Lot #429 (19 of 23)

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Bidboard # 1956
Lot # 429
Catalogue Value or Estimate: $150.00
Current Bid: $70

Bankers Box of a collector’s "out of their areas of collecting interest" holding, which finally came to a breaking-point and made its way down to us for consignment. In no particular order, we noted...1) A dozen or so postcards / covers, including BC RPO cancel Letter Bills and a Cuban "Certificate for Bounty on Noxious Birds". 2) Binder with 30+ Vario stocksheets, crammed with topical stamps "Animals / Fish / Costumes / Boats and Ships". 3) Two small boxes crammed with "102" cards with Worldwide stamps (sets, singles and "odds and ends"). 4) File folder with a few hundred stamps on pages (mostly Europe and South America). 5) "Pot of Gold" chocolate box with approx. 500x "102" cards with stamps of Hungary. 6) Small wooden box with sorted used GB Machin stamps. 7) Small chocolate box with WW on-paper. 8) "Round the World Stamp Album" circa 1930 with a few hundred stamps. 9) Three stockbooks filled with stamps, two of which are "Worldwide", the third "Russia". A nice sort ahead for the intrepid collector. Estimate =