Weeda Stamps Ltd.
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Alexandretta #1-12, C1-C8, J1-5, J6. Attractive mint, largely Never Hinged selection 28 stamps from the 1938 Alexandretta overprints on Syria issue, including "back of the book" airmail and postage due issues. Neatly arranged and identified (which includes NH or LH notations) on a single Hagner brand stockpage. Seldom offered material. 2025 Scott US$581.25 =
Antigua #12/1379. A wide-ranging mint collection of 317 stamps from the 1882-1991 period "QV to QEII", neatly arranged and identified on stockpages. Expect much of the pre-1950 to be hinged, then mostly Never Hinged after that. Of particular note is the arrangement of 15 different souvenir sheets from the QEII era. 2025 Scott US$395.55 =
Australia #1/194. An attractive used selection of 87 stamps from the 1913-1946 period, including many "Heads" and "Roos", neatly arranged (and identified as to Scott catalogue #) on a collectors album pages. Several better postmarks noted, along with three George V "Head" used blocks (one with "John Ash, Australian Note and Stamp Printer" inscription). 2025 Scott US$379.90 =
Australia #218-220. The iconic 1949 Arms issue, each of the 5/-, 10/- and £1 denominations nicely used and packaged as a short set of 3 (missing only the £2 denomination) in little plastic sleeves. A total of 49 packages, cataloguing $11.75 each. Perfect of show / online / club dealers. 2024 Scott US$575.75 =
Australia #M1-M7. Complete F/VF mint Never Hinged set of the 1946-1947 "British Commonwealth Occupation Force of Japan" overprints. An undervalued WWII related provisional issue, tough to find Never Hinged. 2024 Scott Classic US$373.25 =
Australia #M5b. Fine+ Never Hinged "Narrow N" variety of the 1946-1947 "British Commonwealth Occupation Force of Japan" overprint. Accompanied by the "Regular N" (not counted) for comparison. A very fresh and attractive example of this Scott-listed variety, which is not valued as Never Hinged (as this one is). The regular stamp enjoys a 50% premium for NH, which should be considered when bidding. 2024 Scott Classic (as hinged) US$200.00 =
Australia #M7a. VF+ mint Never Hinged example of the 5sh high-value of the "British Commonwealth Occupation Force of Japan" overprint, on Scott listed THIN PAPER (overprint on regular issue #177a), from the 1948 printing. A wonderful example of this listed variety. 2024 Scott Classic US$160.00 =
Australia - If you like older, somewhat disorganized accumulations with potential at every turn of the page, then this lot is for you. About forty pages, over 1000 stamps. Mint, (mostly) used, ’Roos, King George V "Heads", multiples, officials (both overprint and perfin), airmails, postage dues, BCOF, and not much after 1955. Some varieties have been noted, and there are some nice cancels. A little bit musty, but that will all fade when the stamps are removed from the pages. Estimate =
Australia States - New South Wales & Queensland - A pair of mounted collections from adjoining "States". The New South Wales is on six pages with 165 stamps with individual stamps cataloguing up to $50.00, overprints, lots of cancel potential, officials and postage dues. Queensland is on four pages with 116 stamps with denominations up to £1, a number of "sunburst" numeral cancels. Expect some mixed condition and duplication to go along with your "finds". From a local estate. Estimate =
Australia States - Tasmania - Five pages, 93 stamps. Goes back to the early "Van Diemen’s Land" issues with a couple nice "52" numeral cancels (Launceston), with one stamp hole punch. There are some pen cancels on other Chalon values to 1/-. There is an attractive group of 5 QV "Keystone" issues to 10/- (heavily hinged, but catalogue $380.00). There are more definitives used and a sampling from the "Pictorial" issues with a couple of postal fiscals for good measure (#AR28 mint). Some nice cancel potential in the mix. Estimate =
Australia States - Victoria and South Australia - Another pair of mounted collections from adjoining "States". Victoria is on six quadrilled pages with 171 stamps, with values to 1/- (4 copies of #166 - cat $60.00 each) and lots of readable cancels. The South Australia is on four pages and 86 stamps with values to 1/- (noted individual stamps with catalogue values to $25.00 each, with more readable cancels and some "OS" overprints. There is even a 5/- Income Tax revenue stamp. Expect a bit of mixed condition and some light duplication. Estimated value =
Australia States - Western Australia - A half dozen quadrilled pages with 124 mostly used stamps, with lots of "Swan" designs (as you would expect). The trio of imperforates are faulty but have catalogue value and eye appeal. The perforated issues include lots of numeral cancels, overprints (#57), plus several "tall" postal fiscals. The best stamp is a mint copy of #58a (2/- QV orange-red perf 11 - catalogues $425.00). Expect some duplication and mixed condition. Estimate =
Australian and States - An appealing accumulation for the postmark collector. The state of Victoria starts us off with five stockpages of numeral cancels on Queen Victoria issues, with a bit of early 20th century cancels from Tasmania and the Commonwealth. The lot jumps ahead to the 1960's-early 2000s with a 32-page Lighthouse stockbook which has been stuffed past its limits with readable town cancels, mostly on piece. Finishing the lot off is a "starter" used Australian collection. A couple of thousand stamps, the balance of an estate. Estimate =
Bahamas #116-129. VF mint Never Hinged complete set of blocks or the 1942 issued "1492 Landfall of Columbus 1942" overprinted George VI series, issued to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the discovery of America. A pristine set, with Post Office fresh colour and pristine gum and including selvedge / plate numbers. 2024 Scott US$380.00 =
Bahrain #408/716. Small collection of "Specimen" examples, including a number of sets and souvenir sheets issued 1993-2014. Often overlooked, this Middle Eastern country has generally bucked the philatelic trend with fewer than 5 issues per annum, of reasonable face value and using local themes. As they don’t need the money from philatelic sales, stamps are generally printed in quantities less than 100,000, souvenir sheets less than 10,000! One of the souvenir sheets was damaged in transit, and the #578a was unevenly folded, otherwise the condition is excellent. These examples were sent out to standing order collectors and can have significant asking prices online. A number of the thin card folders that they came in are included. Catalogued regular issue stamps. Total 2024 Scott US$445.05 =
Bermuda #1, 2, 8. F/VF mint hinged / hinge remnant trio of early QV issues, including the 1p rose red (1865) , 2p blue (1866) and 6p violet (1903). A couple minor toning spots, as often found on these issues, but overall fresh examples. 2024 Scott US$652.00 =
Bermuda #1/535. Wonderful holding of mint and used Bermuda, with 388 stamps (including 15 blocks and 13 souvenir sheets) from the 1865-1988 period, neatly arranged and identified on stockpages. Many better noted throughout, with some mild duplication and a small amount of stamps with fiscal postmarks (these are not counted in the catalogue value). Expect the pre-1950 mint be mostly hinged, then mostly never hinged afterwards. An excellent representation of this popular country. 2025 Scott US$2250.60 =
Bermuda #26/191. Mounted collection of 154 (mostly mint) blocks and 39 used singles from the 1901-1965 period, neatly arranged (lightly hinged) on large-format album pages. Includes the QV overprint (#26) in a block of 60, plus mint and used blocks from the 1935 George V series, mint 1937 Coronation, mint 1946 Peace etc. A very clean offering. 2025 Scott US$1965.50 =
Bermuda #26/550. A mostly used stock of pre-1990 Bermuda in a pair of 16-page stockbooks. Starts with the 1 farthing QV overprint (#26, 90 mint copies, cat $6.00 each), noted 7 used copies of #68 and 4 used examples of #75 (cat $20.00 each). There are six copies of QEII £1 ($24.00 ea) and there is an assortment of definitives, e.g. "Flowers", "Sealife", "Shipwrecks" and "Flowering Fruits" to the higher values, often in multiple copies. Generally, up to 20 of a type, with some nice cancels. The condition appears decent, except for the three KGVI Keyplates, which are faulty. Great to build a collection or stock and there is significant amounts of catalogue value here. Estimate =
Bermuda #51. Used pair of the King George V "Keyplate" in carmine and black beautifully fresh. Tidy red Post Office circular date stamp. An attractive item that will be an attractive addition to any collection. 2024 Scott US$400.00 =
Bermuda #81, 82, 133, 143/167. A "Mint File Sheet Folder" stuffed with mint Never Hinged sheets / partial sheets and large multiples, from primarily the QEII era, including several of the special event overprints of the early QEII issues (Ocean Race, Three Power Talks etc). The catalogue value adds up quickly here. 2025 Scott US$1655.00 = $2234.25 CDN. Estimate =
Bermuda #105/174. Mint Sheet / Partial Sheet Holding from the George VI / QEII period. An old-time holding of mint Never Hinged stamps, accumulated (largely at the time of issue) and then squirreled away til recently. Includes 1949 UPU and 1953 Coronation issues, among many others. 2025 Scott US$997.60 =
Bermuda #123-125. Wonderful mint "study group" balance of consignment of the George VI keyplate issue, 2sh, 2sh6p and 5sh values, including four corner blocks (three with plate number). Notable perforation and shades evident even to the naked eye! One of the most popular and complicated George VI issues, for it's many varieties. Have both your Gibbons and Scott catalogues ready for this one! Estimate =
Bermuda #126, 126a, 126b. F/VF mint trio of the 1939-1951 printed George VI key-plate 10sh stamps, representing all three of the Scott listed colour/perf varieties for this stamp. Includes #126 red & green (perf 13), #126a brown lake & green (perf 14) and #126b red and green (perf 14). The example of #126a is Lightly Hinged, with the other two Never Hinged. Nice to get these subtle listed varieties at once. 2024 Scott US$405.00 =
Bermuda #127, 127a. F/VF mint Never Hinged duo of both the perf 13 and perf 14 George VI 12s6p orange and grey black Keyplate issues. Vibrant colour and pristine gum. 2024 Scott US$197.50 =
Bermuda #127, 127c. VF mint Lightly Hinged duo of George VI 12sh6p Keyplate issues, with the regular issue (perf 13) orange and grey-black, plus the Scott sub-listed (perf 14) brown orange and grey, shade variety. Nice to get these both at once, so the subtle shade variation can be seen. 2024 Scott US$362.50 =
Bermuda #128b. VF mint Never Hinged block (LH in the selvedge) of the George VI keyplate £1.00 black and dark violet-salmon, perf 14, Scott listed perf/shade variety. A lovely sheet-margin corner block, with plate number in selvedge. 2024 Scott US$350.00 =
Bolivia #20/385 plus Back of the Book. Small mounted collection of a couple hundred mint and used stamps, issued 1878 to 1953. Noted better such as #23 used, #46 mint, #274-280 mint and a smattering of back of the book, noting C52-62 mint. Also includes 20 perforated and imperforate souvenir sheets from the late 1940's. South American material is steadily gaining in popularity, and this is a good way to get started. Estimate =
Bosnia #30j/45j. Much of the 1906 "Landscape" set with compound perforations 10-1/2 x 9-1/4 with nine of the values being postally used, including the 5kr "Franz Joseph" and the 25h and 2kr values being mint (each with hinge remnant). In all cases the perf 10-1/2 is on the top and right-hand side, and the perf 9-1/4 is on the bottom and left hand side. Total 2021 Scott Classic US$601.00 =
Bosnia #32d/45d. Fourteen of the sixteen values from the 1906 "Landscape" set, each stamp with three different perforations (referred to as "compound" perforations). All nicely used (a couple are favour cancelled), and missing the two lowest denominations. Total 2021 Scott Classic US$765.25 =
British Commonwealth - 1935 Silver Jubilee common design and other omnibus issues, a mix of mint and used, complete and incomplete sets in a very old collection hinged to black pages. Noted Ascension, Australia, Barbados, several African and Caribbean colonies, Hong Kong (used), etc. Unchecked for print varieties. Some small faults to be expected. Obviously faulty and a few of the partial sets not counted in the owner’s conservative catalogue value. Owner's 2024 Scott US$754.15 =
British Commonwealth - A large bundle with British Caribbean (and Guyana) with some British Antarctic Territory, a mint estate balance with issues from the 1970s to early 2000's. There is a substantial amount of topical-heavy Souvenir Sheets (Disney characters, famous people (e.g. Elvis, Marilyn, Royals, Michael Jackson)). Also includes some manufactured "anomalies" (such as inverts and imperforates from St. Vincent. The British Antarctic material includes some gutter pairs from 1970s issues. Some are on pages, others on dealer cards or in glassines, with a bit floating loose. We shudder to think about what the original cost was for this collector. Estimate =
British Commonwealth - Balance of a consignment. Starts with India in an old binder with 15 manila stockpages with a used and mint accumulation of pre-1970 issues including some back of the book (but no "States"). There is a couple of cards of King George V Southern Rhodesia (used) and Kenya and Uganda (mint). There is a batch of ten UK Machins 1995-1996 with Great War commemorative covers signed by notable participants (or their descendants). Canada is represented with a 2001 year set (cost $45.95) and two boxes from the 1976 Montreal Olympics. There is a 2001 UK year "Special Stamps" year set (face value over C$60.00) finishing with a small Australia "Colonial" collection. Value throughout here. Estimate =
British Commonwealth - Pacific Colonies mounted on sixteen quadrilled pages, the balance of a local estate. Sorted by colony with a mix of mint and used. Some better singles, and some nice cancels. Includes Solomon Islands, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Papua New Guinea, Cook Islands, Niue, New Guinea, Papua, Penrhyn Islands, Nauru, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga, North West Pacific Islands, Norfolk Island, and a touch of Brunei. Nothing after about 1950. The condition will be mixed, with a bit of duplication. Estimate =
British Commonwealth - Stanley Gibbons New Imperial Stamp Album. The 1988 reprint in two red-orange hardbound volumes that cover the British Empire/Commonwealth up to 1936. This pair is as lightly used as you are going to find, with only a few faint hinge marks, the odd minor fault and no stamps. Long out-of-print, these originally sold for a few hundred pounds. Perfect for the classic collector. Estimate =
Canada #1. Very Fine four-margin used example of the 1851 issue 3 Penny Beaver imperf on horizontally laid paper (good strong laid-lines visible). Tidy 7-ring target cancel, making for a wonderful example of Canada's "number one". 2024 Scott US$1,200.00 =
Canada #7. An attractive, used example of the 10 pence Jacques Cartier imperforate from 1855, with nearly four complete margins and a 4-ring numeral cancel. Only missing a little piece in the upper right corner (which just affects a bit of the frame). A very nice example of one of Canada’s early classic issues. 2024 Scott US$1500.00 =
Canada #8Pi. Showpiece proof block of four of the half-penny rose Victoria (vertical SPECIMEN in black), printed on India paper (not mounted on card). Small faults in upper margin, clear of stamp images. Clear margins all around. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #14/756a plus Back of the Book. Any time we see a starter album with a note on the front that says: "Catalogue value $6438.00", we are naturally skeptical, but then we opened it up and value abounded. Starts with most of the "Cents" issues, and a nice-looking batch of Large and Small Queens. The Jubilees are complete to the 20c, with some "Leaf" and "Numeral" issues. There is a complete KEVII set (used) and a complete mint hinged set of 1908 Quebec.Tercentennary. From the Admirals to 1978, the collection is quite complete, and there is a smattering of airmail, special delivery and postage due issues. A mix of mint and used. Note: Condition is very mixed, with a few of the early issues having been trimmed. That having been said, based on the current Scott (converted to Canadian dollars), the catalogue value is probably not that far off. However, due to its condition, we are going to give it an estimated value. Estimate =
Canada #15/341 plus Back of the Book. An older collection on homemade pages in a "Peerless" springback binder holding a mounted pre-1955 collection, with several hundred stamps. The collection gets going with a couple of pages of Small Queens (including some "Widow Weeds") and other Victorian issues ("Leaf", "Numeral", Jubilee") up to the 8c. There are KEVII issues to 50c, Quebec to 7c, lots of Admirals (including a number of precancels), with some "back of the book" (airmail, special delivery, postage due, registered, official (OHMS overprints and perfins, "G" overprints). Many values with light duplication (up to 10 of a type). Some mixed condition. The catalogue value will add up quickly here. Estimate =
Canada #18, 35a, 40. A trio of attractive, mint Queen Victoria singles with a fresh copy of #18, with nice perforations, #35a the orange shade of the 1c small queen (couple of damaged perforations) and the 10c "rose-carmine" Small Queen with a bit of adhesion from being stuck to another 10c stamp. Normally these would have been listed separately, but these have all been regummed. These are still respectable examples and have fresh appearances. Total 2024 Scott US$3550.00 =
Canada #34 Cover. Choice single-franking example of the 1/2c black Small Queen on local circular rate cover, posted locally from Saint John NB on August 15th, 1897. A wonderful example of the single use of the 1/2c stamp, being a scarce dated example (as almost all these circular rates are undated, as Post Office regulations only required them to be cancelled only with a grid). An attractive addition to any postal history collection, or "plus-value" add-on to a traditional stamp collection. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #37, 41. Accumulation of 3c Small Queens. Roughly 1,700x 3c Small Queens housed in two small stockbooks. Did not notice many better postmarks, but seemingly un-checked for better perforations, shades, varieties etc. A good lot for the Small Queen enthusiast. Expect a few small faults, but overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canada #40e. Fine used example of the distinctive 1874 pale milky rose lilac shade of the 10c Small Queen, perf 11.5 x 12. Fine centered, moderate cancel, a couple minor perf faults, but a rare Small Queen printing. 2024 Scott Classic US$700.00 =
Canada #61. F/VF appearing CDS used example of the $1.00 lake 1897 issue Jubilee. An ironed-out crease on the upper-right corner, mentioned "for the record", but still a great example of the stamp, seldom seen with CDS postmark. 2024 Scott US$750.00 =
Canada #62. F/VF centered used example of the $2.00 dark purple 1897 Queen Victoria Jubilee issue, with rich colour and reasonable "Toronto ONT / 1" roller cancel. 2024 Scott US$550.00 =
Canada #62. VF appearing, mint partial original gum example of the $2.00 dark purple 1897 Queen Victoria Jubilee high value. Sadly, this stamp has a large hinge-thin, and pressed out crease, but still a presentatble mint example of this tough issue. Unitrade is $2,000.00 for VF mint. 2024 Scott US$1300.00 =
Canada #74 Cover. Seldom seen in-period SINGLE USE of the QV Numeral 1/2c issue, posted from Knowlton, Quebec on October 5th 1899 on local circular rate (unsealed) cover. Single frankings are scarce, especially used in-period. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #93, 94. VG centered, but Never Hinged examples of the 10c brown lilac and 20c olive green Edward VII issues. While the 20c is trivially missing gum on one perf tip, both the stamps feature full original Never Hinged gum, which comes with a huge premium in the catalogue. 2024 Scott US$3750.00 =
Canada #104-302 plus Back of the Book. F/VF mint hinged George V / George VI assembly 1911-1951 of 153 stamps, including "back of the book" issues, neatly arranged and identified on stockpages. Includes C1-C9, CE1-CE4, CO1-CO2, E3, E5-E8. A great representation of the period, perfect to fill the majority of the spots for this period. 2025 Scott US$2413.00 =
Canada #105/173. King George V mint assortment, with blocks of the 1c orange and 3c red Admirals (a mix of gum disturbance and never hinged), a nice "Bluenose" with gum disturbance and a mostly never hinged mix of a dozen values from the "Arch" or "Leaf" set. All with a very nice appearance. No never hinged premiums calculated in the total catalogue value. 2024 Scott US$505.25 =
Canada #106a Shades. Trio of distinct different shades of the 1911 issue 2c George V Admiral complete booklet panes of six. All nicely centered, with Never Hinged gum. While the regular issued stamp is listed (in Unitrade) with 8 different distinct shades, the booklet pane is only listed as "carmine". A wonderful group for the specialist. Note, 2024 Unitarded for a VF NH pane is $100.00 each! 2024 Scott US$210.00 =
Canada #108 Lathework. Fine mint Never Hinged block of the 3c brown George V Admiral issue (wet printing), with partial Type D inverted lathework. A very attractive block. 2024 Unitrade
Canada #110c. F/VF mint Never Hinged sheet corner margin example of the scarce Unitrade / Scott listed golden yellow shade of the 4c Geo V Admiral (wet printing). Vibrantly fresh colour, well centered vertically. 2024 Scott Classic US$270.00 =
Canada #110c, 110d. F/VF (close to VF on both) mint Never Hinged examples of the scarce Unitrade / Scott listed golden yellow shade (wet printing) and yellow ochre (dry printing) of the 4c Geo V Admira. Post Office fresh colour. An eyecatching Admiral Duo. 2024 Scott Classic US$420.00 =
Canada #111, 116, 120a. Trio of mint Admirals, the 5c dark blue, 10c plum and 50c black. Each is reasonably centered with decent perforations. The 5c is never hinged, with a bit of usual minor gum crackling, the 10c is hinged and the 50c has heavy hinging and thin, disturbed gum. 2024 Scott US$775.00 =
Canada #112, 114, 118, 119. F/VF mint Never Hinged quartet of mid-value George V Admirals, including the 5c violet, 7c red brown, 10c bistre brown and 20c olive green. Some well centered stamps here, with Post Office fresh shades and pristine gum throughout. 2024 Scott US$585.00 =
Canada #113, 113iv. F/VF mint Never Hinged examples of the 7c Admiral issue, in both yellow ochre and greenish yellow shades, the latter listed in Unitrade, but no Scott catalogue. Both catalogued as basic shades by Scott catalogue. 2024 Scott US$260.00 =
Canada #114 Lathework. VF mint Never Hinged example of the 7c red brown, dry printing George V Admiral, with partial Type D lathwork. A very pretty example of this stamp. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #116. Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1912 issue 10c plum KGV Admiral. Great colour and gum! A superior quality early key value. 2024 Scott US$700.00 =
Canada #116 Lathework. F/VF scarce used corner pair of the 1912 issued 10c brown-plum George V Admiral, with Type B Lathework. An absolute Admiral showpiece, with over 50% of the lathework visible. Unitrade notes that used examples are "generally worth 80% of the mint value", the mint example of this stamp (given value at 100% lathework) is $2200.00 per stamp ($4400.00 total). Minor bend in the right selvedge, not affecting either the stamps or lathework pieces, mentioned "for the record". Used examples are arguably tougher to find than their mint counterparts. A stunning exhibit worthy lathework piece. Estimate =
Canada #120a. Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1912 wet printing "black" shade of the 50c KGV Admiral. Deep colour, an attractive stamp. 2024 Scott Classic US$775.00 =
Canada #122 Lathework. F/VF mint part OG Hinged example of the 1925 dry printing George V $1.00 orange Admiral. Great colour, with partial Type D lathwork, also showing under-inking. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #131iv, 131v. Fine mint Never Hinged duo of both the regular and then paste-up pair of the 1918 issue 1c green experimental Toronto coil (with two large holes) in perfs. A seldom seen Admiral coil, undervalued in the catalogue. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #214. VF mint Never Hinged complete pane of 100 stamps (Plate #1, upper left in selvedge) of the 1935 George V Silver Jubilee 5c blue "Prince of Wales" issue. A stunning complete sheet, valued as 94 singles, plus the plate block (of six), but should be worth considerably more. You would be hard-pressed to find another sheet of this issue as nice as this one. 2024 Scott US$644.00 =
Canada #224/260, C8. VF mint selection of a dozen George V / George VI period plate blocks, mostly different by either Plate Number or position. While all are Never Hinged, we did note a couple minor gum imperfections (gum bends), so conservatively valued as Hinged (so plenty of upside against the given catalogue value). These mid-value plate blocks can be tough to assemble! Note the two blocks of #224 were valued as 8 singles (as the plate block is listed as a block of 6) and there are both the dark carmine and carmine rose examples of #241 (Memorial Chamber). 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #225 Plate Block. VF mint Never Hinged plate block of the 1938 George V "Pictorial" series 20c olive green Niagara Falls issue. This is an "extra large" Plate Block (of six) plus the extra two stamps at left to make for a Plate Block / Corner Block combination. Strikingly well centered, worthy of any collection. Valued as a plate block, plus two singles. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #231/271 plus Back of the Book. George VI "War and Peace" plate block HOARD. Group of 70 largely different (either by plate number or position) mint George VI plate blocks, neatly arranged of 7 Vario stockpages. The hinging ranges from Never Hinged to Hinge Remnant, with the majority being the former. Includes a few early "Mufti" issues, plus "back of the book" Airmail, Special Delivery and Special Delivery Airmail. A wonderful period to collect plate blocks, with numerous plate numbers used during this period. These have not seen the light of day in 30 years! Estimate =
Canada #253. VF mint Never Hinged complete pane of 100 stamps (Plate #1, upper right) of the 1942 George VI "War Issue" 4c greenish black "Grain Elevator" issue. A stunning complete sheet, valued as 96 singles, plus the plate block, but should be worth considerably more. A couple pencil markings in the selvedge indicating some "fly speck" varieties by the original owner, could be erased if desired. 2024 Scott US$199.15 =
Canada #272 Plate Blocks. F/VF mint selection of 7 plate blocks (Plate #1) of the 1946 issued 50c dark blue green "Logging BC" from the George VI "Peace" series. The bottom left example has a slight scuff in the selvedge of the gum, otherwise F/VF Never Hinged. Conservatively values overall as Fine, Never Hinged (with the exception of the one previously mentioned block). 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #284-288. F/VF mint Never Hinged complete panes of 100 of the 1c to 5c values of the George VI "Postes-Postage" series, with additional panes of the 1c and 3c values to reflect both Plate #1 and Plate #2. A seldom seen chance to acquire these George VI issues in complete panes. Valued as 96 singles, plus the plate block for each, but should be worth considerably more. 2024 Scott US$334.05 =
Canada #289/315. Late King George VI complete pane accumulation all with plate blocks. The definitives include #289 (plate 2 UR), #290 (plate 1 UL), #291 (plate 1 LL), #292 (plate 1 LR), #293 (plate 1 UL), #305 (plate 5 LR, plate 8 UL), #306 (plate 13 UR). Commemoratives include #303 (plate 1 UR, plate 2 LR), #304 (plate 1 LR), #311 (plate 1 LL) and #315 (plate 1 and 2 both LR). Fresh and well centered, with their original glassine interleaves as they were originally purchased from the post office. There might be an occasional minor edge fault, but these are in better than average condition. Conservatively valued as singles. Total 2024 Scott US$475.00 =
Canada #341b/476b. VF mint Never Hinged lot of 23x QEII era 1954-1967 "Miniature" pane holding (from the "cello pak"), including QEII Wilding / QEII Cameo and Christmas issues. The lot includes 341b (x1), 404b (x1), 405b (x1), 434a (x2), 443a (x3), 443q (x4), 451a (x5), 451q (x3), 476bx (x3). A popular collecting area. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #937, 937i, 937ii. VF mint Never Hinged inscription blocks for Plates #1 / 2 / 3 of the 1983-1985 issue $5.00 Point Pelee high value pictorial definitive. This group covers all three different plates, each on a different paper stock (Abitibi-Price, Clark, Harrison). The key plate #3 in particular is becoming extremely hard to find. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #1431a. Substantial investment/dealer lot of 30 x VF mint NH 1992 issue Canada Day se-tenant panes of 12 x 42c stamps (plus 13 labels). The total face value of the sheets is $151.20 but these usually wholesale for considerably higher than face value. A couple of the usual handing bends as often seen with these large format sheets, but overall a very clean lot. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #1688-1689, 1691-1692. VF mint Never Hinged complete panes (16 stamps), plus matching miniature panes (4 stamps) of the 2005 issued $1.00 White-Tailed Deer / Atlantic Walrus and $2.00 Peregrine Falcon / Sable Island Horse. Though to get these, now nearing 20 years after the issue date. Face value alone is $60.00 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #1693, 1684, 2404. VF mint Never Hinged complete panes (all philatelic panes, with full inscriptions) of the 2003 issued $5.00 Moose, 1997 issued $8.00 Grizzly and 2010 issued $10.00 Blue Whale. A striking group, one of the most popular modern issues for the wildlife they depict and large stamp format. Face value alone is $72.00. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #1818/1834. Millennium catch all collection which includes a complete mint Never Hinged set of the panes of 4, the 2000 Millennium Canada Post hardbound collection, and a set of commercial covers (68 in total all addressed to the Canadian Wildlife Federation), the covers all being properly used in the year 2000, with most stamps saved as souvenirs, legitimate commercial mail franked in the correct time period should be considered scarce. Estimate =
Canada #2045i-2048i. Complete set of 2004 "Write Me, Ring Me" issues consisting of four different special cards, each containing a souvenir sheet of 2 stamps and a phone card good for 15 minutes. There were only slightly more than 10,000 complete sets of these folders issued in total. Many of the "butterfly" (impossible to find) and "dog" (almost as hard to find) thematics have since been gobbled up by the topical market. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #2586. Complete Canada Post thank you "kit" consisting of a small presentation box containing two VF condition intact mint examples of the limited-edition booklet of 12 of the permanent "THANKS/MERCI!" Truck and Rainbow design Picture Postage stamp, issued on November 30th 2020, ONLY TO CANADA POST EMPLOYEES, plus a thank you card and matching rainbow pin. The booklets are very elusive. While recognized and reviewed in numerous philatelic journals, Unitrade has yet to create an individual listing for this stamp, so we have used the Unitrade catalogue number for the frame design as our stamp reference. Two booklets are perfect for display purposes (front and back). Estimate =
Canada #BK17a English. Complete George V 1931 issued "Arch/Leaf" issue booklet (English), with 2 panes of the 2c dark brown booklet pane (166c). Much better than average for this issue, with reasonable worn booklet covers and tight "staple". Panes inside are F/VF centered. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #BK24 English. Choice example of the George V 1935 "Pictorial" issue booklet (English), with 4 panes of the 1c green booklet pane (217b). A very fresh example of this GeoV era booklet, with VF panes and a reasonable outer booklet cover, with minor staple rusting and bending wear. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #CO1. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps for the 1949 "O.H.M.S." Official overprint, George VI Peace series airmail stamp, with complete Plate #1 inscription at lower-left. Large multiples of Official Stamps are seldom offered. Catalogued as 21 mint singles, plus the plate block (but should be worth more as a multiple). 2024 Scott US$296.00 =
Canada #CO1. VF mint Never Hinged upper-left and upper-right plate blocks with "Canadian Bank Note Co. Limited Ottawa No.1" of the 1946 "O.H.M.S." Official overprint "Peace" issue airmail stamp. An attractive duo of "Official" plate block. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #E1. VF mint Lightly Hinged (appearing almost NH) example of the 1898 issue 10c blue green Special Delivery stamp. Very fresh, rich original colour, large margins on all sides. Unitrade is $250.00 for VF mint Hinged. A great mint stamp, without having to add a 300% premium for NH gum. 2024 US$170.00 =
Canada #E2, E2a, E3. Trio of mint Special Delivery issues, including the 1922 Special Delivery (E2, very Lightly hinged), 1922 Special Delivery (E2a) "scarlet" shade (hinge remnant) and 1927 Special Delivery (E3, Never Hinged). 2024 Scott Classic US$352.50 =
Canada #FWH1/FWH26. A difficult to assemble offering of 15 different (1985-2009) Federal Duck stamps on licenses (11 are complete with "both tabs", 4 are the "single tab" (as often found for "shoving in the wallet", all in very nice condition. This is the hardest way to get "Ducks", that is to say legitimately used on hunting licenses. While Unitrade values these at much less than the mint stamps, used on license is MUCH tougher to find. Undervalued. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #J1-J5, J6-J10, J2a. Complete mint Hinged / Never Hinged mixed complete sets of both the First (1906-1928) and Second (1930-1932) Postage Due stamps, also including the "thin paper" example of the first series 2c issue (J2a). Conservatively valued as hinged, but a least half of these are NH (so plenty of upside). 2024 Scott US$464.50 =
Canada #MR1-MR5, MR3b. F/VF mint assembly of 1915/1916 George V Admiral War Tax issues including the basic first five issues (MR1-MR5) all Never Hinged, plus a Lightly Hinged example of the 1916 "rose red" shade of the 2c+1c issue. The examples of MR1/MR2 are particularly well centered. 2024 Scott Classic US$592.50 =
Canada #MR4. Fine mint Hinged corner sheet-margin pair of the 2c+1c brown, wet printing, George V Admiral War Tax issue, with full Type A lathework. Great colour. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #O1. VF mint Never Hinged pane of 100 of the 1c green George VI "War" issue overprinted "O.H.M.S" Official stamp. This pane features the Unitrade "narrow spacing" strip of three alone the entire left column (10 examples of this variety, Unitrade $300.00 for 10 NH strips). Complete with Plate #30 inscription in the upper-right corner. A seldom seen complete pane of this official stamp. Estimate =
Canada #O1/O15A, CO1. Significant used wholesale accumulation and study opportunity on King George VI issues overprinted "O.H.M.S." with quantities from 3 to a couple hundred of a type (no #O9 or #O10), but with individual catalogue values up to $15.00 each, the total catalogue value will be significant. This group was assembled about 1970 and the collector was interested in variations in the overprint (but there isn’t any "missing period" varieties as far as we can tell). Sorted by issue with "War", "Peace", "Oil Wells", "Postage-Postes" and the Canada Goose airmail. Estimate =
Canada #O1a. VF used example of the 1c George V "War" issue with OHMS official overprint, showing the "missing period after S" variety. An undervalued "Back of the Book" variety. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #O3. VF mint Never Hinged pane of 100 of the 3c rose violet George VI "War" issue overprinted "O.H.M.S" Official stamp. This pane features the Unitrade "narrow spacing" strip of three alone the entire left column (10 examples of this variety, Unitrade $300.00 for 10 NH strips). Complete with Plate #32 inscription in the upper-right corner. A seldom seen complete pane of this official stamp. Estimate =
Canada #O4. VF mint Never Hinged pane of 100 of the 4c dark carmine George VI "War" issue overprinted "O.H.M.S" Official stamp. This pane features the Unitrade "narrow spacing" strip of three alone the entire left column (10 examples of this variety, Unitrade $412.50 for 10 NH strips). Complete with Plate #49 inscription in the upper-left corner. Some light handing bends and a light hinge-mark in the selvedge UL corner, which does not detract much from this "toughest" of the War Issue "narrow spacing" variety stamp sheets. A seldom seen complete pane of this official stamp. Estimate =
Canada #O6. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps for the "O.H.M.S." Official overprint, George VI Peace series 10c "Great Bear Lake" stamp, with complete Plate #1 inscription at lower-right. Large multiples of Official Stamps are seldom offered. Catalogued as 21 mint singles, plus the plate block (but should be worth more as a multiple). A couple notes in the selvedge indicating minor printing varieties, could be erased if desire. 2024 Scott US$169.50 =
Canada #O7. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps for the "O.H.M.S." Official overprint, George VI Peace series 14c "Hydroelectric Station" stamp, with complete Plate #1 inscription at upper-right. Large multiples of Official Stamps are seldom offered. Catalogued as 21 mint singles, plus the plate block (but should be worth more as a multiple). 2024 Scott US$314.00 =
Canada #O8. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps for the "O.H.M.S." Official overprint, George VI Peace series 20c "Combine Harvesting" stamp, with complete Plate #1 inscription at lower-left. Large multiples of Official Stamps are seldom offered. Catalogued as 21 mint singles, plus the plate block (but should be worth more as a multiple). 2024 Scott US$692.00 =
Canada #O9-269. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps of the "O.H.M.S." perfin (O9 type) 10c "Great Bear Lake" from the 1946 George VI Peace series, complete with Plate #2 inscription block at lower-right. Large multiples are seldom seen, especially this nice. From the collection of someone that had access to these Official stamps in a Government office at time of use. Catalogued as 21 singles, plus the plate block, but worth more as a multiple! 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #O9-270. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps of the "O.H.M.S." perfin (O9 type) 14c "Hydroelectric Dam" from the 1946 George VI Peace series, complete with Plate #1 inscription block at lower-left. Large multiples are seldom seen, especially this nice. From the collection of someone that had access to these Official stamps in a Government office at time of use. Catalogued as 21 singles, plus the plate block, but worth more as a multiple! 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #O9-271. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps of the "O.H.M.S." perfin (O9 type) 20c "Combine Harvesting" from the 1946 George VI Peace series, complete with Plate #2 inscription block at lower-left. Large multiples are seldom seen, especially this nice. From the collection of someone that had access to these Official stamps in a Government office at time of use. Catalogued as 21 singles, plus the plate block, but worth more as a multiple (the plate block alone catalogues $480.00)! A showpiece official stamp multiple. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada #O10. VF mint Never Hinged lower-left position plate #1 Plate Block of four of the $1.00 Ferry with "O.H.M.S." official overprint. A rare "Back of the Book" multiple in impeccable condition, Post Office fresh colour and pristine gum. 2024 Scott US$525.00 =
Canada #O12-O14. F/VF mint Never Hinged group of complete panes of 100 of the 1c green, 2c sepia and 3c rose violet George VI "Postes-Postage", with "O.H.M.S" official overprint. Each sheet having a single inscription block, plate #1 on all, with O13 having both plate #1 and plate #2 panes. Of particular note is the 1c value, which features the "narrow spacing" strip of three Unitrade listed variety (#O12i) x 10 (the entire left column) not counted in the catalogue value. Valued conservatively as 46 mint singles and a plate block per pane, but keep in mind that full panes are rarely offered! 2024 Scott US$218.90 =
Canada #O15. VF mint Never Hinged pane of 100 of the 4c dark carmine George VI "Postes-Postage" overprinted "O.H.M.S" Official stamp. This pane features the Unitrade "narrow spacing" strip of three alone the entire left column (10 examples of this variety, Unitrade $525.00 for 10 NH strips). One small piece of selvedge missing UL, but a seldom seen complete pane of this official stamp. Estimate =
Canada #O15A, O15Ac. VF mint Never Hinged UL pane of 100 of the 1950 George VI "Postes-Postage" 5c deep blue "O.H.M.S." overprint official stamp, with "Canadian Bank Note Co. Limited, Ottawa No.1" inscription in the upper-left corner and ERROR missing period after "S" in "O.H.M.S" on the position 78 stamp. A showpiece Official Stamp pane. Catalogued as 45 basic stamps, the plate block of four, plus the error (but should demand a good premium, as complete panes are seldom seen). Very slight perf separation in the selvedge UR, mentioned "for the record", does not detract. 2024 Scott US$251.25 =
Canada #O16/O37. Official "G" overprint used wholesale accumulation and study opportunity on King George VI and early QEII issues with quantities up to about 1500 of a type (didn’t see any #O25, O27 or O32). This group was assembled about 1975 and the collector was interested in variations in the overprint, including over and under inking and the position (or shifting) of the overprint. Sorted by issue with lots of "Peace" issues with an envelope of "Oil Wells", etc. There is a touch of OHMS overprints. Includes a few old boxes (e.g. candy) which ads to its appeal. Estimate =
Canada #O17, O19. VF mint Never Hinged complete panes of 100 for the 2c sepia (Plate #2) and 4c dark carmine (Plate #11) of the 1950 George VI "G" overprinted Official stamp. Full sheets are seldom offered, catalogued as 96 singles and a plate block for each pane, but should be worth considerably more. 2024 Scott US$446.40 =
Canada #O33/O37. Complete matched sets of full panes (with plate blocks) of the "G" overprinted QEII "Karsh" issue #O33 (plate 1), #O34 (plate 3), #O35 (plate #1), #O36 (plate #2), #O37 (plate #1 - one with minor selvedge fault). A nicely centered, never hinged group. Includes some notes from the original purchaser who was interested in variations resulting from the overprinting process. Conservatively valued as singles. Total 2024 Scott US$840.00 =
Canada - A mostly mint holding of plate blocks, booklets, singles and event some sheets perfect for the collector of 1955-1984 Canada. Mixed among the common material is potential as the collector was interested in papers and tagging, but it never got too far. Noted an envelope filled with Centennial (values to $1.00) and Landscapes. There is a small handful of 1950's plate blocks (mostly never hinged), and there are more that are in "102" cards in a photo album. There is a mint sheet file with a few sheets and souvenir sheets, a manila stockbook has a range of 1970’s mint items (but also with a few earlier like a set of the 1935 Silver Jubilee). The complete booklets are strongest in the Centennial period and in the early 1980s (with some good face value here). There is a pair of 5c sheets of the 1970 Christmas, but sadly, with no gum. We conservatively estimate the face value of this lot at $150.00 and have estimated the value conservatively at that. Estimate =
Canada - Accumulation of CAPEX 1978 material, with roughly 100 first day covers, with mostly souvenir sheet, singles, and a few plate block frankings (noting 12c denomination), along with U.S., and other philatelic CAPEX postal stations, programs, newspaper, exhibit palmares, and other ephemera. A most interesting look back to one of Canada's most important stamp shows. A good mixture of items with duplication is up to 50 in a few cases, clean and very fine. Estimate =
Canada - Coil-stravaganza! A massive used accumulation of Admiral to the QEII "Wilding" issue filling an envelope box. The King George V issues are plentiful and mostly singles, but the strength is in the KGVI "War" issue (both perforations) - we noted one envelope of #279 with "53 pairs and 33 singles" which alone catalogues US$1180!). There is a bit of "Postage-Postes" and only a touch of Elizabethan material. Keeping with the theme of straight-edges is that there are some booklet stamps and a few pane-edged stamps included "for the record". Massive catalogue value and lots of research potential. Nicely sorted in the early 1970s, and untouched since. Estimate =
Canada - Collection with roughly 400 mint and or used stamps, ranging from 1859 to the 1930's, all in hingeless mounts on roughly 70 album pages housed in a binder. Just a few of the better items include Scott #s 20 (used); 51 used Small Queens including a 10c and both Widow Weeds, and mint 8c (x3, no gum) and mint 20c Widow Weed; 27 mint and or used Jubilees noting used 57 (x2), 59, 60, and continues with a mint and used set of Leaf issues. The collection continues with a used set of Edwards, mint and used sets of Quebecs, Admirals (including some coil singles and pairs), and partial mint and or used sets up to the Arch issues. A potentially high cataloguing collection for the used portion, with some used stamps cataloguing $20 to $50 and up, with the vast majority of mint stamps suffering from either no gum, heavy hinging or other gum issues, with overall condition ranging from fine to a bit better. Estimate =
Canada - Kiloware. A bulging bankers box with about 21 lbs mostly on close-cut single paper. Mostly modern, scattering of older. A forever project to get through this box. BIG BONUS: A large baggie with uncanceled (but no 'P'). Estimate =
Canada - King George VI 4-hole OHMS perfin hoard, starting with a few Mufti issues, going strong through the "War" issue (values to 20c) and finishing with the "Peace" issue, noted about 30 copies of the 50c "Logging" and a couple of Air Mails. It appears that these were assembled in the 1960s-70s and are sorted by denomination with some attempts made to identify the orientation of the perfins. There is one to several hundred copies of each used stamp. This was before the two different 4-hole OHMS configurations were identified in catalogues, so another round of discovery awaits, including for missing perforations, etc. Fills a small cookie box. A few thousand stamps are here. Offered as received, perfect for research. Estimate =
Canada - Lunar New Years / Thematic Collection #79. The first Lunar New Year / Royal Canadian Mint and Post Office joint issued sealed coin / stamp combination pack. This "Year of the Tiger" collection, includes a portfolio with souvenir sheet and sterling silver coin, with 24k gold-plated cameo. These almost entirely disappeared out of the "philatelic world" going to Lunar New Year hobbyists or coin collectors. Limited Edition of 8,000 sets only! Original purchase price was $88.88 (lucky numbers) plus tax. This is the "key" Lunar New Year set, which the catalogue aptly reflects! 2024 Unitrade =
Canada - Lunar New Years / Thematic Collection #92. The second installment of Post Office sealed coin / stamp combination packs. This time the "Year of the Dragon" collection, which includes a portfolio with souvenir sheet and sterling silver coin, with 24k gold-plated cameo. These almost entirely disappeared out of the "philatelic world" going to Lunar New Year hobbyists or coin collectors. Limited Edition of 10,000 sets only! Original purchase price was $88.88 (lucky numbers) plus tax. Undervalued (in our opinion) considering how seldom we have seen these. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada - Lunar New Years / Thematic Collection #99. The third and final installment of Post Office sealed coin / stamp combination packs. This time the "Year of the Snake" collection, which includes a portfolio with souvenir sheet and sterling silver coin, with 24k gold-plated cameo. These almost entirely disappeared out of the "philatelic world" going to Lunar New Year hobbyists or coin collectors. Limited Edition of 8000 sets only! Original purchase price was $94.88 plus tax. Undervalued (in our opinion) considering how seldom we have seen these. 2024 Unitrade =
Canada - Massive accumulation of over 100,000 used Canada, in two bankers boxes. For a lot of this size, this is a nicely organized lot with material in several stockbooks, manilla stock pages, or in bundles. The material ranges from the Small Queens up to the roughly the 1980s, with an estimation of roughly 30,000 stamps pre-1950, and over 70,000 stamps post-1950, including coil pairs and strips, blocks, back of the book material, precancels, and more. Just considering the early material, we note a range of postmark types including squared circles, CDS, duplex, split rings, including some socked on the nose town cancels, noting Small Queens, Quebecs, Edwards, Admirals, and several definitive and commemorative issues from the 1930s. The latter portion of the lot contains a few hundred bundles of several issues, appearing to be mostly from the 1960s onwards. A wonderful opportunity for postmark hunters, and unchecked for listed varieties, shades, paper types, etc. Just some of the early stamps catalogue from $3 to $10 each, with a few issues cataloguing much higher. Our photos show a number of pages of the early material with an overview. Should be worth our low estimate which is less than 1c a stamp. (and we don't make pennies anymore). Estimate =
Canada - Modern accumulation of used Canada in 11 stuffed manila stock pages. The stamps appear to range from the 2012 to 2014 period, noting several "P" value definitives and commemorative stamps, along with a few souvenir sheets. Did not see many town postmarks, but could be some finds as there appears to be up to 50 stamps per issue (perhaps more). A nice modern used lot, which would represent a huge amount of mail to produce! Estimate =
Canada - Modern off-paper hoard for the cancel enthusiast, fills almost every space in a U-Haul box. Includes three "Kodak" boxes filled with #8 envelopes that are sorted by Scott numbers from the 8c to 32c era. Next up is a box of more recent (1990's) off-paper with many that seem to have been chosen for their cancellations. There is a folio which will not hold its contents of used Centennials (including lots of 10c-$1.00) for much longer. There are a couple of old boxes with slogan cancel 4"x2" pieces. Finally, there is a binder with a collection of Victoria BC sub-office markings on cover often from 1996, some with a photo of the sub-office, but noted some earlier (including a nice selection of MOONs). Estimate =
Canada - Modern Post Office Souvenir Sheet "Packs". An all-different assortment of 13 Canada Post packs from the past ten years or so. These packages were used for the medium / large format souvenir sheets and miniature panes, with additional advertisement and information on the issue included. While the panes themselves are listed individually in Unitrade, we believe that the pack will likely be listed individually in the future as the push for collecting Canada Post products "as issued" is ever-growing. All issues are "P" (permanent) stamps, with the exception of the Star Trek souvenir sheet (which also features $2.50/$1.80/$1.20 values). Conservatively value for the total face value of the sheets. Total face value =
Canada - Modern used. A seldom seen offering of 181 different 2020-2024 "Covid period" and later used. Finding modern used is extremely difficult, since so few people use postal mail any more. A special treat includes what looks like a block of 4 of the special issue 'Flying postal truck' dated "Williams Lake BC 2020-12-14" on a piece cut from a parcel, this stamp available only to postal workers. Prices for recent used are going wild! Estimate =
Canada - Premium postage lot with just over 90 quarterly or semi-annual packs (all still sealed), ranging from 1976 to 2020, with 30 being 2005 and newer which is during the introduction of "P" values. The lot also includes a few souvenir packs and year sets noting the 2000 Millennium set, 1987, 1976, and 1974 annual collection in remarkable condition (Unitrade c.v. $250). Face value totals $1,068.00, with the "P" stamps counted at the time of purchase, and not at the current rate of $1.24 per stamp (so the face value is actually more). A lovely clean lot, some mild duplication for some packs, but a lot that should appeal to collectors, postage users, or resellers. Very fine. Conservativley valued for the usable face / postage value alone. Total face value =
Canada - Quarterly Pack Holding of 13 different Post Office issued packs, from the 1995-2011 period. The packs (for the most part) are all low total face values, most being under $10.00 and often retail for a good premium over the issue price. Conservatively valued for the total face value / issue price. Total face value =
Canada - Several hundred mint and some used stamps, including coils, plate blocks, etc., collected for Canadian varieties, neatly organized by Unitrade number in roughly 400 glassines or 102 cards. The stamps generally run from the 1930's (did spot a few Admirals), up to the 1980's, noting Unitrade and Darnell listed varieties, along with minor or non-constant varieties as described by the previous owner. Just a few of the varieties noticed are paper types, tagging oddities, colour shifts, gum types, florescence, and more. A few cards and glassines have either a catalogue value or retail price generally ranging in the $3 to $10 per item range, but did spot a few $20 and up. A great lot for collectors filling in spaces, or for dealers looking for something to add to their stock. Estimate =
Canada - Used potpourri over half- filling a bankers box, with thousands of stamps, noting a few Victorian issues all the way up to the 1990's, some neatly organized into glassines, also in a few stockbooks, stock pages, loose, etc. We note some better postmarks, back of the book stamps, used souvenir sheets, etc., leaving potential finds to the dedicated sorter. Estimate =
Canada Cancels #106/138 Lathework. Balance of consignment Admiral lathework group. Includes a hinged / never hinged block of the 2c carmine (type B) that (sadly) has separated from the lathework (could possibly be hinged / reconstructed), the 3c imperforate pairs (one NH, one LH), 3c brown USED (type D) and 3c brown (type B) mint hinged corner example. An interesting assembly. Estimate =
Canada Cancels - Alberta postmarks. A rather large collection / accumulation of Alberta postmarks in several hundred envelopes filling a bankers box. Each envelope was been identified by town name, noting primarily towns ranging from letter G to W, with a cursory check of a few envelopes noting 5 to 10 postmarks per town (and much higher in some cases). Material seems to range from the 1930's onwards, but mostly has modern material. Postmarks include CDS, MOON, POCON type, Klussendorf, etc. From a collector of Canadian town postmarks that specialized in socked on the nose town postmarks, and a lot that will be appreciated by like-minded collectors. Overall very fine. Estimate =
Canada Cancels - BC Postmarks accumulation of conservatively several hundred (perhaps well over a thousand) British Columbia postmarks, primarily on piece, neatly organized alphabetically into 23 fairly full envelopes. Each envelope contains several glassines organized by town name, ranging from letters C to Z (missing A-B, X). A cursory check indicated postmarks ranging from the 1930's up to the 1990's, noting CDS MOON, split ring, Klussendorf, and probably more postmark types, from a few hundred different towns. A lot from a worldwide postmark collector, specializing on socked on the nose cancels. Overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canada Cancels - British Columbia postmark "catch all", in three stockbook and on homemade and Vario-style stock pages, in three binders. We note several hundreds of used stamps, including many on piece, covers, etiquette's, and more, generally ranging from the 1930's to the 1980's, with some material on either side of the given range. The lot includes a binder specializing in Vancouver postmarks, including sub offices, along with major to smaller towns, on many well identified pages, in the remaining stockbooks and binders. We note a good variety of postmark types including CDS, split ring, MOON, POCON types and more. A nice lot for any postmark collector, and the basis for continuation. Estimate =
Canada Cancels - British Columbia postmark round up. A large carton containing hundreds of covers, in fairly organized in 6 thick binders and has some loose pages. A cursory check revealed hundreds of covers generally ranging from the 1960's to the 1990's, including a few AR cards, postcards, along with postal stationery, and stamps on piece, with the majority of towns ranging from letters A to D, M, and S, noting a range of postmarks including CDS, POCON, Klussendorfs, and other types, with some towns having a variety of postmark types. A nice lot for the B.C. postmark collector. Estimate =
Canada Cancels - Collection of Nova Scotia town postmarks on 30 homemade pages, from S to U town names, with roughly 475 stamps primarily on piece, generally ranging from the Small Queens up to the 1980’s, with most material ranging from the 1950’s onwards, noting squared circle, CDS, machine, duplex, POCON, etc., with some town names having a variety of postmark types, with many having socked on the nose postmarks. From a collector who specialized in Canada and worldwide socked on the nose postmarks. A few faults on a few stamps, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canada Cancels - Collection of Prince Edward Island town postmarks on 29 homemade pages, ranging from A to S town names, containing roughly 225 stamps (primarily on piece), and 30 covers. The majority of material ranges from the 1960’s to the 1970’s, with some material on either side of the given range, noting CDS, machine, POCON, etc., with some town names having a variety of postmark types, with many having socked on the nose postmarks. From a collector who specialized in Canada and worldwide socked on the nose postmarks. A few faults on a few stamps, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canada Cancels - Collection of Saskatchewan town postmarks on 43 homemade pages, primarily with B town names (along with some A town names), with roughly 700 stamps and primarily on piece, generally ranging from the 1930’s up to the 1980’s, noting CDS, machine, duplex, POCON, etc., with some town names having a variety of postmark types, with many having socked on the nose postmarks. From a collector who specialized in Canada and worldwide socked on the nose postmarks. A few faults on a few stamps, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canada Cancels - Consignment remainder of hundreds of Canada town postmarks, on homemade pages, glassines, and stock pages, with stamps ranging from the Small Queens up to the 1970s. The bulk of the lot contains British Columbia town postmarks on piece, on selected issues ranging from the 1950's to the 1970's, along with 10 pages of Edward VII issues on piece, a page of North West Territories MOON postmarks from the 1970's, and more. We note a wide variety of postmark types including CDS, MOON, blackout, Montreal duplex, and more. A nice lot for any postmark collector with possible better finds for the dedicated collector. Overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canada Cancels - Postmark hoard on piece, with roughly 950 postmarks ranging from 1901-1907, vast majority appear to be from 1905, with a few on either side of the given range. We note representation from all the provinces (excluding Newfoundland), with better representation from Ontario (noting Moose Creek, Greenfield, Snake River, Cope's Falls, Taunton, Jasper, Eastwood, Bar-River); Manitoba (noting Pipestone, Vestfold, Fox Warren, Ninette, Swan River, Asessippi); along with Prince Edward Island (Haliburton, Cape Egmont, Stanley Bridge); British Columbia (Alberni, Port Haney, Port Hammond); and much more. We note primarily split rings along with duplex, CDS and a few RPO postmarks many having clear strikes with easily readable dates. A nice opportunity for postmark hunters, with duplication appearing to be small. Estimate =
Canada Cancels - Prince Edward Island (PEI) Postmarks. A nice collection / accumulation of Prince Edward Island town postmarks, with roughly 350 postmarks either on stamp, or on piece, fairly organized alphabetically from A to W, on 8 stock pages. The stamps generally range from the 1930's to the 2010's noting a wide variety of postmark types including split rings, CDS, POCON, duplex, MOON, etc. We many different towns, with a better representation of Charlottetown and sub offices, but also includes the likes of Abney, Lot 64, Clyde River, Vernon River, Portage, Malpeque, and much more, with some towns having different postmark types, including several socked on the nose. From a collector of Canadian town postmarks that specialized in socked on the nose town postmarks, and a lot that will be appreciated by like-minded collectors. Overall very fine. Estimate =
Canada Cancels - Registration Handstamps. Interesting grouping of roughly 220 stamps, including a few multiples (pairs to blocks of 4), ranging from the Numeral issues up to the 1950's. We note a variety of font size and thickness, oval sizes, along with a few different handstamp ink colours. A grouping that will benefit from further study, from a perhaps underappreciated area of Canadian philately. A nice offering for any collector. Estimate =
Canada Cancels - Small stockbook containing roughly 650 used stamps, and some on piece, primarily having Ontario and Quebec with many "socked on the nose" postmarks. The majority of material ranges from the War Issue to the 1970s, noting mainly postmarks from Montreal and Toronto, including sub offices, with CDS, MOON, and POCON postmark types. A nice collection for the postmark collector. Estimate =
Canada Covers #EN1a, EN2. Postal Stationery. The first regular issue envelopes, often referred to as the "Nesbitt Issue" of 1860 including both the 5c and 10c values (note the 5c value has the "less rounded" backflap, Knife S-2). While the 10c is toned, both have un-stuck backflaps (many of these became sealed over the last 165 years! These are listed in the older Unitrade catalogues (at a huge premium), but more sensibly catalogued in the most recent (2019) Webb Stationery Catalogue. 2019 Webb =
Canada Covers - A large handful of 200x #8 size Centennial-era registered covers, all sent to the Alberta Health Service between 1968 and early 1974. At the time of acquisition, this collector was fascinated by paper types, fluorescent levels and tagging, and made pencil notes on many to reflect that interest. Over 50 years later, we think that most collectors will be interested in the many rates and the now-obsolete post offices and/or cancelling devices. A small number are from out of the province. Almost all are hand canceled and includes some early "Landscape" usages. Estimate =
Canada Covers - A stationery-sized box with over 200 various sized regular mail and registered covers, mostly sent to the Alberta Health Service between 1968 and 1980, plus a good handful of early 1970’s regular mail including usages on the first day (and a few predating the first day), and a number of Centennial booklet panes used on cover, often to Germany. There is a small group of parcel pieces for heavier packages (Centennial rates up to $6.00!). At the time of acquisition, this collector was fascinated by paper types, fluorescent levels and tagging, and made pencil notes on many to reflect that interest. We think that most collectors will now be interested in the many rates and the now-obsolete post offices and/or cancelling devices. A small number are from out of the province. Almost all are hand canceled and includes some "Landscape" and "Olympic" usages. A few hundred items in total. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Accumulation of roughly 250 Canada registered or special delivery covers from the 1980's. Appearing to be all commercial usages, with the vast majority of Flower, Artifacts, and Mammal definitives in combination with each other or with high value National Parks or Architecture defintive frankings. A nice group for rate study as rates often changed on at least a yearly basis, along with most having British Columbia or Alberta POCON town postmarks. We note faults with some of the covers, with many opened on all sides, as is the nature of commercial covers. Overall mixed to much better condition. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Alberta MOON postmarks. A lovely group of Alberta town postmarks with MOON postmarks, with a few hundred different towns (including different postal stations), on roughly 300 commercial covers, including over 20 AR cards. The lot begins with roughly 65 neatly organized homemade pages, with towns ranging from A to W, and includes roughly 225 loose covers in a box. The majority of postmarks range from the early 1950's to the 1960's, along with a few MOTO postmarks noticed. A nice lot from a longtime collector of Canadian socked on the nose postmarks. Should be appreciated by the Alberta or Canadian postmark collector. A few faults with a few of the covers, includes a few #10 sized envelopes, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Alberta Postmarks. Small album of primarily 80 postcards, collected for Alberta town postmarks (either dispatch or receiver) in the Edward VII-Admiral period (1910s-1920s). Just a few of the offices of note include Zoldovara, Walsh, Vandyne, Stafford Village, Steveville, Pincher Station, just to name a few, with some cards retailing from $25 to $40 and up. The postcard views have a Canada and United States flavour, with a few specifically relating to Alberta, including a few real photo post cards. A few faults with some of the cards, including missing stamps, however, the focus on the lot was the postmarks. Estimate =
Canada Covers - An envelope box with about 300x #9 and #10 sized Centennial-era registered covers, all sent to the Alberta Health Service between 1968 and early 1974. At the time of acquisition, this collector was fascinated by paper types, fluorescent levels and tagging, and made pencil notes on many to reflect that interest. Over 50 years later, we think that most collectors will be interested in the many rates and the now-obsolete post offices and/or cancelling devices. Some of the envelopes were used as "paste-ons" for larger parcels, so a couple of higher rates (>$1.00) are present. A small number are from out of the province. Almost all are hand canceled and includes some early "Landscape" usages. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Bankers Box Postal History Bonanza Part 1. The first of two offerings of masses of postal history, crammed into a bankers box. A real mish-mash of material here, including covers, FDC, special events, postcards, rates, postmarks etc. An "everything under the sun" box, which conservatively boasts at least 1800 items, perfect for the postal historian to sort out. While there are likely no great finds to be had, there will be an enormous amount of items in the 50c-$2.00 range, perfect to keep what you need and sell the remainder at a local show / club meeting. Estimated at 10c per item, based on the conservative total of 1800 items in total. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Bankers Box Postal History Bonanza Part 2. The second of two offerings of masses of postal history, crammed into a bankers box. A mix of material here, which including covers, FDC, special events, postcards, rates, postmarks etc. We would estimate this box boasts (conservatively) at least 1800 items, perfect for the postal historian to sort out. While there are likely no spectacular finds to be had, there will be an enormous amount of items in the 50c-$2.00 range, perfect to keep what you need and sell the remainder at a local show / club meeting. Estimated at 10c per item, based on the conservative total of 1800 items in total. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Bankers box with a cacheted First Day Cover collection and accumulation, some in albums some bundled, covering 1959 to the early 1980’s. Most are Rosecraft or Canada Post cachets but saw a few from other private cachet makers. A total of about 700 covers, most are #8 sized and most are addressed up to about 1973. A bit of duplication. Includes a couple from stamp shows and a set of 25 of the Montreal Olympics "venue" cancellations. Overall condition is decent. Includes a small bundle of unused envelopes with the generic "Rosecraft" Parliament cachet in a couple of different colours. Conservatively estimated at 20c each. Estimate =
Canada Covers - BC British Columbia Postal History. A high-quality offering of 7 Vancouver Island split ring postmarks on covers / postcards (and 1 large piece) from the 1881-1934 period. Includes Goldstream 1908, Coquitz 1912 (on incoming Japanese postcard), Alberni 1905, Craigs Crossing 1934 (piece), Cadboro Bay 1916, Turgoose 1919 and Cowichan 1881 (from the Postmaster to P.O. Inspector Victoria). A lovely group. Each item is individually sleeved and priced. Total retail as marked =
Canada Covers - BC British Columbia Postal History. An interesting grouping of 335 modern British Columbia covers collected for town postmarks. The group includes 150 covers from Victoria, B.C., with specialty cancels appearing to be from the early 2000s; 100 British Columbia town specialty cancels, and roughly 85 British Columbia covers from 1990 to 1993, collected for POCON postmarks, including better towns. A nice modern grouping for the British Columbia or Canada postmark collector. One of the "neglected" areas of collecting postmarks are these "modern" hand-cancelled items. Estimate =
Canada Covers - BC British Columbia Postal History. Eight Pack, Part 1. The first of a duo of lots, each featuring 8 different better BC split ring cancels on postcards 1906-1929. Towns included are Extension, Isle Pierre, Tzouhalem, Paulson, Fraser Avenue, Hillcrest, Oakella and Anaconda. Some nice strikes noted throughout. Each item is individually sleeved and priced. Total retail as marked =
Canada Covers - BC British Columbia Postal History. Eight Pack, Part 2. The second of a duo of lots, each featuring 8 different better BC split ring cancels on postcards 1907-1917. Towns included are Coburn, Campbell Creek, Sealey, Kensington Prairie, Glenemma, Gartrell, Delta (1908, 1st opening) and Fern Ridge. Some nice strikes noted throughout. Each item is individually sleeved and priced. Total retail as marked =
Canada Covers - British Columbia postal history "catch all" with 102 items on well organized, detailed pages, all highlighting better postmarks on cover, postcard, stamp, and on piece. in a binder. Just a few of the better postmarks include: Majuba Hill 1913 split ring; Elk Creek OC27, 1908 split ring; Georgetown Mills 1927 split rings (x2); Irvines Landing Emergency Hammer from 1954 (x2); Myrtle Point 1926 split ring, and much more including other smaller town postmarks, NPO, and a variety of postmark types. Many of the items have retail prices attached of which total $1,175. A nice addition or starting point for a BC postmark collection. Estimate =
Canada Covers - British Columbia Postal History. An "all-better" three-pack of BC postmarks, all still mounted and described on the previous owner's album pages. Includes Kispiox 1913 split ring on Government Telegraph Service cover, Mud River 1943 CDS cancel on cover and Bear Creek 1915 split ring receiver on postcard (note, this last one is addressed to the Rocky Mountain Rangers, during WWI). Some very tough to find postmarks here! Estimate =
Canada Covers - British Columbia postmarks. A small tub full of several hundred covers, accumulated for B.C. town postmarks, generally ranging from the 1950's to the 1960's, primarily with Wilding or Cameo frankings. A cursory check revealed several towns ranging from A to W, having CDS, roller, duplex, split ring cancels, with some towns having a variety of postmarks. We note a few corner advertising covers as well. A nice lot for the B.C. postmark collector. Overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Canadian Military Group filling a bankers box. The group includes a specialized collection of Blackout postmarks on cover, stamp, and on piece, with a few identified on pages, along with a binder containing roughly 150 modern military covers (1950's onwards), on pages that include owner's notations including postmark types, and several hundred loose modern military covers that will need identifying by the military specialist. We note, a variety of O.H.M.S. covers, CFPO postmsrks, free frankings, RCAF stations, and surely more. A nice lot for the military specialist. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Collection / Accumulation of Canada Meter mail, beginning with roughly 50 well researched pages, containing over 100 covers and pieces, with write ups indicating different types (appearing to range from Type 7/Type 34), slogans, printers, designs, and more, with covers ranging from the 1940s to the 1980s. The lot also includes roughly 100 meter covers, mostly advertising corner cards, most of which are sleeved and priced between $3 to $5 each. A nice lot for the specialist. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Cover consignment balance filling a banker’s box. Includes King Edward VII-era material with a one frame exhibit of banking-related covers and a study of time and service slugs in Toronto International machine cancels. There is an assortment of interesting "one-off" covers, including some with dues markings. There is a binder of large format circa 2005 permit mail for "Columbia House" CD and DVD promotions, including some modern thematic topics (e.g. Harry Potter, Rush, King Kong). On the ephemera side is a small box with (pre-1950) Christmas cards (most are greeting cards - no envelopes - a couple are postcards). A quirky and interesting lot. Estimate =
Canada Covers - FDC Accumulation of roughly 500 private cachet first day covers, all Rose Craft cachets, ranging from 1966 to 1971. We note primarily single issue frankings, along with a few pairs, blocks, and plate blocks. Duplication runs up to 5 per issue. Overall very fine. Estimate =
Canada Covers - FDC First Day Cover Collection. A collector's mostly modern array of 649 Canada Post issued FDC, from the 1997-2015 period, neatly arranged within 4x Unisafe FDC albums and then in Post Office glassine envelopes. A great array of topicals from this period, including high-values and souvenir sheets. The face value of the stamps alone adds up to $568.72, with the original purchase price being substantially more. Estimate =
Canada Covers - FDC First Day Covers in a bankers box. Accumulation of roughly 1,000 Canada First Day covers, generally ranging from the early 1970's to the 1990's, noting singles, pairs, blocks, plate blocks, booklet panes, high denominations, souvenir sheets, and in some cases one of each per issue. We note several Schering first day covers of various sizes, along with some covers having official enclosures highlighting the stamp issue and order form for first day covers. We note Unitrade #1250ii (Regiments) plate block FDC, c.v. $125, along with a few others cataloguing $8 and up. A good lot with a few small faults on a few of the larger covers, overall very fine. Estimate =
Canada Covers - FDC First Day Covers. Accumulation of roughly 600 Canada First Day covers in a bankers box, with covers generally ranging from the late 1940's to the 1980's, but did notice a handful post-2000. We noted singles, pairs, sets, blocks and plate blocks, and souvenir sheet frankings, along with a few exhibition first days, private cachets, a few wildlife first day covers signed by artist Robert Bateman, with most early first day covers being uncacheted. A nice grouping with duplication up to 5 for some issues, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canada Covers - FDC First Day Covers. Eclectic group of roughly 450 Canada first day covers, in 3 cover albums and with loose material. The albums contain covers from the 1980's-1990's, containing singles, sets, high denominations, coils, booklets, and plate block frankings, noting one album containing 57x 1997 Year of the OX, and 25x 1998 Year of the Tiger (all with either souvenir sheet, single, or plate block frankings). The loose covers have a mixture of private cachet first days from the 1960s onwards, noting Capital and Harford makers, along with official first day covers from the 1970s to post 2000. Duplication can range past 10 for a few issues, still a nice clean grouping. Estimate =
Canada Covers - FDC First Day Covers. Grouping of roughly 220 Canada private cachet first day covers, typically ranging from the 1960's to 1972, with a few covers on either side of the given range. We note makers Rose Craft, Cole, Caneco, JCR, NR, and likely a few more, with covers having singles, sets, and block frankings. The lot also includes a few first day covers from Air Canada and Trans-Canada Air Lines. A nice lot with a few covers having a few small faults, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Federal and Provincial Governments "Free" mail in three small shoe boxes and a binder. In order of appearance, there is a small bundle of provincial (mostly Ontario) usages of free privilege postcards (often for vital statistics) in the early to mid-1900's. There is a handful of nice Ottawa "Free" machine cancels (sometimes in English, sometimes bilingual), which are often sought by slogan cancel collectors. There is a larger amount of covers with OHMS/Government usage with lots of departmental envelopes and markings, including meters. Lastly, there is a batch of Post Office forms on cards, and a small, mounted collection with examples of various post office "Free" mail. Several hundred items fill most of a banker’s box. Estimate=
Canada Covers - First Day Cover Collection, Part 1. Lovely collection of roughly 600 Canada first day covers in 6 Unisafe cover albums, filling a bankers box. The covers range from 1948 up to 1988, with roughly 40 pre-1972 covers, noting a few having private cachets. The collection appears to have been purchased through the philatelic services primarily having a single and plate block first day cover per issue (including the high denomination National Park issues). along with a few coil pairs, souvenir sheet, and sets frankings. A super clean collection with better cataloguing FDC. Estimate =
Canada Covers - First Day Cover Collection, Part 2. Lovely collection of roughly 600 Canada first day covers in 6 Unisafe cover albums, filling a bankers box. The covers range from 1989 up to 2001, and appears to have been purchased through the philatelic services primarily having a single and plate block first day cover per issue (including the high denomination Architecture issues), including Unitrade #1250ii Regiments UR plate block (c.v. $250), Millennium issues. along with a few coil pairs, souvenir sheet, and sets frankings. A super clean collection with better cataloguing FDC. Estimate =
Canada Covers - First Day Cover Collection, Part 3. Lovely collection of roughly 550 Canada first day covers in 3 Unisafe and 2 Lighthouse albums, filling a bankers box. The covers range from 2002 to 2016, and appears to have been purchased through the philatelic services noting singles, pairs, blocks, plate blocks, souvenir sheet and high denomination frankings. A super clean collection with better cataloguing FDC. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Group of 17x "Santa Letter Program" postal stationery items, with letter enclosures from Santa. We note 7 different designs, with a couple in French, with 15 unused and 2 sent to someone on the "nice list" in Edmonton. Pencil notations on most identifying each cover according to the Webb Stationery Catalogue which lists these. Nice little lot to determine if you are naughty or nice. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Group of roughly 250 postcards with Canadian views, with roughly half with views from British Columbia, including Vancouver Island, with better representation from other western provinces and smatterings from the rest of the country, including Newfoundland, with almost all the cards from the post 1900 to the 1930's. We note scenes including train stations, bridges, street scenes, government buildings, military, armouries, patriotic, and more. Many of the cards are sleeved with retail prices ranging from $3 to $5 and up each. A nice group for the post card enthusiast, with the possibility for better small town postmarks. A few small faults on a few of the cards, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Literature. A quartet of Canadian Literature, with focus on British Columbia. Includes the Philatelic Classic Literature. Gerald Wellburn's "The Stamps and Postal History of Vancouver Island and British Columbia" large format hard cover coffee table book (complete with dust cover) with high quality photo plates of Wellburn's award winning collection with all exhibition notes (original invoice inside the cover, dated 1991 for $195.00 plus tax). To compliment the Wellburn classic is the 1988 Wellburn Collection auction catalogue / 1988 CSDA Show auction catalogue (both by Eaton & Sons) and "The Evolution of Imperial Penny Postage and The Postal History of the Canadian 1898 Map Stamp" by R.B. Winmill. A worthwhile offering! Estimate =
Canada Covers - Mounted Centennnial-era registered cover collection in four 3-ring binders. These approximately 500 covers (and a number of uncounted parcel pieces) were all sent to the Alberta Health Service between 1968 and early 1974, and the order of mounting is unclear. This is a reminder that different collectors see material through different lenses. Organized around the time of mailing, this collector was fascinated by paper types, fluorescent levels and tagging, and made pencil notes on many to reflect that interest. Over 50 years later, we think that most collectors will be interested in the many rates and the now-obsolete post offices and/or cancelling devices. We noted more Southern Alberta (Red Deer and South, with lots of Calgary Sub offices) than from the North. A small number are from out of the province. Covers are a variety of sizes some with "Acknowledgement of Receipt" markings, odd frankings, almost all hand cancels - including some MOON cancels, and some early "Landscape" usages. Many of the covers were opened on three sides (as this was commercial mail). Estimate =
Canada Covers - New Brunswick Postal History. Group of 47 Edward VII franking postcards, each with a New Brunswick split ring postmark. Looks to be about 35 different Post Offices represented, including Pointe De Butte, Lower Woodstock, Douglas Harbour, Victoria, Edgett's Landing, Upper Queensbury, Murray Road, Westmorland Point, Mapleburg, Timber River etc. Quality of strikes is generally very clear, perfect for the postmark hound. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Newfoundland, NFLD postmarks. Collection / accumulation of Newfoundland town postmarks on roughly 500 covers, filling a shoe box. All the covers are commercial in nature, all franked with the 6c orange centennial stamp, with town postmarks dated from 1970. We note CDS, machine, MOON and split ring postmark types, noting smaller towns including Glovertown South, Sweet Bay, Boyd's Cove, Anchor Point, Badger's Quay B.B, Wesleyville B.B, and more. We expect duplication, probably ranging up to 10 per town, with some towns having different postmark types. A nice lot for the Centennial or Newfoundland postmark collector. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Official "Postage Paid"/"Port Paye" box cancel/printing accumulation from the early 1960's to 1980's, often indicating "Free" mail privileges and sometimes an indication that uprating had been paid, but no stamps were being used (or possibly that the uprating was "complimentary"). Government agencies, the military and the Post Office itself seemed to be the biggest users of this "service" (or markings). A nice little grouping of about 75 covers of various sizes and usages and many different envelope types. Perfect for the modern researcher. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Official Canada Post Office (business) "Free" or OHMS mail collection and accumulation, along with a good number of post office forms, envelopes and labels. Starts with a small mounted of Victorian era envelopes including a pre-Confederation 1850 envelope for Nova Scotia ("On Post Office Business"), with five more early Canada envelopes (e.g. "PO Inspector’s Office", "Postmaster-General", "Money Order Office"). A small, flat box contains a mix of envelopes, postcards, registration envelope "package" envelopes along with more modern forms into the 1990's. The lot concludes with a shoebox filled with Post Office envelopes, mostly post-war to the 1990's, and a couple of parcel label/fronts. It took years to assemble this. Perfect for someone exploring the history of postal service in Canada. Probably 500 items in here, bit of minor duplication. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Official Mail Balance of Consignment. A two U-Haul box balance of a cover consignment including the large OHMS/Free holding that is for sale in this auction. Includes four stationery boxes filled with about 1500 #10 federal government envelopes with printed or metered indication that postage is prepaid. There is also a small postal stationery holding of 1920's-1950's "water" cards, and a couple Centennial private order items. There is a large flyspeck collection of #593, the 8c QEII "Caricature" issue, with a mounted collection and a couple of boxes of covers with many different minor print variations noted. The boxes are rounded out with handfuls of loose Canadian covers, ranging from "more government mail" to envelopes from personal correspondence. Thousands of items here. Estimate =
Canada Covers - OHMS - Victoria and Edwardian OHMS and/or Free mail on letters and folded letters, going back to 1861. Most are to or from the House of Commons in Ottawa, with some very scarce hand cancels. A couple seem to be related to provincial legislatures (e.g. Nova Scotia, Upper Canada), and there could be other markings (e.g. railway) or routings that could use some research. 17 items in total. Estimate =
Canada Covers - OHMS "Departmental" free franking hoard in two 2" binders. A few are mounted on pages, most are loose. Includes a wide range of postal markings and meters, most from the 1940's-1970's, including seemingly every federal ministry or department, including many that have changed name or no longer exist. Often (and unfairly in our opinion) overlooked by postal history collectors, this collecting area includes a number of rates, postal markings and interesting usages not ordinarily available to the general public. About 300 covers. Estimate =
Canada Covers - OHMS "Deputy Minister" frankings, these are where the name of a bureaucrat is attached to a department’s "free" franking privileges. A fascinating collection of covers from 1889 to about 1963, with strength in the 1920-1950 period. About 110 covers in total, about 1/3 are mounted showing examples of different cancel types, envelope style and type of usage. The other 70 examples are loose, although many have notations about their differentiating features. There is some Ottawa "Free" CDS and machine cancels. A couple are nice usages, in their own right, including a couple departmental "tourism" ads. Not an easy group to assemble. Estimate =
Canada Covers - OHMS "House of Commons", "Senate" and "Governor General" mail, a hoard of about 125 covers (and a couple of post cards), with a range of usages, most 1910-1980. There are a number of examples of the green and red ink meters (for House of Commons and Senate mail, respectively), with a large number of House of Commons printed envelopes (sometimes on the front, often on the flap), and a number with auxiliary markings (e.g. hand cancels, office markings, "signature" authorizations, etc). Includes a couple sent to their local representatives. Perfect study lot. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Postal Stationery "catch all", with roughly 400 items, with a spot check indicating an even mix of mint and used items. We note postal cards, postage paid post cards, air letters, a few wrappers, and more, with mint items ranging from the Victorian era up to the 1990’s, and with used items primarily in the Victorian reign, noting a variety of different postmarks including flags, squared circles, CDS and split rings, mostly from Ontario and eastern Canada. A few faults to be had, with some items catalogued ranging from $3 to $10 each. Overall very fine. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Postcard Group. Roughly 500 postcards all published by "Valentine", in a small box. A cursory check indicated better representation scenes from Ontario and Quebec, along with Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba and points further west. We note a number of popular collecting subjects including armouries, train stations, parks, landmark buildings, street scenes, and more. The majority of scenes appear to be from larger towns, but also a few smaller town views. Most of the card are unused and those that are used, seem to be in the 1910-1920 range. A lovely lot, with a few cards having typical corner bends, but overall fine to very fine and a great start to collecting this prolific postcard publisher. Estimate =
Canada Covers - QEII Registered Covers. A well organized binder containing roughly 50 registered / special delivery covers, franked with Centennial issues, organized by a few different rate periods ranging from February 8, 1967 to October 16, 1973. The lot also includes several hundred registered covers, franked with Suzor-Cote, 50c Centennial, or Street Scenes denominations. A nice lot for the modern postal history collector. A small faults, due to the covers being #10 envelopes, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canada Covers - RPO Railway Post Office / British Columbia Postal History. An unusual example of "Rob & A'Head MC" / "W.A. WILLIS. BC" clerk-name postmark, dated June 13th 1914 on Admiral postcard to USA. Perhaps a new report RPO? First time offered on the market, still mounted on the original collector's album page. Estimate =
Canada Covers - RPO Railway Post Office cancel accumulation. A collector's hoard of partially identified covers and postcards from primarily Edward VII to QEII, all with RPO cancels. Strength is in Edward / Admiral period (but did note an 1862 "Cents" cover) and Western and Ontario Canada runs, but seemed like these postmarks span the country. A total of 180 items, not counting a couple of cover pieces. This group is from the same estate of the recent RPO groups we have been offering. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Stamp Show / Exhibition Covers. Group of roughly 225 commemorative covers, mostly exhibition covers from National shows in Canada, and a few International stamp shows, ranging from the 1960's to 2011 (noting PIPEX, ORAPEX, BNAPS, PHILA NIPPON, and more), along with Calgary Stampede covers, space covers, and more. A number of nice cachets and postmarks on postcards, stationery, photos, etc. A nice clean lot, with some mild duplication for a few shows and same frankings. Estimate =
Canada Covers - The "McGill and Orme" correspondence group. A bankers box, near stuffed with likely 1500+ covers, all addressed to the McGill and Orme Drugstore in Victoria BC during (almost entirely) the WWII period. A first time on the market group, which features mail from mostly BC, including town postmarks, slogans, WWII blackouts etc. Strength will be in the Slogan / Blackouts of the period, along with a wealth of various business corner cards. These are often inter-business mail items, or related to filling prescriptions. A wonderful sort ahead for the intrepid collector, received directly from the McGill family. Estimate =
Canada Covers - Wildly interesting FDC collection of 74 items from the Canada 2014 Komagata Maru (Unitrade #2732) issue, in a variety of specialized formats, all having Vancouver Day of Issue postmarks. The lot includes 22 single franked photocopied articles on card stock highlighting the challenges of the voyage, racism, and arrival of the Komagata Maru passengers; 2 illustrated bookmarks; 4 program guides for events in Vancouver and Surrey; 9 postcards with a contemporary view of the C.P.R. Pier of Vancouver from 1927; with the balance of the lot having portions of the booklet cover created as a cachet, along with the stamp and FDC postmark. A must have for any first day cover collector, as these might be fairly scarce to attain elsewhere as were only made by a collector for his own purposes. Surely worth our low estimate. Estimate =
Canada Precancels - Collection of 328 different Town and City precancels from Bradon to Yorkton, neatly arranged on stockpages. A few minor faults noted, including perfs, straight edges and offset images, otherwise an attractive and extensive collection. Owner's Precancel Catalogue value =
Canada Revenues #FB21/FB27. FEDERAL BILL STAMP PROOFS. Group of 5 different imperforate proofs on card of the 1865 "Second Issue" Federal Bill Stamp issues, all in vibrant colour of issue. These were virtually unknown to the collector's marketplace until the famous American Bank Note Company archives sale. At this sale the well-known Winnipeg stamp dealer Kasimir Bileski purchased and then marketed a quantity of these proofs. Estimate =
Canada Revenues #PC1-PC5, PC6. Prairie Provinces Conservation Stamps. Perfect VF Mint Never Hinged complete 1942 issue set of five, plus the single 1943 issue. Pristine and umblemished gum, the PC1-PC5 perforated on all sides (and scarce thus, as only 6 stamps in the pane of 20 were perforated all-sides). As nice of a set as you can find. 2022 van Dam =
Canada Revenues - BC Law Stamps. A group of 22 different from BCL23 to BCL44 on Supreme Court or County Court documents 1916-1958, includes some varieties like BCL27c gash in 5, BCL27c gash in 5 and unlisted "6" for "C" in Columbia (shows complete 6 under magnification), BCL34b pin perfs, BCL34c 'clipped B & dot in B', & BCL35f scar on cheek. Just valued for stamps but worth more on documents! 2022 van Dam =
Canadian Provinces - British Columbia #2. Fine appearing used examples of the 1860 issue 2 ½ p rose "Victoria" (perf 14) Queen Victoria issue, with attractive socked-on-the-nose "PAID" oval. A couple of small faults, including a small closed tear on right and slightly rounded UL corner. 2024 Scott US$240.00 =
Canadian Provinces - British Columbia #6. Fine used example of the 1865 issue 10c blue, perf 14. Light and clear partial Victoria "35" cancel in blue. 2024 Scott US$300.00 =
Canadian Provinces - British Columbia #7, 8. A mint/used BC duo, including a tidy used example of the 1865 "Seal of British Columbia" 3p blue and then the 1867-1869 "TWO CENTS" overprint on 3p brown, the latter being heavily hinged, but with original gum. 2024 Scott US$260.00 =
Canadian Provinces - British Columbia - A mounted collection on an assortment of different pages, leading to duplication, confusion and the need to keep your eyes peeled, as there are goodies throughout. Includes 7 stamps from New Brunswick, 4 from Nova Scotia with Newfoundland being the best represented with lots of Victorian era material (nice "235" cancel on 5c Seal Harp), with good coverage through to the King George VI issues. The only downside is that the lot was poorly stored, leading to gum issues on many of the mint issues. There is still lots of catalogue and potential here. Estimate =
Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #1, 11A, 15A, 18, 19. F/VF mint part-gum/ no gum early sampler of 1857-1862 imperforates. A nice small, but powerful selection to fill a few spots in your early NFLD pages. 2024 Scott US$472.50 =
Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #11A. VF mint part OG Hinged example of the 1860 issue 3p green triangle imperf. Small toning spot, mentioned "for the record". A very decent Newfoundland classic in all respects. 2024 Scott US$85.00 =
Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #20, 23, 24, 28, 31. F/VF mint early selection of five mint / unused (no gum) stamps. Includes the imperforate #20/23 (both no gum), #24 Codfish (unused, no gum), #28 Queen Victoria (unused, no gum) and #31 Queen Victoria (full gum, but with paper remnant from album on back). A great way to fill a few spaces in the early NFLD, if you aren't too worried about the gum side. 2024 Scott US$375.00 =
Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #61-74. Complete set of the 1897 Cabot / Discovery commemorative series of 14 stamps, used on registered cover in-period from St.Johns (precursor squared circle) to Paris, France. While we have offered many complete sets over the years (and partial sets on cover), we have never had a complete set on a cover before. A superior quality item from this popular 19th century BNA issue. Exhibit worthy. Estimate =
Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland #145-159. Complete F/VF mint Lightly Hinged set of fifteen of the 1928 issue first Publicity issue. A much better complete set than we usually see. (This set was redrawn and reissued in 1929 and 1931). 2024 Scott US$139.85 =
Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland - Accumulation of used Newfoundland, containing roughly 1,000 stamps in a 16 page stockbook, generally ranging from 1897 onwards. While we note only a few town cancels, the lot has been unchecked for perforation, shades or other varieties, leaving possible finds to the dedicated collector. Overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Canadian Provinces - Nova Scotia #2. VF used example of the 1851 issue 3p bright blue imperforate. Four full margins, light grid postmark. An attractive stamp. 2024 Scott US$225.00 =
Cape of Good Hope #3/70. A mostly used collectors "old time" accumulation of 168 stamps from the 1855-1904 period, neatly arranged on quadrille album pages. While there is a fair amount of duplication, this represents everything the collector could find (from many decades ago) and we noted better postmarks throughout. The catalogue value exceeds US$1000.00, but most of the value is in the "crude" early "Triangles". Expect the odd fault (offered as received), but perfect to add to an existing collection or sort through for postmarks. Estimate =
Ceylon #49d/312 plus Back of the Book. A collector's selection of 344 stamps (mostly used), from the 1863-1950 period, laid out on quadrille album pages. A bit of duplication, but also a better than average showing of QV period, with several better postmarks noted. Includes War Tax #MR1-MR4 and Official Stamps O9-O16. Fairly clean, but expect the odd small fault. 2025 Scott US$782.30 =
Ceylon #203, 205-213. F/VF mint Never Hinged selection of George V definitive issues (watermark 3), chalky paper (from the 25c value up). Missing the lower and higher values of the series, this group of 10 different values (of the set of 15) is a great start to a premium set, as these all have Post Office fresh colour and pristine gum. Scott catalogue does not give a value for Never Hinged, so these are conservatively valued as hinged. 2024 Scott US$130.95 =
China #202-211, 214-217. F/VF mint original gum, partial set (14 of the 19 values) of the 1913 "London Printing" perf 14-15 issued "Junk", "Reaping Rice" and "Gateway, Hall of Classics, Peking" series. A very tough set to assemble, this offering getting you most of the way there! 2024 Scott US$615.50 =
Cyprus #1/193. Mint assortment of early Cypriot issues up to 1960. Starts with a 1/2d "Bantam" and 4d QV wing copy, both with "Cyprus" overprints, both with no gum (catalogue $275.00). There rest has original gum including nice keyplates from Queen Victoria, King Edward VII and King George V (all counted as the cheapest version), followed by a complete King George VI pictorial set and a partial first QEII set and a short set of the "Republic" overprints (catalogue $576.00). A good-looking page. Total 2024 Scott US$851.00 =
Cyprus #3/197. Three useful pages of early used Cyprus, including some very nice cancels. Includes a duplicated range of "keyplate" designs from QV, KEVII and King George V, including a 6mm spaced "1/2d" on "1/2d" QV #26a with a nice Nicosia squared circle cancel. The 45pi "St. Nicholas Cathedral" is used on piece tied with a first day cancel. There is an assortment of the King George VI pictorial issue (including three £1 values). There is a partial first QEII set, but includes the top values, and there is an album page with a complete set with the "Republic" overprint (#183-197). A page of revenue usages (King George V to early QEII) is not counted in the total catalogue value. 2024 Scott US$520.55 =
Estonia - Group of roughly 250 Estonia commercial covers, generally ranging from 1993 to 2005, all sent airmail to Canada. We note a variety of commemorative and Christmas frankings, including solo usages, along with a variety of Estonia town postmarks and types, including CDS, bridge cancels and a small variety of Par Avion sticker types. A nice opportunity to get modern commercial mail, ideal for worldwide collectors. Overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Estonia - Group of roughly 275 Estonia commercial covers, generally airmail covers to Canada, with a mixture of solo and multiple frankings, with commemorative and Christmas stamp usages. A small mix of towns and postmarks, namely CDS and machine types. Also a good mix of topical and thematic frankings, noting sports, nature, flowers, and more. A nice group from a country not usually seen with commercial usages to Canada. Estimate =
Falkland Islands #20. VF used example of the 1898 issued, Queen Victoria 2sh6p dark blue "large format" stamp, with tidy "Falkland Islands" CDS postmark. A very pretty stamp. 2024 Scott US$290.00 =
Fiji - Five and a half album pages with a (mostly used) accumulation of about 150 pre-1950. Includes Queen Victoria issues to 5/-, with overprints and a nice selection of KEVII and King George V "key plates". Noted several stamps with catalogue values in the $30-$60 range, plus there are some nice cancels and the material is unchecked against Stanley Gibbons-listed varieties. Expect some mixed condition. From a local estate, this material has been off the market for 60 years! Estimate =
France #615a Full Pane. VF mint Never Hinged complete pane of ten se-tenant strips of four of the 1949 Centenary of French Postage Stamps commemorative. Some very minor handling gum bends, lower-right, but well above average compared to the other examples we have seen. Full panes are not listed in Scott catalogue. Listed in Yvert & Tellier at 200 euros =
France #1100 Full Pane. VF mint Never Hinged 1964 "Philatec" complete sheet of 8 stamps with 8 labels. Yvert et Tellier catalogues this complete sheet at 300 Euros ($450.55 CDN). 2025 Scott US$150.00 =
France #1325a Imperf Variety. VF mint Never Hinged upper sheet-margin strip of four, plus central label of the 1971 issued "Death of Charles de Gaulle" 1st anniversary. Unlisted in Scott Catalouge. Yvert et Tellier catalogue value 300 Euros =
France #B157a. VF mint Never Hinged complete pane of the 1943 "Petain's 87th birthday" containing 5x strips of five of the five different designs of the series. Some minor handing gums bends (as usually seen), but in far better condition than we have seen before. Listed in Yvert et Tellier catalogue at 775 Euros ($1163.25 CDN). Catalogued by Scott as five strips, but should be worth more as a full sheet. 2025 Scott US$500.00 =
French Colonies - Covering the administration of four colonies: Inini (16 stamps), Lattaquie (15 stamps), Lebanon (153 stamps) and New Hebrides (58 stamps), a total of 242 mostly different used stamps on eleven Scott album pages. Includes many of the classic colonial issues overprinted or revalued with a bit of the "back of the book". Most have the Scott number penciled in. The condition appears quite decent. Conservative 2024 Scott US$750.00 =
French Colonies - Malagasy Republic #8/299, B1, C1/C36, J1/J30, Nossi-Be, Ste #28/44. Marie de Madagascar #1/13. Old time used collection of three French colonial postal administrations related to the island of Madagascar. The Ste. Marie de Madagascar and Nossi-Be are "Navigation and Commerce" design, up to the 1Fr denomination, cataloguing $79.00 and $168.35 respectively. The Malagasy republic issues include overprints on French stamps, a good run of "Navigation and Commerce" design, including revaluations, plus lots of colonial common design issues, almost all pre-WWII (but with a bit of "France Libre" overprinted material). Catalogue value $929.50. Condition and appearance are excellent, with a couple of duplicates. Bonus material is two pieces with bisects from 1904, not listed in Scott and not counted in the total catalogue value. 2024 Scott US$1176.85 =
French Colonies - New Caledonia #4/309, B1/B2, C1/C27, CB1, J9/J28 and Wallis and Futuna #4/148, C1-C4, J1. Colonial French Pacific collection on six album pages and one stockcard. The best is the New Caledonia with a striking mix of mint and used early overprints (a few are inverts), and "Navigation and Commerce" design, including various overprints, with a scattering of issues, including back of the book up to 1958. Includes a mint set of the 1933 Flight anniversary set (wide range of hinging from hinge remnants to lightly hinged). 174 stamps. The Wallis and Futuna is only a single page of 24 pre-1950 used. Total 2024 Scott US$$1422.90 =
French Colonies - Ten colonies represented to different levels on Scott album pages, with French Sudan (55 stamps), French West Africa (97 stamps), Grand Comoro (13 stamps), Mauritania (36 stamps), Mayotte (22 stamps), Middle Congo (47 stamps) and Moheli (11 stamps), Togo (76 stamps), Ubangi (23 stamps) and Upper Volta (16 stamps). Mostly used offering of almost 400 stamps with a conservative 2024 Scott catalogue value of US$840.00. The bonus is an empty Scott Specialty album with pages to about 1956 (binder is in good shape, the pages are as lightly used as you are going to find). The album alone retails for about US$200.00. Estimate =
French Colonies and France - Balance of a consignment with bidboard lots, album pages and an accumulation, with gems and "diamonds in the rough". The colonies include a card with some nice Annam & Tonkin, Cochin/China, Ile Rouad and Tahiti, followed by a couple of pages of mint 1937 Paris Exposition common design issue. There is a clutch of homemade pages with mounted colonies and a binder with 26 manila stockpages holding about 2500 mint and used stamps from a wide range of the French Community from the 1870s to the early 1970s. And France itself is represented by a lovely used Napoleon "Empire" duo of #12 and #13, and most of the set #109/132, and ending with some roughly excised album pages with classic France and back of the book, with a few general Colonial issues. Overall, more used than mint, plus some cancel potential and unchecked for varieties. Estimate =
French Gabon #13/146, B2, J19-J22. Pre-WWII mounted collection of 88 mostly used stamps on Scott pages and a display card. The card holds a nice example of #13 very fine, mint, no gum the 25c on 20c postal overprint on postage due with owner’s mark on the back (#13, catalogues $150.00). The rest of the collection is an assortment of nicely used examples with denominations to 10 francs and including five back of the book stamps. Individual items with catalogue values up to $40.00. Nice appearance, with no obvious faults noted. Total 2024 Scott US$607.05 =
French Indo-China #1/208, B1/B14, C1/C18, J1/J72A, O1-O12. A beautiful, mounted collection of 279 mostly different pre-WWII used stamps, with an attractive range of "Navigation and Commerce" up to 5fr (#21) with a couple of gutter pairs of the 2c and 4c and a near-complete set of the 1919 overprints (noted #81, missing only #82). Fairly complete onwards to 1939, with a nice range of back of the book, including some better postage dues. A lovely clean lot. Total 2024 Scott US$890.30 =
French Morocco #1/327, B6/B48, C1/C55, CB5/CB25, J1/J54, Q1/Q11. Attractive used collection of 362 different stamps on Scott Specialty pages with some overprints, revalues and a good range of issues up to the end of the Colonial period. Lots of "back of the book", including some better postage dues. While there might be the odd small fault, the appearance is excellent. Total 2024 Scott US$902.75 =
French Polynesia #193/591, C41a/C191, O1-O15. A mint Hinged / Never Hinged selection of 62 stamps, arranged (in somewhat random order) in mounts on a collector's pages. A nice "sampler" which includes Airmail and Official "back of the book" issues. 2025 Scott US$262.60 =
French Syria #106c. F/VF mint Hinged (1 stamp, UL) and Never Hinged (remaining 3 stamps) sheet-margin block of four of the 1923 French stamp overprinted "25c on 10c" green ERROR overprinted (should have been "50c on 10c" green). A showpiece example of this Scott listed error. 2025 Scott US$960.00 =
Germany - WWI / WWI Postal History and Picture Postcard Balance of Consignment. An eclectic offering of 50 covers and postcards, including Feldpost, WWI scenes (several British published, showing German soldiers captured / as POW), postal stationery postcards (including for occupied Ukraine), illustrated postmarks etc. A few are still in the original sleeves from when initially purchased by the collector. A bit of everything here, well worth the reasonable estimate. Estimate =
Germany - WWI Soldiers RPPC (Real Photo Postcard) holding. A fascinating real-photo postcard glimpse into WWI Germany, with 24 postcards featuring single soldiers, groups, regiments, on horseback, in hospital, marching and "ruins". Most are not used but have notes on the reverse side (perhaps aiding in identification). A wonderful offering, having not seen the light of day in decades, as received from a local estate. Estimate =
Germany - WWII Wartime / 3rd Reich Postcards. A visually enthralling and provoking group of 15 postcards, mostly being RPPC (real photo postcards) from the 3rd Reich era, including Hitler, Troops, Luftwaffe (aerial military / planes) and views used for propaganda purposes. Estimate =
Gold Coast #26/157. Mint and (mostly) used selection of 192 stamps from the 1898-1954 period, neatly arranged on quadrille album pages. A bit of mild duplication, but also several items of postmark interest throughout. Expect the odd small fault, but overall a very clean and useful offering. 2025 Scott US$380.80 =
Great Britain #1. Black ink "Maltese Cross" cancels on this quartet of "Penny Black" positions "E-I", "T-E", "P-K" and "S-K". Three examples essentially have no margins (but are not heavily cut into) and one has just over two narrow margins. Expect a few minor faults, but unplated so potential for better here. 2024 Scott US$1500.00 =
Great Britain #1. Four used, all being either 2 or 3 margin examples of the "Penny Black" positions "E-C", "B-H", "I-I" and "S-D", all with light to moderate "Maltese Cross" cancels (two with red ink, two with black). With a few minor faults, but still an attractive quartet. Unplated. 2024 Scott US$1500.00 =
Great Britain #1. Four-margin "Penny Black" position "K-F" with a light red "Maltese Cross". A clean impression. A bit close at the lower right and a bit "fuzzy" in the upper left corner, both mentioned for the record. A very nice example. Unplated. 2024 Scott US$375.00 =
Great Britain #1. Four-margin "Penny Black" position "M-D" with a heavy "socked on the nose" red "Maltese Cross". The top margin is clear but close to the frame. A very striking example. Unplated. 2024 Scott US$375.00 =
Great Britain #1. Red ink "Maltese Cross" cancels on this quartet of "Penny Black" positions "O-A", "N-A", "M-K" and "R-B". Three examples essentially have no margins (but are not heavily cut into) and one has two large margins. Expect a few minor faults, but unplated. 2024 Scott US$1500.00 =
Great Britain #2/4. Imperforate Queen Victoria 2d blue with a "white paper" #2 (no margins) and five copies of #4 on "blue paper" with 1 to 3 margins, plus a sixth copy (not counted) which could be mint, no gum, but was cut poorly at the top, after such a good job was done on the other three sides. Total 2024 Scott US$1425.00 =
Great Britain #3/33. Early Victorian accumulation mounted on four pages. Includes up to 30 of a type, includes a number of "Penny Reds" (but only a few of #33) and "Tuppence Blue", plus a range of better values (the five highest denomination stamps are cut-to-shape and re-backed). Noted better such as #28 (catalogues $400.00) and there is some cancel potential. Many different papers, perforations and plate numbers are noted. The condition is a bit mixed with a small group of obviously damaged stamps not counted. Part of a large estate that we have been breaking up. Experience tells us that giving these stamps a soak will really help. Total 2024 Scott US$3941.50 =
Great Britain #3/825. A Stanley Gibbons c.1980 4-ring album which is near its capacity, holding pages up to 1977 and housing a good little collection of mostly used stamps, starting with a hit or miss selection of Queen Victoria stamps, with denominations to 2/6 and catalogue values to $500.00 each. The King Edward VII issues include a complete basic definitive set. The King George V includes Seahorses up to 5/- and there is more complete than incomplete for the King George VI to mid-Elizabethan range (many of the 1970s issues are mint). Although collected by Gibbons, the collector went through and penciled in Scott numbers and catalogue values underneath each stamp (we checked a couple, and they seem accurate and relatively recent). The owner’s catalogue value was US$3779.35, which is likely a little low by today’s catalogue, but a couple of damaged items were counted that probably shouldn’t have been. On balance, it feels like a reasonable representation of the current catalogue value. Estimate =
Great Britain #4, 109. Pair of attractive Queen Victoria singles. Including a 2d "Tuppence Blue" 1-1/2 margin copy on piece with a socked on the nose black "Maltese Cross" cancel with the London office #12 (piece is creased, affecting the stamp) listed in Scott Classic. The other stamp is the 10/- high value from 1884, with a medium killer cancel (nicely clear on the Queen’s face), with nice perforations and reasonable centering. 2024 Scott US$1190.00 =
Great Britain #29/126. A trio of pages with a later-Victorian accumulation that includes better singles, including #71 (catalogues $575.00), two copies of #61 plate 20, a number of copies of the 1883-1884 definitives (to 2/6 and individual catalogue values to $280.00), with some nice cancels too. There is most of the QV Jubilee series mint (expect these to have hinge remnants). Mixed condition, with a few of the significantly faulty stamps not counted in the total 2024 Scott US$6261.00 =
Great Britain #32/126. A pair of pages with a mostly used selection of 55 later-Victorian issues, including many of the 1883-84 definitives, including the 2/6 and 5/- with multiple copies (one of the 5/- has a perfin). There is much of the QV Jubilee set used and some random singles mixed throughout, with individual catalogue values up to $300.00. Condition is mixed. The few mint items will have hinge remnants. The used probably could use a soak. Total 2024 Scott US$4144.00 =
Great Britain #33. We see many plate studies of the popular "Penny Red" issue of 1864, but very infrequently do we see the final plate (#225), printed in 1879. This is the second scarcest plate number, and it is a clear impression, with a light "59" killer cancel on a clean stamp with intact perforations - position "J-S". A terrific Victorian-era rarity. 2024 Scott US$875.00 =
Great Britain #34/103. Mid-Victorian accumulation on four pages, with a good range of lower and mid-value issues from the 1860s-80s. A bit of a mixed bag, with 116 stamps, including better plates (including 36 "Bantams", and better singles (noted two copies of #73 - catalogues $400.00 each). There are a few "wing" margin copies, a perfin or two, and lots of catalogue value (plus probably another $1000.00 in catalogue value of obviously damaged stamps that are not counted). The few mint stamps likely have hinge remnants. The used would benefit from a good soaking. Total 2024 Scott US$8593.00 =
Great Britain #59/73. A dozen 1870’s Queen Victoria definitives on an album page, with single items cataloguing up to $575.00 each, most with readable duplex cancels, a couple with dated CDS cancels and two with nice "wing" margins. Expect a bit of mixed condition, but their appearance is very nice. Total 2024 Scott US$2987.50 =
Great Britain #70/84. Trio of the different 4d Queen Victoria values issued 1877-1880. Starts with a lovely wing margin copy of #70 plate 16 (pale olive green) with a heavy "34" cancel. The colour of this denomination was changed with #71 in 1880 (grey-brown) with plate 17, and the watermark was changed later that year with the colour remaining the same, resulting in #84 plate 18. An attractive group, with the usual minor faults. 2024 Scott US$1012.50 =
Great Britain #94/107. A used baker’s dozen (13) examples with a consecutive run of Scott numbers for 1883 and 1884, including the 2/6 with the Anchor watermark (nice "Bristol" cancel) and a very clean selection of the 1883-84 definitives to 1/-. Lots of readable cancels here and the perforations look quite clean. Individual items catalogue up to $550.00 each. Some minor faults are to be expected. Total 2024 Scott US$2539.25 =
Great Britain - FDC Collection, Part 1. Lovely collection of roughly 350 Great Britain first day covers in 6 Royal Mail Cover albums, and a small cover album, filling a bankers box. The covers range from 1985 to 2007, including a few pre-1986 covers, and appears to have been purchased through the philatelic services noting singles, sets, blocks, souvenir sheet, Regionals, and high denomination frankings, along with a few numismatics. A super clean collection with better cataloguing FDC. Estimate =
Great Britain - FDC Collection, Part 2. Lovely collection of roughly 350 Great Britain first day covers in 5 Royal Mail Cover albums, and an additional album, filling a bankers box. The covers range from 2007 to 2016, and appears to have been purchased through the philatelic services noting singles, sets, blocks, souvenir sheet, and high denomination frankings. A super clean collection with better cataloguing FDC. Estimate =
Great Britain - First Day Cover Holding. With roughly 200, ranging from the 1960's to the early 2000's, noting single, sets, souvenir sheet, high denominations frankings, along with a few numismatic first day covers. Lot includes a few British Antarctic and Channel Islands first day covers. A few covers have small corner bends, but overall a very nice grouping. Estimate =
Great Britain - Over 100 First Day and Commemorative covers issued 1979 to 1997, most with cachets by private cachet makers, especially Benham (with lovely "silk" cachets that probably retailed pound5-8 each as new) "4d", "Bradbury/Shelley". A few are Isle of Man. A couple are signed, including one by Bill Reid, VC (died 2001). All housed in two near-new burgundy coloured "Royal Mail First Day Covers" 4-ring binders. Estimate =
Great Britain - Postal History / FDC, with just over 200, primarily first day covers, ranging from the 1960's to the 1990's, including from the Channel Islands. We note primarily sets frankings, along with a few postage dues. The lot also includes a few commercial covers ranging from the Victorian era up to the 1950's. A few faults with the early material, overall a nice lot. Estimate =
Great Britain - Isles - Guernsey and Isle of Man. A pair of near-new green padded 2-post Lighthouse albums with hingeless pages to 1984 and a moderate number of mint stamps. Terrific condition (both albums and the stamps). The Guernsey album retails about C$350.00 and the Isle of Man C$400.00 and there is around $250.00 catalogue value with the included stamps. Each binder is imprinted with the name, and comes in its original cardboard box (no slipcover). Estimate =
Great Britain and Colonies - Two volume British Flight, Royal Air Force and World War Two commemorative covers, often 50th anniversary. The first volume is mostly 1970's covers, with a range of cachets, cancels and signatures. About 25% are non-British items. The second volume contains 66 signed covers (and here are a few loose pages with more) from British WWII operations including covers signed by members of the SAS, special operations in Normandy, a few related to Violette Szabo (GC) and POW escapees, Battle of Britain, as well as Crete, Malta and the Warsaw uprising. Often produced in very limited quantity. Total 198 covers. Huge initial cost. Estimate =
Great Britain Covers - Official/Governmental or Royal mail accumulation of about 100 covers from 1827 to the 1970's. Includes a few pre-stamp folded letters (including 1850 to Philadelphia), with a wide range of markings and office forms. Noted a nice envelope rerouted from the UK to Portugal in 1920 and then there is a wide range of more mundane government services from the 1950's-1970's that were all sent as "Official Mail". There is even a 1/- KGV Postal order from 1919. Interesting study group. Estimate =
Great Britain Offices Abroad - Assortment of "Tangier" overprints as well as a good offering of Offices in Turkey/Levant. The Moroccan offices issues include King George VI #531-545 and 550/558 mint, plus #556-557 and #592-611 used. The Turkish overprints include a used selection of the first five Queen Victoria issues used plus a mint copy of #3 (crease), with some better King George V used overprints, including currency revaluation to the 10/- Seahorse. While there is a small fault here or there, the overall condition is quite nice. Total 2024 Scott US$757.00 =
Great Britain, Regionals and Overseas Offices #33/668. This collection on quadrilled pages will have you swinging between "that’s terrific" to "that’s a shame" and every emotion in between. This collection runs between mid-Victorian issues to 1973, but with very little sense of order. There are a couple thousand mint and used stamps, but alas the album was poorly stored, leading to gum issues on the mint stamps. The first page is a perfect representation of this, with much of the QV "Jubilee" and KEVII definitive issues, but most have no gum and the ones that do have heavy hinge remnants. Don’t let that put you off, as there are many more pages with potential and you have to check out all the pictures, as this collection isn’t chronologically ordered. Better includes used "Jubilee" and KEVII sets, plus higher denominations, "Seahorses" and neat little items along the way (e.g. 1925 British Empire used pairs) multiples, back of the book (postage dues, officials, Moroccan Agencies), with some perfins to spice things up. Almost nothing from the QEII era. The condition is mixed, there is duplication and the catalogue will go into several thousand dollars. Estimate =
Hong Kong #9/455. A mounted collection with a nice group of single stamps, scattered over the hundred years of British rule. Includes a few Queen Victoria definitives, including four attractive overprints. There is a nice group from the KEVII second definitives (the 6c and 8c are mint), from the King George V period up to 1985, the issues seem a bit random, with better items here and there (with a nice 1938 Stamp Duty cancelled January 15, 1938). Speaking of which, there are some clean, readable cancels throughout. Overall the condition seems excellent. The owner’s modest 2024 Scott US$815.70 =
Hong Kong #23. Choice used example of the Queen Victoria 96c olive-bistre shade of the second definitive issue of 1865 with the "Crown over CC" watermark. The perforations are intact and cutting the design, as normal. Has a light "B62" Hong Kong numeral cancel. One of the key early issues of Hong Kong. 2024 Scott US$950.00 =
Hong Kong #30, 33, 34, 35. Choice used quartet of 1876-1880 Queen Victoria surcharge stamps, all with numeral grid postmarks. A very useful offering, far better than usually seen. 2024 Scott US$440.00 =
Hong Kong #51, 52a, 54. Second offering of used OVPT issues, this time a trio of 1885-1891 Queen Victoria surcharge stamps. A very clean group, with the example of #54 also having a company or "firm" chop below the postmark. 2024 Scott US$470.00 =
Hong Kong #66. VF mint Lightly Hinged example of the always popular "1841 Hong Kong Jubilee 1891" overprint on the 2c rose Victoria. Undervalued in Scott, especially this nice! 2025 Scott US$550.00 =
Hong Kong #144. VF used strip of three of the 1948 Silver Wedding $10.00 high value George VI issue. This is the key-value stamp of the entire Silver Wedding series. Arguably harder to find nicely used than mint, especially in a multiple! 2024 Scott US$315.00 =
Hong Kong #179. VF used strip of three of the 1948 Silver Wedding $10.00 high value George VI issue. This is the key-value stamp of the entire Silver Wedding series. Arguably harder to find nicely used than mint, especially in a multiple! 2024 Scott US$315.00 =
Hong Kong #530a. A bundle of 200 mint Never Hinged copies of the 1988 issue "Various views of Hong Kong and the Tramway" Peak Tramway Centenary souvenir sheet of four. One of the better modern Hong Kong souvenir sheets. As new, very fine mint never hinged. 2024 Scott US$2,400.00 =
Hong Kong #650a, 651Al, 651Bm. Three mint Never Hinged souvenir sheets in unopened post office packs of 100 each. From the 1992-1997 "Machin" type issues, from the "Hong Kong Classics" series (#7, #8 and #9). A very popular series, with a catalogue value of US$38.50 per individual set of sheets. 2024 Scott US$3,850.00 =
Hong Kong - A pocket-sized 16-page "Elephant" brand stockbook holds a little treasure trove of early Hong Kong, mostly QV to KGVI, noting a number of "Treaty Port" cancels (e.g. Hankow, Swatow, Foochowfoo, Shanghai, Amoy). Noted a number that have perfins or company "chops", along with some nice stamps (of note, the low value Royal Wedding with a Yang-listed print variety, and the $10. KEVII high value, the latter which makes for a nice space filler as a revenue cancel was scrubbed and a postal cancel added afterwards). Furthermore, there is a nice used block of #61, the good $10.00 KGVI (#166) and the lot concludes with mint, hinged, common design issues for 1935 Silver Jubilee, 1937 Coronation and the 1949 UPU issue, and a few KGVI definitives and a pair of the 1963 Stampex show sheet. Not your typical offering. Estimate =
Hong Kong - British Offices in China #15. VF used sample of the George V 1922-1927 issued $5.00 red and green overprinted "CHINA" high-value, for use at the British Post Office in China. Tidy corner CDS postmarks. 2024 Scott US$375.00 =
Hong Kong - Contract Note revenues, a specialized of 72 nearly all-different stamps, with different printings, overprints and revalues. Includes three larger format KGVI issues and the balance is all QEII with denominations up to $200.00. Most have clean revenue cancels. Condition is mixed, as is often seen on used revenue stamps. While we regularly see nice little holdings of these popular stamps, this batch is about as nice as they get. Estimate =
Hong Kong - Group of roughly 75 Hong Kong advertising meter covers, ranging from the 1970’s to the 1990’s, often on company corner advertising covers, both in English and Chinese (or a mixture of both languages). We note a variety of domestic rates, as most of the mail is address to Kowloon, from a variety of different towns including Mongkok, Yau Yat Tsuen, Hennessy Road, Cheung Sha Wan, just to name a few. Most of the covers are #10 sized envelopes, with a few having a few small faults, still should be of interest to Hong Kong, meter, and advertising collectors. Estimate =
Hong Kong - Intriguing estate balance on a series of stock, approval and album pages. Includes some early QEII mint definitives to $2.00, a page of used "Wildings" to $20.00, some QV-KGV definitives (including #124 - catalogues $130.00), "China" overprints and then an assortment of mint and used issues through British rule into early Chinese administration. If you like Hong Kong and you like hunting through material that has never been properly sorted, this lot is for you. Estimate =
India #18. Mint example of the 1856 issued 8 anna Queen Victoria definitive. A beautiful mint, copy with only some light gum disturbance/hinging and a couple of blunt perforations. Not bad for being over 160 years old! For those who use Stanley Gibbons, the "pale carmine" shade #49 (Stanley Gibbons catalogue £1400.00 = $2511.24 CDN). 2024 Scott US$900.00 =
India - Group of India covers, roughly 250 in a small box, generally ranging from the 1940's to the 1970's, with material possible on either side of the given range. We note a wide variety of material including book posts, postal stationery, post cards, first day covers, printed matter, advertising covers, military mail, air letters, and more, paying airmail, registered and domestic rates (a few appearing to be from India States). A nice lot for the India postal history collector. Condition ranges from mixed to better. Estimate =
India - Group of roughly 220 India covers, ranging from the late Victorian era up to the 1970s, with a variety of material including postal stationery, airmail, India states, first day covers, military mail, and more. A good variety of rates including book post, registration, along with domestic and overseas destinations. A nice lot for the student of India postal history with the possibility of finds, including better postmarks. Condition ranges from mixed to better, still a very interesting lot. Estimate =
Iran #83/2779. Mint collection of 527 stamps (seemingly all different) from the 1891-1999 period, neatly arranged and identified on stockpages. Expect the earlier stamps to be hinged, eventually shifting to a Never Hinged selection in the more modern material. A nice representation of the period. 2025 Scott US$500.70 =
Italian Colonies - Album duo. The first is a Davo "Italia Royale" binder in excellent condition with a slightly battered slipcase, and regular "Palo" pages for Italian-African colonies up to 1960. The pages are lightly used, with some clear mounts added with a few light pencil notations. Total retail about $400.00. The second album is an old Minkus binder with album pages (includes more Colonies and Administered areas) to 1960. There are some empty black mounts, but there is a number of stamps (both loose and in glassines) tucked into the binding, including some nice Aegean Islands (especially "Rhodes") and "Eritrea", but others undoubtedly exist. A lot of this was inexpensive when it was originally purchased but has recently increased in catalogue value (e.g. Rhodes #J1-J9, catalogues $108.50). There could be diamonds in this rough. Estimate =
Italian Colonies and San Marino - A pair of Scott Specialty albums with "Italy and Colonies" binders. The "Colonies" album has pages to about 1960 (lots of now-empty black mounts), and a bit sparsely populated, with "Aegean Islands", "Colonies", "East Africa", "Cyrenaica" and a stronger section of "Eritrea" plus a pair of excised pages from "Castellorizo" with 26 stamps cataloguing US$283.00. Otherwise, a mix of a couple hundred stamps, with lots in the $3-$5 range. The "San Marino" album has about 400 different mostly mint stamps between #35/1129 & BOB (stamps sparse 1975-1987 and then empty to 1993 (about $150.00 catalogue value for the stamps). The two albums are in reasonable condition and may need some minor repair. The two albums alone retail over US$300.00 as new. Perfect collection builder. Estimate =
Italy #B15/B16. A trio of Italian semi-postals with 1922-23 "BLP" overprints which were used as fundraisers for invalids from the Great War (but the money came not from a surcharge, but from advertisers who paid for the envelopes that they were originally attached to). One copy of the 60c carmine and two of the 1 lira brown. About a decade ago, these were submitted to the APS expertization committee. They came back with no opinion, but with a note "while one of our committee members identified them as genuine overprints…was unable to provide any backup material to confirm his opinion." Sold "as-is". 2024 Scott US$6300.00 =
Italy - A couple of collections with some extras. Starts with a "Marini" album with pages to 1958 and a Minkus album to 1986 (both with heavily worn binders). Both are moderately populated with mostly used issues, with some nice cancels and lots of back of the book. And there are a few loose pages from a couple of other sources. Integrating these will likely give you a good starter collection. And there are three good singles to supplement this lot, including #39 a mint (no gum) issue of the 2c surcharge on 20c lake (catalogues $800.00 as mint), a nice used #72 the 5L King Humbert high value (catalogues $230.00), and then a striking used example of #C9, the 1926 air mail 5L high value (catalogues $105.00). Ciao! Estimate =
Italy - First century collection of mostly used issues, including number of early issues, the 1870's revaluations and a good representation of the long design late 1920's-1930's issues, with good coverage of the postwar period, up to 1967 and an assortment of back of the book. Mounted on homemade album pages with glassine interleaves. A few in mounts, most are hinged. A few hundred stamps with nice appearance and generally solid condition. Estimate =
Italy - Researcher’s and gambler’s delight with some attractive ways to spice up your Italian collection. Includss..1. Sardinia #11, the 10c value, with seven copies with some wildly different shades and a mix of mint and used (Scott US$500.00+) 2. A page of 46 copies of the "Roman States" issues, including reprints, forgeries and possibly a couple of original stamps. 3. The 1923 Italy "Propagation of the Faith" issue, used with Genova 20.12.23 corner cancels, #143-146 in Scott with a catalogue value of US$700.00, but the cancels are "as-is". 4. The lot concludes with a modern mint NH page of "Order of Malta" issues from Rom 1984-1990, not listed in Scott, but in Sassone these catalogue €80+. A fascinating lot. Estimate =
Italy Trieste Zone A #1/203 plus Back of the Book. A trio of mounted collections with nearly 300 mint and used stamps, two are on Scott Specialty pages, one on Minkus. A mix of regular and "back of the book", with better throughout with individual items cataloguing up to $25.00 each, and lots of nice cancels amongst the used. The condition is a bit mixed in places. Due to the overlapping chronology of these collections some duplication is to be expected. Perfect for both collector or reseller. Conservative total 2024 Scott US$625.00 =
Italy Trieste Zone A #C1-C26. Five complete mint Lightly Hinged sets of the Italian airmail issues overprinted "AMG - FTT" for use in Trieste between 1947-1952. These are fresh throughout. Total 2024 Scott US$849.85 =
Italy Trieste Zone A #J1-J29. VF mint Hinged Italian postage due issues overprinted "AMG - FTT" for use in Trieste between 1947-1954, a complete offering. Three complete sets, with duplicates of J20, J27 and J28. Total 2024 Scott US$849.85 =
Italy Trieste Zone A #Q1-Q12. Complete mint Lightly Hinged Italian parcel post issue overprinted "AMG - FTT" for use in Trieste from 1947-1948. This is the first complete set of 12 pairs. Fresh and fine to very fine centering. Total 2024 Scott US$1202.00 =
Italy Trieste Zone A / Venezia-Giulia #1/208 plus BOB, 1LN1/1LN19 plus BOB. Post-war "AMG" (Allied Military Government) overprint collection on Italian issues from 1947 to 1954 on near-new Ka-Be brand hingeless pages. The Trieste ("FTT") includes an extensive run of regular and "back of the book" issues, a mix of mint and used (and sometimes both), catalogues $1157.10. The Venezia-Giulia ("VG") are quite complete for regular, airmail and special delivery issues (catalogues $174.15). The mint are mostly hinged, the used are often nicely cancelled and overall condition appears to be excellent. Total 2024 Scott US$1332.25 =
Ivory Coast #1/166, B1/B10, C5, J1/J15. We don’t see a lot of "classic" material from this French West-African colony. This mounted collection of 135 different used stamps were issued between 1892-1941, including some "back of the book" on eleven Scott album pages. While the overall appearance is excellent, there might be a couple of minor faults. Total 2024 Scott US$583.90 =
Jamaica - Town Postmark Collection / Accumulation of Jamaica Socked on the nose town postmarks, with a few thousands stamps, primarily on paper, neatly organized from town ranging from A to Y (many different towns), in a bulging stockbook. Stamps range from the 1890's up to the 1970's, with the majority of postmarks seem to range from the 1950's to the 1960's. We note CDS postmark types, offering many clear readable strikes. An offering from a long time worldwide collector that specialized in socked on the nose postmarks. Should be a popular lot for a like minded collector. Estimate =
Jamaica - Town Postmarks Collection / Accumulation of Jamaica socked on the nose town postmarks, with roughly 400 stamps in a small stockbook, ranging from the 1860's to the 1950's, with roughly 160 Victorian issues, containing a variety of postmarks including numerals (noting A01, A65, A73, A75, A76), squared circles, CDS types, noting many readable dated strikes. A lot worthy of the Jamaica, British Commonwealth or worldwide collector. Estimate =
Japan #127a-145a. Complete mint Never Hinged set of the 1924-1933 "New Die" printing definitive series of 11 stamps, with values from 1/2a to 1yen. A few perf minor perf faults and toning spots, mentioned "for the record", but unpriced in Scott as Never Hinged. Conservatively valued as hinged. 2024 Scott US$378.75 =
Japan - Green "like new" 16-page Lighthouse stockbook with a selection of used issues spread over several pages, including some attractive 19th century material. There is a large jump in time to a page that has a couple of dozen mint never hinged singles from the 60Y period, and then there is a small, wholesale, group of three different mint never hinged souvenir sheets (22 sheets in total, catalogue value about US$400.00). Perfect for collector or dealer alike. Estimate =
Japan Offices in China #33/47. F/VF mint Never Hinged partial set (10 of the 17 values) of the 1914-1927 Japanese Post Office in China overprint. A couple of toning spots, as to be expected, but not often seen with Never Hinged gum (not given a value in Scott). Conservatively valued as hinged. 2024 Scott US$223.40 =
Liechtenstein #O1-O8. VF complete used set of the 1932 overprinted official series of 8 stamps (overprinted on the 1930 Pictorial series). A visually enticing series from this central European nation. 2024 Scott US$598.50 =
Macau - Accumulation of a variety of mostly 1990's sets and souvenir sheets of this Portuguese colony, just before it reverted to Chinese control. All mint never hinged, with many of the sets having catalogue values in the $5.00-$10.00 range. A moderate amount of duplication, up to three of a type, with some nice topical appeal. These issues were always appreciated because of their relatively low print quantities. Bonus material is a bit of earlier Timor material on album pages. Estimate =
Malagasy Republic #8/299, C1/C60, J8/J19. Twenty-two Scott album pages with 249 different used stamps from 1891 to 1957 with some back of the book. The early issues include the usual colonial productions, overprints and the ever-popular "Navigation and Commerce" issue. A number of nice cancels are seen throughout. There could be some minor faults (#4 is faulty, catalogue $100.00 and not counted) but looks fresh. Total 2024 Scott US$794.40 =
Martinique #1/231, B1, C3/C11. If this first album page doesn’t scream "French Colonies" to you than nothing will. From the popular French Caribbean colony, these six Scott album pages have 164 mostly different used stamps, with a fine selection from the first surcharged set on the generic French Colonial issue and proceeds with more hits than misses to the end of WWII, with only a couple of stamps from the back of the book. Terrific appearance, but a couple of minor faults are to be expected. Total 2024 Scott US$988.60 =
Monaco - Extensive mint (primarily) and used collection 1885-1988, housed in a Minkus album. The earlier material is mostly used, before transitioning to mint (in black mounts), mostly Never Hinged. While a bit "hit or miss" in places, this represents a fairly extensive run of material which will be enjoyable to build upon. Owner's older 2017 Scott US$2042.00 =
Netherlands - Minkus album with pages to 1979 (including Colonies). This 2-post binder is in great condition and even the dust jacket is in better shape than usually seen. Other than a sparse offering of pre-1930 Dutch stamps, the album is essentially new. There are also a couple of mounted collections from Curacao/Netherlands Indies with a couple hundred stamps from the 19th century up to about 1968 to give you something to fill in one section of the album (expect a bit of minor duplication and some mixed condition here). Estimate =
Netherlands Indies #4/332 & BOB. Mounted collection of mint and used regular issues from the 1870 King William issues (noted #12 and #13 mint), with a nice group depicting Queen Wilhelmina, with lots of others up to the transitional issues of Indonesia. Includes most of the semi-postals and some interesting airmail, official and postage dues. Overall the condition looks quite good. There is a touch of duplication, which may indicate different printings or varieties. Owner’s conservative 2024 Scott US$575.00 =
New Zealand - Group of roughly 150 New Zealand covers, generally ranging from the 1930's to the 1970's, with a nice variety including several military covers, noting a variety of censor handstamps and censor tape numbers, first day covers, airmail frankings to Australia, England, Canada, and the United States, first day covers, along with a few modern Ross Dependency first day covers. A few faults, mostly with the military covers which is normal for this type of mail. Estimate =
New Zealand - Group of roughly 200 New Zealand covers, generally ranging from the 1940's up to the 1980's, with a mixture of interesting items including first day covers (noting mostly sets frankings), postcards, military mail (including censor tapes and handstamps), commercial mail paying airmail rates to Canada and the USA, Ross Dependency first days, and more. Some of the covers have been sleeved with older retail prices attached (generally $5 and under). A few faults from rough opening on a few of the commercial covers, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
New Zealand - Lower-left, sheet-margin block of 18 of the 2d QV Chalon Head, 1906 "Hausburg Reprint" on card, printed from the original plate. In 1906, L.R. Hausburg travelled to New Zealand and on behalf of The Royal Philatelic Society, reprinted sheets of NZ Chalons for use in plating the stamps for a philatelic book to be published. In the end, the book was never published these official reprints started to show up on the philatelic market. Larger multiples are tougher to find (as many were cut into singles / pairs / blocks of four). Note what seems to be an under-inking is consistent throughout the lower left corners, perhaps from a warping of the original plate. Estimate =
New Zealand - Marvellous two-part holding. The first is a bundle of 35 older quadrilled pages packed with better material. Starts with fifteen Queen Victoria "Chalons" with values to 1/-, with a good range of "Sideface" and "Pictorial" issues, and better 20th century singles, such as "Auckland" and "Dunedin" exhibition, airmails, semi-postal "Health", officials. About 1000 stamps, with a bit of mixed condition and some duplication. The second part is an album to put them in, and not just any album but a 1969 series Stanley Gibbons album with pages to 1974, in as near to new condition as we have seen, with smooth covers, there are a handful of stamps in it (includes a blue "Smiling Boy") and it even comes in its original box. Value plus holding. Estimate =
New Zealand - Quintet of 21st century Annual Collections in near-new condition. Includes 2001, 2003, 2011-2013. The first four have been opened, but their stamps are in their original page and haven’t been integrated into the album. The 2013 book is still sealed. Includes some topical appeal, such as animals, birds, Lord of the Rings, health stamps. There are singles, sets and souvenir sheets. We don’t often see year sets that are this recent, and with their high-cost dealers do not stock them and collectors usually buy only a single copy. The original face value of these albums was NZ$494.00 ($398.00 CDN). Estimate =
Norway #14/342 plus Back of the Book. Eclectic balance of an estate on a couple of stock pages, envelopes and dealer pages. Starts with a few used "Coat of Arms" issues, including a couple of nice copies of #15 (in two distinct shades, potentially one is #15a). There is a good offering from the "Post Horn" design, including "skilling", "sans-serif", and some better (#19, 3 copies of #20). Issues into the early 1950s include #246 (mint, never hinged), 340-342 as well as some semi-postals B54-B61 and postage dues J7-J12). Plus, there is other more recent regular issues and officials in unopened envelopes. We noted $10.00-$70.00 catalogue items throughout, and there could be some cancel appeal amongst the used. Moderate duplication. Estimate =
Philippines - Group of roughly 130 Philippines covers, primarily first day covers, ranging from the 1930's up to the 1970's, along with a few commercial airmail covers to North America. A cursory check indicated primarily sets frankings, along with a few World War II covers with boxed "Passed by Censor / Japanese Military Police", which typically retail in the $15 to $30 range each. A nice lot, with a few faults due to humidity, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Philippines Islands - A two-part estate balance. The first is stamps on album, dealer and bidboard pages with some overprinted US Bureau issues, a bit of "Revolutionary Government" issues, blocks with 10 sets of the 1973 Scouting issue, imperforate, an envelope of large mint blocks, including panes of the 1967 Lions Club overprints and a group of 1990’s issues (cataloguing over $150.00). The second part is a red dealer’s box packed with "102" cards, packed with at least 3000 used stamps, mostly Scott #504/626. Expect lots of duplication and mixed condition. Perfect for the sorter and hunter. Estimate =
Poland - Collection of a few thousand Polish postal history items, filling a bankers box. The material is a mix of either first day covers, commercial mail to British Columbia, or unused postal cards / stationery, generally ranging from the 1960s' to the 1980's. A good opportunity for thematic and topical collectors noting various transportation, space, communication stamp frankings and more. Estimate =
Portugal and Portuguese Colonies - A pair of Scott Specialty albums with pages up to 1984, in excellent condition, with Portugal in a regular sized binder (with a few hundred mostly used stamps up to the 1950's) and the colonies in an extra wide binder (more sparsely populated). The albums alone retail at US$340.00. To help you fill these up, there is about an inch worth of stockpages, old bidboard lots and album pages with a range of Portugal and (more) Colonies material (from many different colonies), most up to 1970, on which the catalogue value on these will add up to several hundred dollars. A great way to get moving on this fascinating corner of European philately. Estimate =
Portuguese Colonies - Both of the 1951 St. Fatima souvenir sheets representing multiple colonies (e.g. Macau, Capo Verde, Guinea, St.Thomas and Principality, Mozambique, Portuguese India, Timor, Angola) in magnificent fresh, mint never hinged condition. Mentioned but not priced in Scott but listed in European catalogues. Estimate =
Somali Coast #6/282, B1/B14, C1/C17, J5/J31. Uncommon used collection of this popular East African French colony, which has been seeing steady increases in catalogue value over the past 20 years. There are thirteen Scott album pages with 119 different used stamps, with a touch of "back of the book". Condition appears quite decent. The best is the "View of Djibouti" set including ca1900 revalues. Bonus item is a bisected copy of #31 used on piece, not counted in the total catalogue value. 2024 Scott US$530.45 =
Southern Rhodesia #42-43. Complete King George VI booklet from 1938 with a total of 4 panes of the 1/2d yellow-green and 3 panes of the 1d red. As the panes are from sheet stock, they aren’t listed in Scott, but the booklet is listed in Stanley Gibbons as #SB4 (with postage rates printed inside the front cover). Stitched. No cover wear, writing or rounded corners, stamps are free and fresh. About as nice an example as you are likely to find. Owner’s older 2018 Stanley Gibbons £325.00 =
Spain and Colonies - A small box worth of albums and stamps. The stamps include a bundle of album pages, bidboard lots and miscellaneous. Noted a Spain a mounted collection up to 1977 of about 400 used stamps (usual mixed condition in the earlies), a mint set of the 1929 Airmails #C6-C11 and a used wholesale lot. From the Colonies, we saw some semi-postals from Cape Juby and Spanish Morocco, with some of the 1949 "Views" and 1951 Airmails, and a remainder collection of about 300 Spanish-African colonies, a stock page with mint Fernando Po and Ifni. Finishing the lot is an empty Minkus Spain and Colonies album with pages 1916-1985, in a near-new binder (no dust cover). Estimate =
Sudan #1/112 plus Back of the Book. Intriguing mint and used selection of 186 stamps from the 1897-1951 period, neatly arranged and identified on stockpages, including "back of the book" Airmail, Officials and Army Officials. Duplicated in spots, but also includes several better postmarks noted (and even a few postal stationery cut-squares, not counted in the total). 2025 Scott US$388.45 =
Sweden #2/208, O4/O27. Page #1: Classic used Sweden, with some "Coat of Arms" including #12 (2 copies, one damaged), #13 (x2), #21, nine values from the 1924 "Stockholm" UPU issue and eight officials. Don’t overlook the lovely cancels that are throughout this lot. Substantial catalogue value here. Estimate =
Sweden #2/27. A "ten-pack" of used early Swedish classics, the majority with clean readable cancels. There are nine different stamps, as the group is bookended with two copies of #2 and has singles of #6, #9-11, 13-14, 16 and #27 (perf 14). A nice clean lot in decent condition for being all over 150 years old! 2024 Scott US$581.50 =
Sweden #6/12. A dozen used singles from the 1858-1862 "Coat of Arms" issue with the currency expressed in "ore". Includes two copies of the scarce 9o (one with a couple of blunt perforations), the 12o are counted as the cheaper shade. Lots of great cancels here. Perfect for building your collection and selling the duplicates to offset your costs. Total 2024 Scott US$666.00 =
Sweden #6/206. Balance of an old-time holding of used classic Sweden, most of which have been selected for their cancels. A total of 99 stamps on two pages with a moderate amount of duplication, and most appearing to be in good condition, and again, with great cancels! Better includes #7 (catalogues $250.00) and there are three copies of #12 (cat $100.00 each). Awesome grouping! Estimate =
Sweden #6/209 & Official & Postage Due. Page #2: Classic used Sweden starting with a few "Coat of Arms" and "Numeral" design (noted 3 copies of #24) and a dozen values from the 1924 "Stockholm" UPU issue (check out the socked on the nose cancel on the 1kr!). The "back of the book" includes five postage dues (including #J7) and ten officials (mostly from the first issue). Lots of catalogue value here. Estimate =
Sweden #8/224 plus Officials. Page #3: Classic used Sweden with a couple dozen attractively cancelled "Coat of Arms" and "Numeral" issues (noted a copy of #21), with a dozen different values from the two 1924 UPU issues ending with a half dozen early Officials. A total of 45 stamps with a bit of duplication, and only the occasional minor fault. The catalogue value will add up quickly here. Estimate =
Sweden #8/226 plus Officials. Page #4: Classic used Sweden with over 20 attractively cancelled "Coat of Arms" and "Numeral" issues, with a dozen different values from the two 1924 UPU issues (the 25ore from the first set is a bit oxidized) ending with nine early Officials. A total of 46 stamps with a bit of duplication, and only the occasional minor fault. The catalogue value will add up quickly here, as we noted individual items with values up to $75.00 each. Estimate =
Sweden #9/220 & Officials. Page #5: Classic used Sweden with over 20 attractively cancelled "Coat of Arms" and "Numeral" issues, the 5kr Post office issue, the Vasa coils, and a dozen different values from the two 1924 UPU issues (up to the 50o denomination) ending with eight Officials. A total of 46 stamps with a bit of duplication, and only the occasional minor fault. The catalogue value will add up quickly here, as we noted individual items with values up to $95.00 each. Estimate =
Sweden #197-211. The first 1924 UPU Congress used set with the "Stockholm" and "King Gustav V" designs, missing only the 10kr high value. This used grouping is fresh, nicely cancelled and there are only a couple of minor faults on some of the lower denomination stamps. One of Scandinavia’s (if not Europe’s) great 20th century designs. 2024 Scott US$1078.00 =
Sweden #213-226. The second 1924 UPU Congress used set with the "Postrider" and "Carrier Pigeon" designs, missing only the two top values. Nicely used and with only the occasional minor fault. A very nice group. 2024 Scott US$565.75 =
Sweden #B1-B20. Complete used first overprint set on regular issued definitives, including the good 10kr. The second set of overprints, this time on postage due stamps, is complete, except for the high value. A lovely group, with light, clean cancels. A great start to your used Swedish semi-postal collection. 2024 Scott US$693.50 =
Sweden #J1/J22. Used postage due accumulation of 30 stamps with lots of representation of both sets. The 1874 perf 14 is complete, missing only the 30o dark green. The second set is missing only the good gray-lilac shade of the 24o. There are a few duplicates and lots of cancel appeal. Total 2024 Scott US$936.25 =
Sweden - Lovely Collection / accumulation of Sweden town postmarks, with roughly 650 stamps in a 16 page stockbook. Most of the postmarks range from the 1940s onwards, but does include roughly 120 Officials with postmarks generally ranging from 1890's to 1910. We note a high percentage of postmarks are socked on the nose, many having readable dates, including bridge and CDS cancel types. A nice lot from a worldwide postmark collector who specialized in town postmarks, and would be appreciated by like minded collectors. Overall very fine. Estimate =
Switzerland - A Swiss mint and used "catch all", containing several hundred stamps, noting mint and used blocks and plate blocks, souvenir sheets, presentation packs, tete-beche pairs, booklets, a few covers, etc., in a few stockbooks, Vario-style pages, and loose material. The majority of material seems to range from the 1920's to the 1980's, noting B130 mint never hinged and a used souvenir sheet (c.v. $130 total), along with roughly 75 used League of Nations stamps on piece, and more. A nice lot with potential finds for the Switzerland or worldwide collector. Estimate =
Togo #151/160. Nine used examples of the German "Kaiser’s Yacht" issue overprinted and revalued for use under French Occupation of this West Africa colony. Includes #151(x2), 152, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160. Two are on piece, and there are a couple of very striking cancels. Nice eye appeal. Total 2024 Scott US$542.50 =
Tunisia #1/126 & BOB. Three former collections and a bidboard lot have come together to form this lot. Totaling around 400 mint and used stamps from the 1880's to 1955. Includes a card with a nice range of 10 mint copies from the 1888-1901 definitives and another with revaluations and "back of the book". There are some lovely cancels throughout. Because there are different sources, some duplication is to be expected. Conservative 2024 Scott US$700.00 =
United Nations - Accumulation of roughly 1,500 United Nations first day covers filling a bankers box, generally ranging from the early 1950's to the 1980's. We note singles, sets, blocks and souvenir sheet frankings, with some having private cachets from makers Bouchardy, Rose Craft, Art Craft, Fleetwood, and more. A nice opportunity for thematic and topical collectors as well. Clean and very fine. Estimate =
United Nations - Part 1: New issue standing order for all three offices from 1998 and then 2002-2006. Once or twice a year a hefty package would show up at this collector’s home that typically included stamps, booklets, folders and year sets. Perhaps because of the volume of each package, the collector just set them aside and never integrated them into his collection. Indeed, most are still in their original packaging/glassines. Due to changes in collector preferences and the number and value of new issues, UN collecting went out of vogue for a while, but with its great designs, smaller print numbers and topical interest, many collectors are trying to make up for lost time in a market with not much supply. The face value of the material in this bundle was US$505.30 ($682.15 CDN). Estimate =
United Nations - Part 2: New issue standing order for all three offices from 2007-2008. Twice a year a hefty package would show up at this collector’s home that typically included stamps, booklets, folders and year sets. Perhaps because of the volume of each package, the collector just set them aside and never integrated them into his collection. Indeed, most are still in their original packaging/glassines. Due to changes in collector preferences and the number and value of new issues, UN collecting went out of vogue for a while, but with its great designs, smaller print numbers and topical interest, many collectors are trying to make up for lost time in a market with not much supply. The face value of the material in this bundle (only two years!) was US$382.51 ($516.40 CDN). Estimate =
United States #11/273 & Officials. 19th century US classics in need of rescue. Six old album pages with over 110 mostly used stamps that include better individual values, grills that need research and the occasional nice cancel. The catalogue value will be enormous, but there are faults throughout. A good soak will reveal which stamps have survived. Its like a lottery ticket that requires a little bit of work. Estimate =
United States #548/1731. Mint block and plate block "investment" holding in a shoebox with hundreds of glassine envelopes, starting in the 1920's, all with Scott numbers. We put investment in quotation marks because the catalogue prices appear to be from the heady days of around 1981 and are not reflective of the current market. The owner’s note indicates that the total catalogue value was US$6250.00, but we suspect that the current reality is about half this amount in the current catalogue. The condition is all over the place, with there being a mix of never hinged to hinge remnants. There are a few higher catalogue blocks that we took out and put on black cards. Most are single blocks, but a few have some duplication or are larger pieces. Includes Washington, Prexies, National Parks, etc. Great for the collector of plate blocks. Estimate =
United States - A pair of old British springback albums with a semi-organized mounted accumulation of mostly pre-1950 stamps, including better singles (e.g. Columbus to 30c, Trans-Mississippi to 50c, "Kans/Nebr" overprints and more!) There is some potential for the precancel collector, saw a few perfins, some nice back of the book (e.g. airmail, special delivery, parcel post, postage due and a touch from American possessions) and multiples. There is a bit of mint material from 1930 onwards. Condition is a bit mixed and there is some duplication, as you would expect. This holding hasn’t seen the light of day in over 60 years! Thousands of stamps here. Estimate =
USA #E4, RW10-RW12. Back of the book quartet with a lovely example of the 10c blue Special Delivery with "line under Ten Cents" and no watermark, mathematically centered, nice perforations but no gum (catalogues $900.00 mint). Then there are three duck stamps from the WWII era, issued 1943-1945, each nicely mint never hinged (the RW12 has a bit of natural gum wrinkling). These catalogue $345.00. Total 2024 Scott US$1245.00 =
USA - Group of many hundreds of mint never hinged blocks, along with a few strips and sheetlets, ranging from the 1970s to the 1980s. Face value totals $367.00 USD, noting the overwhelming majority of denominations ranging from 10c to 25c. A nice clean lot for collectors and postage users. Conservatively valued for the face value only. Total face value US$367.00 =
USA - Hawaii #12. A forgery produced by the Spiro Brothers of Hamburg, Germany, who forged many early Hawaiian stamps. Their products are lithographed: originals are engraved or typographed. Spiro forgeries of the Hawaii Numerals stamps are easily identified by the defective "E" in the word "postage." (From the US National Postal Museum). This is a nice single on laid paper and a tiny thin at the top, with the distinctive break in the "E". Still a nice way to expand your Hawaiian collection until the real thing comes along. The real item catalogues US$15,000. Estimate =
USA Covers - First Flight / Airmail Related Covers. A group of roughly 225 United States Flight Covers, ranging from 1929 to the 1940's, noting first flights (including a few FAM, Pacific and cross-border routes), commemorative flights, airport dedications, show exhibitions, etc. A few covers have been signed by postmasters, mayors, or other dignitaries, with many covers franked with C11 and C12, along with commemorative stamps and a few booklets. Estimate =
USA Covers - Group of just of 200 USA postal history items, with a wide range of items, generally ranging from the 1880's to the 1970's, with a few items possible on either side of the range. We noticed mourning covers, advertising mail, postal stationery (used and unused), first flights, first day covers, and more. Some of the covers have been sleeved with a few items priced from $5 to $10. An interesting group with a mixture of commercial and philatelic mail. A few faults with a few of the covers, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
USA Covers - Group of over 200 United States covers overwhelmingly franked with the 3c Washington Bank Note printing, all appearing to be from the early 1880's. A majority of covers appear to be from the New England states, notably Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, along with Pennsylvania, Michigan and a few others, having a variety of town postmarks, fancy cork cancels, a few corner cards and illustrated advertising, and a few double rate covers, with some covers still having the accompanying letter enclosures. The group also includes a few postal stationery covers from the same time period. Condition is pretty mixed in most cases, with tears from rough opening, still an interesting grouping. Estimate =
USA Offices in China #K1-K16. F/VF mint complete Never Hinged set of the 1919 "Shanghai/China" surcharge overprints for the Postal Agency in China. The 20c value has a small bit of paper adhesion to the back, as such was not counted as NH. A seldom seen complete set (the best we have offered), stowed away for over 70 years by a local collector. 2024 Scott Classic US$4180.00 =
Vatican City #1/869 plus Back of the Book. Minkus pages housing a good starter collection of mint and used stamps from 1929 to 1990 (nearly complete from 1961 onwards), with both regular issues and "back of the book". There is a bit of bonus material such as covers/maxi cards and a bit of duplication. A couple of notable items include a mint hinged copy of #100a (the "missing Jesus" variety - catalogue $225.00) and 1952 souvenir sheet #155a (mint, lightly hinged - catalogue $160.00). Probably over US$1000.00 in total catalogue value. Estimate =
Worldwide - A U-Haul box with the balance of a collector’s loose stamps. Includes four smallish containers, one with stamps sorted by country into envelopes, with many countries represented. The next two boxes are filled with United States and Canada used 20th century, sorted by Scott number, with lots of cancel potential, especially amongst the Canadian material. The last container is a plastic box filled with worldwide off-paper. The balance of the box is filled with mainly loose on and off paper worldwide (lots of Canada and US). Thousands of stamps here. The balance of an estate. Estimate =
Worldwide - Bankers box estate balance in several albums and a handful of loose album and stock pages. Best is probably Great Britain with an old "Windsor" springback with pages to about 1958. Plus, a second group of GB on loose album pages with some nice "Penny Reds" and some potentially better through the early Elizabethan period. There are five "starter" worldwide collections from the 1950’s-80’s (with a few thousand stamps in total, with its usual need to find the hidden gems). Noted a Canada Minkus album with some mint back to the 1930s. Happy hunting. Estimate =
Worldwide - Box containing a few thousand worldwide mint and used stamps, with definite strength in Canada, in glassines, album pages, small stock books, and other formats. Just a brief check revealed a mint and used Canada collection, in hingeless mounts, on roughly 50 album pages, generally ranging from the 1930s to the 1950. The collection contains a bit of everything from mint and used singles, mint coil strips, plate blocks, and more. While most mint stamps have gum issues, we did note a few better mint never hinged items cataloguing in the $10 to $25 range. Also spotted an interesting oddity Scott #1927 (x2) with Vincent Graves certificate stating "two copies used on piece, showing missing printing across left stamp...", along with roughly $50 to $75 of face value postage, leaving other potential finds for the dedicated collector. Estimate =
Worldwide - British Commonwealth. Bankers box with the balance of a consignment of mostly late King George VI to mid-Elizabethan period. Starts with four binders filled with about 70 old Lighthouse "334" black 8-strip and acetate overlay stockpages with mint and used sets and singles of a wide range of British Colonies (includes some 1948 Silver Wedding, and many others in the $10-$20 range), with many of the items catalogued probably over 40 years ago. Next up is four 16-page stockbooks with lots of QEII common design issues and a mix of many other issues from the same period. An old manila stockbook has a used early QEII British America (and a couple others) stock, finishing with several manila stockpages with Ireland and Malta. Didn’t see lots of UK and almost nothing from Canada, Australia, New Zealand or India. There is value here in both the stamps and the supplies. Estimate =
Worldwide - British Commonwealth. Massive wholesale lot of off-paper stamps from Bermuda, Rhodesia (including North and South), Great Britain, plus a bit of South Africa, Bahamas and others. This U-Haul box is filled with six cigar boxes, a shoebox, two utensil trays(!?!) and more. Most are King George VI to mid-QEII period (the British material goes back further). Often quantities are in the hundreds, common and somewhat sorted. Lots of nice cancels have been seen, and some of the envelopes indicate that some better items are to be found. One of the small boxes of Bermuda is mint, but almost everything included here is used. Many thousands of stamps, the balance of an estate that we have been selling over the past couple of months. Estimate =
Worldwide - Bursting bankers box with old albums and some loose pages, with thousands of used and mint stamps and not much past 1970. In no particular order, we noted a nice Minkus binder with a German collection from the 1870's-1960, a few pages of Italy Offices abroad, a bit lightly populated US All-American album, a nice, mounted selection of homemade pages of worldwide in an old red 3-ring Lighthouse binder with matching slipcase. There are two old albums ("Triumph" and "Modern") packed with stamps, and the loose material includes some Baltic countries, plus a package of mint "Berlin", a couple old circuit books. The only obvious modern items are the five GB presentation packs c.1996 and a 1997 commemorative cover for the 50th wedding anniversary of Queen Elizabeth, signed "Vera Lynn". Lots to work through here. Estimate =
Worldwide - Cinderellas, labels, revenues and a bit of ephemera. Canada-strong, but with bits and pieces from around the globe. The "stamps" includes Christmas seals from Canada, Denmark and Norway, and there are other charitable labels such as Easter Seals, World Wildlife Federation, and promotional labels from BC’s own Royal Hudson (a small group each of sheetlets from the 25c and 50c issue (imperforate) as well as a few perforated sheetlets of the 25c). There is also a nice selection of Montreal stamp show issues from the early 1980's. As for ephemera, there is a small bag each of coupons for "Nabob" and "Blue Ribbon", a couple of sets of reproduction paper money from the US Revolutionary War and a couple of 19th century ad cards. Fills a small stationery box. Estimate =
Worldwide - Estate balance piled into a bankers box. We noted a couple of handfuls of old stockbooks and starter collections (including some loose pages) with some South African homeland issues (e.g. Venda, Ciskei), Taiwan, Guinea (and Guinea-Bissau) and some European material with potential (e.g. Great Britain, Hungary, Greece). There are some loose album pages with seemingly random worldwide material, and the box concludes with a binder of small exhibits (1-16 pages each), again without much in the way of a consistent theme. Great box for the explorer/sorter. Estimate =
Worldwide - Kiloware. Bankers box crammed full with about 19 lbs of fairly modern "off paper and on paper". A fun sort ahead, as you can't get through this in one night! Estimate =
Worldwide - Local Estate Part 1: The loose remnants from a local estate, poured into a bankers box. Lots off paper, some on, some in envelopes, some in old cigar boxes, some loose. Saw potential in the Canada, New Zealand and there is more Bermuda than normally seen in these types of lots, but as always, there is probably material from 75 or more countries and we have only superficially looked over it. Perfect for those who enjoy the philatelic equivalent of "digging for gold". Estimate =
Worldwide - Local Estate Part 2: The loose remnants from a local estate, poured into a bankers box. Lots off paper, some on, some in envelopes, some in a chocolate box, some loose. Saw potential in the Europe, Canada, United States with some Bermuda. There is probably material from 75 or more countries, and we have only superficially looked over it. Perfect for those who enjoy the philatelic equivalent of "digging for gold". Estimate =
Worldwide - Mostly British Africa and the Middle East, pre-1955 mounted collection on quadrilled pages. More used than mint, lots of nice cancels, some multiples, and a few oddities. Includes Sierra Leone, Gambia, St. Helena, Seychelles, Aden, a substantial group of Egypt (including a number of the better 1920s issues), Sudan, Mesopotamia/Iraq, Palestine, Zanzibar and much of the 1937 Coronation "Common Design" issue. A bit musty, and some are heavily hinged, but should come free with patience. Untouched in over 60 years, there could be some goodies hiding in plain sight! Estimate =
Worldwide - Off-paper, on-paper; sorted in envelopes, loose; modern, older; but all used. This bankers box seems to have it all. Another one of these very popular boxes which are basically clear outs from an estate with all the unsorted material that doesn’t easily make a lot and then is poured into a box for the next collector to take a shot at. This box has a wide range of baggies, packets and envelopes into which thousands of stamps have been sorted (or not). Mostly 20th century, a bit of strength in Canada, but there is material from almost everywhere. A quick poke indicates that there is potential and that this is not a "picked" lot. There will only be one of its type from this source. Estimate =
Worldwide - Stamp Potpourri in a bankers box, containing likely a few thousand stamps of worldwide mint and used stamps, including stamps on piece, souvenir sheets, sets and more, in envelopes, glassines, stock pages, etc. Just a quick look revealed Egypt NC25-NC30 (mint hinged, c.v. $122 total), along with a few items cataloguing $10 and up, and some better postmarks on some of the stamps. Ideal for the patient sorter, with most material generally ranging from the 1930's to the 1980's. Estimate =
Worldwide - Stamps / Coins / Banknotes. Interesting topical collection in 2 Volumes "The World's First Coin, Stamp, & Banknote Collection", from the 1990’s, containing 53 different worldwide numismatic first day covers along with a banknote from all issuing countries. A nice opportunity for topical and worldwide first day cover collectors. Clean and very fine. Estimate =
Worldwide - Stanley Gibbons "Ideal Postage Stamp Album" from 1915 with 2531 used and mint stamps, with not much seen after 1945. Strength is in British Commonwealth (Pacific and Great Britain), United States, Latin America and Europe, with only a smattering from Africa, Middle East and Asia). There are $5.00-$15.00 stamps throughout, with many nice cancels, along with some revenues. As some of the stamps are in the fold, and not mounted, the stamp count and estimated value are conservative. The album itself is in not that bad condition for being 110 years old! Estimate =
Worldwide Airmail Ephemera - A super collection of Airmail ephemera of worldwide airlines, with material appearing to range from the 1960’s to the 1980’s, including many defunct airlines. Just a cursory look indicated roughly 100 advertising baggage labels, many having bright colourful designs from the likes of Alaska Airlines, Braniff Airways, Chicago and Southern Air Lines, TWA, Northwest Airlines, British Airways, Allegheny, PAA, Frontier Airlines, and many more. The lot also includes several airmail etiquettes, including a few booklets and panes from Panagra, Mexicana De Aviacion, Capital Airlines, Pan American, just to name a few, along with several baggage tags and labels, a few postcards and schedules. A very nice lot that should appeal to airmail enthusiasts. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Accumulation of roughly 300 Worldwide First Day covers, with better representation from British Commonwealth countries, noting Australia, Hong Kong, Falkland Islands, to name a few, along with French Colonies, Europe and more. The covers generally range from the 1950’s to the 1980’s, containing primarily set frankings, along with a few souvenir sheets, singles, etc. A colourful lot, ideal for the thematic or topical collector, as well as first day cover folks. The catalogue value of the stamps alone would add up quickly! Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Air Letter / Aerogrammes. A Collection (or accumulation) of roughly 160 mint worldwide Air Letters, generally ranging from the 1960’s to the 1990’s, noting a variety of different form dimensions, with better representation from Canada, United States, Israel, Great Britain and Channel Islands to name a few. A nice companion for airmail and stationery collectors. Duplication up to 3 for a few issues, along with a few having corner bends, overall a fine to very fine lot. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Air Letter / Aerogrammes. A collection of roughly 350 used worldwide Postal Stationery Air Letters / Aerogrammes, generally ranging from the 1950’s to the 1980’s, noting different form sizes, with better representation from Commonwealth countries, noting New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain, Canada, and African countries, just to name a few. Most of the letters are uprated, along with a few registered and postage due rates. A nice opportunity for further rate and stationery studies. As we have remarked in the past, one of the most fascinating, yet underappreciated areas of stationery collecting. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Bankers Box Postal History Bonanza Part 1. The first of two offerings of masses of postal history, crammed into a bankers box. A worldwide selection, from seemingly every corner of the globe including covers, FDC, special events, postcards, rates etc. An "everything under the sun" box, which conservatively boasts at least 1800 items, perfect for the postal historian to sort out. While there are likely no great finds to be had, there will be an enormous amount of items in the 50c-$2.00 range, perfect to keep what you need and sell the remainder at a local show / club meeting. Estimated at 10c per item, based on the conservative total of 1800 items in total. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Bankers Box Postal History Bonanza Part 2. The second of two offerings of masses of postal history, crammed into a bankers box. A worldwide selection, from seemingly every corner of the globe which including covers, FDC, special events, postcards, rates etc. We would estimate this box boasts (conservatively) at least 1800 items, perfect for the postal historian to sort out. While there are likely no spectacular finds to be had, there will be an enormous amount of items in the 50c-$2.00 range, perfect to keep what you need and sell the remainder at a local show / club meeting. Estimated at 10c per item, based on the conservative total of 1800 items in total. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Box of roughly 300 Worldwide postal history items, generally ranging from the 1940's to the 1980's, with a few items possible on either side of the given range. We note a variety of material including postal stationery, postcards, many airmail covers (both commercial and philatelic), first day covers, and more, paying domestic, registered and airmail rates. Better representation from Europe and South American countries. Many colourful frankings that would suit a topical or thematic collector as well. A few covers have been sleeved with retail prices ranging from $3 to $5 each. A nice lot for any collector, with a few small faults on a few of the covers, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Collection of Worldwide Airmail first flights and commercial mail, with roughly 200 covers in total, generally ranging from the 1940’s to the 1980’s. The lot is divided into two parts, beginning with roughly 120 first flights highlighting new routes, or new aircraft, from a variety of airlines including K.L.M., B.O.A.C., Nordisk Samarbejde, Lufthansa, and more., including a few helicopter flights. The second part contains commercial covers using airline envelopes, noting a wide variety of current and defunct airlines including Varig, Canadian Pacific Airlines, China Airlines, Air Polynesie, Air Djibouti, and much more. A few faults with majority of commercial covers, with the majority being #10's in size, overall a nice grouping. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Group of roughly 200 worldwide used postal stationery items, including wrappers, card, reply cards, registered letter, U.P.U. post cards, air letters, etc, generally ranging from the 1890's to the 1950's, with a few items on either side of the given range. We note better representation from European countries including Great Britain, France, and Germany, along with South America, and more. A few of the items have been sleeved and have retail prices ranging from $2 to $3 and up. A few faults with a few of the cards, ideal for the stationery specialist. Overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Group of roughly 220 worldwide covers collected for either topical stamps or cachets. We note a mixture of commercial and philatelic covers, generally ranging from the 1960's to the 1990's, noting a wide variety of subjects including sports (namely soccer/football and cycling), butterflies, flowers, animals, music, just to name a few. The lot has a worldwide flair with better representation from Europe and African countries. A nice lot for the topical and thematic collector. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Group of roughly 220 worldwide mint postal items, including postal cards, inland postcards, wrappers, registered letters, U.P.U. postal cards, air letters, etc., generally ranging from the 1890's to the 1960's, with a few items possible on either side of the given range. A cursory check indicated better representation from Canada, United States, and South America, with a few from European countries, including two SPECIMEN cards from British Honduras. A nice lot for the postal stationery enthusiast, with duplication up to3 for a few items. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Group of roughly 225 worldwide commercial airmail covers, generally ranging from the 1940's to the 1980's. We note better representation from South America, including Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, along with European countries, just to name a few. A nice group of frankings (including meter mail), airmail rates, routings, etc, flown by a variety of airmail companies, and airmail envelopes. A good lot for the airmail enthusiast. A few covers have been sleeved and priced $5 and under. Overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Group of roughly 230 Ethiopia covers in a plastic tub, ranging from the 1950’s to the 1980’s, containing a mix of commercial and philatelic material, noting first day covers, postal stationery, commemorative covers, including special delivery and registered airmail rates to Canada (noting a few having British Columbia receivers with POCON postmarks) and to the USA. The first day covers contain primarily set frankings. A nice opportunity to acquire covers from an often under appreciated country. A few minor faults, but overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Group of roughly 300 worldwide covers with a wide variety of material including commercial covers, first day covers (noting singles, sets, and souvenir sheet frankings), postal stationery, airmail rates, and more, with better representation from Europe, Australia, Africa and South America countries, generally ranging from the 1950's onwards, with a few items before that time frame. A nice lot for thematic and topical collectors as well. A few faults noted on a few items, overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Group of roughly 300 worldwide first day covers, primarily ranging from the 1960's to 2010, with a few on either side of the given range. We note primarily sets, along with a few solo and souvenir sheet frankings. A nice lot for topical and thematic collectors as we note nature, ships, planes, animals, and other thematic stamp designs. A clean group with covers in a variety of different sizes. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Military Mail. Group of roughly 180 worldwide military covers and cards, primarily from world war II, along with a few items from world war I. We note better representation from Canada, United States, Great Britain, Germany, and other countries, having a variety of censor tapes and handstamps, postal stationery and postal cards, and more. Condition is typical for this type of material from very mixed up to much better. Ideal for the military postal history collector. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - OHMS, Official, On Government Service and many other iterations on a remarkable holding of worldwide covers, mostly from the second half of the 20th century, but with the occasional item going back into the 19th century. There is probably material from 75 to 100 different countries with a wide range of governmental mail from diplomatic to philatelic services. Many include their original contents. Much is "free" mail, with a variety of appropriate printings or markings, but some is paid by stamps, with a few registration usages thrown in. A wide range of envelope sizes and shapes, and the overall condition is quite good. Some are mounted on pages with brief descriptions, others are loose. A few hundred covers as it fills a banker’s box. Includes individual items worth $10.00 - $40.00 each. A labour of love to assemble. Estimate =
Worldwide Covers - Royal Air Force (RAF) Commemorative Flight covers, with roughly 275 different flown covers as devised by the Royal Air Force Museum. Containing many different series, noting many colourful cachets as designed by former members of the Royal Air Force, along with worldwide frankings and many pictorial cancels, including a few pilot and crew signed covers. A nice addendum to any aerophilatelist. Clean and very fine. Estimate =
Worldwide Ephemera - Eclectic group of autographs, with roughly 40 different noting sports figures, actors, politicians, singers, and more. Most of the autographs appear to be on promotional photographs, with some of the most note worthy including Maurice "The Rocket" Richard, Celine Dion, John Cleese, Sir Bobby Charlton, John Madden, all 4 leading actresses from "Sex in the City", Tina Turner, Whitney Houston, and more. Most of the autographs come with a letter of authenticity. Surely worth our low estimate and a bit of "something different" than our usual offerings. Estimate =
Worldwide Ephemera - Tobacco / Tea Cards Featuring Stamps. A collector's lifetime accumulation of Cigarette (Tobacco) and Tea "cards" that were included as a collectable in cigarette packs / tea tins, all featuring postage stamps. A total of 105 cards in total. While we have seen these "here and there", we have never seen this many together! The cards are mounted on photo album pages, but we double checked and with a bit of care, these can be removed without any substantial damage. Estimate =
Worldwide Literature - Complete 2024 Scott International stamp catalogues, all in very clean, reasonably used condition (ex. Library, so very clean). There have been no major price changes between 2024 and current catalogue. As such, this set is still extremely useful for valuing most material and the numbers don't really change. New, these 12 volumes would retail for well over $1,200.00. The Scott catalogue numbering system is the most universally recognized stamp numbering system used today. We don't usually get this new of a catalogue this quick! Estimate =
Worldwide Literature - Scott International stamp catalogue "Frankenstein" group. A motley crew of mostly 2023 Scott Catalouges (mostly ex. Library, in VF condition), with 9 of the 12 volumes (missing 1A, 2A, 5B). That being said, this 2023 group is then supplemented by a 2A (2018) and a 2019 Scott USA Specialized Catalogue. While not a complete run, this offers a unique opportunity to pick these up at a bargain price if you can make it work for you. Each of these volumes cost near $200.00 to buy "as new", with a complete set retailing over $1200.00. Estimate =
Worldwide Postcards - Accumulation of worldwide postcards filling a bankers box, with a mixture of classics to modern chromes, including printed cards, real photo cards, chromes and more. Just a few of the themes include royalty, military, ships, street scenes, Disney, nature, buildings, with better representation from Germany, Egypt, Switzerland, Canada (noting a few 1930's views from Manitoba), and much more. Possible finds for the postcard enthusiast. Estimate =
Worldwide Postcards - Airplane Topical Collection. An "offered as received" group which starts with 48 Airplane topical postcards (including many better, noted a faded pair of 1918 "Greetings from Deseronto" WWI Ontario), then an array of Canada/USA/Worldwide planes. The cards are mounted on photo album pages, but we double checked and with a bit of care, these can be removed without any substantial damage. Estimate =
Worldwide Postcards - Bankers box full of a few thousand worldwide postcards, ranging from the classic era up to modern chrome, including real photo cards, sepia, coloured, and more. We note better representation from Canada, United States, and Europe (including France, Great Britain, Germany, etc), along with Asia and African countries, just to name a few. Just a few of the scenes include military, nature, buildings, street scenes, landmarks, and much more. A nice lot for the postcard enthusiast, with a few cards having a few corner bends, etc., overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Worldwide Postcards - Bankers box, with roughly 1,500 cards, from classics to modern day, noting real photo cards, sepia, printed and chromes. We note better representation from the usual suspects of Canada, USA, Great Britain, along with scenes of Japan, South America and Mexico, the West Indies, and more. Just a few of the subjects include military, trains, ships, nature, buildings, scenic views, and much more. A few of the cards have been sleeved with retail prices ranging from $3 to $5 each. A few faults to be expected, still overall fine to very fine. Estimate =
Worldwide Postcards - Bermuda Postcard Collection. A collector's array of 107 postcards featuring scenes of Bermuda, with MANY better throughout, including RPPC (Real Photo Postcards). This collection has not seen the "light of day" in decades, from a local collector here in Victoria, that spent time living in Bermuda. The cards are mounted on photo album pages, but we double checked and with a bit of care, these can be removed without any substantial damage. Estimate =
Worldwide Postcards - Horse Postcards Topical Grouping. A lot of 120 Worldwide postcards with a horse theme. The cards appear to range from the 1900's up to the 1940's, noting real photo and printed cards, with mostly Canada (primarily from western provinces), United States, and European views. Themes include royalty, pulling buggies or coaches, military, farming, and more. A few cards have been priced in the $5 to $10 range, with a few cards having toning or corner faults. A nice lot with a popular collecting theme. Estimate =
Worldwide Postcards - Japan. A collector's accumulation of 71 postcards, with a very nice mix of "classic" pre-1920 postcards (including hand-coloured), up to the 1950's era. Of particular note, are view of the Temples, Japanese ladies and town / landscape postcards. A very clean group. Estimate =
Worldwide Postcards - Racy Comic Postcard Collection. A selection of 130 seemingly different, primarily British WWII to 1960's era cartoon postcards, all featuring somewhat racy scenes of "Men's Humor" from a different time. Take a look at the photos to appreciate what this lot entails. Estimate =
Worldwide Postcards - Ship Topical Collection. A binder filled with 91 postcards, mounted (by tidy corner mounts) on pages within a binder. Noted Navy, Steamships, Cruise Ships, River Boats and Trans-Atlantic Liners. Many better postcards noted, including RPPC (Real Photo Postcards). Also included (but not counted) are a couple Navy Ship Christmas cards, some photos / newspaper clippings. A fun group. Estimate =
Worldwide Supplies - Postcard / Cover / FDC Albums. A quartet of lightly used "Safe" brand 14-ring albums, "Morocco" in tan colour, "Yokama" in brown and creme and "Classic Value" in blue. These binders measure 12" x 12.5" x 1.5" and come with 85 2-pocket Dual blank pages with 146mm pockets (suitable for storing larger European covers). The blue volume comes with 125x 1960's-1970's German Democratic Republic first day covers. The albums are in excellent condition, with only a couple of minor flaws. Classy, quality products which, if you bought them new today, would set you back an astonishing US$630.00! Don't forget the DDR FDCs, which could be considered an added bonus! Estimate =
Worldwide Supplies - Stockbooks. Group of 15 gently used, primarily Lighthouse / Unisafe stockbooks, in either 16, 32, or 64 page configurations, a few having black pages. A nice lot, waiting to be used by a new owner and a great opportunity to pick these up at a fraction of the "new" cost. Estimate =
Worldwide Supplies - Stockbooks. Group of 19 gently used, mostly Unisafe stockbooks, in either 16 or 32 page configurations, all having white pages. A nice lot, waiting to be used by a new owner and a great opportunity to pick these up at a fraction of the "new" cost. Estimate =
Worldwide Topicals - A very interesting topical/literature collection of Mount Everest related material, including roughly 150 commemorative covers from Nepal, with Mount Everest image stamps, pictorial cancels, signed expedition covers (including the first woman on Mount Everest, 30th anniversary of the 1st youngest summitter on Mount Everest, first balloon over Mount Everest, just name a few), along with four related periodicals including: A Catalog of Himalayan Mountaineering Correspondence (Singer and Gould, 2002); Nepal 1772-1961 and Beyond (Singer); Tibet- First Series, 1912 Plating Notebook (Bibbins); The Postal Markings of Tibet (Hellrigl). We note duplication ranging from 5 to 10 and up for a few of the covers. A great grouping with exotic collecting possibilities. Estimate =
Yugoslavia Trieste Zone B #3a, 4/108, C1/C32, J6-J18, RA1/RA5, RAJ5. A very full run of these Yugoslavian stamps each overprinted for use in Trieste for a few years after WWII on two black stockpages. Includes the first strip of three (#3a used) and the rest are all mint, mostly never hinged. The only duplicate is #65a "Anchovies and Starfish" souvenir sheets. Two better Back of the Book issues consisting of the 1953 issue 300d "Esperanto" airmail and the 1951 issue 50p emerald and red Postal Tax Due stamp (VF LH). Buy this lot and you will only have a few to fill in for a complete "country" collection. 2024 Scott US$744.50 =
Yugoslavia Trieste Zone B #C21, RAJ3. VF mint Lightly Hinged duo of better "Back of the Book" issues consisting of the 1953 issued 300d "Esperanto" airmail and the 1951 issued 50p emerald and red Postal Tax Due stamp. Yugoslavian stamps each overprinted for use in Trieste after WWII. 2024 Scott US$490.00 =
Zanzibar #3/106. Stunning used selection of 44 stamps (almost all different) from the 1895-1910 period, nearly arranged and identified on a single Hagner brand stockpage. Of particular note is the several nice postmarks here, including Squared Circles which are pleasing to the "philatelic eye". 2025 Scott US$310.20 =