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# 29/294 plus Back of the Book
Used accumulation on seven stocksheets, going back to the 15c Large Queen. We noted two each of the Widow Weeds, a few Jubilees (including a lovely Calgary 1897 territorial split ring), a full page of QV Leaf issues up to 10c and 1908 Tercentenary up to 10c. The lot continues with a range of definitives, commemoratives up to early QEII period, with matching coverage of "back of the book" issues. Some notable individual items include an 8c Registration (F3), a Bluenose, a pane of the 3c Medallion and large plate block of the 20c Fort Garry. The material includes a wide range of condition, some with minor to significant faults. The lot concludes with a page with 4-hole OHMS perfins (and a couple of 5-hole). Take a close look at the perfins, as there are copies of C1 and CE1 with 4-hole perfin, both not listed in Scott, so dubious at best. As a result, we are not counting the page of perfins. Total 2023 Scott US$3197.00 =