Lot #149 (4 of 10)

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Bidboard # 1944
Lot # 149
Catalogue Value or Estimate: $200.00
Current Bid: $500

Private Perfin Hoard. A small container containing glassines of perfin stamps, QV to QEII with the majority being GeoV / GeoVI and QEII. Organized by the previous owner, most of the companies seem to be identified on the glassines but with some "unsorted" and "unknown" packets included. We counted the stamps and were pleasantly surprised as they totaled up to 4494! While the lesser-seen company perfins seem to have 1-2 examples, the larger companies (CPR / CNR / Province Saskatchewan / Bell Telephone) have much larger packets. Seemingly unchecked for perfin varieties, positions, better stamps and multiples. A wonderful old-time hoard to be sorted. Estimate =