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Bidboard # 1938
Lot # 313
Catalogue Value or Estimate: $1,265.76
Current Bid: $110
Latvia # CB3, CB4, CB18, CB20

Four different full mint NH panes of eight 1931 and 1933 issue Air Post Semi-Postal Stamps. Unfortunately, no complete sets here but the lot does consist of two values from two different sets. The first two (1931 issue 10s + 50s and 15s + 1l values) have a surtax for the Latvian Home Guards; the second two (1933 issue 3s + 53s and 35s + 1.35l values) have a surtax for wounded Latvian aviatiors. Full panes like these will be eye-catching and welcome additions to any exhibition page. The panes have been pro-rated for NH as per Scott (#CB3 & CB4 x a factor of 2; #CB18 & CB20 x a factor of 2.4). 2023 Scott Classic US$937.60=