Lot #333 (2 of 4)

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Bidboard # 1944
Lot # 333
Catalogue Value or Estimate: $170.00
Current Bid: $230
Russia # 21/6821 plus some Back of the Book

Four small boxes (about the size of a small shoebox) from a vest-pocket dealer’s stock that was readied for sale, but never viewed by customers. There is a mix of mint and used stamps, sorted and identified by Scott number with each number getting its own glassine envelope with anywhere from 1 to about 50 copies in each glassine. Conservative guess is that there are 2500x #5 sized (6" x 3.5") glassine envelopes, with well over 8,000 stamps and the occasional small sized souvenir sheet. The stamps that are here are in decent condition and a quick peek indicates that few catalogue more than $5.00 each. Besides a good run of regular issues up to 2005, there are lots of semi-postals and airmail issues. At this estimate, this price doesn’t even cover the cost of the glassine envelopes! Estimate =