Lot #313 (3 of 3)

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Bidboard # 1944
Lot # 313
Catalogue Value or Estimate: $140.00
Current Bid: $70
Netherlands plus Antilles and Indies # 5/1269 plus Back of the Book

Two small packed boxes (about the size of small shoeboxes), plus some overflow material from a vest-pocket dealer’s stock that was created with the idea of selling, but never viewed by customers. Mostly used stamps, sorted and identified by Scott number with each number getting its own glassine envelope. Anywhere from 1 to about 50 copies in each glassine. A conservative guess is that there are 1500x #5 sized (6" x 3.5") glassine envelopes, with well over 5,000 stamps and the occasional small sized souvenir sheet. The stamps that are here are in decent condition and a quick peek indicates that few catalogue more that $5.00 each. Besides a good run of regular issues up to 2005, there are lots of semi-postals and a few postage dues. At estimate, this lot doesn’t even cover the cost of the glassine envelopes! Estimate =