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Lot #DescriptionCat. Value  or Estimate Bid?

Alexandretta #1-12, C1-C8, J1-5, J6. Attractive mint, largely Never Hinged selection 28 stamps from the 1938 Alexandretta overprints on Syria issue, including "back of the book" airmail and postage due issues. Neatly arranged and identified (which includes NH or LH notations) on a single Hagner brand stockpage. Seldom offered material. 2025 Scott US$581.25 = $784.70

Antigua #12/1379. A wide-ranging mint collection of 317 stamps from the 1882-1991 period "QV to QEII", neatly arranged and identified on stockpages. Expect much of the pre-1950 to be hinged, then mostly Never Hinged after that. Of particular note is the arrangement of 15 different souvenir sheets from the QEII era. 2025 Scott US$395.55 = $534.00

Australia #1/194. An attractive used selection of 87 stamps from the 1913-1946 period, including many "Heads" and "Roos", neatly arranged (and identified as to Scott catalogue #) on a collectors album pages. Several better postmarks noted, along with three George V "Head" used blocks (one with "John Ash, Australian Note and Stamp Printer" inscription). 2025 Scott US$379.90 = $512.85

Australia #218-220. The iconic 1949 Arms issue, each of the 5/-, 10/- and £1 denominations nicely used and packaged as a short set of 3 (missing only the £2 denomination) in little plastic sleeves. A total of 49 packages, cataloguing $11.75 each. Perfect of show / online / club dealers. 2024 Scott US$575.75 = $777.26

Australia #M1-M7. Complete F/VF mint Never Hinged set of the 1946-1947 "British Commonwealth Occupation Force of Japan" overprints. An undervalued WWII related provisional issue, tough to find Never Hinged. 2024 Scott Classic US$373.25 = $503.90

Australia #M5b. Fine+ Never Hinged "Narrow N" variety of the 1946-1947 "British Commonwealth Occupation Force of Japan" overprint. Accompanied by the "Regular N" (not counted) for comparison. A very fresh and attractive example of this Scott-listed variety, which is not valued as Never Hinged (as this one is). The regular stamp enjoys a 50% premium for NH, which should be considered when bidding. 2024 Scott Classic (as hinged) US$200.00 = $270.00

Australia #M7a. VF+ mint Never Hinged example of the 5sh high-value of the "British Commonwealth Occupation Force of Japan" overprint, on Scott listed THIN PAPER (overprint on regular issue #177a), from the 1948 printing. A wonderful example of this listed variety. 2024 Scott Classic US$160.00 = $216.00

Australia - If you like older, somewhat disorganized accumulations with potential at every turn of the page, then this lot is for you. About forty pages, over 1000 stamps. Mint, (mostly) used, ’Roos, King George V "Heads", multiples, officials (both overprint and perfin), airmails, postage dues, BCOF, and not much after 1955. Some varieties have been noted, and there are some nice cancels. A little bit musty, but that will all fade when the stamps are removed from the pages. Estimate = $240.00

Australia States - New South Wales & Queensland - A pair of mounted collections from adjoining "States". The New South Wales is on six pages with 165 stamps with individual stamps cataloguing up to $50.00, overprints, lots of cancel potential, officials and postage dues. Queensland is on four pages with 116 stamps with denominations up to £1, a number of "sunburst" numeral cancels. Expect some mixed condition and duplication to go along with your "finds". From a local estate. Estimate = $200.00

Australia States - Tasmania - Five pages, 93 stamps. Goes back to the early "Van Diemen’s Land" issues with a couple nice "52" numeral cancels (Launceston), with one stamp hole punch. There are some pen cancels on other Chalon values to 1/-. There is an attractive group of 5 QV "Keystone" issues to 10/- (heavily hinged, but catalogue $380.00). There are more definitives used and a sampling from the "Pictorial" issues with a couple of postal fiscals for good measure (#AR28 mint). Some nice cancel potential in the mix. Estimate = $170.00

Australia States - Victoria and South Australia - Another pair of mounted collections from adjoining "States". Victoria is on six quadrilled pages with 171 stamps, with values to 1/- (4 copies of #166 - cat $60.00 each) and lots of readable cancels. The South Australia is on four pages and 86 stamps with values to 1/- (noted individual stamps with catalogue values to $25.00 each, with more readable cancels and some "OS" overprints. There is even a 5/- Income Tax revenue stamp. Expect a bit of mixed condition and some light duplication. Estimated value = $160.00

Australia States - Western Australia - A half dozen quadrilled pages with 124 mostly used stamps, with lots of "Swan" designs (as you would expect). The trio of imperforates are faulty but have catalogue value and eye appeal. The perforated issues include lots of numeral cancels, overprints (#57), plus several "tall" postal fiscals. The best stamp is a mint copy of #58a (2/- QV orange-red perf 11 - catalogues $425.00). Expect some duplication and mixed condition. Estimate = $200.00

Australian and States - An appealing accumulation for the postmark collector. The state of Victoria starts us off with five stockpages of numeral cancels on Queen Victoria issues, with a bit of early 20th century cancels from Tasmania and the Commonwealth. The lot jumps ahead to the 1960's-early 2000s with a 32-page Lighthouse stockbook which has been stuffed past its limits with readable town cancels, mostly on piece. Finishing the lot off is a "starter" used Australian collection. A couple of thousand stamps, the balance of an estate. Estimate = $200.00

Bahamas #116-129. VF mint Never Hinged complete set of blocks or the 1942 issued "1492 Landfall of Columbus 1942" overprinted George VI series, issued to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the discovery of America. A pristine set, with Post Office fresh colour and pristine gum and including selvedge / plate numbers. 2024 Scott US$380.00 = $513.00

Bahrain #408/716. Small collection of "Specimen" examples, including a number of sets and souvenir sheets issued 1993-2014. Often overlooked, this Middle Eastern country has generally bucked the philatelic trend with fewer than 5 issues per annum, of reasonable face value and using local themes. As they don’t need the money from philatelic sales, stamps are generally printed in quantities less than 100,000, souvenir sheets less than 10,000! One of the souvenir sheets was damaged in transit, and the #578a was unevenly folded, otherwise the condition is excellent. These examples were sent out to standing order collectors and can have significant asking prices online. A number of the thin card folders that they came in are included. Catalogued regular issue stamps. Total 2024 Scott US$445.05 = $600.82

Bermuda #1, 2, 8. F/VF mint hinged / hinge remnant trio of early QV issues, including the 1p rose red (1865) , 2p blue (1866) and 6p violet (1903). A couple minor toning spots, as often found on these issues, but overall fresh examples. 2024 Scott US$652.00 = $880.20

Bermuda #1/535. Wonderful holding of mint and used Bermuda, with 388 stamps (including 15 blocks and 13 souvenir sheets) from the 1865-1988 period, neatly arranged and identified on stockpages. Many better noted throughout, with some mild duplication and a small amount of stamps with fiscal postmarks (these are not counted in the catalogue value). Expect the pre-1950 mint be mostly hinged, then mostly never hinged afterwards. An excellent representation of this popular country. 2025 Scott US$2250.60 = $3,038.30

Bermuda #26/191. Mounted collection of 154 (mostly mint) blocks and 39 used singles from the 1901-1965 period, neatly arranged (lightly hinged) on large-format album pages. Includes the QV overprint (#26) in a block of 60, plus mint and used blocks from the 1935 George V series, mint 1937 Coronation, mint 1946 Peace etc. A very clean offering. 2025 Scott US$1965.50 = $2,653.40

Bermuda #26/550. A mostly used stock of pre-1990 Bermuda in a pair of 16-page stockbooks. Starts with the 1 farthing QV overprint (#26, 90 mint copies, cat $6.00 each), noted 7 used copies of #68 and 4 used examples of #75 (cat $20.00 each). There are six copies of QEII £1 ($24.00 ea) and there is an assortment of definitives, e.g. "Flowers", "Sealife", "Shipwrecks" and "Flowering Fruits" to the higher values, often in multiple copies. Generally, up to 20 of a type, with some nice cancels. The condition appears decent, except for the three KGVI Keyplates, which are faulty. Great to build a collection or stock and there is significant amounts of catalogue value here. Estimate = $200.00

Bermuda #51. Used pair of the King George V "Keyplate" in carmine and black beautifully fresh. Tidy red Post Office circular date stamp. An attractive item that will be an attractive addition to any collection. 2024 Scott US$400.00 = $540.00

Bermuda #81, 82, 133, 143/167. A "Mint File Sheet Folder" stuffed with mint Never Hinged sheets / partial sheets and large multiples, from primarily the QEII era, including several of the special event overprints of the early QEII issues (Ocean Race, Three Power Talks etc). The catalogue value adds up quickly here. 2025 Scott US$1655.00 = $2234.25 CDN. Estimate = $140.00

Bermuda #105/174. Mint Sheet / Partial Sheet Holding from the George VI / QEII period. An old-time holding of mint Never Hinged stamps, accumulated (largely at the time of issue) and then squirreled away til recently. Includes 1949 UPU and 1953 Coronation issues, among many others. 2025 Scott US$997.60 = $1,346.75

Bermuda #123-125. Wonderful mint "study group" balance of consignment of the George VI keyplate issue, 2sh, 2sh6p and 5sh values, including four corner blocks (three with plate number). Notable perforation and shades evident even to the naked eye! One of the most popular and complicated George VI issues, for it's many varieties. Have both your Gibbons and Scott catalogues ready for this one! Estimate = $200.00

Bermuda #126, 126a, 126b. F/VF mint trio of the 1939-1951 printed George VI key-plate 10sh stamps, representing all three of the Scott listed colour/perf varieties for this stamp. Includes #126 red & green (perf 13), #126a brown lake & green (perf 14) and #126b red and green (perf 14). The example of #126a is Lightly Hinged, with the other two Never Hinged. Nice to get these subtle listed varieties at once. 2024 Scott US$405.00 = $546.76

Bermuda #127, 127a. F/VF mint Never Hinged duo of both the perf 13 and perf 14 George VI 12s6p orange and grey black Keyplate issues. Vibrant colour and pristine gum. 2024 Scott US$197.50 = $266.60

Bermuda #127, 127c. VF mint Lightly Hinged duo of George VI 12sh6p Keyplate issues, with the regular issue (perf 13) orange and grey-black, plus the Scott sub-listed (perf 14) brown orange and grey, shade variety. Nice to get these both at once, so the subtle shade variation can be seen. 2024 Scott US$362.50 = $489.40

Bermuda #128b. VF mint Never Hinged block (LH in the selvedge) of the George VI keyplate £1.00 black and dark violet-salmon, perf 14, Scott listed perf/shade variety. A lovely sheet-margin corner block, with plate number in selvedge. 2024 Scott US$350.00 = $472.50

Bolivia #20/385 plus Back of the Book. Small mounted collection of a couple hundred mint and used stamps, issued 1878 to 1953. Noted better such as #23 used, #46 mint, #274-280 mint and a smattering of back of the book, noting C52-62 mint. Also includes 20 perforated and imperforate souvenir sheets from the late 1940's. South American material is steadily gaining in popularity, and this is a good way to get started. Estimate = $140.00

Bosnia #30j/45j. Much of the 1906 "Landscape" set with compound perforations 10-1/2 x 9-1/4 with nine of the values being postally used, including the 5kr "Franz Joseph" and the 25h and 2kr values being mint (each with hinge remnant). In all cases the perf 10-1/2 is on the top and right-hand side, and the perf 9-1/4 is on the bottom and left hand side. Total 2021 Scott Classic US$601.00 = $811.35

Bosnia #32d/45d. Fourteen of the sixteen values from the 1906 "Landscape" set, each stamp with three different perforations (referred to as "compound" perforations). All nicely used (a couple are favour cancelled), and missing the two lowest denominations. Total 2021 Scott Classic US$765.25 = $1,033.69

British Commonwealth - 1935 Silver Jubilee common design and other omnibus issues, a mix of mint and used, complete and incomplete sets in a very old collection hinged to black pages. Noted Ascension, Australia, Barbados, several African and Caribbean colonies, Hong Kong (used), etc. Unchecked for print varieties. Some small faults to be expected. Obviously faulty and a few of the partial sets not counted in the owner’s conservative catalogue value. Owner's 2024 Scott US$754.15 = $1,018.00

British Commonwealth - A large bundle with British Caribbean (and Guyana) with some British Antarctic Territory, a mint estate balance with issues from the 1970s to early 2000's. There is a substantial amount of topical-heavy Souvenir Sheets (Disney characters, famous people (e.g. Elvis, Marilyn, Royals, Michael Jackson)). Also includes some manufactured "anomalies" (such as inverts and imperforates from St. Vincent. The British Antarctic material includes some gutter pairs from 1970s issues. Some are on pages, others on dealer cards or in glassines, with a bit floating loose. We shudder to think about what the original cost was for this collector. Estimate = $150.00

British Commonwealth - Balance of a consignment. Starts with India in an old binder with 15 manila stockpages with a used and mint accumulation of pre-1970 issues including some back of the book (but no "States"). There is a couple of cards of King George V Southern Rhodesia (used) and Kenya and Uganda (mint). There is a batch of ten UK Machins 1995-1996 with Great War commemorative covers signed by notable participants (or their descendants). Canada is represented with a 2001 year set (cost $45.95) and two boxes from the 1976 Montreal Olympics. There is a 2001 UK year "Special Stamps" year set (face value over C$60.00) finishing with a small Australia "Colonial" collection. Value throughout here. Estimate = $180.00

British Commonwealth - Pacific Colonies mounted on sixteen quadrilled pages, the balance of a local estate. Sorted by colony with a mix of mint and used. Some better singles, and some nice cancels. Includes Solomon Islands, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Papua New Guinea, Cook Islands, Niue, New Guinea, Papua, Penrhyn Islands, Nauru, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga, North West Pacific Islands, Norfolk Island, and a touch of Brunei. Nothing after about 1950. The condition will be mixed, with a bit of duplication. Estimate = $140.00

British Commonwealth - Stanley Gibbons New Imperial Stamp Album. The 1988 reprint in two red-orange hardbound volumes that cover the British Empire/Commonwealth up to 1936. This pair is as lightly used as you are going to find, with only a few faint hinge marks, the odd minor fault and no stamps. Long out-of-print, these originally sold for a few hundred pounds. Perfect for the classic collector. Estimate = $250.00

Canada #1. Very Fine four-margin used example of the 1851 issue 3 Penny Beaver imperf on horizontally laid paper (good strong laid-lines visible). Tidy 7-ring target cancel, making for a wonderful example of Canada's "number one". 2024 Scott US$1,200.00 = $1,620.00

Canada #7. An attractive, used example of the 10 pence Jacques Cartier imperforate from 1855, with nearly four complete margins and a 4-ring numeral cancel. Only missing a little piece in the upper right corner (which just affects a bit of the frame). A very nice example of one of Canada’s early classic issues. 2024 Scott US$1500.00 = $2,025.00

Canada #8Pi. Showpiece proof block of four of the half-penny rose Victoria (vertical SPECIMEN in black), printed on India paper (not mounted on card). Small faults in upper margin, clear of stamp images. Clear margins all around. 2024 Unitrade = $1,200.00

Canada #14/756a plus Back of the Book. Any time we see a starter album with a note on the front that says: "Catalogue value $6438.00", we are naturally skeptical, but then we opened it up and value abounded. Starts with most of the "Cents" issues, and a nice-looking batch of Large and Small Queens. The Jubilees are complete to the 20c, with some "Leaf" and "Numeral" issues. There is a complete KEVII set (used) and a complete mint hinged set of 1908 Quebec.Tercentennary. From the Admirals to 1978, the collection is quite complete, and there is a smattering of airmail, special delivery and postage due issues. A mix of mint and used. Note: Condition is very mixed, with a few of the early issues having been trimmed. That having been said, based on the current Scott (converted to Canadian dollars), the catalogue value is probably not that far off. However, due to its condition, we are going to give it an estimated value. Estimate = $500.00

Canada #15/341 plus Back of the Book. An older collection on homemade pages in a "Peerless" springback binder holding a mounted pre-1955 collection, with several hundred stamps. The collection gets going with a couple of pages of Small Queens (including some "Widow Weeds") and other Victorian issues ("Leaf", "Numeral", Jubilee") up to the 8c. There are KEVII issues to 50c, Quebec to 7c, lots of Admirals (including a number of precancels), with some "back of the book" (airmail, special delivery, postage due, registered, official (OHMS overprints and perfins, "G" overprints). Many values with light duplication (up to 10 of a type). Some mixed condition. The catalogue value will add up quickly here. Estimate = $150.00

Canada #18, 35a, 40. A trio of attractive, mint Queen Victoria singles with a fresh copy of #18, with nice perforations, #35a the orange shade of the 1c small queen (couple of damaged perforations) and the 10c "rose-carmine" Small Queen with a bit of adhesion from being stuck to another 10c stamp. Normally these would have been listed separately, but these have all been regummed. These are still respectable examples and have fresh appearances. Total 2024 Scott US$3550.00 = $4,792.50

Canada #34 Cover. Choice single-franking example of the 1/2c black Small Queen on local circular rate cover, posted locally from Saint John NB on August 15th, 1897. A wonderful example of the single use of the 1/2c stamp, being a scarce dated example (as almost all these circular rates are undated, as Post Office regulations only required them to be cancelled only with a grid). An attractive addition to any postal history collection, or "plus-value" add-on to a traditional stamp collection. 2024 Unitrade = $250.00

Canada #37, 41. Accumulation of 3c Small Queens. Roughly 1,700x 3c Small Queens housed in two small stockbooks. Did not notice many better postmarks, but seemingly un-checked for better perforations, shades, varieties etc. A good lot for the Small Queen enthusiast. Expect a few small faults, but overall fine to very fine. Estimate = $300.00

Canada #40e. Fine used example of the distinctive 1874 pale milky rose lilac shade of the 10c Small Queen, perf 11.5 x 12. Fine centered, moderate cancel, a couple minor perf faults, but a rare Small Queen printing. 2024 Scott Classic US$700.00 = $945.00

Canada #61. F/VF appearing CDS used example of the $1.00 lake 1897 issue Jubilee. An ironed-out crease on the upper-right corner, mentioned "for the record", but still a great example of the stamp, seldom seen with CDS postmark. 2024 Scott US$750.00 = $1,012.50

Canada #62. F/VF centered used example of the $2.00 dark purple 1897 Queen Victoria Jubilee issue, with rich colour and reasonable "Toronto ONT / 1" roller cancel. 2024 Scott US$550.00 = $742.50

Canada #62. VF appearing, mint partial original gum example of the $2.00 dark purple 1897 Queen Victoria Jubilee high value. Sadly, this stamp has a large hinge-thin, and pressed out crease, but still a presentatble mint example of this tough issue. Unitrade is $2,000.00 for VF mint. 2024 Scott US$1300.00 = $1,755.00

Canada #74 Cover. Seldom seen in-period SINGLE USE of the QV Numeral 1/2c issue, posted from Knowlton, Quebec on October 5th 1899 on local circular rate (unsealed) cover. Single frankings are scarce, especially used in-period. 2024 Unitrade = $300.00

Canada #93, 94. VG centered, but Never Hinged examples of the 10c brown lilac and 20c olive green Edward VII issues. While the 20c is trivially missing gum on one perf tip, both the stamps feature full original Never Hinged gum, which comes with a huge premium in the catalogue. 2024 Scott US$3750.00 = $5,062.50

Canada #104-302 plus Back of the Book. F/VF mint hinged George V / George VI assembly 1911-1951 of 153 stamps, including "back of the book" issues, neatly arranged and identified on stockpages. Includes C1-C9, CE1-CE4, CO1-CO2, E3, E5-E8. A great representation of the period, perfect to fill the majority of the spots for this period. 2025 Scott US$2413.00 = $3,257.55

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Lot #Description  Bid?

Alexandretta #1-12, C1-C8, J1-5, J6. Attractive mint, largely Never Hinged selection 28 stamps from the 1938 Alexandretta overprints on Syria issue, including "back of the book" airmail and postage due issues. Neatly arranged and identified (which includes NH or LH notations) on a single Hagner brand stockpage. Seldom offered material. 2025 Scott US$581.25 =
   ( )     History

Antigua #12/1379. A wide-ranging mint collection of 317 stamps from the 1882-1991 period "QV to QEII", neatly arranged and identified on stockpages. Expect much of the pre-1950 to be hinged, then mostly Never Hinged after that. Of particular note is the arrangement of 15 different souvenir sheets from the QEII era. 2025 Scott US$395.55 =
   ( )     History

Australia #1/194. An attractive used selection of 87 stamps from the 1913-1946 period, including many "Heads" and "Roos", neatly arranged (and identified as to Scott catalogue #) on a collectors album pages. Several better postmarks noted, along with three George V "Head" used blocks (one with "John Ash, Australian Note and Stamp Printer" inscription). 2025 Scott US$379.90 =
   ( )     History

Australia #218-220. The iconic 1949 Arms issue, each of the 5/-, 10/- and £1 denominations nicely used and packaged as a short set of 3 (missing only the £2 denomination) in little plastic sleeves. A total of 49 packages, cataloguing $11.75 each. Perfect of show / online / club dealers. 2024 Scott US$575.75 =
   ( )     History

Australia #M1-M7. Complete F/VF mint Never Hinged set of the 1946-1947 "British Commonwealth Occupation Force of Japan" overprints. An undervalued WWII related provisional issue, tough to find Never Hinged. 2024 Scott Classic US$373.25 =
   ( )     History

Australia #M5b. Fine+ Never Hinged "Narrow N" variety of the 1946-1947 "British Commonwealth Occupation Force of Japan" overprint. Accompanied by the "Regular N" (not counted) for comparison. A very fresh and attractive example of this Scott-listed variety, which is not valued as Never Hinged (as this one is). The regular stamp enjoys a 50% premium for NH, which should be considered when bidding. 2024 Scott Classic (as hinged) US$200.00 =
   ( )     History

Australia #M7a. VF+ mint Never Hinged example of the 5sh high-value of the "British Commonwealth Occupation Force of Japan" overprint, on Scott listed THIN PAPER (overprint on regular issue #177a), from the 1948 printing. A wonderful example of this listed variety. 2024 Scott Classic US$160.00 =
   ( )     History

Australia - If you like older, somewhat disorganized accumulations with potential at every turn of the page, then this lot is for you. About forty pages, over 1000 stamps. Mint, (mostly) used, ’Roos, King George V "Heads", multiples, officials (both overprint and perfin), airmails, postage dues, BCOF, and not much after 1955. Some varieties have been noted, and there are some nice cancels. A little bit musty, but that will all fade when the stamps are removed from the pages. Estimate =
   ( )     History

Australia States - New South Wales & Queensland - A pair of mounted collections from adjoining "States". The New South Wales is on six pages with 165 stamps with individual stamps cataloguing up to $50.00, overprints, lots of cancel potential, officials and postage dues. Queensland is on four pages with 116 stamps with denominations up to £1, a number of "sunburst" numeral cancels. Expect some mixed condition and duplication to go along with your "finds". From a local estate. Estimate =
   ( )     History

Australia States - Tasmania - Five pages, 93 stamps. Goes back to the early "Van Diemen’s Land" issues with a couple nice "52" numeral cancels (Launceston), with one stamp hole punch. There are some pen cancels on other Chalon values to 1/-. There is an attractive group of 5 QV "Keystone" issues to 10/- (heavily hinged, but catalogue $380.00). There are more definitives used and a sampling from the "Pictorial" issues with a couple of postal fiscals for good measure (#AR28 mint). Some nice cancel potential in the mix. Estimate =
   ( )     History

Australia States - Victoria and South Australia - Another pair of mounted collections from adjoining "States". Victoria is on six quadrilled pages with 171 stamps, with values to 1/- (4 copies of #166 - cat $60.00 each) and lots of readable cancels. The South Australia is on four pages and 86 stamps with values to 1/- (noted individual stamps with catalogue values to $25.00 each, with more readable cancels and some "OS" overprints. There is even a 5/- Income Tax revenue stamp. Expect a bit of mixed condition and some light duplication. Estimated value =
   ( )     History

Australia States - Western Australia - A half dozen quadrilled pages with 124 mostly used stamps, with lots of "Swan" designs (as you would expect). The trio of imperforates are faulty but have catalogue value and eye appeal. The perforated issues include lots of numeral cancels, overprints (#57), plus several "tall" postal fiscals. The best stamp is a mint copy of #58a (2/- QV orange-red perf 11 - catalogues $425.00). Expect some duplication and mixed condition. Estimate =
   ( )     History

Australian and States - An appealing accumulation for the postmark collector. The state of Victoria starts us off with five stockpages of numeral cancels on Queen Victoria issues, with a bit of early 20th century cancels from Tasmania and the Commonwealth. The lot jumps ahead to the 1960's-early 2000s with a 32-page Lighthouse stockbook which has been stuffed past its limits with readable town cancels, mostly on piece. Finishing the lot off is a "starter" used Australian collection. A couple of thousand stamps, the balance of an estate. Estimate =
   ( )     History

Bahamas #116-129. VF mint Never Hinged complete set of blocks or the 1942 issued "1492 Landfall of Columbus 1942" overprinted George VI series, issued to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the discovery of America. A pristine set, with Post Office fresh colour and pristine gum and including selvedge / plate numbers. 2024 Scott US$380.00 =
   ( )     History

Bahrain #408/716. Small collection of "Specimen" examples, including a number of sets and souvenir sheets issued 1993-2014. Often overlooked, this Middle Eastern country has generally bucked the philatelic trend with fewer than 5 issues per annum, of reasonable face value and using local themes. As they don’t need the money from philatelic sales, stamps are generally printed in quantities less than 100,000, souvenir sheets less than 10,000! One of the souvenir sheets was damaged in transit, and the #578a was unevenly folded, otherwise the condition is excellent. These examples were sent out to standing order collectors and can have significant asking prices online. A number of the thin card folders that they came in are included. Catalogued regular issue stamps. Total 2024 Scott US$445.05 =
   ( )     History

Bermuda #1, 2, 8. F/VF mint hinged / hinge remnant trio of early QV issues, including the 1p rose red (1865) , 2p blue (1866) and 6p violet (1903). A couple minor toning spots, as often found on these issues, but overall fresh examples. 2024 Scott US$652.00 =
   ( )     History

Bermuda #1/535. Wonderful holding of mint and used Bermuda, with 388 stamps (including 15 blocks and 13 souvenir sheets) from the 1865-1988 period, neatly arranged and identified on stockpages. Many better noted throughout, with some mild duplication and a small amount of stamps with fiscal postmarks (these are not counted in the catalogue value). Expect the pre-1950 mint be mostly hinged, then mostly never hinged afterwards. An excellent representation of this popular country. 2025 Scott US$2250.60 =
   ( )     History

Bermuda #26/191. Mounted collection of 154 (mostly mint) blocks and 39 used singles from the 1901-1965 period, neatly arranged (lightly hinged) on large-format album pages. Includes the QV overprint (#26) in a block of 60, plus mint and used blocks from the 1935 George V series, mint 1937 Coronation, mint 1946 Peace etc. A very clean offering. 2025 Scott US$1965.50 =
   ( )     History

Bermuda #26/550. A mostly used stock of pre-1990 Bermuda in a pair of 16-page stockbooks. Starts with the 1 farthing QV overprint (#26, 90 mint copies, cat $6.00 each), noted 7 used copies of #68 and 4 used examples of #75 (cat $20.00 each). There are six copies of QEII £1 ($24.00 ea) and there is an assortment of definitives, e.g. "Flowers", "Sealife", "Shipwrecks" and "Flowering Fruits" to the higher values, often in multiple copies. Generally, up to 20 of a type, with some nice cancels. The condition appears decent, except for the three KGVI Keyplates, which are faulty. Great to build a collection or stock and there is significant amounts of catalogue value here. Estimate =
   ( )     History

Bermuda #51. Used pair of the King George V "Keyplate" in carmine and black beautifully fresh. Tidy red Post Office circular date stamp. An attractive item that will be an attractive addition to any collection. 2024 Scott US$400.00 =
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*On our great bidboard page you will notice that we have included a declining clock that displays the time remaining in the sale, subject to the addition of overtime. There is an automatic 3 minute bidding extension if a bid is submitted on any lot within the last 3 minutes on the bidding clock. These time extensions will continue to occur until there is a 3 minute period during which no bidding takes place. We expect overtime with this type of bidding will last two to three hours in extra bidding time. This extra time will allow you to make sure you get the lots you really want to get right away.

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