Lot # | Description | Cat. Value or Estimate |
| Bid? |
Canada #105/173. King George V mint assortment, with blocks of the 1c orange and 3c red Admirals (a mix of gum disturbance and never hinged), a nice "Bluenose" with gum disturbance and a mostly never hinged mix of a dozen values from the "Arch" or "Leaf" set. All with a very nice appearance. No never hinged premiums calculated in the total catalogue value. 2024 Scott US$505.25 =
| $682.09 |
Canada #106a Shades. Trio of distinct different shades of the 1911 issue 2c George V Admiral complete booklet panes of six. All nicely centered, with Never Hinged gum. While the regular issued stamp is listed (in Unitrade) with 8 different distinct shades, the booklet pane is only listed as "carmine". A wonderful group for the specialist. Note, 2024 Unitarded for a VF NH pane is $100.00 each! 2024 Scott US$210.00 =
| $283.50 |
Canada #108 Lathework. Fine mint Never Hinged block of the 3c brown George V Admiral issue (wet printing), with partial Type D inverted lathework. A very attractive block. 2024 Unitrade
| $600.00 |
Canada #110c. F/VF mint Never Hinged sheet corner margin example of the scarce Unitrade / Scott listed golden yellow shade of the 4c Geo V Admiral (wet printing). Vibrantly fresh colour, well centered vertically. 2024 Scott Classic US$270.00 =
| $364.50 |
Canada #110c, 110d. F/VF (close to VF on both) mint Never Hinged examples of the scarce Unitrade / Scott listed golden yellow shade (wet printing) and yellow ochre (dry printing) of the 4c Geo V Admira. Post Office fresh colour. An eyecatching Admiral Duo. 2024 Scott Classic US$420.00 =
| $567.00 |
Canada #111, 116, 120a. Trio of mint Admirals, the 5c dark blue, 10c plum and 50c black. Each is reasonably centered with decent perforations. The 5c is never hinged, with a bit of usual minor gum crackling, the 10c is hinged and the 50c has heavy hinging and thin, disturbed gum. 2024 Scott US$775.00 =
| $1,046.25 |
Canada #112, 114, 118, 119. F/VF mint Never Hinged quartet of mid-value George V Admirals, including the 5c violet, 7c red brown, 10c bistre brown and 20c olive green. Some well centered stamps here, with Post Office fresh shades and pristine gum throughout. 2024 Scott US$585.00 =
| $789.75 |
Canada #113, 113iv. F/VF mint Never Hinged examples of the 7c Admiral issue, in both yellow ochre and greenish yellow shades, the latter listed in Unitrade, but no Scott catalogue. Both catalogued as basic shades by Scott catalogue. 2024 Scott US$260.00 =
| $351.00 |
Canada #114 Lathework. VF mint Never Hinged example of the 7c red brown, dry printing George V Admiral, with partial Type D lathwork. A very pretty example of this stamp. 2024 Unitrade =
| $240.00 |
Canada #116. Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1912 issue 10c plum KGV Admiral. Great colour and gum! A superior quality early key value. 2024 Scott US$700.00 =
| $945.00 |
Canada #116 Lathework. F/VF scarce used corner pair of the 1912 issued 10c brown-plum George V Admiral, with Type B Lathework. An absolute Admiral showpiece, with over 50% of the lathework visible. Unitrade notes that used examples are "generally worth 80% of the mint value", the mint example of this stamp (given value at 100% lathework) is $2200.00 per stamp ($4400.00 total). Minor bend in the right selvedge, not affecting either the stamps or lathework pieces, mentioned "for the record". Used examples are arguably tougher to find than their mint counterparts. A stunning exhibit worthy lathework piece. Estimate =
| $1,500.00 |
Canada #120a. Fine mint Never Hinged example of the 1912 wet printing "black" shade of the 50c KGV Admiral. Deep colour, an attractive stamp. 2024 Scott Classic US$775.00 =
| $1,046.25 |
Canada #122 Lathework. F/VF mint part OG Hinged example of the 1925 dry printing George V $1.00 orange Admiral. Great colour, with partial Type D lathwork, also showing under-inking. 2024 Unitrade =
| $300.00 |
Canada #131iv, 131v. Fine mint Never Hinged duo of both the regular and then paste-up pair of the 1918 issue 1c green experimental Toronto coil (with two large holes) in perfs. A seldom seen Admiral coil, undervalued in the catalogue. 2024 Unitrade =
| $245.00 |
Canada #214. VF mint Never Hinged complete pane of 100 stamps (Plate #1, upper left in selvedge) of the 1935 George V Silver Jubilee 5c blue "Prince of Wales" issue. A stunning complete sheet, valued as 94 singles, plus the plate block (of six), but should be worth considerably more. You would be hard-pressed to find another sheet of this issue as nice as this one. 2024 Scott US$644.00 =
| $869.50 |
Canada #224/260, C8. VF mint selection of a dozen George V / George VI period plate blocks, mostly different by either Plate Number or position. While all are Never Hinged, we did note a couple minor gum imperfections (gum bends), so conservatively valued as Hinged (so plenty of upside against the given catalogue value). These mid-value plate blocks can be tough to assemble! Note the two blocks of #224 were valued as 8 singles (as the plate block is listed as a block of 6) and there are both the dark carmine and carmine rose examples of #241 (Memorial Chamber). 2024 Unitrade =
| $641.00 |
Canada #225 Plate Block. VF mint Never Hinged plate block of the 1938 George V "Pictorial" series 20c olive green Niagara Falls issue. This is an "extra large" Plate Block (of six) plus the extra two stamps at left to make for a Plate Block / Corner Block combination. Strikingly well centered, worthy of any collection. Valued as a plate block, plus two singles. 2024 Unitrade =
| $435.00 |
Canada #231/271 plus Back of the Book. George VI "War and Peace" plate block HOARD. Group of 70 largely different (either by plate number or position) mint George VI plate blocks, neatly arranged of 7 Vario stockpages. The hinging ranges from Never Hinged to Hinge Remnant, with the majority being the former. Includes a few early "Mufti" issues, plus "back of the book" Airmail, Special Delivery and Special Delivery Airmail. A wonderful period to collect plate blocks, with numerous plate numbers used during this period. These have not seen the light of day in 30 years! Estimate =
| $300.00 |
Canada #253. VF mint Never Hinged complete pane of 100 stamps (Plate #1, upper right) of the 1942 George VI "War Issue" 4c greenish black "Grain Elevator" issue. A stunning complete sheet, valued as 96 singles, plus the plate block, but should be worth considerably more. A couple pencil markings in the selvedge indicating some "fly speck" varieties by the original owner, could be erased if desired. 2024 Scott US$199.15 =
| $268.85 |
Canada #272 Plate Blocks. F/VF mint selection of 7 plate blocks (Plate #1) of the 1946 issued 50c dark blue green "Logging BC" from the George VI "Peace" series. The bottom left example has a slight scuff in the selvedge of the gum, otherwise F/VF Never Hinged. Conservatively values overall as Fine, Never Hinged (with the exception of the one previously mentioned block). 2024 Unitrade =
| $510.00 |
Canada #284-288. F/VF mint Never Hinged complete panes of 100 of the 1c to 5c values of the George VI "Postes-Postage" series, with additional panes of the 1c and 3c values to reflect both Plate #1 and Plate #2. A seldom seen chance to acquire these George VI issues in complete panes. Valued as 96 singles, plus the plate block for each, but should be worth considerably more. 2024 Scott US$334.05 =
| $450.95 |
Canada #289/315. Late King George VI complete pane accumulation all with plate blocks. The definitives include #289 (plate 2 UR), #290 (plate 1 UL), #291 (plate 1 LL), #292 (plate 1 LR), #293 (plate 1 UL), #305 (plate 5 LR, plate 8 UL), #306 (plate 13 UR). Commemoratives include #303 (plate 1 UR, plate 2 LR), #304 (plate 1 LR), #311 (plate 1 LL) and #315 (plate 1 and 2 both LR). Fresh and well centered, with their original glassine interleaves as they were originally purchased from the post office. There might be an occasional minor edge fault, but these are in better than average condition. Conservatively valued as singles. Total 2024 Scott US$475.00 =
| $641.25 |
Canada #341b/476b. VF mint Never Hinged lot of 23x QEII era 1954-1967 "Miniature" pane holding (from the "cello pak"), including QEII Wilding / QEII Cameo and Christmas issues. The lot includes 341b (x1), 404b (x1), 405b (x1), 434a (x2), 443a (x3), 443q (x4), 451a (x5), 451q (x3), 476bx (x3). A popular collecting area. 2024 Unitrade =
| $192.50 |
Canada #937, 937i, 937ii. VF mint Never Hinged inscription blocks for Plates #1 / 2 / 3 of the 1983-1985 issue $5.00 Point Pelee high value pictorial definitive. This group covers all three different plates, each on a different paper stock (Abitibi-Price, Clark, Harrison). The key plate #3 in particular is becoming extremely hard to find. 2024 Unitrade =
| $227.50 |
Canada #1431a. Substantial investment/dealer lot of 30 x VF mint NH 1992 issue Canada Day se-tenant panes of 12 x 42c stamps (plus 13 labels). The total face value of the sheets is $151.20 but these usually wholesale for considerably higher than face value. A couple of the usual handing bends as often seen with these large format sheets, but overall a very clean lot. 2024 Unitrade =
| $750.00 |
Canada #1688-1689, 1691-1692. VF mint Never Hinged complete panes (16 stamps), plus matching miniature panes (4 stamps) of the 2005 issued $1.00 White-Tailed Deer / Atlantic Walrus and $2.00 Peregrine Falcon / Sable Island Horse. Though to get these, now nearing 20 years after the issue date. Face value alone is $60.00 2024 Unitrade =
| $150.00 |
Canada #1693, 1684, 2404. VF mint Never Hinged complete panes (all philatelic panes, with full inscriptions) of the 2003 issued $5.00 Moose, 1997 issued $8.00 Grizzly and 2010 issued $10.00 Blue Whale. A striking group, one of the most popular modern issues for the wildlife they depict and large stamp format. Face value alone is $72.00. 2024 Unitrade =
| $170.00 |
Canada #1818/1834. Millennium catch all collection which includes a complete mint Never Hinged set of the panes of 4, the 2000 Millennium Canada Post hardbound collection, and a set of commercial covers (68 in total all addressed to the Canadian Wildlife Federation), the covers all being properly used in the year 2000, with most stamps saved as souvenirs, legitimate commercial mail franked in the correct time period should be considered scarce. Estimate =
| $120.00 |
Canada #2045i-2048i. Complete set of 2004 "Write Me, Ring Me" issues consisting of four different special cards, each containing a souvenir sheet of 2 stamps and a phone card good for 15 minutes. There were only slightly more than 10,000 complete sets of these folders issued in total. Many of the "butterfly" (impossible to find) and "dog" (almost as hard to find) thematics have since been gobbled up by the topical market. 2024 Unitrade =
| $200.00 |
Canada #2586. Complete Canada Post thank you "kit" consisting of a small presentation box containing two VF condition intact mint examples of the limited-edition booklet of 12 of the permanent "THANKS/MERCI!" Truck and Rainbow design Picture Postage stamp, issued on November 30th 2020, ONLY TO CANADA POST EMPLOYEES, plus a thank you card and matching rainbow pin. The booklets are very elusive. While recognized and reviewed in numerous philatelic journals, Unitrade has yet to create an individual listing for this stamp, so we have used the Unitrade catalogue number for the frame design as our stamp reference. Two booklets are perfect for display purposes (front and back). Estimate =
| $100.00 |
Canada #BK17a English. Complete George V 1931 issued "Arch/Leaf" issue booklet (English), with 2 panes of the 2c dark brown booklet pane (166c). Much better than average for this issue, with reasonable worn booklet covers and tight "staple". Panes inside are F/VF centered. 2024 Unitrade =
| $300.00 |
Canada #BK24 English. Choice example of the George V 1935 "Pictorial" issue booklet (English), with 4 panes of the 1c green booklet pane (217b). A very fresh example of this GeoV era booklet, with VF panes and a reasonable outer booklet cover, with minor staple rusting and bending wear. 2024 Unitrade =
| $175.00 |
Canada #CO1. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps for the 1949 "O.H.M.S." Official overprint, George VI Peace series airmail stamp, with complete Plate #1 inscription at lower-left. Large multiples of Official Stamps are seldom offered. Catalogued as 21 mint singles, plus the plate block (but should be worth more as a multiple). 2024 Scott US$296.00 =
| $399.60 |
Canada #CO1. VF mint Never Hinged upper-left and upper-right plate blocks with "Canadian Bank Note Co. Limited Ottawa No.1" of the 1946 "O.H.M.S." Official overprint "Peace" issue airmail stamp. An attractive duo of "Official" plate block. 2024 Unitrade =
| $200.00 |
Canada #E1. VF mint Lightly Hinged (appearing almost NH) example of the 1898 issue 10c blue green Special Delivery stamp. Very fresh, rich original colour, large margins on all sides. Unitrade is $250.00 for VF mint Hinged. A great mint stamp, without having to add a 300% premium for NH gum. 2024 US$170.00 =
| $229.50 |
Canada #E2, E2a, E3. Trio of mint Special Delivery issues, including the 1922 Special Delivery (E2, very Lightly hinged), 1922 Special Delivery (E2a) "scarlet" shade (hinge remnant) and 1927 Special Delivery (E3, Never Hinged). 2024 Scott Classic US$352.50 =
| $475.90 |
Canada #FWH1/FWH26. A difficult to assemble offering of 15 different (1985-2009) Federal Duck stamps on licenses (11 are complete with "both tabs", 4 are the "single tab" (as often found for "shoving in the wallet", all in very nice condition. This is the hardest way to get "Ducks", that is to say legitimately used on hunting licenses. While Unitrade values these at much less than the mint stamps, used on license is MUCH tougher to find. Undervalued. 2024 Unitrade =
| $340.00 |
Canada #J1-J5, J6-J10, J2a. Complete mint Hinged / Never Hinged mixed complete sets of both the First (1906-1928) and Second (1930-1932) Postage Due stamps, also including the "thin paper" example of the first series 2c issue (J2a). Conservatively valued as hinged, but a least half of these are NH (so plenty of upside). 2024 Scott US$464.50 =
| $627.10 |
Canada #MR1-MR5, MR3b. F/VF mint assembly of 1915/1916 George V Admiral War Tax issues including the basic first five issues (MR1-MR5) all Never Hinged, plus a Lightly Hinged example of the 1916 "rose red" shade of the 2c+1c issue. The examples of MR1/MR2 are particularly well centered. 2024 Scott Classic US$592.50 =
| $799.90 |
Canada #MR4. Fine mint Hinged corner sheet-margin pair of the 2c+1c brown, wet printing, George V Admiral War Tax issue, with full Type A lathework. Great colour. 2024 Unitrade =
| $160.00 |
Canada #O1. VF mint Never Hinged pane of 100 of the 1c green George VI "War" issue overprinted "O.H.M.S" Official stamp. This pane features the Unitrade "narrow spacing" strip of three alone the entire left column (10 examples of this variety, Unitrade $300.00 for 10 NH strips). Complete with Plate #30 inscription in the upper-right corner. A seldom seen complete pane of this official stamp. Estimate =
| $250.00 |
Canada #O1/O15A, CO1. Significant used wholesale accumulation and study opportunity on King George VI issues overprinted "O.H.M.S." with quantities from 3 to a couple hundred of a type (no #O9 or #O10), but with individual catalogue values up to $15.00 each, the total catalogue value will be significant. This group was assembled about 1970 and the collector was interested in variations in the overprint (but there isn’t any "missing period" varieties as far as we can tell). Sorted by issue with "War", "Peace", "Oil Wells", "Postage-Postes" and the Canada Goose airmail. Estimate =
| $200.00 |
Canada #O1a. VF used example of the 1c George V "War" issue with OHMS official overprint, showing the "missing period after S" variety. An undervalued "Back of the Book" variety. 2024 Unitrade =
| $150.00 |
Canada #O3. VF mint Never Hinged pane of 100 of the 3c rose violet George VI "War" issue overprinted "O.H.M.S" Official stamp. This pane features the Unitrade "narrow spacing" strip of three alone the entire left column (10 examples of this variety, Unitrade $300.00 for 10 NH strips). Complete with Plate #32 inscription in the upper-right corner. A seldom seen complete pane of this official stamp. Estimate =
| $250.00 |
Canada #O4. VF mint Never Hinged pane of 100 of the 4c dark carmine George VI "War" issue overprinted "O.H.M.S" Official stamp. This pane features the Unitrade "narrow spacing" strip of three alone the entire left column (10 examples of this variety, Unitrade $412.50 for 10 NH strips). Complete with Plate #49 inscription in the upper-left corner. Some light handing bends and a light hinge-mark in the selvedge UL corner, which does not detract much from this "toughest" of the War Issue "narrow spacing" variety stamp sheets. A seldom seen complete pane of this official stamp. Estimate =
| $300.00 |
Canada #O6. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps for the "O.H.M.S." Official overprint, George VI Peace series 10c "Great Bear Lake" stamp, with complete Plate #1 inscription at lower-right. Large multiples of Official Stamps are seldom offered. Catalogued as 21 mint singles, plus the plate block (but should be worth more as a multiple). A couple notes in the selvedge indicating minor printing varieties, could be erased if desire. 2024 Scott US$169.50 =
| $228.85 |
Canada #O7. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps for the "O.H.M.S." Official overprint, George VI Peace series 14c "Hydroelectric Station" stamp, with complete Plate #1 inscription at upper-right. Large multiples of Official Stamps are seldom offered. Catalogued as 21 mint singles, plus the plate block (but should be worth more as a multiple). 2024 Scott US$314.00 =
| $423.90 |
Canada #O8. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps for the "O.H.M.S." Official overprint, George VI Peace series 20c "Combine Harvesting" stamp, with complete Plate #1 inscription at lower-left. Large multiples of Official Stamps are seldom offered. Catalogued as 21 mint singles, plus the plate block (but should be worth more as a multiple). 2024 Scott US$692.00 =
| $934.20 |
Canada #O9-269. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps of the "O.H.M.S." perfin (O9 type) 10c "Great Bear Lake" from the 1946 George VI Peace series, complete with Plate #2 inscription block at lower-right. Large multiples are seldom seen, especially this nice. From the collection of someone that had access to these Official stamps in a Government office at time of use. Catalogued as 21 singles, plus the plate block, but worth more as a multiple! 2024 Unitrade =
| $810.00 |
Canada #O9-270. VF mint Never Hinged half-pane of 25 stamps of the "O.H.M.S." perfin (O9 type) 14c "Hydroelectric Dam" from the 1946 George VI Peace series, complete with Plate #1 inscription block at lower-left. Large multiples are seldom seen, especially this nice. From the collection of someone that had access to these Official stamps in a Government office at time of use. Catalogued as 21 singles, plus the plate block, but worth more as a multiple! 2024 Unitrade =
| $1,620.00 |