and that was WITHOUT the first dozen pages being tallied. In the earlier pages there are individual stamps to $50.00 catalogue value. Later highlights include #288a-294a, B225-251, B260-263, B269-271, B273-276, J1-9, J132-158, Offices in Levant #32a-35b. The condition is remarkably clean. This is perfect for the specialist or the specialist "in-waiting". Estimate = $450.00 $220.00
15 Austria and Spain Group - Mint and used 19th and 20th century collections/accumulations of many hundreds of stamps total, from these two European countries, offered as received. Strength noted in the Austrian section (one springback album and a loose group of mixed pages). The Spain section (on mixed album pages and stocksheets) also includes older material but runs to a much more modern range. Could be finds lurking. Estimate = $150.00 $80.00
16 Belgium #1/1687, B6/B926. Dealers stock that would equate to about 1/3 of a "red box" worth of "102" cards from 1849-1998 period with mostly used material, easily convertible to a collection or integrating into / starting a stock. Starts with a few of the first King Leopold I design, with a bit of duplication, and then settles into a sporadic offering of mostly used sets and singles, with a small offering of semi-postals (and a few other random "back of the book" issues). Items have been individually identified by Scott, but not catalogued or priced. Overall appearance and condition is very nice, a few of the earlier have faults (including #12 used). Estimate = $150.00 $48.00
17 Belgium #435-455, B514. Complete mint Never Hinged set (including the high-value semi postal) of the 1952 Universal Postal Union (UPU) 13th Congress, held in Brussels. Post Office fresh with unblemished gum. A choice set. 2023 Scott US$261.90 = $353.55 $55.00
18 Brazil #1886. Some kind of South American fever must have temporarily overcome this philatelist while in line at the Post Office! An absolute hoard of the 1983 souvenir sheet (with 376cr face value) issued to honour the 100th anniversary of the death of Louis Breguet, noted for his early work with telegraphs, so fittingly shown with both telegraph lines as well as a transmitter. Because they are now over 40 years old, we have replaced most of the rubber bands, otherwise this is just as purchased. Still arranged as purchased in glassines, with each glassine having 10 copies (and there are 100 glassines). Total of 1000x very fine, mint, Never Hinged souvenir sheets. 2023 Scott US$7500.00 = $10,125.00 $140.00
19 British Antarctic Territory #1-15, 16-19. Fresh and VF mint Lightly Hinged examples of the 1963 "first issue" set of 15 and the 1966 issue "Churchill Memorial" set of 4. 2024 Scott US$213.35 = $288.00 $65.00
20 British Carribean - A "saints alive" assortment of miscellaneous material. Includes 1) St. Lucia (#7/12, 3 copies #104, #504-515 and several souvenir sheets from the 1990’s). 2) St. Vincent with a nicely mounted collection from GeoVI to mid-QEII, with some souvenir sheets, including from "the Grenadines". Lastly, "for the record", there are a few St.Kitts-Nevis stamps too. A interesting little offering awaiting some re-organization. Estimate = $130.00 $44.00
21 British Carribean - Grouping that includes 1)Grenada, represented by nice GeoVI mint set, an Apollo souvenir sheet with unlisted "Philympia 1970" overprint (apparently only 300 overprinted). 2) Some terrific Trinidad classics, followed up with some Trinidad and Tobago with some better values. 3) A good-sized section of a mounted Dominica collection. 4) Grouping of the ever-popular Disney souvenir sheets and finally a bit of Antigua, Cayman Island and a Leeward Islands 3/- GeoV mint definitive. Lots of value here and not often offered material. Estimate = $150.00 $110.00
22 British Central Africa #58b, 58b (VARIETY), 59d. Three Very Fine used examples of the 1898 issue "Internal Postage" provisionals, all Type I and without control number on reverse, consisting of the imperforate variety with two frame shades (ultramarine and deep ultramarine) and the perf 12 x 12 varieties. 2024 Scott US$555.00 = $749.25 $160.00
23 British Commonwealth - British "Pacific" grouping. Selection of New Zealand administered British colonies. A wild and largely untamed assortment starting with Aitutaki (nice group of EdwardVII overprints, over $100.00 catalogue value on the first page alone) along with a retired circuit book. The Cook Islands are well represented, including "new issues" in their original envelopes from the 1970’s, retired circuit books, stockpages, and some representation from the early "Captain Cook" issues. There is a touch of Niue and Penrhyn Islands, and then back to a decent offering of Samoan issues, finishing with a mix of Tokelau and Tuvalu. Overall condition is quite good, duplication is mild, and the value will add up quickly. Estimate = $150.00 $190.00
24 British Commonwealth - British Africa. Mostly from the Southern half of the continent. An assortment of album pages, stockpages and cards, envelopes, etc. We noted some nice South Africa, Southwest Africa, Transvaal, Natal, Cape of Good Hope, Swaziland, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tanzania (including a number of sheetlets and souvenir sheets), Rhodesia, Gold Coast, Nigeria and a selection of complete mint sheets from Zambia. Mostly 20th century up to about 1995. Mix of common and better, unchecked for varieties or cancels. The past owner’s notes indicate lots of catalogue value here, but we will leave that for you to decide. Estimate = $150.00 $220.00
25 British Commonwealth - Christmas Islands #1/21; Cocos Islands #1-7; Cook Islands #6/178, B1-B7, C1-C2. Very Fine mint Lightly Hinged selection of 84 different 1892 to 1966 period issues from these South Pacific islands chain, almost all in complete sets. Great topicals. All laid out on three Hagner stocksheets. 2024 Scott US$229.75 = $310.16 $110.00
26 British Commonwealth - Overprints on GB and India. Mint and used collection of 384 almost all different stamps, Victorian through Elizabethan era issues. Mostly GB Offices (Tangier, MEF, EAF, BMA Eritrea, B A Tripolitania, Levant, Morocco Agencies) plus some additional GB/India (Bahrain, Muscat). All laid out on black stock pages, nicely organized and identified. A great lot for the fan of "provisional" Commonwealth material. Owner's 2012/2017 Scott US$1,091.00 = $1,472.85 $300.00
27 British Commonwealth - Sometimes the last is not the least, and that is the case with this banker’s box and the end of the line for this consignment. Granted there are a couple of philatelically inspired pieces here (such as an album for the 1982 Commonwealth Day issues), but there is a substantial amount of album pages, stockcards and retired circuit books of many shapes and sizes. Most have made it into this lot because they hold multiple (often unrelated) colonies on one page, meaning that they don’t fit easily anywhere. You won’t see much GB, Canada, Australia, New Zealand here, but almost everywhere else where the "sun never sets" is represented here. Most is pre-mid-Elizabethan, with some Victorian. If you collect the Commonwealth, this lot will not disappoint. Estimate = $200.00 $280.00
28 British Commonwealth Potpurri - Mostly mint selection/accumulation of several hundred stamps, on printed album pages, in a stockbook and on quadrille pages. The lot consists of: mint Never Hinged 1981 issue Charles and Diana Royal Wedding commemorative sets and souvenir sheets on special printed pages; Aitutaki, Nauru, Niue, Norfolk Islands, Pitcairn Islands, Omnibus issues and more, neatly organized in a green stockbook; and finally, mostly mint Hinged omnibus sets and short pictorial sets on quadrille pages. Lots of variety here for your Commonwealth albums. Estimate = $200.00 $90.00
29 British Honduras #1/98. A "sampler" page, containing 46 mostly used stamps QV to GeoV, all neatly laid out and identified by the consignor. A few duplicates included, but not counted in the total catalogue value. Owner's 2022 Scott US$413.65 = $558.45 $150.00
30 British Honduras / Belize - Selection of 206 stamps mint and used stamps, neatly arranged and identified on pages by the consignor from GeoV to QEII. The mint material is almost all Never Hinged (143 Never Hinged stamps) and includes a few duplicates which were not counted in the total catalogue value. Owner's 2022 Scott US$424.22 = $572.50 $55.00
31 British Pacific - Like the Islands themselves, these items are scattered all over the place including Norfolk, Papua, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Nauru, Cocos (Keeling) and a very nice offering of QEII Pitcairn Islands. A mix of old auction lots, album pages and some better retired circuit books. Note, there is some other non-Pacific material that slipped in with the circuit books, which was not counted / considered in the estimated value. Estimate = $130.00 $170.00
32 Canada #2. Fine to Very Fine appearing used example of the 1851 issue 6p Consort on vertically laid paper. Margins close to large on all sides. Clear 7-ring target cancel. Small corner fault at upper left. 2024 Scott US$1,500.00 = $2,025.00 $400.00
33 Canada #4c. Fine/Very Fine used example of the 1852-1857 issue 3p Beaver imperf on the scarce horizontally ribbed paper. Clear strike of the "19" 4-ring numeral cancel (London UC). 2024 Scott Classic US$525.00 = $708.75 $190.00
34 Canada #4d. Sound and F/VF four clear margin used example of the orange red 3 penny Beaver imperf on the Scott and Unitrade listed thin paper. Attractive light blue 7-ring target cancel. 2024 Scott US$225.00 = $303.75 $90.00
35 Canada #5. Sound and Fine/Very Fine used example of the 1855 issue 6p slate grey Consort imperforate on wove paper. Decent margins, indistinct 4-ring numeral postmark. 2024 Scott US$1,150.00 = $1,552.50 $325.00
36 Canada #7. Sound and lightly cancelled used example of the 1855 issue 10p blue Jacques Cartier imperf on thin crisp paper. An attractive pence era item. 2024 Scott US$1,500.00 = $2,025.00 $400.00
37 Canada #9. Fine/Very Fine appearing used example of the 1857 issue 7½p green Queen Victoria imperforate on wove paper. Margins huge to just in. Small repair at upper right corner noted for the record. Rich deep colour. Still a great looking early Canadian Classic. 2024 Scott US$3,000.00 = $4,050.00 $325.00
38 Canada #9. Sound, fresh and Fine/Very Fine used example of the 1857 issue 7½p green Victoria imperf on wove paper. Large margins on three sides, margin at top well clear of frameline. Well struck and light 7-ring target cancel. 2024 Scott US$3,000.00 = $4,050.00 $1,075.00
39 Canada #11. The rare 1858 half penny rose perforated pence issue, sound and Fine used. Extremely light but still legible light "1858" year date from a sock on the nose CDS cancel. Only issued for a very short period of time and missing from most collections we see. 2024 Scott US$1,500.00= $2,025.00 $450.00
40 Canada #14 Numeral Cancel Selection. Nineteen used examples of the 1859 issue 1c rose "First Cents", all postmarked with different 4-ring numeral cancels, ranging between #22 and #52, plus #516 and #627. All mounted on two exhibition pages. The rarity factors run between 3 and 9. Valued as basic used stamps by Scott catalogue. Expect some faults but some very scarce postmarks here. 2024 Scott US$1,710.00 = $2,308.50 $550.00
41 Canada #14 Specialist Septet. Used group of seven examples of the 1859 issue 1c rose, selected for various eye-catching reasons. In the group, note a very early date (July 1859), an example with inscription in the lower margin, a dramatic mis-perf and a range of unusual cancels (green target, two red CDS and registered strait-lines). All conservatively valued as the basic Scott listed stamps but worth more. 2024 Scott US$630.00 = $850.50 $150.00
42 Canada #14, 14a Plus Extras Study Lot. Used group of twenty 1c Victorias from the 1859 "First Cents" issue, selected at random from an old-time hoard. Unchecked for shades, papers, perfs or plate varieties. Generally sound and Fine or better, but expect the odd small fault in a lot of this type. A great assemblage of these popular classics, perfect for the student of early Canadian issues. All valued as the basic (and least expensive) type by Scott catalogue. 2024 Scott US$1,800.00 = $2,430.00 $200.00
43 Canada #14, 14b. Lightly cancelled used strips of three of the rose and deep rose shades of the 1859 issue 1c Victoria from the "First Cents" series. One of the rose shade stamps has a surface scuff at lower left (not counted in the catalogue value total). Used multiples of the 1c are scarce and attractive items. Valued as 5 singles. 2024 Scott US$630.00 = $850.50 $95.00
44 Canada #14, 15, 18, 20 (x 2) Cancel Lot. Group of five 1859-1864 "First Cents" issues, all postmarked with "37" numeral cancels (Quebec City). Note two different frame types. Valued as basic used stamps by Scott catalogue. Expect some small faults. 2024 Scott US$977.50 = $1,319.65 $130.00
45 Canada #14/18 Coloured Target Cancels. Colourful selection of 1c (x 3), 5c (x 3 sound, + 1 damaged not counted), 12½c (x 3) and 17c (x 4) "First Cents" issues, all with 7-ring target cancels in various eye-catching shades of blue, red, orange and brown. Conservatively valued as basic stamps only but worth a premium due to the scarce nature of the postmarks. 2024 Scott US$1,517.50 = $2,048.65 $200.00
46 Canada #14/655, C1/C7. Mostly mint collection of 513 almost all different stamps, 1859 to 1974 period issues, all housed in a top-of-the-line Lindner Hingeless album with matching slipcase. Some used stamps noted in the earlier material. Almost all are "regular" issues, with the only "Back of the Book" issues consisting of a trio of airmails. All the early mint is conservatively valued as Hinged, even though some Never Hinged was noted in the mix. Lots of nice singles and (some) sets noted. Expect some faults in the earlier material (some not counted). Great basis for expansion. 2024 Scott US$6,350.45 = $8,573.10 $170.00
47 Canada #14-15, 17-20. Sound and Fine basic used set of 1859-1864 "First Cents" issues. A respectable and decent starter set. 2024 Scott US$1,027.50 = $1,387.13 $85.00
48 Canada #15. Fine/Very Fine fresh and sound mint small part OG example of the 1859 issue 5c vermilion "Beaver". A superior quality example of this well-known "First Cents" classic. 2024 Scott US$800.00 = $1,080.00 $190.00
49 Canada #17 Shades and Numeral Cancel Selection. Nineteen used examples of the 1859 issue 10c Consort "First Cents", all postmarked with almost all different 4-ring numeral cancels, ranging between #26 and #51. All mounted on one exhibition page. The rarity factors run between 2 and 8. Valued as basic used stamps by Scott catalogue. Expect some faults but note some very scarce postmarks and Very Fine stamps here. 2024 Scott US$3,325.00 = $4,488.75 $1,375.00
50 Canada #17a. Mint no gum example of the lilac shade of the 1859 issue 10c Consort. One short perf at top, otherwise a sound and Fine stamp. Note partial inscription in the margin at right. Valued as mint no gum. 2024 Scott US$1,600.00 = $2,160.00 $130.00
51 Canada #18 Shades and Numeral Cancel Selection. Eight used examples of the 1859 issue 12½c Victoria "First Cents", all postmarked with all different 4-ring numeral cancels, ranging between #36 and #52. All mounted on one exhibition page. The rarity factors run between 3 and 8. Valued as basic used stamps by Scott catalogue. Expect some faults but note various shades and some Fine stamps here. 2024 Scott US$1,200.00 = $1,620.00 $375.00
52 Canada #20. Sound, fresh and Fine mint disturbed part Original Gum example of the 1864 issue 2c rose Victoria from the "First Cents" series. 2024 Scott US$1,250.00 = $1,687.50 $160.00
53 Canada #21, 23, 24, 27, 30. Sound and Fine / Very Fine used group of six different Large Queens. A better than good start to a complete set of these mid-19th century classics. A few nice VF stamps in this lot. 2024 Scott Classic US$600.00 = $810.00 $55.00
54 Canada #22b. Fresh and Fine centred mint OG Hinged example of the 1868 issue 1c brown red Large Queen on thin paper. 2024 Scott US$1,500.00 = $2,025.00 $160.00
55 Canada #23. The 1868 issue 1c yellow orange Large Queen. Fresh and Fine/Very Fine mint Hinge Remnant. 2024 Scott US$2,750.00 = $3,712.50 $210.00
56 Canada #24b. Very Fine centered mint OG Hinged example of the 1868 issue 2c deep green Large Queen on thin paper. Rich colour, sharp impression. 2024 Scott US$1,500.00 = $2,025.00 $160.00
57 Canada #27c. Very Fine centered mint (disturbed OG) Hinge Remnant example of the 1868 issue 6c dark brown Large Queen on thin paper. An early printing with crisp design details. Some shorter perfs at top noted for the record. 2024 Scott US$2,500.00 = $3,375.00 $325.00
58 Canada #28b. Just Fine centered mint disturbed Original Gum Hinge Remnant example of the 1868 issue 12½c blue Large Queen on thin paper. Great colour, sharp impression. 2024 Scott US$1,500.00 = $2,025.00 $140.00
59 Canada #30c. Fancy cork cancelled and Fine centered used example of the 15c Large Queen, deep violet shade on very thick paper. The usual thin (this is very delicate blotter type paper) noted for the record. Still one of the rarest Large Queen varieties. A good reference copy. 2024 Scott US$1,200.00 = $1,620.00 $375.00
60 Canada #33. Fine centered used example of the 3c red Large Queen on the rare delicate laid paper (Duckworth #5). Partial 7-ring target cancel. A few shorter perfs noted for the record. A rare stamp in much nicer than usual condition. 2024 Scott US$2,400.00 = $3,240.00 $475.00
61 Canada #34, 35, 36. Very Fresh and Fine/Very Fine mint Never Hinged trio of Small Queens, consisting of the ½c black, 1c yellow and 2c green. A more than decent and pretty start to a Never Hinged set. 2024 Scott Classic US$370.00 = $499.50 $90.00
62 Canada #34/156. All Fine mint OG Hinged collection of 69 different 1870 to 1928 issue stamps, all laid out on two Hagner stocksheets. The group includes a nice sampler range of Small Queens, Jubilees, Leafs, Numerals, Xmas Maps, Edwards, Tercentenaries, Admirals and Scrolls plus more, including commemorative sets, coils and imperfs. While the odd small fault is to be expected, there are more than enough Fine stamps in the selection to satisfy the collector. This lot is the perfect mint Canadian starter collection for the collector who doesn't mind a bit of hinging. 2024 Scott US$3,380.65 = $4,563.80 $180.00
63 Canada #34/655 Plus Back of the Book. Mint Hinged and used collection of 742 stamps, 1870 to 1975 period issues, all mounted in an old Minkus Canada album. Sparse in the earlies, the collection becomes more comprehensive after 1950. Noted a useful "Back of the Book" section. 2024 Scott US$1,796.70 = $2,425.55 $65.00
64 Canada #34-40. All mint selection of the seven basic 1870-1889 "early printing" Small Queens. Most have no gum but are otherwise sound and Fine/Very Fine. The particularly fresh and vibrant colours are probably due to the fact that the gum was washed off a long time ago. 2024 Scott US$2,842.50 = $3,837.40 $110.00
65 Canada #35d. Very Fine mint mint no gum example of the 1c orange Small Queen in the scarce perf 11½ x 12. Sharp impression, great colour. 2024 Scott cat $450.00 = $607.50 $38.00
66 Canada #35d, 38a, 39b, 40c, 40e. Used selection of five different Small Queens, consisting of the 1c yellow, 5c slate green, 6c yellow brown and two shades of the 10c, all perf 11½ x 12. The group includes #40e, the rare pale milky rose lilac 10c value (a few shorter perfs at top noted for the record). 2024 Scott US$1,157.50 = $1,562.65 $180.00
67 Canada #37/160. Used stock of QV Small Queens to GeoV Scroll issues on black stockpages in a three-ring binder. Just good old-fashioned value with the potential for cancels in this used stock. Includes Small Queens to 6c, QV Leafs to 10c, QV numerals to 20c, QV revalue overprints, EdwardVII to 50c and 1908 Tercentenary to 7c. The GeoV issues (Admiral and Scrolls) are only represented as coils. Some significant duplication and mixed condition is to be expected (as you would expect with a group this size). Items with individual catalogue values under $1.00 each are not counted in the total catalogue value. 2023 Scott US$9805.25 = $13,237.09 $160.00
68 Canada #38. Fresh and Fine+ mint disturbed (glazed) original gum example of the 1876 issue 5c olive green Small Queen. Attractively centered. 2024 Scott US$725.00 = $978.75 $85.00
69 Canada - Two-Ring Numerals on ½c, 2c, 5c, 8c and 10c Small Queens. Massive hoard of mixed quality but mostly legible selection of two-ring numeral cancels, all on 27 used examples of almost exclusively the early (1872) printings of the ½c (#34) 2c (#36), 5c (#39) and 10c (#40) Small Queen. A few later printings of the 5c and 8c (#42 & 44) were also noted. While some of the stamps may have minor faults, there is a wide range of different numerals and there are numerous scarcer postmarks here. The stamps themselves have not been checked for better shades, perfs, papers or plate varieties. Excellent "find" potential for the Small Queen postmark specialist and 19th century "flyspecker". Estimate = $250.00 $180.00
70 Canada - Two-Ring Numerals on 1c and 3c Small Queens. Massive hoard of mixed quality but mostly legible selection of two-ring numeral cancels, all on 88 used examples of almost exclusively the early (1872) printings of the 1c and 3c Small Queen (#35, 37). A few later 3c printings (#41) were also noted. While some of the stamps may have minor faults, there is a wide range of different numerals and there are numerous scarcer postmarks here. The stamps themselves have not been checked for better shades, perfs, papers or plate varieties. Excellent "find" potential for the Small Queen postmark specialist and 19th century "flyspecker". An additional page of London "6" duplex postmarks is also included. Estimate = $350.00 $375.00
71 Canada - Two-Ring Numerals on 6c Small Queens. Mixed quality but mostly legible selection of two-ring numeral cancels, all on 22 examples of the early (1872) printing yellow brown (and shades) Small Queen (#39). While some of the stamps may have minor faults, there are some scarcer postmarks here and the stamps themselves have not been checked for shades, perfs, papers or plate varieties. Conservatively valued by Scott as the basic used stamps. 2024 Scott US$605.00 = $816.75 $280.00
72 Canada #40. Fine/Very Fine centered large margin mint part Original Gum example of the 1877 issue dull rose lilac 10c Small Queen. This is the basic shade of the early 10c Small Queen printing. 2024 Scott US$1,250.00 = $1,687.50 $170.00
73 Canada #41, 42, 43, 45. Mint Hinged/Hinge Remnant quartet of "later printing" (1888-1897) Small Queens, consisting of the 3c vermilion, 5c grey, 6c red brown and 10c brown red. Apart from a few irregular perfs, a sound and Fine group. 2024 Scott US$1,175.00 = $1,586.25 $130.00
74 Canada #41-45. All mint selection of the five basic 1870-1889 "later printing" Small Queens. Most have no gum but are otherwise sound and Fine/Very Fine. The fresh colours are probably due to the fact that the gum was washed off a long time ago. 2024 Scott US$1,435.00 = $1,937.25 $90.00
75 Canada #43. Fresh and Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1888 issue 6c red brown Small Queen. Attractively centered, nice impression. 2024 Scott US$800.00 = $1,080.00 $250.00
76 Canada #46-47. Fresh and Fine/Very Fine mint Hinge Remnant/Disturbed gum examples of the 20c vermilion and 50c deep blue Widow Weeds 1893 issue high values. A couple light handling bends noted for the record. 2024 Scott US$800.00 = $1,080.00 $130.00
77 Canada #47. Fresh and Fine/Very Fine mint 1893 issue 50c deep blue high value Queen Victoria "Widows Weeds". Expertly regummed to appear Never Hinged (would fool many). Valued as Hinged. 2024 Scott US$400.00 = $540.00 $65.00
78 Canada #50-60. Fine/Very Fine mint Hinged and Never Hinged part set of eleven 1897 QV Jubilees, running from the ½c black up to and including the 50c ultramarine value. All conservatively valued as Hinged. 2024 Scott US$1,778.00 = $2,400.30 $130.00
79 Canada #53, 56, 57, 59, 61. Quintet of QV used Jubilee issues, all with the "S.L.A Co." private perfin. A striking offering, with five different values from the 3c to $1.00, all with the private perfin of "Sun Life Assurance Company". A tough to assemble offering, all being reasonably fault free with the exception of the 10c value which has a scuff on the face of the stamp (mentioned for the record). Worthy of any Canadian collection. Estimate = $300.00 $150.00
80 Canada #55, 56, 58, 59. Mid-value QV Jubilee quartet (6c, 8c, 15c and 20c), all F/VF and with matching "Ottawa Canada NPB" CDS cancels. The "NPB" is an acronym for "News Paper Branch" which handed much of the mass-distribution printed rate material sent by the Post Office. A neat group to get with matching cancels. 2024 Scott US$625.00 = $843.75 $200.00
81 Canada #57, 58, 60. Sound and Fine/Very Fine used trio of medium value 1897 QV Jubilees, consisting of the 10c brown violet, 15c steel blue and 50c ultramarine. The two lower values have light but indistinct postmarks. The 50c value has a clear Winnipeg roller. Pretty decent centering noted on all three stamps. 2024 Scott US$500.00 = $675.00 $65.00
82 Canada #58. Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 15c steel blue 1897 QV Jubilee issue. Sharp impression, pristine gum, deep original colour. A couple of shorter perfs at bottom noted for the record. 2024 Scott US$750.00 = $1,012.50 $140.00
83 Canada #61. Fine+ attractively centered mint example of the 1897 issue $1.00 lake Queen Victoria Jubilee. The gum is Never Hinged but some minor disturbances noted so valued as Hinged. A good start to the dollar high values of this popular series. 2024 Scott Classic US$750.00 = $1,012.50 $190.00
84 Canada #61. VF centered used example of the 1897 issue $1.00 lake Queen Victoria Jubilee, with "Toronto ON / 3" roller cancel. A very respectable used example of this elusive stamp. 2023 Scott US$700.00 = $945.00 $260.00
85 Canada #62. Sound, fresh and Fine mint Hinged $2.00 dark purple 1897 issue Queen Victoria Jubilee high value. Great colour. 2024 Scott US$1,300.00= $1,755.00 $450.00
86 Canada #62 FORGERY. Fascinating example of the "High Street, Toronto" squared circle / $2.00 QV Jubilee fake. VF example of the stamp and squared circle, which are both "Bogus" in nature. Although widely speculated about, not much is known about the origin of this philatelic fantasy. Includes an article written by W.G. Moffatt which references these, along with the Squared Circle Study Group entry page which illustrates the postmark and "known usages". An interesting "plus value" addition to any QV Canadian collection. Estimate = $200.00 $220.00
87 Canada #65. F/VF centered used example of the $5.00 olive green 1897 issue Queen Victoria Jubilee high value. Tidy "Union Station, Toronto / 2" roller cancel and a couple minor brown discolorations on a few of the perforations "mentioned for the record". 2023 Scott US$1,000.00 = $1,350.00 $325.00
88 Canada #65. Fresh and Fine to Very Fine used example of the $5.00 olive green 1897 QV Diamond Jubilee issue high value. Light and clear magenta Winnipeg CDS corner cancel. A key Jubilee, missing from most collections. 2024 Scott US$1,000.00 = $1,350.00 $400.00
89 Canada #73, 84. Fresh and Fine mint pristine Never Hinged examples of the 1898 issue 10c brown violet "Leaf" and 1900 issue 20c olive green "Numeral" high value Queen Victorias. 2024 Scott US$2,800.00 = $3,780.00 $150.00
90 Canada - Specialized offering of QV "Leaf" and "Numeral" issues, selected for postmarks and arranged on 11 handmade album pages. A total of 145 stamps, with many better postmarks throughout (included "SON", socked-on-the-nose) and a reconstructed QV booklet pane. Some pretty postmarks throughout, including notable Winkler MB, Gibson NB, Savanne ON and Strathclair Station MB split rings (to name a few). Wonderful specialized material. Estimate = $120.00 $110.00
91 Canada #74-78, 81-83. All sound and Fine mint OG Hinged/Hinge Remnant selection of eight different 1898-1902 Queen Victoria "Numerals". A good start to a mint set. 2024 Scott US$1,117.50 = $1,508.65 $95.00
92 Canada - House of Commons "C" Postmarks. Lightly duplicated selection of Victorian era issues, 23 stamps in total, all with decent strikes of the well-known and popular "C" (House of Commons) postmark. Note a very useful range of different stamps, 1870s to 1890s period issues, including Small Queens, Widows Weeds, Jubilees, Leafs and Numerals. Estimate = $250.00 $160.00
93 Canada #80. Fresh and Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1898 issue 6c brown QV "Numeral". Perfect gum and great colour. 2024 Scott US$400.00 = $540.00 $140.00
94 Canada #81. Fresh and Very Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1902 issue 7c olive yellow Queen Victoria "Numeral". Perfect centering, unusually sharp impression. Unitrade is $900.00 for Very Fine mint Never Hinged. 2024 Scott US$300.00 = $405.00 $375.00
95 Canada #82. Fresh and Fine/Very Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1898 issue 8c orange Queen Victoria "Numeral". 2024 Scott US$700.00 = $945.00 $150.00
96 Canada #89, 90, 90A. Fine/Very Fine mint trio of 1902 issue Edwards, consisting of the 1c green and 2c carmine (both Never Hinged), plus the imperforate 2c value (Lightly Hinged). A "fresh" start to a mint set of Edwards. 2024 Scott US$350.00 = $472.50 $95.00
97 Canada #89, 90, 91, 93. Generally Fine/Very Fine mint OG Hinged/Hinge Remnant selection of four different 1903 issue "Edwards". A good start to a mint set. 2024 Scott US$760.00 = $1,026.00 $65.00
98 Canada #87, 88. Very Fine mint Never Hinged 1899 issue "2 CENTS" provisional surcharges on the 3c carmine "Leaf" and "Numeral" stamps. Unitrade is $240.00 for the Very Fine mint Never Hinged duo. 2024 Scott US$127.50 = $172.15 $60.00
99 Canada #92. Fresh and Fine/Very Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1903 issue 7c olive bistre Edward. Very fresh, immaculate OG. 2024 Scott US$750.00 = $1,012.50 $110.00
100 Canada #94. Perfectly centered mint Hinge Remnant example of the 20c olive green 1904 issue Edward high value. Some minor gum loss at top from hinge removal noted for the record. Unitrade is $1,250.00 for Very Fine mint Hinged. 2024 Scott US$750.00 = $1,012.50 $75.00
101 Canada #94. VF mint OG Hinged example of the 20c olive green 1904 issue Edward high value. Unitrade is $1,250.00 for Very Fine mint Hinged. Comes with the 2024 Gratton certificate for the block of four that this stamp comes from. 2024 Scott US$750.00 = $1,012.50 $130.00
102 Canada #95a. Very well centered and near Jumbo margin mint VF+ example of Scott Classic #95a (Unitrade lists as 95i) deep purple shade of the 1908 issue 50c high value Edward. The stamp is Never Hinged but small gum irregularities cause us to value it as Hinged. Unitrade is $1,500.00 for Very Fine mint Hinged. 2024 Scott US$850.00 = $1,147.50 $425.00
103 Canada #96-103. Complete mint Hinged eight stamp commemorative pictorial set issued for the Quebec Tercentenary of 1908. A good "starter" set of this popular early 20th century series. 2024 Scott Classic US$1,138.00 = $1,536.30 $80.00
104 Canada #103. Well centered, Fine/Very Fine quality mint Never Hinged example of the 1908 issue 20c yellow brown Quebec Tercentenary "Champlain's Arrival" high value. 2024 Scott US$625.00 = $843.75 $300.00
105 Canada #104/120. Fine/Very Fine mint Hinged and Never Hinged part set of 13 different 1911-1925 GeoV Admirals. All conservatively valued as Hinged, even though better Never Hinged values were noted. 2024 Scott US$795.00 = $1,073.25 $65.00
106 Canada #104/184, MR1-MR7iii Used Admiral Eldorado. Stunningly spectacular and high quality used 1c to $1.00 GeoV Admiral study, 320 stamps in total, organized in two separate sections. The first group consists of a carefully organized and accurately identified comprehensive study of Admiral shades, dies, papers and perfs as well as wet & dry printings, annotated and catalogued by Unitrade (plus additional varieties). The issues include regular sheet form stamps, coils and imperfs plus War Tax material. The second section of this study has been assembled mostly for the postmarks (note that the stamps in this section have also been identified for catalogue number). Not missing much as far as Unitrade is concerned. This lot represents for the Admiral or general Canadian collector an exceptional basis for a meticulous and extensive Admiral reference collection. Estimate = $425.00 $325.00
107 Canada #104-122. Basic set of eighteen 1911-1925 issue GeoV Admirals, all sound, fresh and Fine/Very Fine mint. The $1.00 high value and 10c bistre are Never Hinged, the balance are all Hinged or Hinge Remnant. A colorful mint "starter set" of this popular early GeoV series. 2024 Scott US$1,480.00 = $1,998.00 $85.00
108 Canada #104a/109a. All sound and Fine/Very Fine used selection of eight GeoV Admiral booklet panes (six different). The lot consists of #104a, 105a, 105b, 106a (x 2), 107c and 109a (x 2). Used panes are often harder to find than mint. 2024 Scott US$692.50 = $934.90 $210.00
109 Canada #104a/306a. All Fine/Very Fine mint Hinged/Never Hinged selection of 22 different 1911 to 1951 issue GeoV and GeoVI period booklet panes. All neatly organized and identified (for catalogue # and H/NH) on Hagner brand stocksheets. 2024 Scott US$241.50 = $326.00 $110.00
110 Canada #105/122. All fresh and Fine/Very Fine mint Never Hinged selection of ten different 1911-1925 GeoV Admiral issues, ranging from 1c up to $1.00 values. The complete lot consists of #105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 112, 114, 118, 120 and 122. An excellent start to a Never Hinged set. 2024 Scott Classic US$1,082.50 = $1,461.40 $140.00
111 Canada #107a. Perfectly centered, Very Fine mint block of four (2 Very Lightly Hinged, 2 Never Hinged) example of the rich green shade of the 2c GeoV Admiral, printed on the 1924 experimental thin paper. A magnificent block. 2024 Unitrade = $240.00 $65.00
112 Canada #111. Fresh and Very Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1912 issue 5c dark blue KGV Admiral. One of the key Admiral values. Unitrade is $900.00 for Very Fine mint Never Hinged. 2024 Scott US$500.00 = $675.00 $375.00
113 Canada #116. Fresh and Fine/Very Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1912 issue 10c plum KGV Admiral. One of the key early Admirals. 2024 Scott US$700.00 = $945.00 $260.00
114 Canada #117a Lathework. Vertical straight edge sheet margin strip of four of the 1922 issue 10c blue GeoV Admiral, dry printing. Note the Unitrade listed 40% type "D" lathework in the margin at bottom. Valued as a regular strip of four by Scott. 2024 Scott US$440.00 = $594.00 $875.00
115 Canada #122. Fresh and Very Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1925 issue $1.00 orange high value GeoV Admiral, dry printing. Unitrade is $360.00 for Very Fine mint Never Hinged. 2024 Scott Classic US$215.00 = $290.25 $130.00
116 Canada #123, 124, 131, 132, 133, 134. Exceptional used half dozen Admiral coil pairs, both perf 8 and perf 12 types. All are cancelled with premium clear and legible CDS postmarks (two from the North West Territories). All graded as Fine or Very Fine pairs by the consignor, consisting of; in Fine condition #123, 124 and 132; in Very Fine condition #131, 133 and 134. A superior quality offering. Owner's conservative 2024 Unitrade = $557.50 $190.00
117 Canada #133. Fresh and Very Fine mint Never Hinged pair of the 1924 issue 2c green perf 12 GeoV Admiral coil, wet printing. The key Admiral coil. Great colour, perfect centering. Pristine and unblemished OG. Unitrade is $625.00 for a Very Fine mint Never Hinged pair. 2024 Scott Classic US$425.00 = $573.25 $130.00
118 Canada #135 Comprehensive Study. Massive and well organized annotated study of the 1917 issue 3c brown/dark brown 50th Anniversary of Confederation commemorative (and the only Canadian commemorative issued between 1908 and 1927). The mint portion of the collection consists of five blocks of four (four blocks Never Hinged) and one strip of four (Never Hinged). The used section consists of 249 singles, three blocks, one strip of four, three strips of three and 10 pairs, with loads of cancel interest. Of particular note are the 28 covers, including Registered and forwarded material. Estimate = $325.00 $230.00
119 Canada #136, 137, 138. Superb and rare CDS (and in period!) complete set of imperforate 1c yellow, 2c green and 3c carmine GeoV Admirals, all in choice quality blocks of six. Used multiples of these issues larger than pairs are scarce and blocks of six (especially as nice as these) are bordering on the rare. Eye-catching showpieces for your Admiral exhibit. Conservatively valued by Unitrade as used pairs x 3 but worth more. 2024 Unitrade = $660.00 $240.00
120 Canada #141/275. Nicely balanced all Fine/Very Fine mint Hinged dealer's stock of 117 different 1927 to 1947 period issues, five examples of each (with 585 stamps in total). Includes coils, high value commemoratives and complete sets. The odd small fault to be expected. Perfect for the eBay or show dealer looking to make smaller lots (one of each?) or replenish their mint stock with out too much duplication. 2024 Scott US$4,815.00 = $6,500.80 $350.00
121 Canada #144/274 plus Back of the Book in "Barclay" Album. All fresh and almost all Very Fine, all mint Lightly Hinged selection of 57 different GeoV and GeoVI period issues, 1927 to 1947 period material, all neatly mounted in a Very Fine condition "Barclay" album with Canada pages to 1948 plus printed pages for British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island (no stamps). The lot includes the complete 1938 Chateau Ramezay set (with the extra shade of the 10c) and 1946 Peace set plus all the high values from the 1935 Champlain set and 1942-1942 War issue set. The album itself is well laid out and of very high quality. This could be the perfect album for the collector only interested in the more classic Canadian issues. Valued only for the stamps. 2024 Scott US$795.40 = $1,073.80 $75.00
122 Canada #149-157. Fresh and Fine/Very Fine mint Never Hinged partial 1928-1929 issue GeoV "Scroll" set, from the 1c value up to and including the 20c value. A great start to a Never Hinged set (just missing the 50c Bluenose and $1.00 Parliament). 2023 Scott Classic US$405.00 = $546.75 $55.00
123 Canada #149-159. Sound, fresh and Fine mint Hinged 1928-1929 issue GeoV "Scroll" set of 11. The set includes an example of the iconic 50c Bluenose, a "must have" item for any respectable Canadian collection. 2024 Scott US$743.15 = $1,003.25 $170.00
124 Canada #158, 159. Fresh and Very Fine centered mint Hinged examples of the 1929 issue dark blue 50c Bluenose and $1.00 olive green Parliament high values from the GeoV Scroll set. The 50c Bluenose is the "must have" 20th century Canadian stamp and the $1.00 Parliament is considered by many to be the key GeoV era high value. Unitrade is $800.00 for the Very Fine mint Hinged duo. 2024 Scott US$525.00 = $708.75 $210.00
125 Canada #176-177. Fresh and Fine mint Lightly Hinged examples of the 1930 issue dull blue 50c Grand Pre and dark olive green $1.00 Cavell high values from the GeoV Arch series. 2024 Scott US$350.00 = $472.50 $90.00
126 Canada #192/227. Select quality Very Fine mint Never Hinged 1932 to 1935 GeoV period collection of 33 different stamps, all in complete sets. The group includes the Imperial Economic Conference, Medallion Silver Jubilee, and Champlain sets, plus six single commemorative issues, with catalogue numbers consisting of: #192-194, 202, 203, 204, 208, 209, 210, 211-216 and 217-227. A top quality offering! Unitrade is $1,051.00 for the Very Fine mint Never Hinged selection. 2024 Scott US$689.40 = $930.69 $130.00
127 Canada #195-201. Attractively fresh and select quality Very Fine mint Never Hinged complete 1932 issue KGV Medallion set of seven. Unitrade is $400.00 for a Very Fine mint Never Hinged set. A very pretty group. 2024 Scott US$263.50 = $355.75 $110.00
128 Canada #217-227, 227i, 228-230, 228iii. Select quality and Very Fine mint Never Hinged complete 1935 "Champlain" set of 11 plus the Unitrade listed pale blue shade of the $1.00 as well as the coils in Very Fine mint NH pairs. Also included in the lot is the Unitrade listed "narrow 1" variety in a Very Fine mint Never Hinged "jump" strip of four. If you need this set, this is how you want it! 2024 Unitrade = $832.50 $120.00
129 Canada #217P-227P. Superb quality complete set of 11 different proofs on card in colour of issue of the 1935 GeoV "Champlain" set. Only 400 sets of proofs were printed. Originally from the famous ABNC auction, these are now rarely offered for sale, especially in select high quality condition such as this. 2024 Untrade = $1,800.00 $800.00
130 Canada #223, 226, 227. Fresh and Very Fine mint Never Hinged blocks of four of the 1935 issue 10c carmine rose Mountie, the 50c dull violet BC Parliament Buildings and the $1.00 deep blue Champlain Monument. These are among the last GeoV issues. 2024 Scott US$530.00 = $715.50 $190.00
131 Canada #231/273. Select quality Very Fine mint Never Hinged 1937 to 1946 GeoVI period collection of 36 different stamps, all in complete sets. The group includes the Chateau Ramezay, War and Peace sets, with catalogue numbers consisting of: #231-236, 237, 241-245, 241a, 246-248, 249-262 and 268-273. A top quality offering! Unitrade is $753.25 for the Very Fine mint Never Hinged selection. 2024 Scott US$504.75 = $681.40 $130.00
132 Canada #231-236, 233i, 238-240, OA232-OA236, O231-O236 plus More. Comprehensive and clean mint and used high quality selection of 1937 GeoVI 1c to 8c "Mufti" issues, including sheet form stamps, coils, booklet panes, 5-hole and 4-hole OHMS officials, precancels and more. Most of the mint material is Very Fine and Never Hinged (including the coils and booklet panes). Of particular note are: #233i, the 3c “crease on collar” plate flaw in a block of four with 3 normals (VFNH Unitrade $225.00); end strip of #240 with 2 tabs (VFNH unitrade $120.00), #OA232-OA236 & O231-O236, including blocks and missing pins (mint and used, Unitrade over $100.00). If you were to start a study of this issue, this is where you would want to begin! Estimate = $300.00 $85.00
133 Canada #241-245, 241a, C6, E7. Select quality and Very Fine mint almost all Never Hinged and used selection, including the complete 1938 Chateau Ramezay set of five plus the additional shade of the 10c value (mint NH and used), CDS used blocks of four and six of the $1.00 Chateau Ramezay, Very Fine mint Never Hinged plate blocks of both shades of the 10c Memorial chamber and the 50c Vancouver Harbour. Rounding out the lot are mint and used examples of the airmail and special deliveries associated with the regular issues. All neatly laid out on two Hagner stocksheets. 2024 Scott Classic US$865.00 = $1,167.75 $140.00
134 Canada #241P, 243P, 244P, 245P, C6P Plate Proofs. Very Fine archival quality set of the four imperf proofs in colour of issue on india paper on card from the 1938 "Chateau Ramezay" set (the 10c, 20c, 50c & $1.00 values) plus the co-issue 6c airmail from the sets of printer's sheets sold at the ABNC Archives sale. Elusive GeoVI period material (considerably fewer than 400 proof sets exist). Vibrant colours and razor sharp impressions. 2024 Unitrade = $800.00 $450.00
135 Canada #245i. Very Fine centered, vibrantly fresh and pristine mint Never Hinged sheet margin example of the scarce Unitrade listed aniline violet printing of the 1938 GeoVI issue $1.00 Chateau Ramezay high value. As nice an example this variety as you'll see! 2024 Unitrade = $225.00 $110.00
136 Canada #246-248 Plate Blocks. All Fine/Very Fine mint selection of plate blocks of the 1939 Royal Visit commemoratives. A very popular and collectable series, due to both the subject matter and wide range of double plate number combinations. All laid out on Hagner stocksheets. Mixed Hinged and Never Hinged but no Never Hinged premiums added. Hand-written list accompanies. 2024 Unitrade = $293.00 $130.00
137 Canada #249/281, O249/O262, O1-O4. 1942-1942 "War" issue extravaganza including mint and used regular issues, both coil types, plate blocks, booklet singles and booklet panes, 4-hole official perfins and the 1c to 4c OHMS overprints. A very comprehensive group, including jump and paste-up coil pairs and strips, plus much more for the specialist. All neatly laid out on eight Hagner stocksheets to facilitate viewing and valuation. Combined Scott Classic and Unitrade catalogue value is well over $900.00. With the proper mounting and organization, this could be the basis of an exceptional exhibit! Estimate = $300.00 $160.00
138 Canada #249-262, 263-267, 268-273. Top quality GeoVI era sets, all organized on one Hagner stocksheet, consisting of a VF mint Never Hinged 1942-1943 War Issue set of 14 plus the coils set of 5 and the 1946 Peace issue set of 6. Unitrade is $420.00 for the VF mint Never Hinged group. 2024 Scott Classic US$285.45 = $385.36 $75.00
139 Canada #250/256. Selection of 16 mint Never Hinged GeoVI "War Issue" inscription plate blocks. An all different grouping, by either plate number or position. Includes three better "cracked plate" blocks which are #252 Plate #12 UL, #252 Plate #28 UL and #254 Plate #32 LL. Conservatively valued at FINE as a group even though there are some clearly VF blocks here. 2024 Unitrade = $258.00 $120.00
140 Canada #190/227. All VF mint NH selection of 29 different 1931 to 1935 period GeoV issues, all in complete sets. A carefully assembled superior quality group of the later GeoV commemoratives, definitives and pictorials. Unitrade is $690.75 for VF mint NH. 2023 Scott Classic US$436.90 = $589.82 $70.00
141 Canada #268/O25, CO1/EO2. 1946 "Peace" issue extravaganza consisting of duplicate Very Fine mint and used examples of the basic set of 6, all the OHMS perfin officials (including #OC9), plus all the OHMS and G overprinted officials (including CO1-CO2 and EO1-EO2). A very high quality group with many of the mint in Never Hinged condition and all of the used with CDS postmarks. All conservatively valued by Scott Classic catalogue (US$872.50 for mint, US$350.25 for used). 2024 Scott Classic US$1,222.75 = $1,650.70 $160.00
142 Canada #268-273. Lovely group of 1946 "Peace" issue blocks, consisting of mint and used sets of blocks of four as well as a complete set of plate blocks, again in both mint and used condition. The mint stamps are all Very Fine Never Hinged, except for the plate block of the 14c value (Light Hinge). The used plate blocks have been VERY conservatively valued as 4 x individual used stamps only. Quite a bit of upside if revalued by Unitrade! 2024 Scott Classic US$771.10 = $1,041.00 $180.00
143 Canada #519-523, 524-528, 522i, 525i. Complete se-tenant sheets of 100 of the 1970 issue 5c and 6c Christmas stamps featuring the much sought after identical centre blocks of four and all sorts of Darnell listed and Unitrade noted identical pairs (not counted here). Each sheet is valued by Unitrade as one centre block, four plate blocks of ten, eight strips of five and sixteen singles. The 6c in the centre block does not have the "scratch through window" (scarcer and thus worth a 50% premium) and the 5c in the centre block has the "dot between M and A". Each VF MNH sheet is brilliantly pristine and lightly folded once (mentioned for the record). 2024 Unitrade $584.00 $220.00
144 Canada #522pi, 525pi. VF mint Never Hinged identical centre blocks of four of the 5c and 6c 1970 Christmas issue, both with Winnipeg tagging. NOTE: the untagged 6c block is WITHOUT the "Scratch through Window" variety and as such is worth a 50% premium. An always popular QEII issue, of which has only been increasing in popularity in recent years 2024 Unitrade = $400.00 $80.00
145 Canada #572ii. Scarce Very Fine mint Never Hinged "field stock" half pane of 25 of the 1974 issue 8c Pacific Coast Indians (with blank corners, as always found), showing the completely "missing bird on the totem" error at position 28 (the centre stamp in the block of 25). A superb positional showpiece example of a popular modern error. Conservatively valued as a block of 9 only (as per Unitrade). 2024 Unitrade = $250.00 $100.00
146 Canada #598 Papers. Group of five different identified sub-type varieties of the 50c "Seashore" issue of the 1972-1977 Landscape definitves, all in mint Never Hinged matched sets of plate blocks. A great start or addition to a more specialized group of these sometimes confusing issues. All neatly laid-out and identified on 2 Hagner stockpages. 2024 Unitrade = $396.00 $170.00
147 Canada #704 T1 Untagged Errors. Very Fine mint Never Hinged trio of plate blocks (Upper Right, Lower Left and Lower Right positions), plus a Very Fine mint Never Hinged single of the 1977 issue QEII Silver Jubilee commemorative, ALL UNTAGGED. 2024 Unitrade = $380.00 $160.00
148 Canada #929i. Very Fine mint Never Hinged upper right corner inscription block of the Unitrade listed "brown background" variety of the 1983 issue 48c "Cradle" medium-value definitive. Previously thought to be a magenta missing colour error, the colour variety is actually due to an anomaly in the ink used by the printer. A very distinctive error of colour. The lot also includes another Very Fine mint Never Hinged stamp that shows the regular colour. 2024 Unitrade = $250.00 $130.00
149 Canada #937, 937i, 937ii. Group of VF mint NH inscription blocks (and one blank corner block) of the 1983-1985 issue $5.00 Point Pelee high value pictorial definitive, consisting of a complete set of all three different plates, each on a different paper stock (Abitibi-Price, Clark, Harrison), plus a blank "field stock" corner block (valued as four singles). The key plate #3 in particular is becoming extremely hard to find. Total face value is $80.00 but worth more. 2024 Unitrade = $277.50 $120.00
150 Canada #1077/1198 Canada Post 1988 Olympic Presentation Album. Specially prepared very limited edition mint Never Hinged matched set plate block and First Day Cover presentation album, all housed in a special grey 3-post binder with embossed Canadian coat of arms on the front with a matching grey slipcase. The collection consists of every Canadian stamp produced from 1986 to 1988 commemorating the Games. This collection was put together as a gift to 1988 Calgary Winter Olympic Games dignitaries. The album includes a preface "with the compliments of" note from Donald H. Lander, CEO of Canada Post at the time. Never seen one of these albums before. Estimate = $150.00 $110.00
151 Canada #1155/1182. All Very Fine mint Never Hinged selection of 1988 to 1992 issue 1c to $2.00 "Mammals" and "Architecture" definitive plate blocks, consisting of the basic Unitrade listed types plus a good number of the paper and perforation varieties. This group represents a better than good start to a comprehensive collection of these popular modern issues. The lot includes a rough but accurate inventory list. 2024 Unitrade = $328.50 $110.00
152 Canada #1172h. VF Never Hinged imperforate block of the 1990 issued 45c Pronghorn from the medium value Mammel definitive series. Very minor gum bends, mentioned "for the record" that are almost always found on this imperforate issue. 2024 Unitrade = $2,400.00 $350.00
153 Canada #1241/1945. Mint Never Hinged "Masterpieces of Canadian Art" series. Group of 11 different complete sheets of philatelic stock (full inscription selvedge) of the 1989-1996 inclusive, then 1999, 2001 and 2002 issues. One of the tougher to find issues from their period, due to the higher face value. Face value alone is $140.32. 2024 Unitrade = $404.00 $240.00
154 Canada #1250ii. Lower left position VF mint Never Hinged inscription block of four of the 1989 issue 38c Regiments commemorative. Most inscription blocks were withdrawn due to problematic and incredibly poor printing quality. Only one inscription block was allowed per customer and only through mail order from the National Philatelic Centre. 2024 Unitrade = $250.00 $170.00
155 Canada #1250ii. Upper right position Very Fine mint Never Hinged inscription block of four of the 1989 issue 38c Regiments commemorative. Most inscription blocks were withdrawn due to problematic and incredibly poor printing quality. Only one inscription block was allowed per customer and only through mail order from the National Philatelic Centre. 2024 Unitrade = $250.00 $100.00
156 Canada #1362i, 1682i. Complete mint Never Hinged sheets of the 1998 "Flag over Building" and "Flag over Iceberg" definitive stamps, each showing the complete "gutter" between the panes of 60 stamps (120 stamps per complete sheet, with vertical "gutter" running down the middle). Seldom seen in full sheets, with the "gutter pairs" listed in Unitrade. Face value alone is $109.20. Catalogued as 12 gutter pairs, 4 inscription blocks and 80 singles (although complete sheets should demand a premium). 2024 Unitrade = $288.00 $200.00
157 Canada #1395iii. Very Fine mint Never Hinged complete imperforate strip of 11 of the 1992 issue 43c olive green "Flag" coil, printed on the scarcer Unitrade listed Hibrite paper. Valued as 5.5 x the value of an imperforate pair but worth more as a full strip. 2024 Unitrade = $1,375.00 $350.00
158 Canada #1431a. Substantial investment/dealer lot of 30 x VF mint NH 1992 issue Canada Day se-tenant panes of 12 x 42c stamps (plus 13 labels). The total face value of the sheets is $151.20 but these usually wholesale for considerably higher than face value. A couple of the usual handing bends as often seen with these large format sheets, but overall a very clean lot. 2024 Unitrade = $750.00 $150.00
159 Canada #1697 Complete Roll. A seldom seen complete roll of the 1998 "Stylized Maple Leaf" issue, produced by Ashton-Potter Canada Ltd. This stamp was issued 6 months after the similar design (#1696) came out, using flexography printing with foil stamping, as opposed to the photogravure printing done on the earlier issue (which was printed by Avery Dennison Corporation). One of the few coil rolls that is priced in Unitrade catalogue. 2024 Unitrade = $150.00 $95.00
160 Canada #1764b. VF mint Never Hinged example of the 1998 issue 45c Xmas Angel in the very rare perf 13.1 x 13.6. Unitrade states that fewer than 500 mint examples of #1764b are known. 2024 Unitrade = $500.00 $210.00
161 Canada #1764b. VF mint Never Hinged lower left position Ashton Potter inscription block of four of the 1998 issue 45c Xmas Angel in the very rare perf 13.1 x 13.6. Fewer than 500 mint single examples of #1764b are known and inscription blocks are particularly hard to find. 2024 Unitrade = $2,500.00 $450.00
162 Canada #1815-1817, 1873-1875. Complete mint Never Hinged "philatelic stock" (full inscription selvedge) sheets of 50 of the 1999 / 2000 Christmas issues (Angels & Nativity). While we often see matched corner blocks, booklet and singles, this is the first time we have handled complete sheets of these stamps. With the growing popularity of collecting full sheets, these multiple value (domestic, USA and international rates) sets were often neglected due to their large format and sizable investment at the time. Total face value of the stamps alone is $196.00. Valued as four inscription blocks and 34 singles (although sheets should demand a premium!). 2024 Unitrade = $415.80 $300.00
163 Canada #2045i-2048i. Complete set of 2004 "Write Me, Ring Me" issues consisting of four different special cards, each containing a souvenir sheet of 2 stamps and a phone card good for 15 minutes. There were only slightly more than 10,000 complete sets of these folders issued in total. Many of the "butterfly" (impossible to find) and "dog" (almost as hard to find) thematics have since been gobbled up by the topical market. These sets have and will increase greatly in price in the next few years. All still sealed in the original Canada Post packaging. 2024 Unitrade = $200.00 $110.00
164 Canada #2154. Mary Pickford group. An interesting "above and beyond" offering of the 2006 "Canadians in Hollywood" Mary Pickford group including a booklet pane, souvenir sheet and illustrated stationery pre-paid postcard. On top of all this, is a 1935 cover, sent from "House of Commons" to Mary Pickford in Hollywood and SIGNED by Pickford (this was likely send down by an individual to optain her autograph, which she obliged). Mary Pickford (1892-1979), was born Mary Louise Gladys in Toronto ONT, but became one of the early US motion picture's "American Sweethearts" being a star of the silent movie era and one of the first film stars. An interesting grouping, sure to add intrigue to any collection. Estimate = $150.00 $32.00
165 Canada #2299f, 2305f, 2366c. Vancouver 2010 "Gold / Silver / Broze" overprinted souvenir sheet holding / investment group. A seldom seen large offering, including two individual sets of souvenir sheets, both mint NH and used, plus 7 Post Office sealed packs which include 3 souvenir sheets. A grand total of 27 mint NH souvenir sheets (9 sets) and 6 used souvenir sheets (2 sets). A "sleeper" set, which did not come with Canada Post's regular issue service and the scarcest of all the Canada 2010 Olympic stamp issues. Included the original Canada Post magazine advertisement! While not valued in Unitrade as used, we assigned them the same value as the used examples are likely more scarce than the unused. 2024 Unitrade = $715.00 $210.00
166 Canada #2479-2482 Panes. Complete mint Never Hinged complete panes of 16 stamps for each of 2011 "Canadian Recording Artists" series of 4 stamps. We seldom see these panes, as only 160,000 were printed of each as compared to more often seen souvenir sheet or booklets panes, which had 1,105,000 issued combined. Overlooked by many at the time of issue, these complete panes now listed in the Unitrade catalogue and are not quite hard to find 12+ years past issue date. 2024 Unitrade = $300.00 $220.00
167 Canada #2567/2575, BK499-BK507, BK516a. CFL Canadian Football League offering of mint Never Hinged material. Includes #2567 MNH souvenir sheet x3, 2565i -2575i die-cut singles (two complete sets), BK499-BK507 (complete set of intact booklets, one for each CFL team) and BK516a (complete 100th Grey Cup issue booklet). This "modern" Canada can be tougher to find than you would think! Total face value (including "P" stamps) of the usable postage alone is $133.40 (which will go up in May with the increase in domestic rate). 2024 Unitrade = $267.25 $160.00
168 Canada #2586. Post Office - THANKS/MERCI! Picture Postage, Card and Pin Complete Kit. Complete Canada Post thank you "kit" consisting of a small presentation box containing two VF condition intact mint examples of the VERY limited edition booklet of 12 of the permanent "THANKS/MERCI!" Truck and Rainbow design Picture Postage stamp, issued on November 30th 2020, ONLY TO CANADA POST EMPLOYEES, plus a thank you card and matching rainbow pin. The booklets are very elusive. While recognized and reviewed in numerous philatelic journals, Unitrade has yet to create an individual listing for this stamp, so we have used the Unitrade catalogue number for the frame design as our stamp reference. Two booklets are perfect for display purposes (front and back). Estimate = $100.00 $100.00
169 Canada #2588a-2588h, 2559-2566. Specialized offering of the 2012 "CFL Teams" issue, all mint Never Hinged (or self-adhesive, mint with backing paper). Includes #2558 souvenir sheet of 8 Canadian Football League team designs (7 examples), #2559-2566 the die-cut coils (2 complete sets), #2559i-2566i the coil "gutter" strips of four (3 complete sets, including a Post Office sealed pack). Seldom seen specialized "modern" material. Face value alone is $152.72 (which will go up in May with the "P" stamp / postal rate increase). 2024 Unitrade = $354.00 $160.00
170 Canada #2661-2668, 2779-2785 plus varieties. Hockey themed coils / souvenir sheet offering of mint Never Hinged and used examples of the 2013 "NHL Team Logos" and 2014 "NHL Teams / Zamboni Ice Resurfacing" issues. The first group is the 2013 issue, which includes a used set, 2x die-cut mint sets, 4x mint souvenir sheets and a complete set of "gutter pane" strips of four (still in Post Office packaging). The second group is the 2014 issue, which includes a used set, 2x die cut mint sets and a complete mint set of "gutter pane" strips of four. Tough to find material. 2024 Unitrade = $184.05 $70.00
171 Canada #2912ii, 2983i. Uncut Press Sheets of the 2016 Star Trek "50th Anniversary" and 2017 Star Trek "Captains: issue, both still in the original Canada Post packaging (tubes). A very popular offering from Canada Post, one of the most sought-after issues of the last 10 years. Printed in limited quantities, these "stamp issues" were often purchased by collectors outside of the philatelic market, making for lower numbers re-surfacing for resale over the past several years. 2024 Unitrade = $180.00 $85.00
172 Canada #BK21b. The 1933 issue complete and unexploded GeoV Medallion booklet ("Register" Type II English text) containing two panes of #196b (the 2c black brown Medallion pane of six). The panes are both Very Fine. The front cover has a tiny bit of edge "chipping" but is otherwise unmarked. A very rare booklet in much nicer than usual condition. 2024 Unitrade = $900.00 $230.00
173 Canada #C1/O45. All mint Hinged/Never Hinged selection of 71 different "Back of the Book" issues, all neatly organized on two Hagner stocksheets. The group consists of: #C1-C9; CE1-CE4; CO1-CO2; E1/E11; EO1-EO2; MR1-MR5; and O1/O45. 2023 Scott US$868.90 = $1,173.00 $160.00
174 Canada #C1-C9. Fresh and select quality Very Fine+ mint Never Hinged complete run of all the 1928-1946 airmail issues. A very attractive mint set. 2024 Unitrade is $355.25 for the Very Fine mint Never Hinged group. 2024 Scott US$221.60 = $299.16 $55.00
175 Canada #C7/EO1 Plus Loads More. Clean, comprehensive, varied and unusual 1942 to 1946 War and Peace series "Back of the Book" goldmine! Six Hagner stockpages, packed with mint and used airmails, special deliveries, airmail special deliveries, 4-hole OHMS perfins, OHMS and G official overprints, plate blocks, booklet panes, plate blocks, misperfs and Unitrade listed varieties. The perfect lot for the collector wishing to branch out into a worthwhile new area or for the dealer looking for unusual material to add to their inventory. Combined Scott and Unitrade catalogue value is well over $600.00. Estimate = $250.00 $180.00
176 Canada #CO1, CO1i, CO2. Very Fine mint group of "OHMS" and "G" Official overprints on the 7c Canada Goose airmail, including a Very Fine mint Never Hinged example of the Unitrade listed major re-entry #CO1i and blocks of four of both Air Mail Officials. Apart from two Lightly Hinged examples of #CO1 (in the block), all the stamps are perfect Never Hinged. 2024 Unitrade = $336.00 $90.00
177 Canada #E9, E9i. Very Fine mint Never Hinged (and one CDS used) selection of 1939 issue 10c provisional surcharges on 20c dark carmine (#E8). The group consists of two "Broken O" varieties (one se-tenant with a regular stamp, the other is the upper right stamp in a Very Fine plate #1 block of four, unlisted in Unitrade as such). The lot is valued as 2 x mint #E9i, 4 x regular mint #E9 and one used #E9. 2024 Unitrade = $377.50 $170.00
178 Canada #F1, F2: Shades, Papers, Perfs, Postmarks. Accumulated selection of all used examples of the 1875 to 1888 issue 2c and 5c Registration stamps, partially checked and annotated for shades, papers, perfs or plate varieties. Note shades ranging from pale yellow green to deep blue green and pale vermilion through deep scarlet. As the Registration stamps were issued during the same period as the later Large Queen and Small Queen issues, the papers, inks and perforating machinery, they have an interesting commonality that is appreciated by the collectors of early Canada. Note an excellent range of postmarks including corks, CDS and others. A great study lot and exceptional start to an in-depth exhibit. Estimate = $250.00 $170.00
179 Canada #F1d, F2d Plus Extras. Annotated used examples of the 2c orange and 5c green 1875 to 1888 issue Registration stamps, both in the rare perf 12 x 11½, plus two other noted varieties, all laid out quadrille pages and described in detail by a very knowledgeable student of the issue. 2024 Scott Classic US$421.50 = $569.00 $130.00
180 Canada #F2. Fresh and Fine/Very Fine mint no gum vertical pair of the 1875 issue 5c green Registration stamp. 2024 Scott US$280.00 = $378.00 $55.00
181 Canada #F3. Sound and Fine used 1876 issue 8c dull blue Registered Letter Stamp. Great five petalled flower fancy cork cancel. 2024 Scott US$330.00 = $445.50 $120.00
182 Canada #OX4. Fresh, sound and Fine to Very Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1913 issue brown black Officially Sealed stamp. Perfect gum. 2024 Scott US$450.00 = $607.50 $42.00
183 Canada #MR1/MR7iii, MR2D. Collection/selection/accumulation of 724 used GeoV Admiral War Tax stamps, 37 covers (including 5 Registered) and 7 post cards. The stamps alone catalogue $773.50 in Unitrade as Fine used and the covers/cards add a significant value all on their own. Estimate = $325.00 $325.00
184 Canada #O9. An almost unheard of Very Fine USED BLOCK OF FOUR of the 50c "Lumbering" with OHMS official overprint. Neatly tied "on piece" by the proper and in period Naden BC MPO postmark. Sure to be the centerpiece of any Canadian Official issue exhibit. While the block is valued as four used singles, the theoretical premium for a block would be astronomical! 2024 ScottUS$440.00 = $594.00 $1,175.00
185 Canada #O23. Archival quality Very Fine mint Never Hinged matched set of Plate #1 plate blocks of the 1950-1951 issue "G" official overprint on the 20c Combine "Peace" issue .2024 Unitrade = $800.00 $150.00
186 Canada #O25, O27. Very Fine mint Never Hinged examples 1950 issue $1.00 Train Ferry and 1951 issue $1.00 Fisheries, both with "G" Official overprints. 2024 Scott US$175.00 = $236.25 $90.00
187 Canada #O239, O240. Very Fine used pairs of the 1937 issue 2c brown and 3c carmine GeoVI coils, both pairs with 4-hole OHMS official perfins. Very scarce multiples! 2024 Scott Classic US$340.00 = $459.00 $190.00
188 Canada #O245. Scarce used vertical strip of three of the 1938 issue $1.00 dull violet Chateau de Ramezay high value GeoVI pictorial with 4-hole OHMS official perfins. Attractive centering, decent perfs. Light and legible "OTTAWA CANADA SP 1 '42" CDS cancels. 2024 Scott Classic US $195.00 = $263.25 $80.00
189 Canada #OA214a/OA243, O241a-O245, OC6, OAE7, OE7. Mint and used selection of 5-hole and 4-hole OHMS perfin Officials, all laid out on one Hagner stocksheet. The used material consists of #OA241a, OA242, OA243, OAE7, O241-O245, OC6 and OE7. The mint stamps consist of #O243 (x 3) and O244. 2024 Scott Classic US$645.60 = $871.56 $75.00
190 Canada - Annual Collections for 1974 to 1979. A complete 6 year run of the Unitrade listed Canada Post Annual Collections, from 1974 up to and including 1979 (Unitrade #17 to 22), all full size 8½"x 11" books. The key 1974 album has decent clean covers with the mint stamps in a glassine at the front, but also with a set of NH stamps placed into the book by with black mounts. A good start to a collection of these popular tomes, with the two scarcest albums taken care of (1974 and 1975). 2024 Unitrade = $520.00 $150.00
191 Canada - Annual Collections for 1976 to 1999. VF condition Annual Collections covering the years inclusively 1976 through 1999. These Canada Post yearbooks contain the mint NH stamps, souvenir sheets and booklets for these years. A high-quality group of these impressive and informative publications. Total face value of the mint NH stamps, panes and souvenir sheets in the 23 volumes is $510.27. 2024 Unitrade = $1,420.00 $270.00
192 Canada - Annual Collections for 1987, 1988 and 1989 in HARDCOVER. Very Fine condition set of two Canada Post issued annual collections, consisting of the much scarcer hardcover editions with matching slipcases. Undervalued in Unitrade considering how infrequently we come across them. These sold for a hefty premium at time of issue over the "softcover" traditional annual collections. 2024 Unitrade = $205.00 $130.00
193 Canada - Annual Collections for 1990-1999 inclusive. 10 different editions of Canada Post yearbooks, all in pristine condition covering the entire "1990's" worth of issues. These Canada Post publications contain the mint NH stamps, souvenir sheets and booklets for these 10 years. This period saw the transition of size in books from the "9x11" format that had been in place since the 1970's to the larger format we know today. Total face value of the mint NH stamps, panes and souvenir sheets in the 10 volumes is $316.72. 2024 Unitrade = $775.00 $270.00
194 Canada - Annual Collections for 2000-2008 plus Millennium Book. Complete run of the 2000 to 2008 (inclusive) editions of Canada Post yearbooks, all in good condition. These Canada Post publications contain the mint Never Hinged stamps, souvenir sheets and booklets for these 9 years plus an additional volume containing Millennium commemoratives in page formats unavailable elsewhere. A high-quality group of these impressive and informative publications. Total face value of the mint NH stamps, panes and souvenir sheets in the 9 volumes plus the Millennium book is $368.68. 2024 Unitrade = $1,065.00 $240.00
195 Canada - At least three accumulations of used, mostly organized into envelopes (paper or glassines). This grouping fills a U-Haul box and appears to start in the Small Queen era and then run into the early 2000’s. Envelopes have anywhere between 1 - 100 stamps each, with medium and high values noted. Each of the accumulations is somewhat organized, but amalgamating will be required to see what is here. Noted signs of specialization, such as tagging, booklet singles, different printings. A quick glance indicates that there might be some cancel potential here, particularly in the 1950’s-1970’s. Tens of thousands of stamps here. Estimate = $140.00 $130.00
196 Canada - Bulk lot of mixed material. Don’t be turned away when we tell you that the Unitrade Junior ("Mountie") stamp album is the probably the best part of this lot, as it has some Jubilees up to 8c, 50c Widow weeds, intriguing Small Queens up to 8c along with a good used run of 1930’s issues. Much of the other material in this lot is used wholesale material that starts in early 20th century, but is QEII heavy, including a couple of dealer boxes with glassines and a couple of Unisafe stockbooks. Noted some pages with mint 1960’s blocks and plate blocks and several retired RPSC circuit books (most Elizabethan era). Estimate = $160.00 $140.00
197 Canada - Feast or famine in this banker’s box. The "feast" portion is a small group of GeoVI mint issues, mostly Never Hinged, including the $1.00 Chateau, 50c Munitions and 50c Peace, amongst others, as well as some War issue booklet panes. There is lots of "back of the book", particularly "OHMS" and "G" overprinted officials, both mint and used (in quantity), as well as Special Delivery issues and a small stockbook filled with KGVI 4-hole "OHMS" perfins. There is a 32-page Unisafe stockbook filled with used issues between 1930-2000 and a couple Post Office presentation packs, followed by an old hummingbird feeder box that has a mix of modern off-paper and some older bundleware. Sure to be some extra hidden value throughout for the intrepid sorter. Estimate = $150.00 $140.00
198 Canada - Group of 30 different "Personal Picture Postage" issues used. These are so hard to find and are not produced any more! Includes the "Flying Postal Truck" issued only to postal employees. Estimate = $100.00 $70.00
199 Canada - Huge used accumulation filling a U-Haul box. Noted an older Minkus album and an even older set of Lindner hingeless with some higher values (condition a bit mixed). There are six stockbooks and a binder with manila stockpages that somebody counted as containing over 11,000 stamps (stockbooks in mixed condition). There are three homemade plywood boxes filled with glassines and a used 20th century stock and older binder with a few of the 1960’s year set cards (these being unused) which concludes this lot. Along the way, we noticed QV 20c numeral, 50c Widow Weeds, Jubilees to 5c and Tercentenary to 7c. Lots of value and cancel potential throughout. Estimate = $180.00 $130.00
200 Canada - Lighthouse Hingeless Album 1851-1985. Deluxe redi-padded "springback" style Lighthouse album, containing a few hundred mostly mint NH stamps from the period. The stamps go back to the QV period, being a mix of both mint and used, then transitioning to Never Hinged material from 1950 onwards. Several better stamps noted and an album that has been long considered the pinnacle of albums for Canada. The album itself would retail for $500.00! Estimate = $350.00 $220.00
201 Canada - Lighthouse Hingeless Albums 1851-2012. Set of four deluxe red-padded Lighthouse Canada Hingless album, with pages from 1851-2012 complete, plus "back of the book" and Provinces. VF condition, but without dust-jackets and needing an re-arrangement (i.e., the first album is loaded in backwards and includes the "back of the book" pages are throughout), These albums are about half-filled with mint mostly Never Hinged stamps from this period including many "P" stamps, die-cuts and higher values. There is over $900.00 alone in face value Never Hinged stamps inside, plus the value of the albums which would have originally cost approximately $1500.00 themselves! Estimate = $1,250.00 $1,025.00
202 Canada - Lunar New Years 1997-2008. Complete run of 12 Canada Post issued Thematic Collections Lunar New Years, all still in the original Post Office packaging. These triple "Joint Issues" packs were issued with Canada, Hong Kong and China issued lunar new years stamps / souvenir sheets for each year. These "Thematic Collections" are listed in the back of Unitrade as collections 7, 78, 85, 91, 98, 108, 115, 122, 136, 143, 148 and 151. Complete runs of these which have not been "3 hole-punched" are getting hard to come by. A nice way to check of the Lunar New Years packs in one go. 2024 Unitrade = $275.00 $110.00
203 Canada - Massive used wholesale lot that nearly fills a U-Haul box. Includes material from a few complementing sources. The bulk of the lot is four homemade shoebox sized containers with mostly 1990’s commemoratives and definitives, each sorted in its own #5 sized glassine envelopes, with up to about 50 stamps inside each. Going further back in time is a small handful of miscellaneous stockpages with used Canada back to the early 20th century. In the middle is a grouping of nine terrific varied metal cigarette tins with bundleware from the Admiral era up to about 1950. On top of the tens of thousands of stamps, the tins would also have some collector intrigue. Estimate = $160.00 $170.00
204 Canada - Mini-hoard of Philatelic Exhibition issues, covers, cancels and ephemera. Overwhelming strength is for 1978 CAPEX held in Toronto, with stamps, first day covers (including a number of different cachets), supporting material from other postal administrations (including in the year’s leading up to the show). There are programs, catalogues, a couple of sets of the show souvenirs, even newspaper clippings. While there is a set of CAPEX ’51 labels, the balance of the lot is mostly Canadian show material from the 1970’s-1980’s including CAPEX ’87, and a series of National, even regional show material. There is a touch of cards and souvenir sheets for American and British shows. This lot was upended at some point and needs some organizing. Has it really been over 45 years since Canada issued its first souvenir sheet? Estimate = $140.00 $60.00
205 Canada - Mint Sheet File Holding. A premium Unisafe brand hardcover sheet file, filled with an array of 22 sheets / partial sheets from the 1950’s to 1990’s. A couple of highlights include a complete run of the "Edible Berries" definitive (1c-25c), 1992 Canada Day and partial sheets (sadly each missing a corner block) of the 2c / 3c / 5c TAGGED QEII Wilding issue. Very conservatively counted for only the usable face value. Total face value = $108.13 $130.00
206 Canada - Picture Postage #PP1-PP9. Very Fine mint Never Hinged complete run of all nine full panes of 21 of the 2011 issue Picture Postage commemoratives. The subject matter includes Diwali, Eid, Hanukkah and the Winnipeg Jets. An increasingly popular and very elusive group of low issue topicals (between 600 and 5,000 panes of each issue printed), missing from most collections. Don't miss your chance here, as we rarely ever get these. 2024 Unitrade = $385.00 $375.00
207 Canada - Quarterly Pack Bonanza. An all-different assortment of 8 Quarterly Packs, ranging from the 4th quarter of 2006 to the 1st quarter of 2018. These packages represent the easiest way to assemble a mint offering from these periods, with a "one of each" format including the self-adhesive stamps in "die cut" format. The total face value in many of these has increased over the issue price, as the permanent ("P") stamps have seen a rise in postal value. Now that these are listed in the back of the Unitrade catalogue (but not priced), collectors have had an increased interest in acquiring them for the sake of completion. Conservatively valued for the total original issue price (which is lower than the actual postage inside with the increase in "P" stamp value). Total original issue price = $165.75 $160.00
208 Canada - Recent used selection of 145 different all Covid period, includes the latest issues, this is the largest lot of these we have offered yet! Includes the "Flying Postal Truck" issued only to postal employees. Estimate = $150.00 $110.00
209 Canada - Uncut Press Sheets. A "Lunar New Years" 2000-2008 (inclusive) holding of 9 different uncut press sheets, all still within the original Canada Post packaging (tubes). All of these Lunar New Years sheets were sold at a premium over the face value by the Post Office, largely due to the popularity of these items over the years. The total original issue price of these combined was $238.55, with the total face value of the stamps adding up to $143.88. Total 2024 Unitrade = $680.00 $75.00
210 Canada - Uncut Press Sheets. A bonanza of 12 different Canada Post issued uncut press sheets from 2000-2016, all still within the original Canada Post packaging (tubes). Lot includes 2008 Karsh (2271i), 2009 Astronomy (2323ci), 2010 Beneficial Insects (2410i), 2011 Daphne Odjig (2436i), 2012 Joe Fafard (2522i), 2013 Chinatown Gates (2642i), 2014 Haunted Canada (2748i), 2015 Haunted Canada 2 (2860i), 2016 Haunted Canada 3 (2935i), 2013 Superman (2677i) 2015 Weather Wonders (2838i) and the 2000 Millennium Dove (1812ii). A nice chance to acquire a large group of these at once. Total useable face value alone being $363.66 (which in most cases is significantly lower than the original Post Office price). Total 2024 Unitrade = $874.00 $280.00
211 Canada - Used collector's accumulation in a small tin. George VI to early 2000's, including a few hundred loose stamps (selected for mostly CDS cancels), then followed by a few hundred used blocks (including the 1946 $1.00 Train Ferry) and finishes with a packet of a couple hundred Canadian perfin stamps (both OHMS and private). A compact grouping, which should produce a good night of sorting for the Canadian collector that appreciated nicely used stamps, blocks and perfins. Estimate = $120.00 $100.00
212 Canada Cancels - Admiral Era RPO Collection. Useful used selection of 223 single stamps, 5 blocks (including 2 x #96), 16 covers (including seven Registered) and a few postcards, all with clear Railway Post Office cancels. Very nice range of different postmarks, all identified by the consignor. A decent start to a RPO collection, or nice additions to any dealer's stock. Estimate = $250.00 $210.00
213 Canada Cancels - Alberta Postmarks. A Lighthouse brand stockbook completely full with 950+ "socked-on-the-nose" cancels on stamps of the 1952-1958 period, mostly CDS. An incredible accumulation, unchecked for better offices by the consignor and looks like almost all are nice strikes. Estimate = $180.00 $200.00
214 Canada Cancels - British Columbia. An "A to Z" collection of BC postmarks on stamp or piece, neatly arranged on 50 double sided stocksheets within a deluxe 3-ring album. The postmarks are varied in type, with CDS, split ring, POCON, Retail Centre etc, from the 1940's to early 2000's with strength in the late George VI / early QEII period. While like no glaring rarities, this is a nice opportunity to acquire several hundred well-organized BC postmarks at once. The time it would take to acquire, sort and arrange these would take many patient hours. Estimate = $150.00 $100.00
215 Canada Cancels - Ontario Postmark "socked-on-the-nose" collection, mounted on over 2-dozen collector inspired pages with a couple stocksheets of "extras" to "to process". Easily one of the most unique lay-outs we have seen, with the time and effort put into collecting, identifying and mounting these being astronomical. A nice range from QV to QEII with several better short-lived offices noted throughout. Take a good look at the scans to appreciate this grouping. Estimate = $200.00 $230.00
216 Canada Cancels - Slogan Postmark BONANZA. Small box packed with "104" stockcards (slightly larger than the "102" cards), each with cut square 1"x 4" cut from envelopes to showcase a slogan postmark. All from the late George VI and (mostly) early QEII era and all are identified by Coutt's slogan catalogue numbers. It was a labour of love that went into assembling this group, with many hours put in by the patient collector to arrange these. Estimate = $130.00 $95.00
217 Canada Cancels - WWI Flag/Slogan Cancels. Varied group of GeoV Admiral/WWI period slogan/flag cancels consisting of 27 covers, 1 postal stationery card and two post cards, all franked with Admirals or Admiral War Tax stamps. The lot also includes Doug Lingard's revised 1995 "Canadian Flag Cancels 1896-1919" reference work. A great introduction to the rich world of flag and slogan cancels. 2007 Coutts catalogue = $622.00 $85.00
218 Canada Covers #P1/P165. Postal Stationery. Very nice offering of mint postal stationery cards (and reply cards), from early QV up to the end of the KGV era (no Admirals, but with a few KGVI and QEII issues added to the mix). Individually sleeved, identified and priced by the old Webb numbers (easy to update, the prices are essentially unchanged). Only the occasional duplicate and includes a couple of the 1/2c reply cards and a few of the QV with printed addresses or backs, otherwise no added printing to be had. A few have faults (noted), but the overall condition is excellent. Includes mimeo paper, different dies and headings, with individual catalogue values up to $35.00. Almost 100 items. A great way to build a nice collection. Estimate = $180.00 $160.00
219 Canada Covers - "Fisher" design Postal Stationery wholesale lot. Interesting group, which looks to have been purchased from the Postal Museum in Ottawa, with an eye to getting first day cancels, which was a hit or miss undertaking for this issue. The buyer at the time probably didn’t realize that they were hitting the "jackpot", as the 12c envelopes are the uncommon printing "without postal code guide" on the front of the envelopes (including the 15c on 12c revalues, where most of this uncommon printing tends to surface). This box includes #10 envelopes, postal cards and some "private order" envelopes for Quebec social services (of which there are many printings). The envelopes consist of the 12c and the 15c on 12c overprint (Webb EN244 and EN254) with 32 mint and 76 FDC each, the 15c (EN248) with 24 mint and 82 FDC and the 17c brown printing (EN251) with 45 mint and 91 FDC. The postcards include the 14c, 15c, 17c (P288, P289, P291 - about 10 mint and over 40 FDC copies each. There is a mixed bundle of 165 postally used copies of ENX80-81, ENX84 (Transportation issue). Envelope flaps are all unstuck - but some could use pressing. Total 2019 Webb Stationery catalogue value = $4,709.00 $95.00
220 Canada Covers - British Columbia / Great Britain Postal History. Stunning 1874 Cover posted from Jedburgh, Scotland to "The Hon. J.S. Helmcken, Victoria, Vancouver Island". The cover was sent via White Star Line from Liverpool (UK) to Halifax (NS) then by rail to Windsor ONT, where it crossed to the border to enter the US railway mail system to San Francisco (no railway line to the west at the time), then by steamship from San Francisco to Victoria BC. Includes a lengthy letter written by Dr, Helmcken's son which affectionately starts "My Dearest Pa". Likely an ex.Wellburn item, as much of the Helmcken correspondence passed through his hands. An exceptional item. Estimate = $300.00 $500.00
221 Canada Covers - British Columbia Postal History "BC Dozens" Part 1. The first of series of lots, all containing a dozen items of BC postal history, sure to please any postal historian. This group is the "mixed bag" of odd-ball items that include... Sumas 1883 split ring (sadly stamp is gone), Vic&P.A. RPO 1920, Provincial Cannery 1949 MOTO, Nanaimo Sub #10 1968 MOON, Wahlachin 1971 MOON, Duncan's Station 1910 duplex, Phoenix 1914 duplex, Victoria 1943 Fort Victoria slogan cancel (designed by Wellburn) x 2, Colwood 1944 MOTO, Vancouver 1949 Sub #33 registered and Williams Creek "10" numeral cancel on Colonial Stamp (ex Bill Topping). Each item is individually sleeved and priced. Total retail as marked = $290.00 $48.00
222 Canada Covers - British Columbia Postal History "BC Dozens" Part 2. This offering features a dozen different split ring cancels 1905-1940, all from Vancouver Island Post Offices. The towns include Metchosin 1909, Mount Tolmie 1917, South Wellington 1910, Somenos 1913, Sidney 1909, Port Alberni 1910, Comox 1905, Cedar 1940, Otter Point 1909, Millstream 1913, Oak bay 1911 and Sandwick 1911. All items were selected for either quality of strike or rarity of Post Office (and often both). Each item is individually sleeved and priced. Total retail as marked = $300.00 $75.00
223 Canada Covers - British Columbia Postal History "BC Dozens" Part 3. Continuing with the pattern, this lot consists of a dozen covers 1920-1978, all the CDS full-circle style postmarks. Postmarks included are from the Post Offices of Williams Lake 1950, Belmont Park 1957, Donald Station 1933, Nanaimo Sub #2 1951, Nanoose Bay 1951, Whonock 1939, Knutsford 1970, Duncan's Station 1920, Saanichton 1965, Stewardson Inlet 1978, Semiahmoo 1953 and James Island 1951. Several closed Post Offices noted, with quality of strikes being well above-average. Each item is individually sleeved and priced. Total retail as marked = $260.00 $65.00
224 Canada Covers - British Columbia Postal History "BC Dozens" Part 4. The next part of this saga includes a dozen better split ring cancels 1912-1947 on covers. Towns included are Millstream 1916, Beaverdell 1925, Tatla Lake 1924, Macalister 1931, Westbank 1933, Wasa 1928, Hagensborg 1912, Vananda 1944, Port Renfrew 1932, Metchosin 1943, County Line 1947 and North Galiano 1939. Clarity of the postmark strikes is well above-average, as carefully chosen over the years by a collector with a keen-eye for quality. Each item is individually sleeved and priced. Total retail as marked = $300.00 $65.00
225 Canada Covers - British Columbia Postal History "BC Dozens" Part 5. The fifth installment on this run of BC postal history included a dozen split ring cancels 1907-1916 on either Edward or GeoV franked postcard. Towns included are Falkland / Glenemma 1909 (two different towns on postcard), Pritchard 1916, Palliser 1907, Three Valley 1909, Vananda 1907, Okanagan Landing 1909, Halcyon Hot Springs 1916, Wadhams 1915, Collingwood East 1910, Gibsons Landing 1911, Keefers 1912 and Harrison River 1908. Many choice strikes and closed Post Offices is this offering. Each item is individually sleeved and priced. Total retail as marked = $480.00 $75.00
226 Canada Covers - British Columbia Postal History "BC Dozens" Part 6. The penultimate chapter of this offering of BC postal history features a dozen REGISTERED covers 1923-1957 (to be fair, one of them is actually a Special Delivery item). Postmarks included are Squilax 1923, Hope 1957, Kelowna 1944, Tranquille 1956, Walhachin 1939, Victoria 1923, Canal Flats 1933, Alert Bay 1942 (the Special Delivery item), Vernon 1937, Colwood 1947, Halfmoon Bay 1941 and Likely 1931. A mix of CDS and split ring type cancels make up this interesting offering of "premium" items, which go "above and beyond" just the basic postmarks. Each item is individually sleeved and priced. Total retail as marked = $280.00 $65.00
227 Canada Covers - British Columbia Postal History "BC Dozens" Part 7. The final installment of this offering, this time featuring a dozen Victoria BC picture postcards. All are better cards, with some highlights that include 1906 "Parliament at Night", early pioneer cards, Chinatown Arc at Night (Trio published Real Photo Postcard), early "Patriotic" and a 1909 Provincial Exhibition and Horse Show advertising postcard. A visually enthralling offering, especially when viewed with the thoughts of "then vs. now"! Each item is individually sleeved and priced. Total retail as marked = $360.00 $48.00
228 Canada Covers - British Columbia Postal History Literature compilation. A sought-after duo of BC Postal History reference books, including "The Colonial Postal Systems and Postage Stamps of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1849-1971" by A.S. Deaville (1928 First Edition, numbered copy 143 of 500), followed by "The Stamps & Postal History of Vancouver Island and British Columbia" hardcover large-format book of the collection formed by Gerald Wellburn (this book alone was sold for $195.00 when published). A fantastic duo of "must have" philatelic publications. Estimate = $150.00 $48.00
229 Canada Covers - British Columbia Postal History. A collector's half-dozen selected items of postal history 1880-1908. Includes an 1880 Victoria BC "Customs House" Postcard (ex.Gerald Wellburn collection), Victoria 1883 CDS / Crown cancel Small Queen cover to England, Kamloops 1896 CDS Small Queen cover, New Westminster 1908 postcard to "Ducks BC", 1908 Logging scene postcard (ex.Gerald Wellburn collection) and an early 1903 Victoria illustrated postcard (ex. Gerald Wellburn collection). An attractive group of items, with some nice provenance to boot! Estimate = $200.00 $180.00
230 Canada Covers - British Columbia. Specialized offering of BC "duplex" cancels on 45 covers / cards and a couple dozen pieces, all neatly arranged and identified on pages within a binder. Noted a least 7 postmarks that are either earliest or latest known dates by the Cloutier duplex catalogue. A great lot for the BC postal historian or postmark hound. Estimate = $150.00 $80.00
231 Canada Covers - FDC / Alberta Postmark Hoard. A collector's project of creating "home-made" First Day Covers, primarily from the late 1980's to early 1990's. A small bin packed with 1310 covers, primarily cancelled in Alberta, with a range of small towns to larger cities (but the cities, i.e. Edmonton, were usually cancelled at numbers "Sub" or "Retail" Post Offices). Heavily duplicated at times, the amount of time, effort and money spent to create this philatelic adventure was extensive. While there is smattering of FDC that were sent in private cachet envelopes, the majority are un-cacheted covers. A goldmine for the postmark or FDC collector than can see the same "philatelic vision" as the original collector. Estimate = $150.00 $55.00
232 Canada Covers - FFC (First Flight Cover) grouping, that includes 60 flight covers from the 1920's to 1940's from across the country, accompanied by the reference book "The Air Mails of Canada and Newfoundland" AAMC (American Air Mail Catalogue, 6th Edition, 545 pages hardcover). This book in particular is the "bible" for many airmail collectors to identify, pricing and learn about the history of each known Canadian flight (including pioneer flights). A great combination lot, with both philatelic material and philatelic reference (in which all the covers here can be looked up). Estimate = $130.00 $55.00
233 Canada Covers - First Day Covers / British Columbia Postmarks. An interesting and unusual lot of 402 First Day Covers, dated 1998-2008, each bearing an unusual "modern" illustrated cachet and being cancelled from around the province of BC. The postmarks in this group are quite interesting, as the collector made a point of travelling to all-ends of the province to acquire postmarks from as many different BC post offices as he could. A huge variety of postmarks, including many "modern" offices and illustrated postmarks which were often only open or used for a short-period. These are totally unchecked and "one of a kind" as they were made by the collector for his own collection. Estimate = $200.00 $42.00
234 Canada Covers - First Day Covers 1971-2008. A small box, packed with several hundred clean unaddressed Canada Post cachet First Day Covers. Duplicated in areas, this holding represents an accumulation as acquired by a collector over many years. The majority of material looks to be from the 1980's / 1990's, but with smatterings of more modern material (up to 2008) mixed in as well. We only counted the total face value of the stamps here (which totaled $844.02). Considering that all of these covers sold at a premium over the face value of the stamps, it is safe to say that these would have originally cost well over $1000.00 to buy from Canada Post. Estimate = $200.00 $65.00
235 Canada Covers - First Day Covers Hoard Part 1. Bankers box filled with a single album containing 104 covers, then 779 loose FDC from the 1970's to early 2000's. A true hoard, all being Canada Post Cachet First Day Covers. Duplicated heavily in areas, this accumulation included the "regular size", but also the smaller format (used in the early 1970's) and the larger format (used for the larger sets, CAPEX / Canada Day etc). A grand total of 883 covers, with a face value of the stamps alone totaling $964.95. Suffice to say, this originally would have cost well over $1000.00 when purchased from the Post Office. Estimate = $200.00 $70.00
236 Canada Covers - First Day Covers Hoard Part 2. Collectors' accumulation in 7 FDC albums, plus loose material, filling a bankers box. Looks to be all Canada Post cachet covers from the 1970's to 2010's, with several better noted throughout (and an enormous original purchase price). While not a complete run for the period and duplicated in several areas, this group should still provide hours of philatelic fun to sort out. The original purchase price from Canada Post would easily be over $1000.00, plus the cost of the albums! Estimate = $200.00 $70.00
237 Canada Covers - First Day Covers. Large holding of 900 (mostly) private company illustrated cachet FDC, packed into a small plastic bin. We didn't notice any Canada Post cachet cover, with only a small amount of covers without cachet (our estimation is that easily 95% of this lot has private cachets). Looks to span the 1950's to 1980's with several different cachet makers represented, with strength in Rosecraft, Artcaft and Cole. A nice way to acquire a large batch of private cachet FDC at once. Estimate = $150.00 $240.00
238 Canada Covers - Group of 2005-2013 SIGNED "Snowbids" illustrated cachet covers. A seldom offered large offering of these "Snowbird" pilot signed covers, often franking with "personal picture postage" and even a small grouping of covers signed by several pilots. A quick check online shows that these covers retail at $10-15 each. A grand total of 68 covers, making this a wonderful opportunity to acquire a large holding of these "modern" postal history marvels. Estimate = $200.00 $110.00
239 Canada Covers - Postal History assortment from "stampless" to Edward era, as assembled by a collector with a keen eye for quality. A total of 25 covers / cards and 8 "pieces" (including one cover "front only"). Some of the highlights include Ste. Marie De Monnoir LC 1872 stampless, a duo of illustrated hotel covers, flag cancels, Toronto 1897 Jubilee registered cover (with Squared Circle cancels), postal stationery, patriotic postcards, RPO and an "National Transcontinental Railway" Edward registered cover. Take a good look at the scans to appreciate the scope and quality of the lot. Estimate = $180.00 $400.00
240 Canada Covers - Postal Stationery "Postcard Factory" and Canada Post issued pre-paid postal stationery cards for mailing worldwide. Always popular, this mint group of 74 different includes some of the original factory sealed sets of 5 and 10. We noted the ’99 Pan-Am Games set, Birds of Canda, Halifax Tall Ships and a handful of commemorative and utilitarian cards (some singles, some sets, some partial sets) for various issues such as La Francophonie, lunar new year, flowers, Anne of Green Gables and Famous Canadians. There are even couple with original Canada Post labels. A few with minor corner dents, but generally fresh and from the period of 1990-2012. Not stocked by most dealer’s in Canada because of their increasing face value, currently $2.71 per card. Valued only for the total face (postage) value these card represent. Total face value = $200.54 $95.00
241 Canada Covers - Postal Stationery. Accumulation of unused Postcard Factory pre-paid postal cards. A total of 109 cards, consisting of 93 different, almost all with "1995 Flag Design" and white border, which are "postage paid to be sent anywhere in the world". These cards were initially printed in limited quantities and made available through the Philatelic Service, but initial demand was quite low and soon they became available only through non-philatelic sources. Often neglected by collectors due to the high cost per card (currently $2.71 each) and how hard they can be to find (many dealers don’t stock them). There is significant topical potential throughout and the universal nature of the scenes depicted mean that tourist shops continue to buy old stock for retail sale. This batch is mostly earlier printings, but where there is duplication, the card stock is often different (smooth vs. rough) and a few have different Webb catalogue listed "backs" - such as the short lived "brown" back. Conservatively valued for the total face value of the postage these cards represent. Total face value = $295.39 $150.00
242 Canada Covers - Postal Stationery. Half-filled file box with assorted postal stationery accumulation from three different sources. Noted some Centennial private order envelopes and "spacer cards", a couple of election envelopes, a nice group of mint postal bands (wrappers), as well as an assortment of QV postal stationery cards, mint aerogrammes (mostly later issues). There is a group of earlier QEII #8 and #10 envelopes (some with the flaps sealed) and includes some nice added printings on both postcards and envelopes. Cancel potential, especially in the late-Victorian period. Condition is a bit mixed. Many individually sleeved for easy identification. Great group for philatelic play. Estimate = $200.00 $44.00
243 Canada Covers - Postal Stationery. The remnant of consignment of 132x "Postcard Factory" and Canada Post issued pre-paid postal stationery cards 1990-2008 for mailing worldwide. This mint group includes some of the original factory sealed sets of 5 (Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal) and 10 (Canada – church, Jasper(x2)). There are loose or open package cards which include the La Francophonie (x23), Rhododendron (6 pairs), John Candy (x4), Mary Pickford (x3), Lorne Greene (x3), Fay Wray (x4), Millenium Dove (x26) plus another dozen assorted cards. Not stocked by many dealer’s in Canada because of their increasing face value, currently $2.71 per card. Valued only for the total face (postage) value these cards represent. Total face value = $357.72 $140.00
244 Canada Covers - Premium First Day Cover (FDC) Holding. Small box, containing a total of 295 covers from the 1930's to 1980's, almost completely being either earlier issues or private cachet FDC. Noted several stronger areas, including George V era FDC, duplicated stock of 1989 mid-value "Mammals" issues with private cachets and a few groups of Kasimir Bileski "inspired" creations. Several different cachet makers noted throughout, which include (but are not limited to) "NR", Rosecraft, Fleetwood, Schering, "UEL", Kingswood and Colorano. A nice group to sort for the FDC enthusiast. Estimate = $180.00 $190.00
245 Canada Covers - Rosecraft illustrated cachet FDC hoard. Over 800 FDC from the 1958-1974 period, all bearing Rosecraft private illustrated cachets. While most of the postmarks are Ottawa (from the Philatelic service bureau), there are also a smattering of Western Canadian postmarks as well, including Victoria, Vancouver, Ocean Falls (BC) and Calgary. While duplicated (as it would have to be with this many covers), there is a good variety of singles, pairs, blocks, se-tenant etc. A clean offering, house in two shoeboxes. Estimate = $150.00 $200.00
246 Canada Covers - RPO Railway Post Office Cancels. A "cross Canada" selection of 110 RPO cancel covers / postcards and 1058 cancels on stamp / piece (many mounted on the original collector's pages). Accumulated over the course of many years by a keen collector, sorting through large amounts of covers and stamps. Some are researched or identified by the older Ludlow RPO catalogue number with better items noted throughout. A good research lot, with potential finds for the intrepid collector. Perfect for the railway enthusiast or postmark hound. Estimate = $250.00 $150.00
247 Canada Precancels - Montreal "21" Forerunners. Scarce group of 1c and 2c Small Queens, all precancelled with the Montreal "21" roller precancel. Note a nice range of listed varieties, consisting of (on the 1c yellow) normal x 7, inverted x 4 and vertical reading up as well as (on the 2c green) normal x 1 and vertical reading down x 2. All neatly laid out on one Hagner stocksheet. 2020 (8th) edition Standard Precancel Catalogue = $550.00 $120.00
248 Canada Revenues #BCL29/BCL63. Very Fine mint Never Hinged selection of 9 different 1928 to 1981 issue British Columbia Provincial Law stamps. The full run of Van Dam catalogue numbers is: #BCL 29, BCL38, BCL51, BCL52, BCL55, BCL57, BCL58, BCL60 and BCL63. A top notch and colourful offering. 2022 van Dam = $542.50 $110.00
249 Canada Revenues #YL2, YL2, YL6, YL7-YL12, YL13, YL15. Fine used selection of 12 different 1902 issue Yukon Territorial Law stamps, including the overprints. Only missing a few for completion. 2022 van Dam = $728.00 $150.00
250 Canada Revenues #YL2/YL13 Cancel Group. Fine/Very Fine used selection of 1902 issue Yukon Territorial Law stamps, including the 25c black and silver overprint. The stamps have been chosen for the different types of cancel, including handstamps, large and small "CANCELLED" as well as "L" and pie shaped perfin. 2022 van Dam = $346.00 $70.00
251 Canada Revenues #YL13, YL14, YL15, YL16, YL18. All sound, Fine/Very Fine and mint NEVER HINGED quintet of overprints on the original 1902 issues. The $5.00 overprint is the blue overprint (the best way to determine blue or black overprints is by comparing how the light reflects of the overprints). 2022 van Dam = $1,222.50 $350.00
252 Canada Revenues - A wild and woolly four stockpages that will have you turning to many different sections of your van Dam catalogue. We have tried to bring a bit of order to this consignment but have only been partially successful. Noted some federal stamps for UIC, red War Savings Certificate stamps, bill stamps, war tax, customs, excise, medicine, law, weights and measures, Light and Gas Inspection and tobacco stamps and some non van Dam related material. The provinces contribute NS overprints on bill stamps, some Quebec registration stamps, a $5.00 Ontario vacation pay, a block of Alberta prosperity stamps as well as some Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and BC law stamps. If that isn’t enough, there is a 1989 Quebec duck stamp too. As with many lots of this type, most of the stamps are used, and many have faults from their normal usage. Some of the material has hinge remnants, but with a bit of card (and perhaps a soak), these will clean up nicely. There is going to be good little finds here and there for the intrepid collector. Estimate = $180.00 $150.00
253 Canada Revenues #BCL63. Very Fine mint Never Hinged pair of the very rare rouletted $1.00 blue (with pale red underprint) from the 1981 issue thirteenth Series "Standing Justice" Provincial Law Stamp. 2022 van Dam = $625.00 $65.00
254 Canada Revenues - Group of 53 different better revenues, each catalogue (in van Dam) over $5.00 and up to $250.00. The scan identifies each stamp with catalogue values. No faults, but the older items may have a few short perfs & VG centering. 2022 van Dam = $1,538.00 $170.00
255 Canada Revenues - Quebec Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamps #DQ1, DQ5, DQ7. Very Fine mint Never Hinged trio of early issue Quebec Wildlife Habitat Conservation (Duck) Stamps, consisting of the 1988 "Ruffed Grouse" first issue (pane of one in the original booklet covers), the 1990 "Common Loons" (pane of four) and the 1991 "Common Goldeneyes" (pane of four with original booklet covers). Also listed in the Van Dam revenue catalogue as #QW1, QW3 and QW4. 2024 Unitrade = $240.00 $26.00
256 Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #1. Very Fine very lightly cancelled used example of the 1857 issue 1p brown violet imperf on wove paper with mesh. Unitrade is $350.00 for Very Fine used. 2024 Scott US$250.00= $337.50 $130.00
257 Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #24, 46, 47, 48. Fresh, sound and Fine to Very Fine mint "Codfish quartet" consisting of the 2c green from the 1865 first decimal series (mint no gum) and the three later common design codfish (the 1880 issue 2c yellow green, no gum; the 1896 issue 2c green, OG Hinged; and the 1887 issue 2c red orange mint OG Hinged). 2024 Scott US$387.50 = $523.15 $75.00
258 Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #44/270. A small handful of "102" cards with a clean and attractive group, including better from the 1880 issue, Cabot, 1897 Royal Family, Guy, "Trail of the Caribou", publicity, Gilbert and Coronation issues. Stamps are individually identified, catalogued and priced (all at reasonable levels). There is often a mint and a used example of each stamp, with only a bit of minor duplication noted. Overall appearance is excellent, with few faults noted. Total 2024 Scott US$1182.15 = $1,595.90 $325.00
259 Canadian Provinces - Prince Edward Island #9d. Mint no gum lower sheet margin imperforate block of four of the 1868 issue 4p black Victoria. Light positional notations in pencil in the margin at bottom. 2024 Scott US$280.00 = $378.00 $65.00
260 Canadian Provinces - Prince Edward Island #11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Sound and Fine/Very Fine mint set of the 1872 "Decimal" series. Some minor separation noted on a couple of blocks, sensibly Hinge reinforced. 2024 Scott U$487.00 = $657.45 $200.00
261 China #2. Fresh and well centered used example of the 1878 issue 3c brown red Large Dragon. A few irregular perfs, otherwise sound and Fine. 2024 Scott US$400.00 = $540.00 $130.00
262 China - Sinkiang Province. Specialized collection of overprints on Central Trust / Dr. Sys issues. An interesting selection of singles and blocks, most identified as to various papers, types, perforations and overprints. Over 300 mint stamps in total, without gum as issued. Estimate = $120.00 $70.00
263 China - PRC #1067-71, 1074a, 1075. Fresh and Very Fine mint Never Hinged 1971 issue "50th Anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party" set complete, including the key se-tenant strip of three (#1074a). The strip has been lightly folded along the perfs. 2024 Scott US$605.00 = $816.75 $95.00
264 Cyprus #2/590. Duo of complementary mounted collection, which cover the first century of Cypriot issues. The first collection consists of a mostly used collection from QV to the early QEII on Minkus pages. The second collection is a group of material from 1963 to 1982, mint Hinged and mounted on quadrilled pages with a homemade plastic overleaf to effectively protect the stamps. Noted several better items which include used #2 (p.201), 6pi QV (pen cancel, not counted in the catalogue total) and the mint 1963 / 1964 Europa sets (#229-231, 244-246.) Previous owner’s accurate looking total 2023 Scott US$358.10 = $483.30 $48.00
265 Cyprus - SPECIMEN overprinted collection 1971-1992. An interested grouping 282 "mint" Never Hinged "Specimen" overprinted stamps, neatly arranged on Hagner brand stockpages. These "Specimen" overprints were done by the Post Office for distribution to postal agencies both National and abroad, BUT also provided to members of the Cyprus Philatelic Society for those who renewed their annual membership. Most European Dealers offer these in singles and sets for 1-2 euros per stamp (more if the set is complete). An interesting "add-on" to any collection. Estimate = $130.00 $85.00
266 Estonia and Lithuania #1/79, B1/B8 and 30/191 plus BOB. Group of 1920’s dealer approvals on European-style cards, with paper overleaf. Includes mint and used, with a bit of "back of the book". The 20 cards of Estonia are strongest in the first issue, Viking, Skyline and the 300m value of the "Map" issue. Includes imperforate, perforated and privately perforated issues. There are some multiples and better, such as multiple copies of the 25m Viking issue (used) and about 20 copies of #79 postally used (plus another 30 copies with hole punch cancels). Lithuania is much more modest, on only seven cards, with a similar mix of stamps, most of which catalogue under a dollar each. Estimate = $140.00 $150.00
267 Europe - Bundle of unprocessed auction and dealer purchases, most of which have been sitting untouched for 25 years or more. In no particular order there is some France, Russia, Norway, Czechoslovakia, Cyprus, Iceland, Greece, Finland (semi-postals), Poland (semi-postals), Romania (1906 Exposition), Spain (Muestra overprints x2), Luxembourg, Belgium (semi-postal presentation sheets (1940-48). There is also a bit of colonies such as French Polynesia, Italian Tripolitania, Spanish Colonies, Netherlands Antilles. Some are mounted on album pages or stockcards and some a bit looser than that, offered as received. Every little bit adds up here to a worthwhile group. Estimate = $160.00 $290.00
268 Europe - Shoebox with the balance of an olde-time European dealer’s approval stock, probably from the late 1950’s, mounted on 140 stockcards with a paper overleaf. The material is mostly from the first half of the 20th century, with strength in the 1920s-1950's. Includes mint, used, "back of the book" and the occasional non-Scott listed item (with light to moderate duplication). While much of the material is more common, there are better items in the $5.00 - $30.00 scattered throughout. Noted multiple cards from Germany, Danzig, Romania, Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bohemia and Moravia (to name a few), but many other countries are represented by a card or two as well. There is a bit from the rest of the world, but this accounts for fewer than 10 cards. Some of the material was separated by Michel catalogue numbers and finds are likely to be found by the knowledgeable collector. This material appears to have never been picked and has likely not seen daylight in 70 years! Estimate = $200.00 $70.00
269 Fiji #40/479. A pair of beautifully complementing mounted collections. The first starts with the late 19th century, with the "Crown-CR" and "Canoe" issues, with some very nice mint GeoV definitives, 1935 Silver Jubilee etc. Then the second collection kicks in, starting with a near-complete mint set of the first GeoVI issue up to the £1 value and runs in "fits and starts" until 1982, noting #240-256 and #260-276. The mint is Hinged, with very few faulty seen. Estimate = $150.00 $75.00
270 France #67/1768, B2/B497, C5/C30, J11/J63. Nice quality dealer’s stock of a couple hundred "102" cards. There are some better "Peace and Commerce" issues, including #96 and a trio of stamps with pulled perfs #67, #83 and an eye-catching example of #94a (mint, no gum, misperforated). From the "Liberty and Peace" design there is a mint copy of #122 and used copies of #126 and #132. There are some nice mint values from the "Pasteur" issue, a 1924 Olympic set, as well as the odd better value from the 1930’s, such as the 1938 World Cup stamp. Coverage from the 1940’s-1980’s is sporadic and the semi-postals are mostly mint and "hit or miss", but we note a number of sets cataloguing $5.00-$10.00 each. The airmail issues are a mix including some of the better issues from the 1930’s as well as C22. There are only a few postage dues, including a damaged used example of #J21 and J35 in better condition. The few damaged stamps in this lot are all higher value and described above, otherwise a clean offering in very nice condition. Stamps are identified by Scott but with no catalogue values or retail prices assigned. Terrific for collector or dealer alike! Estimate = $200.00 $80.00
271 France #329. Used 1937 PEXIP Exhibition souvenir sheet, with matching show postmarks. A nice example of this ever-popular sheet, with a few minor wrinkles "mentioned for the record" as often found on these postmarked examples. 2024 Scott US$360.00 = $486.00 $70.00
272 France #Q46, Q48, Q49, Q55, Q65, Q67 & Q68 Overprinted. Complete set of seven different mint Hinged/Never hinged 1936 issue Parcel Post stamps, all overprinted "B". These stamps were never issued, however they are listed in the French catalogues and are identified and priced in Scott catalogue footnotes. 2024 Scott Classic US$822.50 = $1,110.40 $95.00
273 France - Back of the Book Selection. An "as received" selection of Parcel Post, Council of Europe, UNESCO, Franco Prussian war, Alsace and Lorraine material, all mounted on album pages or stockpages. Most of the value is in the Parcel Post collection, (213 stamps with an owner's Scott value of US$1,450.00). Total count of all the material is 330 stamps (note that the Franco Prussian War stamps have not been counted in the catalogue value). Owner's 2018 Scott US$1,556 .00 = $2,100.60 $575.00
274 France - Collection in Minkus Album. Usefully comprehensive mint and used collection, housed in a (damaged cover) Minkus album, covering the Classic period from 1849 up to the modern issues of 1989. Mostly used to 1900 then mixed mint/used to 1950, then predominately mint to 1989. Good coverage for the period (over 90% complete). Over 2,400 stamps and sheets in total. Owner's Scott US$6,200.00 = $8,370.00 $260.00
275 France - Second-half of the 20th century collection. Starting with a selection on black stockpages, supplemented by a selection of "Art Issues" on manila stockpages and in sheetlets of 10, a half-pane of the Paris ’64 issue (catalogues $70.00 as mint singles). Finally, there is a 1998 mint year folder, a few sheetlets from Andorra. The owner catalogue several portions of this (but not all). The portion catalogued as a older 2016 Scott catalogue value US$558.80. Estimate = $150.00 $80.00
276 France - Two binders, containing groups of stamps from 3 different sources. The red springback binder includes a used collection up to 1955, starting with some nice 19th century issues, and hit or miss afterwards, including with the "back of the book" and the small section of "Colonies" material. Tucked into the front cover of the binder is three small cards holding 39 stamps and although the condition is a bit mixed, there is about $500.00 catalogue value here. The triumvirate is completed with a small "counter book" with a decent selection of mint semi-postals, used postage dues and a bit of other "back of the book", which had a 2001 Scott catalogue value of $335.00 (which now seems very low). Estimate = $200.00 $46.00
277 German Democratic Republic #10N1/502, 10NB1/B59 plus other BOB. Mixed mint and used on Scott Specialized pages (up to 1960). Very fresh and clean, with the used being mostly postally used and the mint being hinged only once. As always, the strength is in the 1948-1950 regular issues and semi-postals with only one mint souvenir sheet. A very fresh collection that last saw the light of day in the early 1980’s! Total 2023 Scott US$562.95 = $759.98 $44.00
278 German States - Bavaria - A bakers dozen (13) of album pages, with a wide array of Bavarian issues included both perforated and imperforate, officials etc. A mix of both mint and used, with several better items noted throughout. Take a good look at the scans to appreciate the tidiness and quality of this grouping. Estimate = $120.00 $55.00
279 Germany #16/2109. An almost perfect "ready to go" dealer’s stock of mostly used German regular issues from 1872 to 2001. Individually placed in "102" cards, and comfortably filling a red dealer’s box. These singles and sets are identified by Scott, but with no catalogue or retail prices listed. Almost no inflationary period, and very light on Nazi issues, with no "back of the book". The material is very with seemingly no duplication and a number of $5.00 - $10.00 items popping up throughout, with the occasional better (such as a mint, lightly hinged copy of #30 – catalogues $97.50). Lots of 1980’s-1990's material, with a mix of mint and used. There is significant value for the collector looking to fill in holes, or the vest-pocket dealer looking to build an attractive stock of German material. Estimate = $150.00 $85.00
280 Germany #670/1073, B316/B475a. Lindner hingeless album with pages 1950-1971 hold a very complete and mostly used collection of regular issue and semi-postals, from the post-war period where postally used stamps are often better than mint. Includes better, like the first page with B316-B323, cataloguing $314.00. The album itself is a nice 18-ring orange-red binder however, the pages look like they came from more than one source and may not be complete. In this case, the stamps are enough, as they are in excellent condition with almost no duplication. 2023 Scott US$1020.55 = $1,377.74 $100.00
281 Germany #B292-B293. Very Fine mint Never Hinged April 21st 1945 issue "Storm Trooper" semi-postal set of two in bright and fresh upper right corner blocks of ten. The set was only on sale for a few days in Berlin during the last days of WWII. These are the last postal issues of the 3rd Reich and as such, key WWII topicals! 2024 Scott US$600.00 = $810.00 $120.00
282 Germany - Disorganized post-war collection in a 32-page green Unisafe stockbook. Most notable is the 1988-1993 near complete run of mint and (CTO) used regular and semi-postal issues, easily cataloguing over US$1000.00. Mixed among this is some mint and used 1950's-1960's issues with the occasional better mixed in, like a Beethoven souvenir sheet and some Berlin (including a 40pf "Bell" used). A great way to build up your modern German collection. Estimate = $180.00 $55.00
283 Germany - We don’t end up with many significant sized German "end-of-consignment" lots, but this is an uncommon opportunity for a collector who likes finding the diamonds in the rough. This box covers almost everything from the German Empire up to about 2016, including DDR (a sparse collection in a Lighthouse album) and Berlin (a nice run of used issues including semi-postals from the mid-1950’s until 1990). There is a bundle of manila stockpages with used German commemoratives 2004-2016 (owner’s catalogue $900.00), along with a stack of old album pages, dealer’s cards and material just looking for a home. Filling the majority of a bankers box. Estimate = $160.00 $180.00
284 Germany - Bavaria #50/275, O6/O62. Three olde-time mounted collections with a mix of mint and used sets, including overprints, imperforates and officials. Very fresh, unchecked for printing varieties or cancellations. There is a bit of overlap, resulting in light duplication and a few pairs or blocks were noted. Includes individual stamps with catalogue values up to $15.00 each. Estimate = $120.00 $70.00
285 Germany - Berlin #9N1/9N557, 9NB13/9NB260. Scott Specialty 2-post album with pages up to 1988 (so close to the end), with a mint and mostly Never Hinged collection in collector-added black mounts. Good coverage of regular issues and semi-postals, with the odd souvenir sheet, and "for the record" there are about a dozen used stamps. Lots of sets and singles, with individual catalogue values up to about $20.00 each. The album is in good shape, with a minor scuff on the inside cover. Very fresh condition. Total 2023 Scott US$727.65 = $982.33 $190.00
286 Germany Covers - A 2" binder with an assortment of postal history from "German States" to "Post War Zones" (with a few later). Lots of intriguing items here, with a good showing of postal stationery, WWII, military, special cancels, WWII occupations etc. Neatly arranged on stockpages, this assortment totals 115 items, with many better $10-20 items throughout. Perfect for the Postal Historian, or show / internet dealer to break apart. Estimate = $120.00 $60.00
287 Great Britain #1. Fine to Very Fine used (still on piece) example of the 1940 issue Penny Black, the world's first stamp. Margins full to just touching. Maltese Cross cancel in red. Unchecked for plate number. 2024 Scott US$375.00 = $506.25 $70.00
288 Great Britain #1. Trio of Penny Blacks, each with a black or red Maltese Cross. One is a four-margin copy, the other two are at least 3+ margin copies. All are in condition which matches their attractive appearance. The one on the right has a small surface scuff over the "E" of "Penny". The only real fault in this lot with a total, unchecked for better plate positions. 2024 Scott US$1125.00 = $1,518.75 $250.00
289 Great Britain #1/514. Mostly used pre-decimal collection mounted on quadrilled pages in Simplex Blank springback album. A collection that Dickens would have approved of... it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. The Victorian section is strong with a 2-margin Penny black and an assortment of imperforate and perforated issues, many with the plates and cancels identified. There are dozens of penny reds, an attractive Jubilee set, a basic group of KEVII up to the 2/6 and the GeoV issues which are fairly complete, with several Seahorses up to 10/-. The final three Monarchs have good coverage, with some mint appearing in the late 1950’s. As well as having over 1000 stamps, this collection is supplemented with overprints for officials or overseas offices, as well as some postage dues, revenues and cut squares from postal stationery. The catalogue value will be several thousand dollars, but there is a big caveat to this collection: the collector wasn’t very picky, so there are faulty thoughout, including thins, straight edges, and some of the Victorian material is easily misidentified. This is unfortunate, because with a little tending and thinning, this could become a top-notch group. Estimate = $240.00 $240.00
290 Great Britain #2/4. A quintet of used imperforate early QV issues, includes a fresh 3-margin example of #2, a lovely 4-margin pair of #3, a nearly 3-margin copy of #3 tied to a piece and a 2.5 margin copy of #4. A great was to up the quality of your early GB collection. 2024 Scott US$1162.50 = $1,569.38 $80.00
291 Great Britain #3/125. Small group of Victorian-era issues on "102" cards, most mounted for easy picturing. Includes better with individual catalogue values up to $350.00 each, and the occasional better cancel (#3 with a London numeral cross cancel). Appearance is very nice, with the colour and condition being above average. The 23 individual items that you can see have a total 2024 Scott catalogue value of over $2300.00. Plus there is a small group of cards that are duplicates, faulty or of lower value, but not of less charm. Almost all stamps are used. Estimate = $180.00 $95.00
292 Great Britain #8/58. Selection of 20 cards and a front from the perforated QV "Penny Red" and "Tuppence Blue" issues, all used, and with many different plates noted. Includes #8, 12, 17, 20, 21, 26-28, #29 (plates 7, 8, 9), #30 (plates 13, 14,15), #32 and some multiples of #33, including on piece with a nice block of plate 214. Expect the usual minor faults for stamps of this era, but an eye-catching group. Total 2024 Scott US$1588.50 = $2,144.48 $120.00
293 Great Britain #96/124. Question: Can beauty be qualified? This small group of 18 better QV issues, including values up to the £ has attractiveness, value and in a couple of cases, some faults. Noted four copies of #96, the 2/6 value with some attractive dated cancels. The 1883-1884 issue is well represented, with the couple of unused stamps being counted as the cheaper, used. Finally, there is a decent 5/- carmine, 10/- blue (with tiny pinhole) and pound issue (#124, small thin and "GBL/L" perfin), these last two will happy fill a space until a better example comes around. 2024 Scott US$4159.25 = $5,614.99 $280.00
294 Great Britain #111/126. QV Jubilee issue up to the 1/- with both mint and used, with a bit of duplication and some potential shades. Good clean appearance, with 40 stamps in total. Expect the mint to be Hinged (as usual), but centring is above average. 2024 Scott US$1533.80 = $2,097.63 $95.00
295 Great Britain #127/150. Potential study lot of mint and used EdwardVII issues nicely identified and placed in "102" cards. Up to the 1/-, most issues are represented by both mint and used, but the higher values to 5/- are used. Some nicer mint includes #129, 130, 134, 135, 136 and 137. The used includes clean used copies of #136, 137 and two copies each of #139-140. Above average condition, the copy of #150 has a perfin and is not counted in the total 2024 Scott US$1856.75 = $2,506.61 $60.00
296 Great Britain #127/285 plus Back of the Book. A "Four Kings" specialized collection, collected and organized by Stanley Gibbons numbers. Includes paper, colour, cylinder numbers and watermark varieties, supported with nice cancels and the occasional security overprint (didn’t notice any perfins). The EdwardVII includes various sets and parts of sets, mostly used, including 2/6 (x4) and a 5/-, plus overprinted officials such as a couple each of "Gov’t Parcels" and "Admiralty Official" overprints. The GeoV definitives are a bit lighter, but there is 11 Seahorses, up to the 10/-, followed by EdwardVIII which has the basic issues. The GeorgeVI includes a number of cylinder singles, 4x Post Office training overprints and one of the few commemoratives includes the £1 Royal Wedding. Some organized, some awaiting mounting. Great to build or expand an existing collection. The catalogue value will be at least a few thousand dollars. Estimate = $425.00 $110.00
297 Great Britain #127-140, 142, 144, 145. Edwardian Treasure Trove of used material. An old time offering, mounted on pages with 1 to 102 examples of each stamp. While faulty stamps were not removed (including a corner fault on the £1.00 value), this group is completely unchecked for shades, papers and postmarks. Comes with the original auction description and 2004 Scott Catalogue value of US$9130.80 from when purchased from the "Great Western Auction" in 2005 (owner reportedly paid $550.00 for this lot back then). Untouched since then, 19 years later! Estimate = $500.00 $160.00
298 Great Britain #159/291. Mostly used (but also mint and on cover) selection of the 1912 to 1951 George V and George VI issues, mostly in complete sets. Throughout the lot there are definitives and commemoratives, watermark varieties, full and part booklet panes, cylinder number multiples and booklet inserts. All neatly laid out and mostly identified on six Hagner stockpages. Take a good look at the scans to appreciate the impressive range of material offered here. An excellent "plus value" lot for the GB specialist. Total Scott and Stanley Gibbons listed material catalogue will be significant. A VF used set of blocks of the 1951 "Festival of Britain" high value set is one of the high points of the lot. Estimate = $200.00 $90.00
299 Great Britain #210-220, 226-229, 230-223 PLUS Varieties. All mint Hinged/Never Hinged selection of the last 1934-1936 George V issues and the 1936 issue short-lived Edward VIII set of four. The material includes the photo-litho George V definitive set of 11 and the Silver Jubilee set of 4. Throughout the lot there are watermark varieties, full and part booklet panes, cylinder number blocks and booklet inserts for all of the different series. All neatly laid out and identified on four Hagner stockpages. Takea good look at the scans to appreciate the impressive range of material offered here. An excellent "plus value" lot for the GB specialist. Estimate = $250.00 $110.00
300 Great Britain #226-229 First Day Cover. George V Silver Jubilee set of four on a Very Fine and neatly addressed First Day Cover, neatly CDS postmarked East Ardsley Wakefield Yorkshire, May 7th 1935. Very pretty! Owner's Stanley Gibbons £650.00 = $1,100.00 $230.00
301 Great Britain #230-233 Edward VIII Mint Study Group. All mint Fine/Very Fine Hinged/Never Hinged condition selection of 1936 Edward VIII issues, including normal singles, inverted watermark singles, booklet panes with normal and inverted watermarks, cylinder number singles and multiples, plus an exploded 3sh booklet. Lots of "plus value" items in this group, especially if Stanley Gibbons catalogues are consulted. Estimate = $150.00 $95.00
302 Great Britain #234 Study Group. Mint and used (plus one First Day Cover) Fine/Very Fine, Hinged/Never Hinged condition study of 1937 George VI Coronation issue, including normal singles and blocks, cylinder number blocks, part sheets and, of particular note a huge number of carefully annotated plate flaws. There are a significant number of "plus value" items in this group, especially if the specialized Stanley Gibbons catalogues are consulted. Estimate = $170.00 $48.00
303 Great Britain #234-291. All mint Hinged/Never Hinged selection of the 1937 to 1951 George VI issues, all in complete sets. Throughout the lot there are definitives and commemoratives, watermark varieties, full and part booklet panes, cylinder number blocks and booklet inserts for all of the different series. All neatly laid out and identified on five Hagner stockpages. Take a good look at the scans to appreciate the impressive range of material offered here. An excellent "plus value" lot for the GB specialist. Total Scott catalogue value exceeds US$400.00 and the Stanley Gibbons listed material catalogues over £30.00. Estimate = $250.00 $190.00
304 Great Britain #235/291 Study Group. Mint Fine/Very Fine, Hinged/Never Hinged condition study of 1937 to 1951 George VI issues, including normal commemorative and definitive singles, sideways and inverted watermarks, booklet panes, part sheets and four "training bar" stamps. A significant number of "plus value" items in this group, especially if the specialized Stanley Gibbons catalogues are consulted. Estimate = $150.00 $85.00
305 Great Britain #O28. Used example of the 1886 issued 6d green QV overprinted "GOV’t PARCELS". Quite a reasonable postmark for this issue and above average centering, but a small thin visible from the reverse side noted "for the record". A nice example of this Victorian "back of the book" issue. 2023 Scott US$1250.00 = $1,687.50 $22.00
306 Great Britain - A dizzying array of miscellaneous British material that is filling a bankers box. There are three or four collections/accumulations/studies, with mostly used material, including some higher value Victorian items (a very old stockbook has most of the QV Jubilee set, including the 10d and 1/-). At the other end of the scale is masses of mounted Wildings and Machins, that we will leave it to you to ponder what the person who assembled it was aiming for. Noted some presentation cards, some loose cards and stockpages. Also included is some Guernsey, and many other bits and bobs that await your exploration. Estimate = $150.00 $160.00
307 Great Britain - A duality of a lot. Bankers box that is taken up with four homemade shoebox sized containers holding a mostly used British dealer’s stock covering modern QEII (Scott #800/2685 & Machins and BOB), each item in its own #5 sized glassine, with 1-30 stamps each. The second half of the lot is a pair of older and battered stockbooks and a metal cigarette tin with a mix of QV-pre-decimal QEII, mint and used, with some non-Scott listed items. Overall, there are thousands of stamps here, given only a cursory check by us. There should be lots for both the collector looking for elusive modern used material, as well as someone looking to add some items into the earlier part of their collection. Estimate = $140.00 $55.00
308 Great Britain - An "end of consignment" bankers box packed with mostly 20th century Britain. Many individual items that don’t quite rate their own auction lot but add up to a good deal of value. Noted a few stockbooks (some with used stamps, some mint), presentation packs, retired circuit books, album segments, loose pages, PHQ cards, a mint roll of Machins and a bit of Channel Islands material. Besides the stamps (noted EdwardVII to 1/-, Seahorse), there is some value in the supplies, including three older small sized Lighthouse stockbooks. Estimate = $160.00 $60.00
309 Great Britain - Annual hard-cover annual collection books 1986-1999, making up a seldom seen run of hardcover Royal Mail limited edition books. A grand total of 14 books, many still in the original Post Office plastic wrap (and all still containing the full offering of stamps as issued). A wonderful way to acquire the stamps of the period, accompanied by a detailed write-up and illustrations pertaining to the issue (note, the most recent 2023 edition is being sold by Royal Mail for a whopping £250.00!). Stanley Gibbons Concise Catalogue £765.00 = $1,319.30 $130.00
310 Great Britain - Banker’s box completely filled with the balance of a consignment. Mostly1910-1985 era, including two Stanley Gibbons albums (one old, one older), with basic collections. There is a large stockbook with used Elizabethan material, a binder that holds a used specialized QEII definitive collections (especially Wildings that might make for a decent reference collection), a stockbook with used regional issues and a selection of used Jersey (in a binder of manilla stockpages with a dealer’s stock). There is a bit of mint material, mostly from the late 1970’s-early 1980’s on black stockpages and a small group of pre-1980 presentation packs. Every remaining nook is filled with an envelope from a used wholesale stock, going back to the early GeoV period. Many thousands of stamps, which should reward your persistence. Estimate = $140.00 $48.00
311 Great Britain - Black binder with over 300 mostly QEII (some GeoV and GeoVI) mounted perfins, plus a pair of black stockpages with another 75 earlier, including some better Victorian and GeoV issues. Includes #64a, 94-95, 100 106 and 108 as well as a couple of Seahorses, with the catalogue value of these eight stamps alone being almost US$1000.00. Expect a bit of mixed condition and the slightest bit of duplication. Unchecked by us for perfin rarities. Estimate = $160.00 $34.00
312 Great Britain - Edward VIII Booklets Stanley Gibbons #BC2, BC3. Very Fine condition complete, intact and unexploded 1936 issue 2sh (Edition 359) and 3sh booklets (Edition 321), both containing panes of the very short-lived Edward VIII issues. The Scott numbers for the panes contained in the booklets run from #230a to 232b. A very high quality pair of booklets! 2022 Stanley Gibbons Concise £260.00 = $450.00 $120.00
313 Great Britain - FDC collection. An accumulation of 122 covers from the 1960's / 1970's as collected by the original collector, mostly in sleeves from a cover album, filling a small box (about the size of a small shoebox). We noted several better QEII issues, which also include some better early privately produced cachets (some of these early cachets are sought after by FDC enthusiasts). Also included (but from a later period) is a single 1990 "smilers" Greeting Stamp, Royal Mail FDC sent to Canada. Estimated at less than $1.00 per cover! Estimate = $100.00 $65.00
314 Great Britain - High quality 1855-1880 offering of 101 Queen Victoria stamps, all neatly arranged and annotated on three album pages. This group represents a colossal catalogue value, with MANY better stamps throughout and including plus-value postmarks such as QV stamps used in Malta, South Africa (Boer War), Egypt and Constantinople. Likely a couple small hidden faults, but overall a very clean offering, left as received for the next owner to appreciate the quality of material as collected and arranged by the previous owner over many years. Estimate = $500.00 $425.00
315 Great Britain - Queen Victoria used, mostly "Penny Reds" in three acts. The first is a battered 32-page Lighthouse stockbook, with five pages with stamps including over 100 "Penny Reds", looking completely unorganized and about 70 copies of #33 that appear to be from plates 100 and lower (but no plate #77). The second part is four pages of #33 which have been identified by plate number, and it is a good run, with unusually easily readable plate numbers. The third is a three-page remnant of an auction lot, with 21 used Victorian issues, including most of the Jubilee issue. Significant catalogue value and potential here. Estimate = $150.00 $150.00
316 Great Britain - Seemingly random complete booklet assortment, with better such as X10, £1 "Wedgewood" (x3), "Perfect Coronation" (DX31), which catalogue £335.00 alone. Plus, there is a touch of Machin and a bundle of earlier booklets from Jersey (face value £30.00). For those wanting earlier material there are three GeoVI covers (no stamps) for those looking to show an exploded booklet without having to break-up a perfectly good example. Small lot, with lots of catalogue value as per Stanley Gibbons, with overall condition being excellent. Estimate = $150.00 $48.00
317 Great Britain - Trio of perfin groupings. In no particular order, is a pair of stockpages with mostly QV-GeoV, including earlier than usual Victorian issues as well as better singles (with face values up to 2/6), a pair of 1/- carmine and green EdwardVII and some GeoV era with some "Seahorses". The second portion is a 9-page mounted collection on quadrilled pages and the lot finalizes with a 16-page Unisafe black page stockbook with lots of QEII Wilding and Machin perfins. A researchers delight, with the basic stamps alone having an enormous catalogue value. Estimate = $150.00 $55.00
318 Great Britain - Channel Islands - A bundle of 11 retired RPSC circuit books from Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man. The majority of the stamps are mint, Never Hinged and mounted in clear mounts. Includes stamps issued between 1970-2002, with face values up to £5.00 with both regular and "back of the book" material. Overall, condition is quite clean and very few faults were noted. Items were priced based on 2012 Scott and those prices have dropped in the intervening years. The remaining retail (not catalogue) value is $429.40 CDN. Estimate = $130.00 $60.00
319 Great Britain and Jersey/Guernsey/Isle of Man - Red "dealer’s box" 80% filled with Edward VII to early 1990’s sets and singles on "102" cards. A mix of mint and used, the Edwards go up to 2/6, but condition is mixed, and the 2/6 has a perfin (some might like that, some might not). There are some GeoV definitives with potential and the 1924 BEE (British Empire Exhibition) set. The GeoVI has some mint definitives and a couple of mint £ Royal Weddings. Next are some mint (phosphorous) QEII Wildings, and then a steady offering of mint and used sets, with the occasional block of 4. By the mid-1980’s, the sets are mostly mint (and all Never Hinged). There is a touch of "back of the book", including a couple of "Official" overprints that await your critical eye (such as O29 – catalogue $1350.00). The Channel Islands and IOM material is mostly mint from the 1970’s-1980’s. Estimate = $200.00 $80.00
320 Great Britain Offices Abroad - A somewhat disorganized estate balance, including some decent offices in Turkey/Levant, including QV to 2/6 and Seahorses to 10/-. There are bits of "Eastern Africa Forces", "Middle East Forces", Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and some Offices in Morocco and Tangiers. There is some mint, a lot more used, with some multiples, some "back of the book" and a variety of "odds and ends". There are individual stamps with up to $50.00 catalogue value, so we are confident that your organizing skills will pay dividends. Album pages, a small, beat-up, stockbook, dealer glassines, stockcards...you name it, it is here, but not in order. Estimate = $140.00 $140.00
321 Great Britain Offices in Morocco / Tangiers - A job lot of dealer stock, album pages and collector's accumulations, with a mix of mint and used issues from early QV to the QEII Wildings. A variety of overprints in different currencies, with better up to $40.00 catalogue value. Noted Seahorses, Royal Wedding high value, etc. Between the various sources, there should be good coverage of this collecting area, with a bit of duplication due to the overlap of various sources. Hundreds of stamps, with some sorting required to bring out the potential of this holding. Estimate = $140.00 $150.00
322 Great Britain Postal History - Gerald Wellburn Collection. Early folded cover / letter, sent from the Earl of Lauderdale on February 19th 1662 to Peter Wellburn. An interesting early folded cover, which looks to be written at Whitehall and signed "Lauderdale". Included is a print out of the Wellburn family tree, which must have been used by Gerald Wellburn in an attempt to put this into context (although there is no Peter Wellburn listed). An unusual item from the Wellburn collection. Estimate = $140.00 $60.00
323 Great Britain Postal History - Gerald Wellburn Collection. Intriguing folded cover (with contents) sent 1756 to John Bell, Attorney at Law "at Scarbrough in Yorkshire". Neatly mounted on one of renowned postal historian Gerald Wellburn’s "working pages" done in pencil Wellburn’s handwriting. Wellburn writes that his father (born in 1871) recalled the Bell family in Scarborough. An interesting item, with wonderful hand-written contents from a high-calibre collection. Estimate = $140.00 $60.00
324 Greece #117-128. All used complete set of 12 commemoratives, all issued for the first modern Olympic Games, held in 1896 in Athens. The top three values each have multiple expertization marks on the back. The 10l value has a slightly rounded corner (catalogue $7.25), mentioned for the record, but does not detract from much from this well above average series. This is the grandfather of all Olympic thematic sets! 2023 Scott Classic US$1249.00 = $1,686.15 $280.00
325 Greece #159-163. Complete mint Hinged / Hinge remnant set of the 1900-1901 overprint / surcharge issue on the 1896 Olympic Games issue. While the Hinging was heavy on this set, leaving a small hinge-thin on the low value, this is still a tough set to assemble. 2023 Scott US$485.00 = $654.75 $270.00
326 Greece #184-197. Complete used set of 14 values, making up the 1906 Olympic Games issue, marking the 10th anniversary of the 1896 Olympic Games. One of the iconic Greek issues of the time, featuring scenes of "Atlas & Hercules", "Wrestlers" and "Apollo throwing Discus". Seldom offered. 2024 Scott US$325.40 = $439.30 $130.00
327 Greece #249-259. Complete mint Never Hinged set of the 1917 Venizelist Provisional Government series. A striking set of 11 stamps, featuring "Iris" in Post Office fresh condition. 2024 Scott US$400.00 = $540.00 $150.00
328 Greece #321-334. Complete mint Hinged / Hinge Remnant set of the 1927 Pictorial issue, series of 14 stamps featuring a variety of scenes including "The Acropolis", "Academy of Science" and "White Tower of Salonika" (to name a few). An attractive series. 2023 Scott US$245.00 = $330.75 $65.00
329 Greece #472-481. Complete mint Never Hinged set of the 1946 revalue / overprint series of 13 stamps, with values from 10d to 5000d. 2023 Scott US$236.85 = $319.75 $65.00
330 Greece #535-538, 556-567. Duo of better mint Never Hinged sets, including the 1951 Anniversary of St Paul’s Visit to Athens (set of 4) and the 1954 Pictorial issue (set of 12). Post Office fresh colours. 2023 Scott US$514.75 = $694.90 $75.00
331 Greece #556-567, 571-581, 632-638. Matching trio of mint Never Hinged sets of the same designs, including the 1954 Pictorial set (12 stamps), 1955 re-issue (8 stamps) and the 1959 re-re-issue (7 stamps). Nice to get all three at once, in Post Office fresh condition. 2023 Scott US$468.80 = $632.90 $85.00
332 Greece #582-585, 618-623, 624-631, 632-638, C74-C80. Group of five complete mint Hinged sets from the 1955-1959 period. Includes the 1955 Anniversary of 1st School of Philosophy, 1958 "Ships" issue, 1958 Congress for the Protection of Nature, 1959 "Coins" issue and the 1959 Airmail series. All neatly laid out on one Hagner stocksheet. 2023 Scott US$274.55 = $370.65 $32.00
333 Greece #587-600, 604-617. Matching duo mint Never Hinged sets, comprising of the 1956 Pictorial series of 14 stamps, then companion "re-issue" of 1957 series of 14 stamps using the same design, but in different colours. Post Office fresh, an attractive matching duo. 2023 Scott US$241.30 = $325.75 $32.00
334 Greece #C1-C30. Complete mint / used run of the 1926-1935 airmail issues (5 complete sets). While most are Lightly Hinged, the 1926 issue is Never Hinged and the 1933 series is complete used. Includes the always popular Graf Zeppelin issue of 1933. A wonderful selection of early Greek airmail issues. 2023 Scott US$409.45 = $552.75 $65.00
335 Greece #C38-C47. Pristine complete mint Never Hinged set of the 1940 airmail set / series of 10 stamps which were issued for the 4th anniversary of the founding of the Greek Youth Organization. A wonderful addition to any collection. 2023 Scott Classic US$550.00 = $742.50 $210.00
336 Greece - Balance of collection offering, from classics to the 1960’s, all neatly laid out on two stockpages. A mostly mint selection, but also includes a smattering of used (including some shade varieties of the 1896 Olympics issue, not listed in Scott). Most of the mint is Lightly Hinged, with the odd Never Hinged set. Estimate = $130.00 $60.00
337 Greenland and Iceland #28/322, 76/924 plus Back of the Book. Scandinavian island neighbours mostly used stock in "102" cards. Strongest is the 1980’s-1990’s when the face value of issues skyrocketed and production numbers were still quite limited, resulting in many regular stamps with $3.00-$10.00 catalogue value each. The Icelandic issues include some semi-postals and officials. Individually numbered by Scott, and with minimal duplication. Very nice condition. Perfect for collector or dealer, alike! Around 200 cards in total. Estimate = $130.00 $80.00
338 Hong Kong #2/375. Two combined pre-1980 mounted collections on a variety of album pages held together in a Stanley Gibbons "Senator" springback binder. Although a bit picked over, there is still lots of meat on these bones. The most interesting are the QV-GeoVI definitives, mostly used, with some better mint singles for EdwardVII and GeoVI. Other items of note were a "Treaty Port" cancel, blocks (both used and there are a few mint corner blocks) and some "one offs" like a QV forgery and a company "chop". The commemoratives include many of the Common Design issues and a few 1960’s-1970’s sets. Includes an envelope of material that the collector never got around to mounting. Noted many $10.00-$20.00 items throughout. Estimate = $180.00 $80.00
339 Hong Kong #5. Fresh and F/VF mint example of the 1862 issue 24c green Queen Victoria, perf 14x14, no watermark. Glazed gum from a sweatbox, but a scarce mint stamp. 2023 Scott US$1200.00 = $1,500.00 $160.00
340 Hong Kong #71/141. All mint selection of Edward VII and (mostly) George V issues, all in blocks or plate number/sheet counter pieces. Some pieces show a bit of toning and gum disturbance but a very scarce group nonetheless. The Geo V period stamps are almost all watermark 4 (Crown and Script CA). All neatly laid out on one Hagner stocksheet to facilitate viewing. Estimate = $250.00 $140.00
341 Hong Kong #97a/107. A quintet of lovely KEVIII medium to high values. Includes pair of #97a (20c mint pair on chalky paper, top stamp Hinge Remnant, bottom stamp Never Hinged), #103 used and #104 (expertization mark on back) and #107 ("Richter" expertization mark on back). Needless to say, this is difficult material to find. 2023 Scott US$777.00 = $1,048.95 $170.00
342 Hong Kong - A "start to finish" grouping while under British Administration. A truly varied bundle of old album and stockpages, with some more modern material, including some presentation and Post Office products. Includes strong Victorian-era material including some cancel potential, a bit of EdwardVII and the basis of a specialized grouping of GeoV (including a small group of mint material). There is a bit of GeoVI including $10.00 #166A and the UPU set used (alas the Royal Wedding high value is one of the few heavily damaged stamps in the lot). There is more potential awaiting in the end of this lot which is mostly QEII-era sets and singles (more mint in this section). Estimate = $180.00 $160.00
343 Hong Kong - QV to George VI selection, neatly arranged in black mounts on blank Scott brand album pages (cut down). A total of 85 stamps, both mint and used (the mint appears to be primarily Lightly Hinged). A nice showing of this ever-popular country during the QV-GeoVI period. Owner's 2022 Scott US$881.85 = $1,190.50 $120.00
344 Hong Kong - Selection of George VI / QEII mint and used, arranged on stocksheets and identified by the consignor. Included are 165 stamps, mostly mint Hinged and used, but some Never Hinged material scattered in as well. Owner's 2022 Scott US$610.45 = $824.10 $110.00
345 Iceland #O53-O67. Complete mint Never Hinged set of the 1930 Parliament Millenary issue, overprinted (in blue or red) for Official use. A very tough set to find in such good condition, with Post Office fresh colours. Also included (but not included in the catalogue value) is the 1930 CO1 matching airmail issue (also mint Never Hinged). A choice offering. 2023 Scott US$2250.00 = $3,037.50 $450.00
346 Iceland - Premium better used selection of 36 different from 1902-1997, with each stamp cataloging US$5.00 and up! A neatly laid out grouping, with each stamp identified to make them easy to view in the scan. Nice sound examples, but expect a few minor faults (short perfs etc) and note #C3 has a pen ink number on the back (doesn't affect front). 2024 Scott US$477.25 = $644.30 $110.00
347 India #206. Post Office fresh and Very Fine+ mint Never Hinged example of the high value 1948 issue 10 Rupees rose brown and brown Mahatma Gandhi "in memoriam" commemorative. By far the key regular Indian issue of the GeoVI period. 2024 Scott US$500.00 = $675.00 $170.00
348 India and States - Mint and (mostly) used duplicated collections/stocks of 19th to mid 20th century issues, over 400 stamps in total, all laid out on cut-down album pages and stocksheets. Unchecked for postmarks or varieties. Offered as received. Owner's 2022 Scott catalogue value is over US$450.00 ($607.50 CDN). Estimate = $150.00 $170.00
349 Ireland #32/1179, J6/J36. A good-sized handful of mint and used Irish material from a dealer’s stock, all nicely laid out on "102" cards, each with Scott number, a fairly recent catalogue price and reasonable retail price (which will hold up, even on some of the items where the catalogue value has dropped a bit). Lots of classic, pre-WWII issues, including overprints and "map" and "coat of arms" mixed in with the commemorative issues. By the mid-1960’s and up to the late 1990’s the issues are mostly commemoratives and mostly mint, Never Hinged, with lots of sets. Lastly is a nice group of mint postage dues. A couple of hundred cards here, in good condition (overall) and all set to become a collection, to be added to a collection, or to be sold. Individual stamps catalogue up to $20.00 each. Estimate = $170.00 $95.00
350 Ireland - Selection of 146 different recent used from 2013 - 2023 issues. These real stamps are really hard to find as Ireland is now using computer-printed facsimiles to replace stamps! Watch the catalogue values continue to rise on these! 2024 Scott US$349.00 = $471.15 $70.00
351 Israel #51/187, C9/C20, J12-J20. Older Minkus "Tab Blocks" album with pages up to 1960 with a selection of blocks, all within collector added black mounts. Stamps appear to be Never Hinged and include a few better, such as the 4th anniversary commemoratives and the unwatermarked "tribes" issue of 1957-1959. Even though they are blocks, each with two-tab pairs, we have catalogued them as if they were two single tabbed pairs (for the record). 2023 Scott US$271.50 = $366.53 $46.00
352 Italy #87d. Exceptionally fresh and Very Lightly Hinged full OG mint example of the 1 lire brown and green Victor Emmanuel III high value with se-tenant "Columbia" label. This is the only 1 lire value in this popular label set. 2024 Scott Classic US$850.00 = $1,147.50 $170.00
353 Italy #96b, 96c, 96d, 100c, 100d, 100e. Exceptionally fresh and Very Lightly Hinged full OG mint group of six different 15c slate and 25c blue Victor Emmanuel III stamps with the rare 1924-1925 issued se-tenant advertising labels. This group includes the key "COEN" (#100d, US$215.00) and "PIPERNO" (#100e, US$1,450.00) adverts.2024 Scott Classic US$1,830.00 = $2,470.50 $260.00
354 Italy #105b, 105f, 105g, 105h, 105i, 105j. Exceptionally fresh and Very Lightly Hinged full OG mint group of six different 50c violet Victor Emmanuel III stamps with the rare 1924-1925 issued se-tenant advertising labels. This group includes the key "COEN" (#105b, US$1,450.00) and "TAGLIACOZZO" (#105i, US$2,175.00) adverts. 2024 Scott Classic US$4,425.00 = $5,973.75 $475.00
355 Italy #248-256, C23-C26. Complete mint Hinged set of the 1930 "Bimillenary of the birth of Virgil" including the four "back of the book" airmail issues. Trivial (printing?) spot on the 20c value (catalogue $2.40), mentioned for the record, otherwise Post Office fresh colours. 2023 Scott US$332.00 = $448.20 $55.00
356 Italy #280-289. Complete mint Hinged set of the 1932 "Garibaldi" series. This attractive set of 10 stamps was issued on the 50th anniversary of the death of Giuseppe Garibaldi. An always popular series, with Post Office fresh colours (90+ years after issue). 2023 Scott US$166.40 = $224.65 $34.00
357 Italy #290-305, C40-41, E16-E17. Complete mint hinged set of 20 stamps, making the complete run of both regular and "back of the book" issued in 1932 for the 10th Anniversary of the Fascist Government and March on Rome. A visually striking series. 2022 Scott US$201.75 = $272.35 $34.00
358 Italy #359-366, C84-C88, 377-386, C95-C99. Duo of mint Hinged sets, including the 1936 "200th Anniversary of the birth of Quintas Horatius Flaccus" (13 stamps including the airmail issues) and the 1937 "Bimillenary of the birth of Emperor Augustus Caesar" (15 stamps including the airmail issues). Two complete sets, in Post Office fresh condition. 2023 Scott US$461.00 = $622.35 $85.00
359 Italy - Your chance to become the greatest Italian explorer since Marco Polo! There is one page with some better mint, Hinged sets (#268-279, C28-C33, C89-C94, catalogue US$288.90). After that, you are going to have to do battle to tame an unruly group of stockbooks, glassines and dealer cards, most of which haven’t seen the light of day since the early 1980’s. We noted some better items among the common including "back of the book", overprints, Trieste, etc. We feel that if you invest the time to sort this out, you will be more than satisfied with the outcome. Estimate = $160.00 $80.00
360 Jamaica - The balance from a British Commonwealth consignment, includes a small card with very fresh appearing, but a bit mixed mint grouping, including QV issues to 2/-, as well as a 5/- "Arms" (#45, catalogues $57.50) and selected GeoV issues including B1-B3. The next up is a mounted collection of used and mint GeoV to mid-Elizabethan period, including #141 mint. There are a few loose pieces, including a mid-1950’s complete QEII booklet and a handful of late 1980’s plate blocks for partial sets (e.g. whales, Olympics, etc), which still catalogue over $300.00. Finally, there is a retired circuit book circa 2002 with a nice selection of QV singles and early QEII sets, for which time has appreciated most of the catalogue values. A country which has not succumbed to over issuing stamps, as many of its neighbours have. Estimate = $160.00 $100.00
361 Labuan #20/119, J1/J8. A quartet of black stockpages with an assortment of mostly used issues, including overprints, revalues, 1896 Jubilees and postage dues. Better singles include #20 (used) and #61-62 (mint), cataloguing $57.50 each. Unchecked for perforations, printings or cancels. Expect the occasional minor fault or potentially "questionable" item (as some of these issues tend to attract). A very popular collecting area. Estimate = $150.00 $80.00
362 Liechtenstein #94-107. Complete mint Hinged set of the perf 10 ½ 1930 Pictorial issue, included the often neglected (separately listed) #100-102 issues, the latter which were issued in a compound perforation of 11 ½ x 10. A tough to find series, this one with Post Office fresh colours. 2023 Scott US$682.90 = $921.90 $180.00
363 Liechtenstein - A mixed group of material, including better items, such as mint #3 and #C1-C6 (catalogue over US$260.00 alone). There is some dealer’s stock with mostly lower value items organized in glassines, and a small handful of issues into the 1970’s, with a couple of souvenir sheets. This is followed by a dozen early-1970s first day covers, a 1973 folder for the Mountain issue, and postal stationery cards in two bundles of 100 cards each (which our dated Michel lists as P77-78 and catalogues at 450.- DM). Estimate = $130.00 $44.00
364 Luxembourg #2/951 plus BOB. Ready-to-go dealer’s stock of a small handful of "102" cards, with a range of used and mint, with strength in the "Coat of Arms", including a nice copy of #44, the 12 1/2c rose, perforated 13.5. The 20th century material is good quality, but a bit more run-of-the-mill. From the back of the book, there is an intriguing batch of "Official" overprints on regular issues, such as a faulty O3 (catalogues $240.00) and others such as O6 & O13 up to O179 and while they look good, they are offered "as-is" because of the significant levels of forgery on the overprints. The stamps are individually identified by Scott but no catalogue or retail price. Great way to build your collection, or to sell. Estimate = $180.00 $60.00
365 Luxembourg - In three parts. The first is a black stockpage with three black cards showing an assortment of the early "Coat of Arms" issues with imperforate, rouletted, rouletted with colour, perforated and official overprints. Next is a seemingly random set of Scott Specialty pages with semi-postal issues from 1930-1974, mostly mint, with a few souvenir sheets. The final tranche is a homemade box from a dealer who, due to health issues, was not able to get this material out to collectors and is complete, as formed, including a mostly used run of regular 20th century issues, along with a good smattering of mint back of the book. There is even an envelope of unprocessed items awaiting exploration. Estimate = $180.00 $120.00
366 Malaya / States / Malaysia - The last of a dealer’s stock, includes a mix of mint and used, with Federated Malayan States "Tiger" issue #19b (mint), 24, #26a (mint and used), 33b and J16. There is material from states such as Kelantan (#68), S.Ujong (#38), Selangor (#31) and Penang (#27). From Malaysia is #26-27 and 72-73, all used. The bottom line on the stockcard contains three higher values with revenue cancels that would have catalogued over US$400.00, if postally used (which they were not). These are not counted in the total catalogue value. 2023 Scott US$377.60 = $509.76 $38.00
367 Malaya, States, Malaysia, Singapore, Sarawak - Balance of a consignment in a small handful that includes 146 stamps/souvenir sheets and a couple sheetlets Malaysian "new issues" circa 2000, still in their original glassines. There is a couple 1980’s Singapore presentation folders as well as a used QEII set to $5.00. From a dealer, and a couple collection extractions are pages of used tigers from Federated Malay States, a bit of material from various states, including a card of Johore and a glassine envelope with lots of KGVI "BMA" overprints. The lot concludes strongly with some nice, mostly mint, Sarawak. An always popular area, take a good look at the scans to appreciate the scope of the grouping. Estimate = $150.00 $90.00
368 Monaco #110-130. Complete mint Hinged set of the 1932-1937 Pictorial issue (21 different values). A colourful series, which features scenes including "Old Watchtower", "Royal Palace" and "Gardens of Monaco". 2023 Scott US$572.85 = $773.35 $230.00
369 Monaco - Mix of miscellaneous Monaco, starts with a small card of high value (but mixed condition) earlies, followed by an assortment of glassines stock and assorted album pages, plus a lightly used 16-page stockbook. Includes a few souvenir sheets, "back of the book" and some untouched "new issues" up to the early 1990’s. Expect some duplication, but also the occasional treasure to surface, as this is lotted as received from the consignor. Estimate = $140.00 $65.00
370 Montserrat #248/1397. Modern Montserrat Monster lot of souvenir sheets and sheetlets. Far more recent than you normally see, covering 1970 but the majority of the value is post 1990, up to 2016. About 100 different items, most are mint (and appear to be never hinged) on homemade pages. Great condition and with the wide range of topicals that make these so popular, such as ships, Royalty, animals, sea life, musicians, soccer, space, stamp on stamp etc. This era is seeing a revival amongst collectors and catalogue editors alike. 2023 Scott US$627.50 = $847.13 $150.00
371 Nauru #1-12, 17/85. Fresh and Fine to Very Fine mint Hinged 1916 to 1968 period collection of 66 all different stamps, all neatly laid out, identified and valued on two Hagner brand stocksheets. Almost all complete GeoV, GeoVI and QEII sets and a nearly complete run from 1935 up to 1968. 2024 Scott US$187.25 = $252.80 $110.00
372 Netherlands #1/827, B9/B667 and Antilles / Surinam. Well organized, nicely presented and desirable dealer’s stock on "102" cards, filling 80% of a red dealer’s box. Stamps and sets are placed in individual cards, each identified by Scott, and with a very recent catalogue price and desirable retail price. Includes ten attractive King William III issues with #1, 1a, 2, 6 and some better "Coat of Arms" #20, 20b, 22. Much of the 20th century issues are assorted and of lower value (but still noted the occasional $10.00 stamp here and there), plus many nice "socked-on-the-nose" cancels. There is some mint amongst the more recent issues. The semi-postal issues are a mix of mint and used, often in sets. The lot concludes with a small group each of Netherlands Antilles and Surinam, including some "back of the book". A nice, clean offering. Estimate = $170.00 $85.00
373 Netherlands #B144a, B145a. VF mint Never Hinged 1942 issue Netherlands Legion semi-postal souvenir sheets. Key WWII propaganda items, with surtax to benefit the Netherlands Legion. Much better condition than we usually see these. 2024 Scott US$175.00 = $236.25 $85.00
374 Netherlands and Colonies - Balance of a consignment in a pair of springback albums, one with more mint than used, the other with more used than mint, strongest in 1920’s-1960’s period, with some semi-postals and a few covers too. There is a pair of retired RPSC circuit books, circa 2012 that had $300.00 retail remaining, a small group of 1960’s "new issues" and a small bundle of album pages for Dutch Indies, leading into early Indonesia. Several hundred stamps, light duplication, lotted as received. Estimate = $130.00 $70.00
375 New Zealand #10a/43. QV "Chalon" grouping. Nine stamps, 1d to 1/- used, including #10a, 31, 32 (x2), 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43. In the usual very mixed condition. The 1/- imperf #10a has a tear. The four stamps on the bottom row are not counted in the total catalogue value. Still, a very respectable offering of this type of material. 2023 Scott US$2195.00 = $2,963.25 $150.00
376 New Zealand #67A/223, B5/B17, C1/C8, E2, J2. Small dealer’s binder with 56x "102" cards holding classic mint and used New Zealand. Most notable are 1898 Pictorial issues, including #72-79, 81-82 mint (each with heavy hinging, or hinge remnants, or partial original gum). There is an attractive 5/- Mount Cook #83 (one with no gum, the other with a revenue cancel). The GeoV definitives have some nice mint copies, followed by a bit of 1935 issue (mint and used) and then transitioning to "back of the book" issues, noting C1-C2 mint. Significant catalogue value here. Estimate = $130.00 $110.00
377 New Zealand #165-170, 174, 179-181, 199-201, C1-C9. Choice mint Lightly Hinged / Never Hinged selection of 1920’s / 1930’s complete sets and singles, including "back of the book". All neatly laid out on a stockpage, this group includes the 1920 "Victory" issue, 1925 "Dunedin Exhibition" and 1935 "Silver Jubilee", along with a complete run of the 1930’s airmail issues. All are Lightly Hinged, with the exception of the 1925 "Dunedin Exhibition" which is Never Hinged. Choice clean material. 2023 Scott US$381.35 = $514.80 $140.00
378 New Zealand #B1/B191a. An almost new 16-page Lighthouse brand stockbook, filled with a collectors assortment of semi-postal "Health" stamps. A mix of mint and used in the early material (with the mint be Hinged) before shifting to exclusively mint Never Hinged souvenir sheets / panes. A small group of duplicated sheets noted, but also includes a couple of the "stamp show" overprinted examples where you get both the regular souvenir sheet, but also the overprinted example produced for the stamp show. A very clean offering. 2023 Scott US$867.80 = $1,171.50 $95.00
379 New Zealand - A bit of everything, including some old album pages that feature a nice 2p blue Chalon as well as some "Sidefaces" with hit-or-miss material up to the 1970’s. There is a good-sized bunch of souvenir sheets, most being Never Hinged "Health" souvenir sheets back to the earlier issues, and two of the 1970 Cook issue souvenir sheets. There are four retired circuit books of varying degrees of usefulness, a bunch of "new issue’ material from the 1990’s to mid-2000s (including some CTO multiples) and a lightly hinged example of QEII 3/- official #O111. Easily a couple of thousand dollars of catalogue value here, in need of a sort! Estimate = $200.00 $60.00
380 New Zealand - Bundle of assorted material, the balance of an estate. Includes a binder of manila stockpages with a 20th century wholesale grouping, with earlier used and by the 1980’s is often mint, including several mint "Health" souvenir sheets. There is a large glassine envelope with a mix of disorganized mint from the 1990’s with face values up to $5.00 (we estimate the face value to exceed NZ$100.00). Plus, there are some nice used singles including a revenue or two. The lot concludes with a small stockbook, completely overpacked with post 1980 used, often in multiples, that we have sealed in plastic. The patient collector will get lots of value from this lot. Estimate = $130.00 $80.00
381 New Zealand - Interesting pre-decimal mounted collection on quadrilled pages in Simplex Blank springback album. Includes some QV "sidefaces", 1898 Pictorials, EdwardVII (mint 8d), GeoV (mint 4d and 6d), 1/2d and 1d Dunedin, mixed mint/used 1935 and 1940 sets and then decent coverage into the 1960’s. Throughout there are official overprints, overprints on Pacific Islands, the occasional Cinderella, revenue and other "back of the book" (noted a couple "Health" souvenir sheet). The collection concludes with some pleasing Aitutaki, Cook Islands, Niue, Penrhyn and Samoa, which will contribute to the value of this collection. Estimate = $160.00 $75.00
382 New Zealand - Marvelous Mint Holding. A stunning group of mint Never Hinged NZ stamps, including many more "modern" issues. A nice array of singles, sets, souvenir sheets, joint issues, blocks and booklets. All neatly laid out on Vario brand stocksheets. Noted several better topicals including Lord of the Rings, Guide Dogs, Americas Cup, Flowers, Rugby, Lunar New Years, Remembrance Day, Dinosaurs and Sealife (to name "a few"). Very conservatively valued for the postage (face) value only. Total face value is NZ$650.35 = $543.25 $290.00
383 New Zealand - Mint Never Hinged HOARD of material, accumulated loose in an envelope. A wonderful assortment of sets, sheets, souvenir sheets and booklets, all appearing to be from the 1990's to early 2000's with face values up to $20.00! Very conservatively valued for the total face value of the postage alone. Total face value NZ$787.29 = $648.92 $325.00
384 Nicaragua #570-574. Complete set of the 1932 "Rivas Railroad" issue in complete sheets of 4, without gum (as issued). Bit of minor perf separation on a couple of the blocks. Scott provides no premium for the complete mini-sheet, so catalogued as singles. 2023 Scott US$320.00 = $432.00 $28.00
385 Norfolk Island #1/115. Fresh and Fine to Very Fine mint Lightly Hinged 1947 to 1968 period collection of 88 all different stamps, all neatly laid out, identified and valued on two Hagner brand stocksheets. All complete GeoVI and QEII sets and a nearly complete run from 1947 up to 1968. 2024 Scott US$263.30 = $355.45 $75.00
386 Norfolk Island #100/568. Archivally fresh, Very Fine and mint Never Hinged 1967 to 1994 period collection of 631 all different stamps and souvenir sheets. All housed on Hingeless printed "Seven Seas" album pages. The pages are complete from the first issues of 1947 and are in a single volume "Seven Seas" binder with matching slipcase (retail value of the album and pages alone is over $200.00). All originally purchased as "new issues". While not a complete run, there isn't much missing and the collection contains numerous attractive sets and singles. Some "extras" not counted in the total. 2024 Scott US$537.45 = $725.55 $100.00
387 North Borneo #208/275. Just over a page of mint, starting with the "BMA" (British Military Administration) overprints of 1945 (complete Never Hinged set). The last GeoVI issue of 1950 is also mint Never Hinged with the exception of the inexpensive 30c denomination, which is used. The second page holds the only Hinged stamps in this lot, including the three high values from the first QEII issue and the 1949 UPU common design set. Fresh and lovely material. 2023 Scott US$432.05 = $583.27 $70.00
388 North Borneo - Small group of album and stockpages with a couple of dealer cards holding a few hundred stamps, including semi-postals and postage dues. Many more used than mint, with a wide range of printings, some identified by Stanley Gibbons. There is a wide range of overprints and revalues, including British Protectorate, BMA and crown overprints. Expect some duplication and some minor faults. Not much toning, as is often seen from this part of the world. A quick check noted a number of singles with catalogue values in the $10-$20 range, but it hasn’t been look at with a specialist’s eye (as this country is also often found with forgeries sprinkled throughout). Includes some nice multiples. Estimate = $160.00 $85.00
389 Norway - Old European dealer’s approvals on 40 small stockcards, with protective paper overleaf. Mostly 1920’s to the early 1950’s, with a range of mint and used, including semi-postals, airmail and officials. With quantities of up to 20 of a type, the mint range between Lightly Hinged to Never Hinged, with overall condition being excellent. A few were remounted on black cards, but we are going to leave this as received. It appears that these prepared for sale (many years ago) but never sent out. It’s hard to fully comprehend what is here within a few sentences, but we did note a mint Amundsen set, 4 mint copies of #276, some used "V" overprints, 16 examples of #236 and 2 each of #237-238 (these alone catalogue US$921.00). There are some items not listed in Scott, which will be appreciated by a specialist in this area. Estimate = $200.00 $200.00
390 Papua #110-113. Complete mint NH set in inscription blocks of 10 of the 1934 issue commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Declaration of British Protection. Featuring the scenes of "Hoisting the Union Jack at Port Moresby" and "HMS Nelson at Port Moresby". Wonderful inscription reading "John Ash, Australian Note and Stamp Printer". A showpiece group. 2023 Scott US$275.00 = $371.25 $50.00
391 Papua New Guinea #155/849. Archivally fresh, Very Fine and mint Never Hinged 1963 to 1994 period collection of 631 all different stamps and souvenir sheets. All housed on Hingeless printed "Seven Seas" album pages. The pages are complete from the first issues of 1952 and are in a single volume "Seven Seas" binder with marching slipcase (retail value of the album and pages alone is over $250.00). All originally purchased as "new issues". While not a complete run, there isn't much missing and the collection contains numerous attractive sets and singles. 2024 Scott US$803.35 = $1,084.50 $190.00
392 Portuguese Colonies - Group of 1939-1940 World’s Fair overprinted issues including New York’s iconic Trylon and Perisphere. These airmail issues are all fresh and mint, with about half being Never Hinged, the balance very lightly hinged. A couple have expertization marks on the back. These are listed as a footnote in Scott, and only one stamp from each colony was overprinted. Includes Portuguese India, Cape Verde (2), Mozambique, Guinea, Timor (unpriced), St. Thomas, Angola. Included in this lot is the balance of a consignment including a small assortment of old auction purchases, strength in Portuguese India, Mozambique, and Macau, but only the overprinted stamps are counted in the total catalogue value. 2023 Scott US$1135.00 = $1,532.25 $260.00
393 Russia / USSR - A banker’s box with a very wide assortment of Russian material. The oldest material is in an old-school stockbook with almost 100 years of material from 1870-1963, not unexpectedly sparse in areas, but with better throughout. Next is a binder has more recent issues up to 1990 on stockcards, followed by Scott Specialty binders that have "back of the book" issues (semi-postals, airmails) as well as associated territories (e.g. Baltics, Ukraine, Mongolia). There is an Ambassador album has a good introduction to USSR issues, as well as a bit of material from other non-Soviet countries. The rest of the space is filled with old album pages, dealer cards and two manila envelopes packed with "mint and CTO" material that looks like goes back to the 1960s (there are probably 3000 stamps in this other material). Estimate = $180.00 $110.00
394 Saar #85-98, 99-116, 118-119, 120-135, 139-153, 204-220, B1-B8, B16-B29. High quality offering of 10 complete mint Hinged / Hinge Remnant sets from the 1921-1951 period, including "back of the book" issues and largely complete for the regular issues of 1921-1934. All neatly laid out on three Hagner brand stocksheets. Nice clean material and a nice chance to knock off several sets at once! 2023 Scott US$685.85 = $925.90 $190.00
395 Saint Helena #26/95, MR1-MR2. Attractive pair of black stockpages with classic, mostly mint St. Helena including a duplicated group of overprints, Edwardian "Wharf" scenes, GeoV "Keyplates" and a lovely group of GeoV "Badge of the Colony" offering including War Tax overprints. While the stamps have terrific appearances, they suffer from the mixed condition that often befalls these issues. Total 2023 Scott US$611.65 = $825.73 $90.00
396 Saint Vincent #134-255. Fresh and Fine to Very Fine mint Lightly Hinged 1935 to 1967 period collection of 106 all different stamps, all neatly laid out, identified and valued on three Hagner brand stock sheets. All complete GeoV, GeoVI and QEII sets and a nearly complete run from 1935 up to 1967. Great topicals, long pictorial sets, omnibus issues and more. 2024 Scott US$230.80 = $311.60 $180.00
397 Seychelles - Fascinating accumulation of mostly pre-1985 mint and used, including a few black stockpages, some stockcards and a (picked) mounted collection. Includes worthwhile QV "Keyplates", partial GeoVI pictorial set(s) and some better QEII definitives. Very fresh appearance, but expect the mint to be Hinged and some duplication. Good catalogue value here. Estimate = $140.00 $65.00
398 Southwest Africa #108-120. Complete mint Hinged / Never Hinged set of the 1931-1937 Pictorial issue in pairs with both English and Afrikaans language. While the lower values are Lightly Hinged, the higher values are Never Hinged. A trivial gum bend on the 10sh value (right side), mentioned "for the record". Post Office fresh colours. 2023 Scott US$228.60 = $308.60 $120.00
399 Spain - A mystery bundle that starts with old Y&T pages and a sparse but fascinating collection, including some back of the book. That is the only part of this lot that is remotely organized. The rest is a series of bags and envelopes with hundreds of mint stamps (up to about 1990, much is Never Hinged), blocks and souvenir sheets, separated by some random album pages from other collections. Great for building a collection. Estimate = $120.00 $85.00
400 Spain - Collection of 1850's to 1980's arranged on "Warwick" stamp album pages, with both regular issues but also some "back of the book" and Cinderella stamps. A well laid out offering, which has a much better than average selection of the "classics" all neatly arranged and annotated by the previous owner, with extra information on usage / postmarks etc. Overall condition looks to be well above-average, but expect the odd small fault. A great basis for expansion or addition to an already existing collection. Estimate = $250.00 $120.00
401 Straits Settlements - If you are able (and willing) to plow through different watermarks, and figure out postal from revenue cancels, then this accumulation is for you. From a dealer’s stock and a couple of collections comes this mostly used morass, with a nice range of Victorian issues (including some company cancels and revalues). The King Edward VII and King Georges V and VI are also well represented, with denominations up to $5.00. Some obvious shade potential and noted a couple of perfins, a couple of multiples and a few BMA overprints. Because of the overlap in the sources, there will be a bit of duplication. Ignoring items with potential revenue cancels, there are items cataloguing $5.00-$20.00 throughout. Hours of fun to sort these out. Estimate = $150.00 $190.00
402 Sweden #487/636, B49-B52. First Day Covers Dealer's Stock. A 1962-1963 wholesale lot of FDC, stowed away for decades. Includes #487-489 (5 uncacheted, addressed), 607-609 (20 cacheted), 610-612 (12 no uncacheted, addressed), 613-616 (15 cacheted, unaddressed), 617-619 (75 with cachet, 48 uncacheted, addressed), 620-622 (120 cacheted, 20 uncacheted, unaddressed), 623-625 (14 cacheted, 49 uncacheted, unaddressed), 629-633 (4 cacheted, unaddressed), 634-636 (9 uncacheted, unaddressed), B49-B52 (97 cacheted, 73 uncacheted, addressed). Many include an insert. Topical interest includes ice hockey, Nobel Prize winners. A total of 561 covers, in good condition. Estimate = $120.00 $34.00
403 Switzerland #10 (x 2), 12 on Cover. Trio of 1850s period single franked folded letters, consisting of two shades of the 5r light blue and red (without frame around cross) and a third franked with the 15r vermilion (large "15"). All of these issues were declared obsolete after October 1st 1854. 2024 Scott Classic US$945.00 = $1,275.75 $190.00
404 Switzerland #22/269, B41/B103, C4/C9, J2/J66, S1/S15, 1O14/1O16. Collection of 1854-1939 period issues, all Hinged on 12 cut-down Scott album pages for issues to 1940. Mainly used with a few mint Helvetias. The odd fault noted in the earlies but, in general, in Fine or better condition. Highest value stamp appears to be #74, on granite paper, although it has a small corner fault. Where varieties exist, valuation is for the cheapest type. An excellent start to a comprehensive collection for this popular European country. Owner's 2023 Scott US$1,266.95 = $1,079.45 $46.00
405 Switzerland #26/1035 and some BOB. Collector’s duplicates or in-progress dealer’s stock - you decide. About half of a red box filled with "102" cards, each with a single stamp or a small set of mostly used Swiss issues from the 1850’s to 1999. Includes some attractive Seated Helvetia (#26, #36-39, #42, #46-47, #50, #58-59). More recent issues are thinner, but there are $3.00-$10.00 items throughout, including in the " back of the book" section. About half of the material is more common post-1950’s issues. The value is in the classic period. The items individually listed above are fine or better, and there is some duplication with more notable faults (including items with better catalogue value). Happy hunting. Estimate = $180.00 $140.00
406 Switzerland - Modern Collection on Computer Generated Pages. Mint, (mostly) used and on cover collection of several hundred stamps and souvenir sheets, mostly 1970s to 1990s period issues, mounted on computer generated album pages and on stock sheets. The mix includes regular issues as well as semi-postal sets and a few officials. Clean modern material like this is not easy to find. Estimate = $200.00 $50.00
407 Switzerland - Sitting Helvetia Cover/Front Quartet. Three covers and one front, all franked with imperf "Sitting Helvetias" of varying papers, printing impression qualities and rates. Postmarks run between 1854 and 1861. A great study lot of these popular European Classics. Estimate = $400.00 $95.00
408 Switzerland - Substantial Collection in Minkus Album. Mint and (mostly) used 1850 to 1981 period collection of hundreds, all neatly mounted (either Hinged or in plastic mounts) on printed Minkus album pages. While the key souvenir sheets are not here, there is still enough better material and complete sets of all types (regular, semi-postal, airmail and postage due issues) to attract the collector looking to add this country to their worldwide country list. Expect a few reproductions/forgeries in some of the earlies (as usual) and some faults. Take a good look at the scans to determine overall quality and value. Estimate = $500.00 $220.00
409 Tunisia #B54-B73. Complete mint Hinged / Hinge Remnant set of the 1938 surcharged / overprint semi postal series of 20 stamps. A tough to assemble pre-WWII set, with Post Office fresh colour. The 20c value has a small hinge-thin (catalogue $2.75) mentioned "for the record". 2023 Scott US$187.75 = $253.45 $100.00
410 United Nations - Banker’s box crammed with "everything UN". We noticed four different partial collections up to about 1980, a portfolio sized binder with a number of 25c Flags (including presentation panels and Official Unicef Proof pages), bundle of 1960’s-1980’s presentation cards, souvenir folders, "new issues" as originally purchased, a couple of retired RPSC approval booklets and some loose items (such as postal stationery). The lot finishes with three binders of 1975-1985 First Day Covers (addressed and cacheted). Most of this material is NY, but there is a bit from the European offices. The total catalogue value will be substantial. Estimate = $140.00 $46.00
411 USA #9/1759, C1/C56, Q1/Q12 and other BOB. Better than usual collector duplicates in "102" cards, starting with some early used classics, such as #9, 68, 77, 113-114, 291. There is a very striking copy of #29 (perf 15.5 with a light red face cancel, but alas a small tear at the top... catalogues $400.00). The 20th century material includes some mint Washington/Franklins, a used copy of #573, followed by a mix of mint and used from the sN1920’s up to about 1980 (noting some mint Prexie blocks). The "back of the book" includes a mint set of the Curtiss-Jenny airmails (hinge remnants) and a mixed condition group of the red Parcel Post issue. A real mixed bag here of classics and common material. Easily identified to integrate into your collection or to break up and sell yourself. Estimate = $160.00 $210.00
412 USA #239. Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 30c orange brown "Columbus at La Rabida" from the 1893 Columbian series. Light vertical bend at left noted for the record. 2024 Scott US$675.00 = $911.25 $75.00
413 USA #241. Fine mint disturbed original gum / partially regummed example of the $1.00 salmon "Queen Isabella Pledging Her Jewels" high value from the 1893 Columbian series. 2024 Scott US$1,000.00 = $1,350.00 $325.00
414 USA #287, 289. Fine mint Never Hinged examples of the 4c orange brown "Indian Hunting Buffalo" and the 8c violet brown "Troops Guarding Wagon Train" (sheet margin straight edge at left) from the 1898 Trans-Mississippi series. 2024 Scott US$760.00 = $1,026.00 $100.00
415 USA #630. Fresh and Fine/Very Fine mint (Hinged in margins only) 1926 issue "White Plains" souvenir sheet of 25. A decent example of this scarce and fragile sheet (minor perf separation but without the usual clipped corner). The stamps are all Never Hinged so valued as 25 x mint Never Hinged single stamps. 2024 Scott US$350.00 = $472.50 $160.00
416 USA #803-834. Complete mint Never Hinged set of the 1938 "Presidential" issue, including several premium "plus-value" singles (plate numbers, sheet margin examples etc). Well worth the still reasonable Scott catalogue value, with no premium for Never Hinged. 2023 Scott US$130.85 = $176.55 $48.00
417 USA #900/4401 and Back of the Book. A massive, mostly used, meticulously organized dealer’s stock in homemade shoebox sized containers. Each item has its own #5 sized glassine envelope and is identified by Scott number. Envelopes hold anywhere from 1-200 of a type and there are six dealer boxes, which cover issues from 1940-2009, with the material from the earliest box was bundled in rubber bands and sitting on top. There is a small but significant amount of mint material, almost all from the 3c-8c era, followed by a "back of the book" section, including airmails, postage dues and revenue issues (plus more - even saw a few stamps from Hawaii). As the U-Haul box that these fill is too long for the homemade boxes, there was a space in the end that was filled with some loose material and a battered "All-American" album that has issues back into the 19th centrury. Tens of thousands of stamps. Despite being a dealer stock, was never seen by collectors, due to health issues. Estimate = $140.00 $130.00
418 USA #E1/Q10. All Fine/Very Fine mint Hinged selection of a dozen different 1873-1913 "Back of the Book" issues. The lot includes: the Special Deliveries #E1, E2, E3, E5 and E6; Parcel Posts #Q10 and Q12; Parcel Post Postage Dues #JQ2, JQ3 and JQ4; and finally, Officials #O16 and O77. A useful group to add to the often neglected back pages of your US album. 2024 Scott US$2,809.00 = $3,792.15 $190.00
419 USA #J2/J41. Sound and Fine mint Hinged selection of 11 different 1879 to 1897 issue Postage Dues. The group consists of #J2, J3, J4, J22, J23, J25, J26, J32, J35, J40 and J41. A great start to these earlier and often elusive "Back of the Book" items. 2024 Scott US$2,310.00 = $3,118.50 $130.00
420 USA #J22/J66. All Fine/Very Fine mint Hinged selection of 11 different 1891-1917 Postage Dues, all the bright claret, deep claret, carmine lake and carmine rose issues. The lot consists of #J22, J24, J25, J26, J31, J33, J49, J52, J56, J57 and J66. 2024 Scott US$1,485.00 = $2,004.75 $110.00
421 USA - Back of the Book Sampler. Mint and used selection of older "Back of the Book" postal issues, including Officials, Postage Dues, Newspaper Stamps, Parcel Post and Parcel Post Postage Dues. While the odd small fault can be expected, this group is a good start to filling those pesky pages at the back of your US album. Rough cataloguing notes included with the lot. 2024 Scott Classic US$684.60 = $924.90 $140.00
422 USA - Banker’s box boasting bits and pieces of almost everything. Noted a "Liberty" padded binder with a 90c Washington (possibly #72 - catalogue US$625.00), Columbus issue to the 30c and good used coverage up to about 1991. A few loose album pages are tucked in with some with "back of the book" issues, 4x circa.1980 year sets with postal stationery, a complete set of the 1940 Famous Americans (each in a 1982 commemorative cover), a "Butterfly" folder from Fleetwood and a 1986 Texas Independence presentation folder with a large medallion. There is also some used loose material, two metal cigarette tins with 1920’s bundleware, some circuit book material, a mint sheet of the 29c Jazz singers, a used sheetlet of Marilyn Monroe. Last but not least is an unchecked group of about 40 unchecked 1c Franklin and 2c Washingtons in multiples. Estimate = $180.00 $130.00
423 USA - Commemorative Panels, a form of first day cover, but on a single page with stamp / first day cancel and a lengthy description about the issue. This group is 400 panels issued between 1977-1992 includes commemoratives, definitives, coils, booklet panes, airmails and officials. The collector organized these by subject, not chronologically, with one of the shortcomings of this method is that we don’t know how complete this run is. The overall condition is excellent, although someone hole punched about 20 of them to fit into binders, the rest are as issued. Listed in Scott US Specialized catalogue at between $1.50-$5.00 each. Great for topical collectors or as a way to expand your American First Day of Issue collection. Estimate = $150.00 $30.00
424 USA - Kiloware Bonanza. A U-Haul box, filled with over 25lbs of baggies of US stamps, which look to be mostly from the 1990's issues. Not necessarily expensive material, but there is a TON of it here. Many hours of soaking and sorting to be done here. Estimate = $100.00 $16.00
425 USA - Liberty Bell Topical Grouping. A compact but enticing offering of 15 items, being mostly postal history usages of the 1927 Liberty Bell issue (#627) including USS Receiving Ship Guantanamo Bay, McKinley Park Alaska, unclaimed mail, First Flight Cover, rate to Chile, advertising, plate block special delivery (leap year, priced by a dealer at $125.00) and a "cinderalla" stamp on cover. There are also some non-philatelic items including a 1915 "History of the Liberty Bell", a glass printed image and a sunken die-proof image of the Liberty Bell. The latter in the "non-philatelic" group has a clear connection with stamps, signed by Marcus Baldwin (1853-1925) who was a Master-Engraver who did produce engravings used by the US Post Office (this is also priced on the back by a dealer at $250.00!). An enticing group to keep as-is, or break apart and retail out. Estimate = $200.00 $34.00
426 USA - Local Post Pot-Pourri. Eclectic group of 120 mostly different private/local post labels, including genuine, reprint and spurious issues. All neatly laid out for inspection on three Hagner stocksheets. A wonderfully diverse and colourful introduction to the intriguing world of paraphilately and cinderellas. Completely unresearched by us, offered as is and as received. Sure to be fun finds here. Estimate = $240.00 $375.00
427 USA - Modern Mint and Used Collection in Two Volumes. Mixed mint Never Hinged, mint Hinged and used 1990 to 2011 period collection of many hundreds, housed in two different albums ("Eagle" album by CWS and "Minuteman" album by Scott). About a 50/50 mix for mint or used but includes full Never Hinged miniature panes and souvenir sheets, booklet panes, coils etc - Lots of useful material here but the entire lot is conservatively valued for the denominated useable postage only. Total face value US$372.58 = $503.00 $180.00
428 USA - Older Accumulation Including "Back of the Book" Bonanza. Mostly mint accumulation of older material, including a substantial quantity of "Back of the Book" issues. The regular material includes a half dozen mint sets of #328-330 (the 1907 Jamestown Exposition set), a good number of Washington/Franklins that may require expertization, plus a handful of other commemoratives. The "Back of the Book" material includes Special Deliveries, Postage Dues (including expertized), Parcel Post Postage Dues and Officials. There is a significant amount of value in the Postage dues in particular. Much of the material in this lot is from very old ex-APS approval books. Mixed condition (expect some faults) but the total catalogue value is in the thousands and there are a good number of individual worthwhile items in this lot. Estimate = $650.00 $725.00
429 USA - Unlike most of our bankers box lots, with the balance of a consignment, this one is about half mint and half used. Beginning with a binder of 1920-1940 stamps on manila stockpages, missing many of the higher values but includes 10c Monroe, Washington sets, National Park, Prexies to 30c and Famous Americans (all separated by owner into NH vs hinged). Following this is a small Lindner stockbook that starts with some used Columbus to 1990’s, including Parcel Post set, dues and Special Delivery, then jumps into mint, such as a bunch of Washington-Franklins to the 13c, many Never Hinged and includes mint "back of the book". The mint items conclude with an assortment of stamps from the last 40 years, in various formats, that will total over US$50.00 in face value. There are two binders of used material, the first is a red springback album that goes from #11 up to about 1970 and a second with more common material mounted on black stockpages (stockpages with 5-7 strips and would retail over $50.00 alone). There is also some precancel and perfin material scattered throughout the used material. Lots of good old-fashioned value here. Estimate = $200.00 $60.00
430 USA - Guam #10, 12. Mint Never Hinged examples of the 1899 issue 15c olive green "Henry Clay" and $1.00 black "Perry" (type I), both overprinted "GUAM" in black. Both fresh and sound, usual centering. 2024 Scott US$1,000.00 = $1,350.00 $95.00
431 USA Covers - A collector's accumulation of 54 American Navy Ship (USS) cancelled covers and postcards. A nice array of pre-WWII, WWII and more "recent" with emphasis placed on the tidiness of both the cover and postmark. The majority being the pre-1950 post-WWII years, when the US Navy maintained a heavy presence around the world during post-war peace time. Noted a variety of usages including visits abroad (including Newfoundland), anniversaries, commissioning day and commercial mail. Once of the most enticing features of this lot is how many different ships are represented here. A great lot for the history buff! Estimate = $120.00 $85.00
432 USA Covers - Collector's assembly of 139 USA First Flight Covers from the late 1920's to early 1970's in a small box. The majority are earlier flights, but the 1960's / 1970's material is also quite interesting (and likely more uncommon in some instances), including inaugural service flights from carriers such as Continental, Western Airlines and Frontier Airlines. A nice lot in need of a sort by a knowledgeable aero-philatelist. Estimate = $130.00 $38.00
433 USA Covers - Collector's hoard of "Space" themed covers. A total of 113 covers, primarily from the 1960's / 1970's, but with small group from the early 1980's. A wonderful array of material, almost all with special illustrated cachets or special postmarks, issued to commemorate important dates in US Aerospace history (as they happened). Noted covers to commemorate launches, tests, missions (both manned and unmanned), space stations and illustrated meters. Many of the items are individually sleeved in plastic with high-quality sleeves (put on by the previous collector) to preserve these items. An interesting grouping, from an exciting time in space exploration. Estimate = $120.00 $42.00
434 USA Covers - FDC accumulation. A small plastic bin, containing a total of 811 First Day Covers from the 1950's / 1960's, the vast majority with private company illustrated cachet. An attractive group of covers, with many interesting topicals from the period including Space, World's Fair, Airmail, Wildlife, Sports etc. First time offered on the market, with the addressed covers all being sent to the original collector who we received this from. Estimate = $180.00 $95.00
435 USA Covers - First Flight FFC Collection. Bankers box containing 9 binders, with a total of 204 covers mostly arranged by Airline or Carrier. Some of the airlines / carriers included are Continental, Frontier, National, Ozark and TWA. The majority of these seem to be the often-obscure 1970's period flights offered by these Airlines. A nice change to pick a large batch up at once. Estimate = $120.00 $11.00
436 USA Precancels - Group of 31 manila stocksheets, crammed full of quasi-organized US town precancels, as arranged by the previous owner. Easily 150-200 stamps per page, which would combine to over 5000 precancels in total (being a conservative estimate). There could be better items lurking throughout, but the sheer quantity alone will keep you busy for more than a few philatelic nights! One of the last parts of an estate we have been selling, offered as received. Estimate = $180.00 $230.00
437 Vatican City #129a/438 Sheet Hoard. Clean and Fine/Very Fine all mint Never Hinged sheet and part sheet hoard consisting of a few dozen different issues, all organized in two sheet files. The material is almost exclusively complete sets from the late 1950s to mid-1960s. Relatively well balanced, the perfect lot for the dealer wanting to put together a mint Vatican "sampler". 2024 Scott US$968.25 = $1,307.15 $95.00
438 Vatican City #155a. Stunning mint Never Hinged 1952 issued souvenir sheet, marking the 100th anniversary of the first Papal States stamps. A visually stunning souvenir sheet, in Post Office fresh condition. 2023 Scott US$150.00 = $202.50 $55.00
439 Venezuela #1/1254 plus Back of the Book. An extensive mounted collection on Minkus pages in 3-ring binder, with stamps up to 1981. A mix of over 1000 mint and used stamps. Many of the stamps are in mounts, not because the stamps are never hinged, but because the collector sometimes tucked in a used stamp behind the mint, as with the 1896 “Map” set (catalogue value $172.25). Noted a number of examples from the 1951 “Arms and Industry” set and some mint souvenir sheets from the 1960's. There is significant coverage of airmail issues and even noted a few “local post” stamps. These along with some of the earlier "Bolivar" issues will require a critical eye. Almost no duplication, where there is it’s usually for shades or cancels on 19th century issues. Many individual stamps to $15.00 catalogue value throughout. A collection of this quality is not often seen locally. Estimate = $220.00 $210.00
440 Worldwide - A "Challenge" Rapkin world album circa 1930, that the original owner’s inventory boasted having over 3,700 stamps by 1938 (and these are all from 1900-1938, as the earlier stamps are in "his father’s album"). Noted some early Australia, Canada (quite amazing, with MINT Edward VII to 50c, Quebec to 20c, Bluenose and 50c Grand Pre) and Great Britain (includes some decent EdwardVII and GeoV issues). Additionally there is better European, British Commonwealth, Asia and South America. The album is well loved and comes in its original box. Includes a touch of revenue and postal stationery cut squares (which may be part of the item count). The "challenge" for us was to either leave this "as is" or break apart, which we have chosen the former. Expect the mint to be a bit heavily hinged, but also expect to make valuable finds throughout. Estimate = $500.00 $230.00
441 Worldwide - A continued philatelic clean-up. This bankers box is from a popular source that produces one of these boxes every couple of months. Basically, any loose stamps that don’t fit elsewhere goes inside. There is material from almost everywhere, most are unconstrained, but some are in glassines, "102" cards, a couple small boxes and an old metal cigarette tin. Mostly 20th century material and mostly used stamps by the thousands, with no theme at all. While most appear more common, there are like some better lurking (we did note a Canada 50c EdwardVII). Perfect for the person who collects the world. A deal at the estimated value. Estimate = $160.00 $70.00
442 Worldwide - A full U-Haul box with the balance of a consignment, with a very wide range of stamps (both geographically and date of issue). Half of the box is filled with albums, including older "International", "Modern" and a pair of "Statesman" albums and two stockbooks. There are thousands of stamps here from the 19th century, up to the 1980’s within these books. The balance of the box contains a pair of good-sized shoeboxes with an old collection sorted into envelope by country. Finally, there was a bit of a void in the box, which was filled with loose pages, more country or topical envelopes, some dealer cards and a few old-time starter packs with bright, colourful stamps. Perfect for the picker, the circuit book maker, or the stamp club "bon vivant". Estimate = $150.00 $100.00
443 Worldwide - A premium selection of 70 different modern used, each stamp cataloging from US$5.00 up to US$90.00. Lots of seldom seen top values! A great way to pick up a compact offering of better stamps. 2024 Scott US$904.00 = $1,220.40 $80.00
444 Worldwide - Another "end of an estate" lot in a U-Haul box. Frankly, we get a lot of estates being consigned, and each one invariably ends up with a box at the end that didn’t fit in with the rest of the collection. This material is ripe for discovery, picking and organizing. In this box is a century-old Stanley Gibbons "Improved" album, along with a more recent "World Traveler" album, along with three binders with mounted stamps, organized by country and a battered stockbook. The balance of the lot includes a number of items purchased from dealer’s and left as purchased. There are bits and pieces from attempts at collections, including a bundle of "102" cards with worldwide forged overprints (some primitive, some a bit more convincing). Thousands of stamps here, with hours of fun and learning ahead, and likely some better items are lurking. Estimate = $140.00 $55.00
445 Worldwide - Approximately 20 lbs of kiloware in "5000 sheet" paper carton (larger than a bankers box), all packed into baggies including worldwide, Canada & USA with lots of modern material noted. Also includes an old-time 10-page stockbook with about 1000 1944-1949 mostly mint Germany (mostly Never Hinged, with duplication). Estimate = $150.00 $32.00
446 Worldwide - Asia balance of a collector’s untouched purchases from the 1990’s. A chance to enjoy some interesting material. In no real order, there is some Japan, from the earliest issues to a couple used presentation cards from 1985. The Peoples’ Republic of China has some "new issues" from the late 1980’s. There is a small, mounted collection of Manchukuo, a black stock sheet with about 50 used stamps from Hong Kong’s golden period (with a number of nice cancels), strip of cards with some mint Korea, a page of mint Philippines and Indonesia including a few copies of the 1949 UPU souvenir sheets (perforated, imperf, "RIS" overprint). Finally, there is a touch of Macau to round this lot out. A great sorting project. Estimate = $150.00 $60.00
447 Worldwide - Balance of an estate in 8 volumes. The older album is sparsely populated, but has some worthwhile Canada (e.g. 8c Jubilee, 15c & 20c Tercentenary) and Great Britain. A two-binder offering of relatively common stamps mounted on black stockpages includes a typed inventory list of the contents of each page (there is likely some hidden gems here, and the pages will retail about $100.00). There are three binders that have relatively common used stamps mounted on lined pages from "F" to "L" countries, with moderate to heavy duplication. Finishes with an Ambassador and a "New" stamp album with competent starter collections with thousands of stamps (and a few loose pages to fill in the gaps). It almost goes without saying that this fills a U-Haul box. Estimate = $170.00 $85.00
448 Worldwide - Bankers Box, filled with on-paper, off-paper, in envelopes, in glassines, in tins and loose from all eras and from around the world. A philatelic clean up project that kept on getting added to until it became this philatelic monster. Lots of potential finds for a keen sorter, all topped off with an oversize Tongan "coin" cover. Estimate = $140.00 $55.00
449 Worldwide - Battered "Empire" postage stamp album circa 1910 is sparsely populated, but where the collector did focus, there is some interesting material. By far the strongest is Great Britain, with lots of Penny Reds and some decent European material as well. Other areas are scantly covered, if at all. There is a bit of duplication, and as far as we know completely unchecked and offered as received. A great project. Estimate = $120.00 $55.00
450 Worldwide - Cinderellas, Revenues, Ephemera. Includes Christmas and Easter seals, courier mail, stamp show promotional labels. Strongest in Canada and United States, but there is a binder with a number of Xmas labels from Denmark (singles from 1904-1950, sheets from 1952-1985, large blocks for a few years after). The ephemera includes a folder from the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959, there are little booklets, coupons, "calling cards", even a display cardboard for fountain pen tips (with several still attached). There is a clutch of cancelled Canadian cheques circa 1947 and a wooden cigar box with some Washington State-heavy group of tickets, hotel labels, stickers, etc from the 1930’s-4190’s. We guarantee there are items here that you have never seen before, some philatelic, some not-so-much. Estimate = $150.00 $220.00
451 Worldwide - Consignment of Questions and Quandaries. Index card box containing hundreds of different stamps, including a majority that were deemed problematic and unacceptable for inclusion in APS circuit books (mis-identification, fake cancels, regums etc...). These have been critiqued by APS experts and placed in "quarantine" envelopes with the opinion (verdict) of the expert and monetary fine (!) charged to the offending stamp owner noted on each envelope. This being said the box also contains a decent amount of material that has no issues. A fun and interesting lot still containing a good amount of value. Well worth the estimate. Estimate = $250.00 $120.00
452 Worldwide - Denmark and Sweden. Two bundles of European-style dealer’s approvals with a selection of mostly 1920's-1950's mint and used stamps. Between the deep pockets and the paper flap, figuring out what is here in the pictures is a bit of a challenge (these old-school approval cards were not intended to be photographed!). Based on other countries that came out of this stock, there is a mix of common and better material, including "back of the book". Some of the material has been notated, indicating that there are different printings found in Facit or Michel catalogues, but not Scott. There is also a small handful of booklets (and partial booklets) that add to the value of this lot. About 30 dealer cards in total, with at least 500 stamps. Estimate = $150.00 $180.00
453 Worldwide - Europa/CEPT mint and used issues, nicely displayed on black stockpages. Starting with complete mint Never Hinged issues from 1975 (including a large Monaco souvenir sheet), followed by the 1991 space exploration and 1992 Christopher Columbus issues (both include several souvenir sheets). The final three pages cover an assortment of issues from 1980-1999, with the individual stamps being nicely used, but with three mint souvenir sheets. Overall condition is beautiful. Owner’s older 2018 Scott US$610.75 = $824.51 $70.00
454 Worldwide - Group of "country collections", mounted on Minkus printed pages and organized into file folders by country with the total amount of stamps for each noted on the front. A "trip around the world" with this lot, with 40 countries represented and a total of 4859 stamps. Hours of fun here, packed into one small box (about the size of a XL shoebox). Estimate = $140.00 $140.00
455 Worldwide - Lovely 19th century (1896) Scott International Album, notably as big as the Harris "starter albums" produce 70 years later! Not many 20th century stamps here, being a collection of its era, so expect some revenues and postal stationery cut squares mixed in as well. The collection appears fairly sparse, but that is more a function of the cost it takes to fill in such an album. Some of the better material includes the early USA, with some grills and commemoratives up to the 15c denominations. There is also a good showing of Europe, South America, Great Britain and a touch of Asian material. The album has a homemade dustcover, which should remove easily. Likely about 1000 stamps will be found in this album, which itself is in far-above-average condition for its age. Estimate = $200.00 $130.00
456 Worldwide - Packed with potential, this U-Haul box holds a dozen albums, binders and stockbooks. The best is a very battered and heavily filled Lincoln album with lots of 19th century material seemingly nothing past 1945 with good European and Asian coverage (e.g. China, Japan, even Manchuckuo). We noted a couple of general worldwide collections and a couple of thematic sections (airplanes, birds). Most of the binders have sections of random alphabetic material, sorted by country including some decent Germany and Iceland. There is a bundle of sheets (e.g. Romania, Mexico) that a past owner said had $2000.00 in catalogue value (we haven’t checked to verify, although it is quite possible). Thousands of stamps, offered as consigned. Estimate = $200.00 $110.00
457 Worldwide - Pair of stockbooks with a good selection of worldwide souvenir sheets. The first is a 32-page "Elephant" brand stockbook with a navy-blue cover (black pages), with 90 souvenir sheets or booklets. The second is a 16-page Unisafe stockbook with a brown cover, with about 78 souvenir sheets or mini-sheetlets. Most are mint Never Hinged, but a few are used. Overall the condition is excellent, with only a touch of duplication. There is some significant topical potential including sports, fish, stamp on stamp, royalty, and a good run of airplanes. The stockbooks are well worn, but still have years of service left. Estimate = $120.00 $130.00
458 Worldwide - Premium mix filling a bankers box. This box is another diverse and layered offering of "off and on" paper. There are three small boxes buried here with stamps organized by country in small envelopes, with the majority of the box being densely packed loose stamps. Because there was a little space left at the top, a layer of glassine envelopes, and some stock cards were added. Note: this is not just the remnants from starter collections as several sources seemingly contribute to these boxes, with a diversity of collector sources including a bit of dealer remnant material. While there is a bit of strength in Western countries, we guess that there is material from over 75 different countries here, and a quick couple of handfuls showed interesting and potentially better material. Estimate = $150.00 $120.00
459 Worldwide - Six pounds of fun! The balance of a consignment that is barely contained by this #10 envelope box. Noted covers, better loose stamps, dealer cards, glassines, #102 cards (e.g. Vatican, Ryukyus, Russia, Poland, Canada "back of the book"), and even a small stockbook full of airmail etiquettes from across the globe. We noted some cancel interest, used Canadian GeoVI coils and first flight covers (most Canada and United States). The unfiltered potential and enjoyment is just around the corner here for the intrepid sorter. Estimate = $150.00 $70.00
460 Worldwide - The last box from an estate, that starts with two older somewhat lightly populated albums, but every stamp seems to be pre-1910. This is followed by three Harris binders, with pages for "A" to "E" countries (there might be some worthwhile China). Then there is a second grouping of three binders that contain an assortment of one or two countries sorted onto black or manila stockpages. The last album was unfortunately partially affected by moisture at one point and many of the stamps are stuck, before that the owner had catalogued the US, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, New Zealand, etc at over US$1000.00, back in 1980! There was a three-inch gap in the box, and since there were no more albums or binders, it was filled with some loose album and stock pages. For those who like their material from a broad spectrum of countries, this one is for you. Estimate = $150.00 $65.00
461 Worldwide - The mad sorter has been at it again. Technically it is filtering more than sorting. This bankers box is nearly filled to the top with thousands of stamps both on and off paper. Anything loose that comes across his desk that isn’t junk and doesn’t have an obvious home goes into the box. This box has a bit more material in glassines and cards than usual, but that still accounts for fewer than 5% of the material. Material is from almost everywhere in the world and stamps up to a few dollars are found though out. There is a bit of mint, some cancelled and the occasional multiple or souvenir sheet, with almost all the material is from the 20th century. Estimate = $150.00 $95.00
462 Worldwide - The seemingly ubiquitous box of leftover worldwide material packed into a U-Haul box. The group begins with an Empire Stamp album, with hundreds of stamps, not much after 1920, strength in Europe and British Commonwealth (no US, GB or Canada) and a similar "Modern" album (nothing after 1950). There are a pair of Ambassador albums (one heavily filled, the other a bit lighter). Topical collections include "Stamp on Stamp", winter Olympics and transportation. We noted a binder of homemade pages with "A-E" countries and some loose pages, including some with 1980’s Czechoslovakian souvenir sheets. Finally there are 4 stockbooks of varying size, quality and contents filled with worldwide stamps. Lots to pick through here. Estimate = $140.00 $85.00
463 Worldwide - The whimsical wanderings of a stamp collector, neatly packed into one 32-page Unisafe brand stockbook. A very interesting grouping, in which the material was placed into the stockbook as purchased by the collector. You can almost follow the changing interests as he starts with "Ships" then to modern UN (for the varied topicals) then to souvenir sheets, cats, royalty, "triangles" (all triangle shaped stamps), animals, sports, plants, various topicals and then Australia and New Zealand. Each page of this book is packed with stamps, all likely purchased one set at a time and almost all represent complete mint Never Hinged sets. A huge amount of retail value in stamps, all housed in a premium stockbook. Estimate = $200.00 $190.00
464 Worldwide - USA/Canal Zone/Panama/Colombia Collection. Mint and used 1850s to 1990s period USA collection of many hundreds, housed in a moderately remaindered CWS United States album. The material runs from mixed condition used Classics, through modern mint (well over $100.00 face alone), "Back of the Book" including airmails, postage dues, special deliveries, officials, revenues and more. While the condition may be a bit mixed in the older issues (expect faults), the total catalogue value of this album is significant. As an added extra, the lot includes a Minkus brand Columbia, Panama and Canal Zone album with pages up to the 1980s containing several hundred stamps from all three countries/zones. A useful start for a collector wanting to start "the Americas". Estimate = $650.00 $130.00
465 Worldwide - We believe that this is the last of the dealer’s stock in homemade boxes that we have been offering over the past number of sales. This collector wanted to become a dealer in his retirement and set out to put together a very organized stock, by country and by Scott number, including common material. Alas, he was getting close to completion, to where he could start going to shows, when his health turned, meaning that collectors have never seen this material. These three boxes, contain Jugoslavia and a range of smaller European countries (as well as others). There is probably almost 3000x #5 glassine envelopes here, typically with 1-30 stamps. More used than mint, more common than better (there are sections where the glassine envelopes are where the value lies). As this file box had some remaining space, we filled it with a small stockbook and a number of "starter packs" that were big in the 1970’s (most are unopened). Conservatively there are 10,000 stamps here, awaiting your discovery. Estimate = $140.00 $110.00
466 Worldwide - Egypt / Archeology - A stunning assembly of Egypt, followed by a clear transition into "antiquities" or "archeology" as represented on stamps from around the globe. A mostly mint (and mostly Never Hinged) group, neatly arranged in a Lighthouse 16-page stockbook. Collected over the course of many years, often one set or stamp at a time, with particular care put into both the quality of stamp and imagery of the issue. Many better singles and sets throughout, left intact as received to appreciate the time and effort taken to assemble. Take a good look at the scans to appreciate the scope of the lot. Estimate = $250.00 $110.00
467 Worldwide - Latin America - A "book box" loosely filled with a number of distinct offerings, which adds up to a nice little lot. We noted (in no particular order) 1) Mexico 16-page stockbook with about a century’s worth of stamps and a few souvenir sheets. 2) Binder that includes a stock of Argentina used overprint officials on 17 manila stockpages. 3) A nice 16 black-page Unisafe stockbook houses a run of Venezuela air mail issues. 4) An extraction of album pages includes Columbia (1883-1956). 5) Two good sized envelopes, one with loose Cuba in a manila envelope and substantial Argentinean material including souvenir sheets and a few FDC’s (mostly 1980s) in another. 6) A springback album filled with "multiple nations" including used airmail stamps. 7) A pair of retired RPSC circuit books (remaining retail from 2013 over C$100.00). 8) Finally, anything that was loose including dealer cards, glassines, souvenir sheets, etc. are all tucked into a bag. Most of this material has been tucked away for at least 25 years. As received. Estimate = $180.00 $130.00
468 Worldwide - Latin America - Hodge-podge of album pages, auction purchases, most of which has been sitting for over 25 years, in pretty much the same form that it was bought. This best of this small handful of items includes some early Bolivia 40/53 (mint and used, with duplication). There are mounted collections of Nicaragua and Guatemala, as well as a bit of Panama. Offered as received. Estimate = $130.00 $65.00
469 Worldwide - Scandinavia - A very diverse group from the end of a consignment. Includes a Norway page of 19th century "seconds", J5a (VG used, bend) and stock on "102" cards. Noted a nice bundle of Faroe Islands, including a study of town cancels. This is followed by a mint sheet file has some mixed 1950’s sheets. There is a mounted collection of pre-1960 Sweden that catalogued over $400.00 in 2002 and loose material that includes a bit of early Finland, some recent Iceland, a few complete booklets, retired circuit book and souvenir sheets. Estimate = $150.00 $50.00
470 Worldwide - Scandinavia - Alligator brand 32-page stockbook, filled with a selection on "oddball" and "unusual" items from Denmark, Greenland and Faroe Islands. Staring with a selection of 280 registration labels, this grouping them moves onto "odds and ends" which include Cinderella stamps, Revenues, Town Cancels, Railway Parcel Labels, METERS, Reply Coupons, cut squares and Christmas Seals. An unusual offering. Estimate = $120.00 $70.00
471 Worldwide Airplane Topical - Group of 5 deluxe 3-ring albums, with over 130 high-quality Vario or Hagner stocksheets, containing "airplanes on stamps" with both mint and used. While not a complete group of the world, we did note several better sections including Albania, India, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Danzig etc (this is just to name a few). Almost all of this material was purchased a stamp or set at a time by a dedicated collector searching for philatelic flight. The supplies alone (pages / binders) would easily retail for over $200.00, plus a mountain of stamps to-boot! See the Worldwide Literature section for a related book grouping from the same estate. Estimate = $250.00 $220.00
472 Worldwide Airplane Topical - Not just airplanes, but more specifically "Junkers". An interesting assembly which seems to have made up the "stamp portion" of an exhibit with the postal history removed. The best is Columbia’s Scadta third issue (used, except the high value which is mint no gum) and fourth issues, (up to the 80c, all mint with duplication for shades). The Scadta includes four used examples with Consular overprints (Germany, USA, Netherlands). These beforementioned three pages catalogue US$455.50 alone There are also issues from Cook Islands, Germany, Gabon, Liberia, Sweden, Tannu Tuva and even Canada. An interesting assemble, with condition being excellent. Estimate = $180.00 $55.00
473 Worldwide Covers - Accumulation of Worldwide Aerogrammes / Air Letters. A total of 430 items being primarily used examples from the 1940-'s to 1970's. While the lot contains a few from from Canada, it is primarily British and with smatterings of other countries including Denmark, Israel, Hong Kong, USA, Trinidad and Australia (to name a few). All neatly arranged within a shoebox sized storage container. Easily one of the most neglected areas of Postal Stationery collecting. Estimate = $130.00 $85.00
474 Worldwide Covers - Airmail FFC / Commemorative Airmail Flight Accumulation. U-Haul box, stuffed with cover album containing a total of 800 covers, primarily being colourful cachet First Flight Covers from the 1960's to 1980's from across the globe. This period of time saw a great revitalization on the interest of First Flight Covers, that had not been seen since the 1930's. During this time a swath of airlines were being formed (or existing ones expanded), making for a enormous amount of new routes for the mail to be carried. There are a couple of albums included (including an American FDC album), that were not counted in the beforementioned total. A nice chance to pick these "modern" flights up in quantity, as they are often seen offered for $2-$5+ a local shows / online. Estimate = $200.00 $32.00
475 Worldwide Covers - Austria / Hungary / Austrian Hungarian Empire. Selection of 40 folded letters / covers from the 1850's to 1870's. A wealth of postmarks and including many was seals on the reverse, this early batch of items boasts contents in the majority of the covers with wonderful early penmanship. Excellent condition throughout, considering that these are over 150 years old! Estimate = $140.00 $42.00
476 Worldwide Covers - Banker's Box Postal History Bonanza Part 1. The first of two offerings of masses of postal history, crammed into a bankers box. A worldwide selection, from seemingly every corner of the globe including covers, FDC, special events, postcards, rates etc. An "everything under the sun" box, which conservatively boasts at least 2000 items, perfect for the postal historian to sort out. While there are likely no great finds to be had, there will be an enormous amount of items in the 50c-$2.00 range, perfect to keep what you need and sell the remainder at a local show / club meeting. Estimated at 10c per item, based on the conservative total of 2000 items in total. Estimate = $200.00 $42.00
477 Worldwide Covers - Banker's Box Postal History Bonanza Part 2. The second of two offerings of masses of postal history, crammed into a bankers box. A worldwide selection, from seemingly every corner of the globe which including covers, FDC, special events, postcards, rates etc. We would estimate this box boasts (conservatively) at least 2000 items, perfect for the postal historian to sort out. While there are likely no spectacular finds to be had, there will be an enormous amount of items in the 50c-$2.00 range, perfect to keep what you need and sell the remainder at a local show / club meeting. Estimated at 10c per item, based on the conservative total of 2000 items in total. Estimate = $200.00 $100.00
478 Worldwide Covers - Germany Postal History. A largely WWI to WWII era (with touches of earlier / later) grouping of 83 covers and postcards, including several better including Inflation era, 3rd Reich, Post Office receipt, official mail and post-WWII frankings. A nice lot for the postal historian, or the broken apart and sold individually. Estimate = $120.00 $60.00
479 Worldwide Covers - Mourning Covers / Death Topical grouping. A somewhat morbid offering of 10 covers and postcards, plus 25 black-bordered "card inserts". All but 2 items here are pre-1900, with notable items being 1875 GB Penny Red covers (with contents) x3, a pair of covers and a postcard offering undertaking, embalming and coffin services and a mourning card which reads (in part) "In Affectionate Rembrance of Elizabeth Braithwaite...who died on Sunday the 17th day of November 1861, Aged 22 Years". Interesting material to collect, much of which can develop into research projects for the intrepid collector. Estimate = $120.00 $48.00
480 Worldwide Covers - SPACE Topical themed collection. A Unisafe cover album, filled with 117 covers pertaining to space exploration Skylab space station. All dated 1973 / 1974, there are covers from Argentina, Great Britain, Spain, Australia, Germany, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Netherlands, Ascension, New Zealand, Canada, Australian Antarctic Territory, Sout Africa, Ecuador, Chile, Turks and Caicos, Turkey, Singapore, Italy, Sweden and USA. A nice variety of material here, many with illustrated cachets (and even noted a few signatures). Estimate = $150.00 $55.00
481 Worldwide Covers - Specialized Hungarian Postage Due Collection. An old-time collection, mounted on the collector's homemade pages featuring 36 covers and postcards, with a clear theme of Hungarian (and Austrian) postage due. Take a good look at the scans to appreciate all the interesting aspects of this lot, accumulated by a collector of Eastern European descent who grew up the Prairie provinces. Untouched and offered as received. Estimate = $250.00 $80.00
482 Worldwide Covers - Switzerland 1960's to early 2000's accumulation of First Day Covers and Special Event covers. Easily 600-700 covers, neatly packed into a dealer show box. Lightly duplicated, but includes many better sets and singles including Europa, semi-postals and a great showing of Switzerland's colourful commemorative issues of the period. Conservatively estimated at less than 20c per item. Estimate = $120.00 $110.00
483 Worldwide Covers - Switzerland FDC HOARD. U-Haul box filled with albums, containing a primarily 1960's to 1980's collection of illustrated cachet First Day Covers, including MANY sets or blocks. A total of 1226 covers, all arranged within cover albums. There is also a smattering of earlier and later material included and some "odds and ends" as accumulated by the collector. This group would have an enormous catalogue value if done by Zumstein (specialized Switzerland catalogue). Estimated at less than 15c per cover! Estimate = $180.00 $110.00
484 Worldwide Literature - Complete set of 2019 Scott Catalogues PLUS the 1840-1940 Scott Classic hardcover catalogue. Complete set of all 12 volumes of the 2019 Scott International stamp catalogues, plus the far more detailed Scott Classic catalogue, all in excellent condition. If you are only interested in older material, the values of Classic stamps on cover, shades and varieties, the approximate NH premiums on pre-1940 stamps (pre-1952 for British Commonwealth), much more detailed information on numerous stamp issues and don't need the latest valuation updates, then this set (with the Classic) is for you. The 2024 versions of this group of volumes would retail for well over $1,400.00. The Scott catalogue numbering system is the most universally recognized stamp numbering system used today. Estimate = $350.00 $200.00
485 Worldwide Literature - Classic Aero-Philatelic compilation. A collector's holding of early Airmail books, acquired over several years of searching shows and shops (done without the use of the internet!). Includes "Bridging the Atlantic" (circa 1950, chronological record of all flights across the Atlantic), "Airmails 1870-1970" by James Mackay, "Standard Airmail Catalogue 1933" edited by Donald Dickason and the famous "Sanabria Airmail Catalogues" for 1938, 1939, 1941 and 1953. An absolute wealth of airmail knowledge in 7 small format books. Perfect for the airmail enthusiast. Estimate = $150.00 $65.00
486 Worldwide Postcards - A collector's accumulation (compiled over many years) of SHIP topical postcards. A total of 175 postcards, ranging from pre-1910 cards to 1960's chromes, with emphasis placed on getting a wide range of ships from around the globe. Noted MANY better items, including a ton of passenger service steamships including the companies White Star, Orient Line, Cunard, Allan Line, Norddeutsch Lloyd Bremen, Canada-Australian Line & Union Castle (to name a few). Many still in the original plastic sleeve from when originally purchased. Conservatively estimated at less than $1 per card. Estimate = $160.00 $190.00
487 Worldwide Postcards - Collection of 23 "Silk" postcards, arranged on pages within a deluxe Unisafe brand postcard album. These silk embroidered postcards which were a premium postcard item at the time were very popular during the WWI period, especially with soldier serving in France to send back home (often within an envelope to protect them) to their sweetheart back home. Some notable phrases these cards posed to the receipiant were to "Keep me in your heart", "England Forever" "Greetings from France" and "To my dear sweetheart" (to name a few). This selection of cards is in fantastic condition, considering the somewhat delicate nature of the art medium. A visually striking group of WWI era cards. Estimate = $150.00 $180.00
488 Worldwide Postcards - Dealers stock of 676 postcards, filling a cardboard dealer show box. Several different sections including greetings, Canada, USA, Great Britain, France, humor, advertising, military and birthdays. Approximately half are sleeved, some priced while others not. An interesting mix, which has not seen the light of day in 20+ years. Offered as received. Estimate = $180.00 $220.00
489 Worldwide Postcards - French Ships. A "topical" grouping of 35 early French Ship postcards, with almost all being from the classic pre-1920 postcard period. About half are used, which always adds not only postmark interest, but also the ability to date some of these cards. These cards are from the same collection as the Saint Pierre et Miquelon postcards offered in this sale, with several of these ships likely having a clear connection to either Saint Pierre et Miquelon or Newfoundland. Estimate = $130.00 $200.00
490 Worldwide Postcards - Native American / First Peoples postcard accumulation. A collector's accumulation of 43 First People's imaged postcards, primarily North American but also a few South American and one "Maori" postcard. A range of vintages from the early 1900's up to the 1960's, with most depicting individuals / families in their home environment or in traditional dress. A very interesting glimpse back in time, to both the ways the First People's lived, but also as to how the "western world" view was at that time. Estimate = $130.00 $130.00
491 Worldwide Postcards - Saint Pierre et Miquelon. A seldom seen offering of 25 early view postcards of Saint Pierre et Miquelon, likely almost all here being pre-1920. Primarily unused / unposted, with only two used postcards (postmarked 1907 / 1903). An enticing offering from this French archipelago on the northern end of Newfoundland's Burin Peninsula. Estimate = $130.00 $130.00
492 Worldwide Postcards - Selection of 25 "Royalty" themed postcards, all the British monarchy from EdwardVII to late GeoVI / early QEII (and including some "childhood" prince Charles). Many better cards here, especially from the Edward coronation era, including a RPPC (real photo postcard) "Royal Mews, Buckingham Palace" still in a dealer sleeve priced at $75.00 alone. Take a good look at the scans to appreciate the quality of the lot. Estimate = $120.00 $80.00
493 Worldwide Stamps / Supplies - Collectors’ duplicates / stock on manila stockpages. A large group of collector's duplicate and dealer stock on manila stockpages. The pages are in mixed condition, with some "near-new" and some "worn" and all filled with stamps (to different extents of "full"). Significantly broad coverage with issues from many different countries. As expected, most of the stamps will be cheaper, but there is some better to be found and cancel potential throughout. The 300 manila stockpages, as new, retail over $300.00 and there are thousands of stamps within. Estimate = $200.00 $75.00
494 Worldwide Supplies - Lightly used group of 4-pocket clean pages, with standard 3-hole punch configuration to fit any standard binder. Group of 150 pages, which were used by the previous owner to house postcards (which stuck out the top slightly). Very useful for mint blocks, or anything you would want to potentially view both sides of with ease. All neatly packed into a small box. These are more heavy-duty than the majority we see, with original cost on these pages being over $1.00 per page. Estimate = $100.00 $55.00
495 Worldwide Supplies - Prinz brand stocksheets, a collectors unused stash of (mostly) unopened packages. A generous holding of either 2-line or 1-line, "large item" stockpages with standard 3-hole punch. Included 3 sealed "10-packs" of the 1-line and 12 sealed "10 packs" of the 2-line (being a variety of both single and double sided pages), plus an additional 25x 2-line pages that are NEW, but not in the packaging. A grand total of 175 pages, with an original retail of over $220.00! Estimate = $130.00 $160.00
496 Worldwide Topicals - Animals of many shapes and forms. This mostly mint Never Hinged (with a few used) selection is from across the globe. The majority were issued in the past thirty years and are on the original sales cards as originally purchased. There is a bit of everything here with primates, felines, rodents, horses, and a few birds, insects and one dinosaur set. Most are in complete sets, including sheetlets and souvenir sheets. Most items are catalogued at $5.00 - $20.00 each, and we counted 63 items. Condition is great, with plenty of value when you start to add these up. Estimate = $150.00 $80.00
497 Worldwide Topicals - Birds of many shapes and forms, mostly mint Never Hinged (with a few used) from across the globe. The majority were issued in the past thirty years and are on the original sales cards as originally purchased. Most are in complete sets, including sheetlets and souvenir sheets. We noted the Ascension #75-88 (lightly hinged), lots of British Commonwealth, some European, African and Asian (with some Thailand, Indonesia, Japan and a booklet from Hong Kong). Most items are catalogued at $5.00 - $20.00 each, and we counted 75 items. Condition is excellent, with lots of value once you start to add up what the previous owner paid for these! Estimate = $150.00 $170.00
498 Worldwide Topicals - Flora, plants, flowers of the world, a small accumulation on the original sales cards. The majority were issued in the past thirty years. Most are mint Never Hinged, in complete sets, including sheetlets and souvenir sheets. In no particular order, we noted issues from Sierra Leone, Uganda, Belgium, Poland, Samoa, Brazil, a variety of British Caribbean, Guernsey, Jersey, blocks of Cuba 1179-1193 (bit toned) and three strips of 10 examples of Columbia #900 (folded) Most items are catalogued at $5.00 - $20.00 each, and there are over 30 items here. Condition is excellent. Estimate = $120.00 $32.00
499 Worldwide Topicals - Transportation in three major forms: trains, boats/ships and airplanes. From a fledgling topical collector, who bought, but never got these into the collection, and they are offered, as originally purchased. The vast majority of these items are mint Never Hinged, sets, sheetlets and souvenir sheets. The airplanes include Antarctic themed, early flight (dirigible, biplanes) and military aircraft. The majority of the ships are from the era of wind-power, lots from British Commonwealth countries but with a nice 1975 imperf souvenir card from Chile. Finally, trains are broadly represented from steam to modern electric trams, with lots of souvenir sheets and sheetlets here. There are two first day covers in the lot and the occasional used set. Condition is generally excellent, with items ranging from $3.00 to $60.00 (when originally purchased). Perfect for collector or online dealer, alike. Estimate = $160.00 $90.00
500 Zambesia #1-12, 13/104, P1. Striking mint Hinged / Hinge Remnant group of 76 stamps (75 different), neatly laid out on 3 Hagner brand stockpages. Includes a complete run of the first issue (1894) and then with most of the 2nd an 3rd sets, the 1894 newspaper stamp (P1) and runs of the different overprint series up to the final set issued in 1917. Suffice to say, seldom seen material. 2023 Scott US$430.65 = $581.40 $200.00