Lot #368 (7 of 24)

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Bidboard # 1938
Lot # 368
Catalogue Value or Estimate: $400.00
Current Bid: $375

Banker's Box, stuffed with small accumulations / collections / auction lots as acquired over a number of years. Some of the items of note are...1) Burma 1976-1978, several hundred covers in a box (purchased from a German auction house for 60 euros). 2) Cuba 1855-1960 collection of several hundred stamps, mounted on album pages. 3) South Pacific "imperf pairs" x130 from Nevis, St Vincent, Tuvalu etc (including lots of topicals such as trains, cars, Elvis etc). 4) Monaco 1940's to 1980's on five stockpages, mostly VF NH material (estimated catalogue approx. $250.00). 5) Sudan 1900-1970 stamps (about 200) mounted on album pages. 6) Spanish Andorra 1963-1990 Mint on Lighthouse brand album pages (catalogue value around $300.00). 7) Turks and Caicos collection (mostly mint) on pages. 8) Several stockpages stuffed with "Sand Dune" countries. 9) Marshall Islands 2001-2003 Mint NH stamps / souvenir sheets (catalogue value over $200.00). 10) Poland, several hundred stamps (including early issues) on stocksheets. 11) South America / Central America country collections on pages. Quality on all is very good, with lots of opportunity for breaking apart for someone looking to put in some hours sorting these out. Estimate =