Lot #165 (2 of 57)

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Bidboard # 1944
Lot # 165
Catalogue Value or Estimate: $160.00
Current Bid: $575
Canada Covers

British Columbia. A Victoria and Victoria sub-offices cancellation collection, that was in the process of being mounted (possibly for exhibition). Starts with a 6c Small Queen rate to the UK and moves onto some nice squared circle cancels on cover/card (including six to Port Essington, BC). There is a bit of a gap from the Admiral period to the early 1960s and runs to about 2005. Noted postcards, covers (including registered), meters, corner cards and lots of hand cancels (particularly interest in the difficult to find HRIS/POCON cancels from the early 1990’s). About 75 covers and a couple hundred cancels on stamp/piece. A great building block for the BC cancel collector. Estimate =