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Weeda's Weekly Stamp Sale

Bidboard # 1960

Lot # 68

Canada #231/271 plus Back of the Book.
George VI "War and Peace" plate block HOARD. Group of 70 largely different (either by plate number or position) mint George VI plate blocks, neatly arranged of 7 Vario stockpages. The hinging ranges from Never Hinged to Hinge Remnant, with the majority being the former. Includes a few early "Mufti" issues, plus "back of the book" Airmail, Special Delivery and Special Delivery Airmail. A wonderful period to collect plate blocks, with numerous plate numbers used during this period. These have not seen the light of day in 30 years! Estimate =

Bid Cust. # Bid date
$32 5285 3/6/2025 8:55:32 AM
$30 3/6/2025 5:44:11 AM
$10 3/6/2025 5:44:11 AM

Catalogue Price or Estimate: $300.00

Closes Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 5:00:00 PM

On our bidboard page you will notice that we have included a declining clock that displays the time remaining in the sale, subject to the addition of overtime. There is an automatic 3 minute bidding extension if a bid is submitted on any lot within the last 3 minutes on the bidding clock. These time extensions will continue to occur until there is a 3 minute period during which no bidding takes place. We expect overtime with this type of bidding will last between one to two hours in extra bidding time. This extra time will allow you to make sure you get the lots you really want.

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