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# BK28b/BK308
Small shoebox with complete booklets, from GeoVI to the early 21st century. This is the balance of the amazing holding that we have been breaking up. Still enormous value here, noting BK28b, 33a, 33d, 37d, a couple "chewing gum" booklets, BK52e (Cameo with Centennial cover), BK59d (fluorescent ink - 2 copies in original Bileski envelope), lots of Centennials, Caricatures, BK111A, BK215b, some Christmas, the occasional set of 10 different covers, and a number of 1970’s-80’s issues with notations about minor print varieties that may be worth further research. Only a bit of minor duplication, and over 95% are fault free. Great collection or stock builder. Estimate =